My experience in juvenile hall, and from working with others who spent time there, has taught me how wasteful it is to spend so much on incarcerating kids. Upon seeing this, Duncan nominates to give the reward to Leshawna and everyone else agrees with him. There are many reasons for a lack of access to mobile phones and social media, one of which is simply that juvenile detention centres are supposed to act as a punishment. 'Riverdale's' Veronica and Archie's Relationship Timeline - Insider The Aftermath: IV She first tried in One Flu Over the Cuckoos, but at the mention of working together with Harold, Duncan simply laughs at her and reject her offer. Because of their differences, the two of them find their date awkward but had fun making Courtney jealous. At one point, he and Courtney ended up arguing regarding the finalist situation but the two of them ended up making out. Callie Gets Into More Trouble In Juvie In 'The Fosters' Season 4 In the end, Courtney wins invincibility and Duncan is targeted by the other contestants again. Duncan says that he would prefer the prize money over some. Duncan pushes Harold away before the latter can catch a piece from. What did Chase's mom look like? His absence was also brought up by Gwen and Courtney in Newf Kids on the Rock, both accidentally reveals how much they miss him in the confessional (though the former mistaken him being her boyfriend last season instead of Trent). For instance, sometimes the knowledge that they could end up in juvie or the threat of juvie could be enough to stop someone from offending or reoffending, this leading to more law abiding citizens and lower crime rates. Sammi stands up and speaks for him, claiming he was taken advantage of by another family member. Gray hair turning green, Why Ladies Cannot Break Coconut . In the forest, Duncan's chameleon disappears and he ended up falling into a pit. Deep down he is just a big softy, he probably went to juvie for blowing atau burning something. Duncan is confronted by Courtney for stealing. When they finish, shes sleeping when her husband suddenly arrives, but lo, he offers to make Lip an omelette instead of throwing him out. 02.02.2022 by ronald blai, Why Is A Stick Of Gum Like Sneeze . He has trouble at school and almost gets expelled but that isn't much in the Gallagher family. Total Drama World Tour Leticia Silot (third from right) with colleagues from the Young Women's Freedom Center. Duncan after he kills a cockroach with an axe. Team Gwen Duncan Courtney Bridgette. Depending on the age and ability of the offenders the education that they receive while in the juvenile detention centre will vary massively. He had won many challenges for his team, earning him the respect from his teammates. So Im currently in a loop of trying to find out why he was in juvie the first season, but Im only finding when he went to juvie for burning Chriss cottage down. Placement However, they went behind her back in the next episode by forming a new Guys' alliance with Justin. With a target on his back, Duncan was supposed to be eliminated that night but Chris wanted to prolong the drama and eliminates an intern instead. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Duncan becomes concerned when the chameleon disappears. Elimination He knows many tactics from his time spent in juvenile detention centers. He delivers the bad news that hes staying in school, which means no more fraternizing with the teacher. The Guys' alliance continue in The Princess Pride but tension rises between Duncan and Justin throughout the episode. When Gwen finds out about his, she angrily tells him that "he does not know her at all". After a hunting trip, Duncan attempts to leave the island with Gwen but they ended on the opposite site of the island and eventually back at the tree house where Heather at, with the recently arrived Owen joining them. It is similar to a prison in many respects, however, there are some notable large differences which will be discussed later in the article. His parents start bickering after his father questions if they really love him, which appalls his mother, who then insults her husband's hairpiece. An enraged Duncan runs down the pyramid, dragging Gwen and Courtney down also. One of the biggest differences is the focus on education in juvie. In Top Dog, Duncan and Courtney spend the night together before discussing about their relationship and Courtney decides to give him a chance, provided that he read and memorize a thirty-two-page long letter that highlights all the mistakes Duncan needs to correct. Why did duncan go to juvie? Their combined efforts allow them to defeat the Grips again, winning immunity for their team and taking a peak inside the Chest of Mind Blowing Secrets, which contains nothing inside, much to their dismay. Restart Flashcards | Quizlet Meanwhile, Leshawna tries to pull Duncan and Harold into forming an alliance with her in order to protect themselves from Heather. He has a brooding, obnoxious, sarcastic and flirtatious personality, flirting with Heather despite his apparent dislike of her and mocking Courtney whenever she gets near him. Smelly Feet Gag: Duncan tells Heather that she changes friends more often than he changes socks. Like Gwen, Duncan strongly opposes the idea that the contestants are required to sing every episode. One of the positive roles that juvie aims to fulfil is being a centre of reform. In the first challenge, they compete in an arm-wrestling match to see who should be the feeder in which Duncan wins by cheating. Young people in juvenile detention centres will still get an education and have all of their rights met so it isnt always as bad as it is made out to be. The only known evidence that this was Duncan's first design is a File sheet that displays the original versions of the campers and their designated names. Just as things between the two are becoming better, Owen, under orders from Chris, convinces Harold to punch Duncan which he does so after Duncan makes fun of Leshawna, ending their short-lived friendship. Refusing to hurt a defenseless animal, Duncan forfeits the challenge, making Chris and his ex-girlfriends laugh at him. Placement Sammis approach with Chuckie is, surprisingly, the complete opposite. In some juvenile detention centres individuals are allowed a few extra bits however some are very basic, again this depends on the centre itself and the behaviour of the inmates. He is also known for hosting competitions on his Discord server, mainly his "Discord's Got Talent" videos, which usually feature other YouTubers as hosts such as KSI or MrBeast, his . Duncan stops the challenge music to annoy. Duncan reveals that the textbooks are fake. For example, in California the minimum age to be found guilty and to be labelled as an offender is now 12, anyone below this age will be seen as a victim. The 50 greatest TV and movie detectives of all time. Duncan commands the chameleon to change color into his mohawk's color. Duncan is the definition of a bad boy, being a crafty, cool juvenile delinquent who comes from a long line of policemen and policewomen. And suddenly, Shameless became Orange Is the New Black: Juvie & Penis Edition real, real quick. simple answer. Specialist teachers come in to teach the students however, young people in juvie often have learning difficulties, mental health difficulties or behavioural issues that can make maintaining a positive learning environment really difficult. In Basic Straining, Duncan spends most of his time pranking Harold or provoking Chef Hatchet instead on focusing on the challenge at hand. Courtney tells Duncan that he still isn't her type, right before she kisses him. Though another girl is eliminated, Duncan defends Lindsay when she is betrayed by Heather, saying what Heather did to her was "cold" compare to anything he did. Why did duncan go to juvie the first timenewtonian telescope 275mm f/5,3. Why do pancakes give me gas; See answer (1) best answer. Duncan, however, would not forget about her, and is seen carving a picture of her face on the side on one of the first class lounge chairs in Sweden Sour. Hes at the hospital getting his gunshot wound checked when the doctor suddenly rushes away, crying. As previously mentioned. In Egypt, Duncan and the two girls would work together during the first challenge, but things get tense between the girls, which annoys him immensely. Meanwhile, Duncan's relationship with Gwen becomes even more strained as Duncan asks her if Courtney still likes him. Research has shown that incarcerating young people doesnt work in fact, time in juvie is the single largest predictor of future incarceration. Duncan is dumped by Gwen in Moon Madness. Duncan swimming after being pushed into the lake. r/Totaldrama - Why Don't I hear more about how contrived and As a result, he has been shown to either get along with or make fierce enemies with his fellow competitors, although it is more than often the latter. Statistics also suggest that throughout adulthood these crimes would only get worse. Episode count With Courtney's return, Duncan know that his team must work harder in order to win. Duncan crying while trying to steal the blue bird's egg. Throughout the episode, Duncan is easily tricked by Courtney several times. Hair color A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. Shes the anti-Frankdevoid of near-death experiences and irresponsibility. Even tho they never say it if look deep into the subject he went to juvie for being framed. Duncan, along with the rest of the campers, outside the treehouse. Duncan was shown to be in Italy, during the "Total Drama Fugitives" segment. Duncan gets covered in custard, courtesy of Courtney. Juvie aims to help to reform young offenders and to get them on to the right path in life. Duncan thinks the chameleon is changing into the wrong colors. Just because Juvie is aimed at younger people does not mean that it is more lenient. They will still receive punishment for breaking rules and other bad behaviour such as extended sentences. This continues until the end of the episode when Gwen finally loses patience with him and breaks up with him, leaving Duncan confused about their sudden breakup. Duncan laughs at the girls for heading in the wrong direction. He can carve a picture of a skull into a tree trunk and lift great amounts of weight (such as Owen, who is more than three times his size). The cells are always pretty basic, they each have a bed in per person, so in a one person cell there would be one bed or in a two person cell there would be two beds. Duncan pretends he had no idea what she is talking about until Leshawna brings up the incident about DJ's bunny, revealing that Courtney had told her about it. "The Fosters" Season 4, episode 13 saw Callie (Maia Mitchell) getting herself into more trouble. Duncan tries to explain what happened to Courtney's contract. Why was Duncan in juvie when first arriving in TDI? : r/Totaldrama - Reddit Chris makes Duncan and Gwen (but mostly Duncan) sing. But as soon as he hits the ground, he gets hit by a searchlight, the alarm goes off and guard dogs are heard about to approach him. With the situation becoming tenser, Duncan admits to Harold he actually has a small degree of respect for him in order for them to retreat. When Fiona brings Ian by to get a job as a dishwasher, Sean is already goneand for a moment, as Fiona frantically tries to get a hold of him, the audience isnt quite sure whether he already went to Pennsylvania or if hes done something far more drastic. Meanwhile, Courtney's enemies (including Leshawna) are also targeting him, believing that eliminating Duncan would made Courtney lose her edge. At the end of the episode, Duncan finally remembers Mike as Mal, a former inmate of his from the same juvie and also a very dangerous person. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. During the elimination ceremony, Chris disqualifies Duncan despite Cameron receiving the most votes, and calls the police to arrest him. Duncan is the only contestant in the series to make the final five more than twice. In order to get rid of Courtney and secure Alejandro's vote, Duncan agrees to team up with him though he still has his suspicions over him. someone who escorts them home to make sure they arrive safely and unraped. Despite their bond, the boys immediately distant themselves in No Pain, No Game after Chris announce the merge. Though Courtney continues to annoy them, the couple nevertheless ignores her until Duncan loses his patience and threw a sandal at Courtney. Or answer why (duncan) was in juvie. Duncan only met Mal, and Duncan never saw Mal changing into Mike like it happened to Mike in TDRI. If it isnt then perhaps its work, college or personal interest related and either way you are more than welcome to read on. Duncan talks about how Courtney creases him. These kinds of environments are often home to some of the states most aggressive and violent individuals so when they are all cooped up together the results can be disastrous. Total Drama Island's Duncan Answers. Placement Thats how he arrives at the discussion section of Dr. Maura Isles herself, Sasha Alexander, playing a critical theory professor named Helene Something. Ian has come around to taking medication, but his heart sinks when the nurse tells him that hell need to aggressively treat his condition for the next 30 to 40 years. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. He had either directly or indirectly eliminated. And they stopped hanging out. Duncan finally snaps and runs down the pyramid, dragging Courtney and Gwen along with him and yells at Chris that he quits, shocking both Gwen and Courtney. Later, she manages to sweet talk him into going to the roof of the train to check whether or not it is real and is severely injured when the train pass through a tunnel. For the military challenge, Duncan once again takes charge of his team and questions Harold's usefulness. All Rights Reserved. Duncan with Leshawna, about to be attacked. He was captured by the two girls he is closest too when they bump heads in a club at Whitechapel and is brought back to the plane. Heather and Duncan are both grossed out after their kiss in. Hiram and Archie meeting for the first time during the third episode of season two. Gender Duncan leaves to go to bed with Leshawna. She will be tried as an adult, but Robert was able to temporarily bail her out. Courtney gets aggressive with Duncan on the jousting platform. He keeps the reaction quiet, but in a rare moment between brother and brother, Lip takes Ian aside after Carls sentencing and gives him a brief pep talk. You Regatta Be Kidding Me the actual reason why duncan went to juvie : r/Totaldrama - Reddit Duncan, Heather, and Gwen run away from a shark. Carl is basically a background character in Season 1 of "Shameless". On some days, I was locked in my cell for up to 24 hours for getting in trouble with staff, for things like wanting to brush my teeth. Once his team makes it to the top of the pyramid, the two girls continue to argue and Chris shouts at them to get down, as it's time for another musical number. falling. Those who are in the centre for committing more violent or sexual crimes are likely to be deemed a risk to others and therefore be more segregated. Deep, actually.) During the first challenge, Duncan pranks Justin by tricking him into walking the wrong direction while Justin is blindfolded. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. why did duncan go to juvie the first time - In Camp Castaways, Duncan is caught in the fight between Heather and Gwen. Joey wants Callie to stay in juvie for as long as possible, and thats why he lied about her attacking him. Restart by Gordon Korman Flashcards | Quizlet Duncan and Harold ended their short-lived friendship. Kev is taking the college party scene by storm, and he arrives at the dorm just in time to see Lip go to classin the morning. With the discovery of her scam, Duncan gives Leshawna the cold shoulder in Full Metal Drama and tells Harold and Heather to do the same. After their team loses, Duncan is shocked to find out that Courtney is the one eliminated. In season 1 it is implied duncan went to juvie for burning trash. At the end of the episode, Duncan choose to vote for Geoff for failing to vote for Bridgette a few episodes ago. Although it took some intimidating in order to convince Owen, the other boys ultimately agrees with him to vote off one of the girls. Chrismore, Duncan appears and explain to Chris that it wasn't his idea to add an extra target for the contestants before revealing his true plan; detonating Chris's prize monument. The exact rules as to how many hours an individual needs to be confined to their cell can vary drastically depending on the type of centre that they are in and the crimes that they commited. Duncan ended up riding the moose on its back and is eventually thrown into the lake with thirteen other contestants. What Is Juvie Like? - Fair Punishment They are pair up against each other in One Million Bucks, B.C. Juvies do usually have main shared phones that can be used at specific times to allow contact with loved ones. Duncan met Mike while Mal was taking full control in the juvie and kept his distance to not be involved with him in any way. Fionas primary directive this week was making sure Carl didnt get sentenced to a maximum penalty (which he did), but her other target this week was Sean. Elimination Duncan and Owen trying to enjoy themselves at camp in. Fionas trying to convince Carl to show some semblance of remorse, because at least then he can knock off a few months from his sentence. Though unlike Courtney, Duncan does not deny this and often flirts with Courtney, calling her pet names. until his lips was caught in a mousetrap. chelcee grimes wedding pictures; killington open trails; reading fluency passages. This design appears in the promo and is seen with Harold and Beth, but it is instead used as Cody's. Duncan makes a mistake of asking Gwen about Courtney. They told us they didnt have money for deodorant, so we went without it. A subreddit to talk about the Canadian cartoon series, Total Drama, and its spin-offs, The Ridonculous Race and Total DramaRama. Inside of season 4 see (duncan) warn (zoey) about (mike) and . Bring it, bitch. Sammi launches herself at his throat and by the end of their on-the-floor brawl, theyre both pretty bruised up as a result. Or answer why (duncan) was in juvie. Duncan using his lighter to win the first part of the challenge. The truth is in the art After making a fake alliance with Alejandro, Mal is discovered soon after Alejandro watches on of Chris's DVDs titled "Mal's Best Moments". As previously stated, there is quite a lot of crossover between juvenile detention centres and adult prisons. And then Carl walks in. Hell, shes never even smoked weed, and thats criminal enough that Frank insists they go try some. Duncan refuses to sing again, and quits the game. Duncan is hit by a tranquilizer dart, before falling into a hole in, Duncan and Lindsay have an awkward time at the movies in, Duncan says he would be excited about the challenge, but he still has a headache from, Duncan only plays every tenth note on his guitar during the first challenge of. The now single Duncan still wonders why Gwen dumped him, but does not put much thought into it in No One Eggspects The Spanish Opposition; thinking that it was because he is becoming too heroic. No one would have even thought that this was the reason duncan went to juvie. Duncan flips off the autographer cut out. Courtney threatens to vote Duncan off if he doesn't cooperate. At the hearing, things are not in favor of the lead character. Youre trying to hold on to anything you deem as "normal" but arent even given proper clothes to cover up. After waking up, he finds out that his team had set up a welcome party for him. Duncan and Gwen walk through the woods together in. Duncan is one of the five characters to have a unibrow, the others being, Duncan is one of several contestants to have theme music dedicated to them, the others being, He is one of only eleven contestants overall to switch teams, the others being, He is one of five characters to give the finger, the others being, Duncan is one of only three contestants to have been on five teams, the others being, He and Courtney, however, had to return to the competition in some way to achieve this. I found my voice and purpose and reclaimed my independence to take my life on a different path. Already have one, says Kev, and he whips out his phone to show them pictures of V, which make all the guys drool over themselves. Hi besties! Duncan and Gwen share a friendly moment before the former takes the. Why is total drama island inappropriate? - IronSet To Duncan's delight, the final question is about Courtney, whom he supposedly know a lot about. Duncan shows Owen the contract that Courtney gave him. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. When he gets to Helenes office, shes already found out that his time at school is up, which partly explains why theyre both so bold that they act on the sexual tension almost immediately. Bridgette checks up on Duncan after he falls from a tree in the final challenge. Duncan is shocked when Harold receives a marshmallow. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. This alliance was only short-lived however as after the two of them eliminates Izzy, their partnership is not mentioned again. Duncan, however, admits that he does not trust Alejandro in Sweden Sour and advice Owen to do the same, using Noah's absence. Since the first challenge, Duncan is skeptical of Courtney's so-called leadership skills. There are also other reasons that mobile phones and social media are banned such as the fact that they could be used to contact other inmates and plan attacks and other negative behaviour, therefore a blanket ban makes juvenile detention centres easier to manage for staff. Duncan has an idea to restore his "bad boy" image. Once the teams are merged, he thinks that Gwen is going to return (missing her dearly), only to be told that someone else will be returning. Sign up and stay up to date with our daily newsletter. Even though he had to return in, Duncan has received more symbols of immunity than any other contestant in the series.

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why did duncan go to juvie the first time
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