For Libras, justice is of utmost importance. His goals, however, are to gain power and to gain justice for his lost family. They are known for their love for freedom and independence. Its a title given to the most skillful fighters in the Land of Fire. Scared of her enemies, confrontation, and rejection from the love of her life, Hinata is undoubtedly a Pisces. Tauruses are known for their stubborn streak, but they also appreciate the finer things in life. Scorpios are known for being secretive and aloof, with an air of mystery around them. Moving my village to a secret location and protecting it. Spanning more than 700 episodes, "Naruto" and its popular sequel "Naruto: Shippuden" captivated audiences with natural charm and action-packed story arcs. A natural leader, the Aries sign persuades people with their cheerful disposition and can-do attitude. The fun thing about our quiz is that it reveals what kind of unique abilities youd have if you were an actual Naruto character. Still, he wouldn't be the same without his impenetrable confidence. Even though the show follows a number of characters, they're all relatively unique and relatable in their own way. In the Naruto series, It makes me feel godlike. (We know he was just joking, though.). Aries- Sarada Uchiha The first sign of the Zodiac is Aries. Aquarians are passionate people who throw their weight behind a cause. Although Scorpios are known to indulge themselves, they're also known to be cool and mysterious. Nagato is the first personNarutofans see who possesses the Rinnegan, and it is usually touted as being better than the Sharingan for its abilities. Leos are the kings of the zodiac, and they certainly know it. As a compassionate and idealistic human being, Naruto Uzumaki firmly believes in the goodness of all human beings.He harbors profound empathy for everyone, even those who do not deserve his love. Virgos are practical, grounded, and unconcerned with ethereal energies or abstract notions. Emergency Management is about managing risks to communities and the environment. As a result of this perception, they are able to discern the intents of others and seek guidance from the cosmos. As the most prominent example, Kaguya possesses the Rinne Sharingan in her third eye on her forehead. She has been writing pop culture lists for Comic Book Resources since 2019. Still, no matter how deadly he may seem, he still manages to attract all the girls in the village with his swooping hair and aloof style. They may quickly and easily alter their thoughts, owing to their high adaptibility. He's hostile and presents himself as better than Hinata in every way. And so far, the world has only had seven of them. Based on the little glimpses of Karin's mother that were offered, she was clearly devoted to her daughter. Temari shows the same passion that Sakura does in the way she cares for her brothers and becomes a leader amongst her people during the Shinobi World War. Both of them misplace their passion in revenge schemes before they realize they can use their skill and power to help people instead. Despite spending most of her time away from her family, it's also clear that like most Capricorns, Hinata places a lot of value on family. Where stories live. Although Sasuke has the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, which allows him to not become blind over time with each use. Geminis are known for their versatility, but this also means that they may be impetuous at times. Libras are all about fairness. Similarly, members of the Otsutsuki clan have no upper limit on their strength. But these traits don't only make him a great ninja, they also make him a prime Virgo. too place a high priority on honesty. Hinata might not want to be a leader, but she's certainly not lacking in ambition or in her sense of duty, another Capricorn trait. When it comes to zodiac signs that would make the perfect ninja, look no further than a Capricorn. Gemini are always doing something. Shikamaru even makes it his mission in life to take care of Asuma's daughter after his sensei is gone. Teaching my people how to use their Kekkei Genkai effectively, Your email address will not be published. Libras, like Naruto, are extremely competitive and strive to be the best at whatever they do. While she has a dynamic character arc, many hardcore fans simply don't like her. Both Nagato and Hagoromo desired peace and equality, although they went about it in different ways. While he leans into the negative traits of the sign towards the beginning of the series, Naruto and his friends manage to chip away at his rough, pessimistic exterior. They thrive on friendship, and associate themselves with individuals who can expose them to new ideas and experiences. While Shikamaru is not interested in his studies, he still exhibits Virgo's perfectionism whenever he strategizes. Often found tucked away napping in the corner of the village, Shikamaru exudes confidence. Let's find out. Taureans place a high value on stability and predictability in all aspects of their lives, and fixed signs excel at keeping things running smoothly. The Byakugan is a special dojutsu that originated from the Otsutsuki clan, but descendants of it have become associated with the Hyuga clan. He was only seen in flashbacks because he has been dead for a long time. For those who want to explore more about the personalities of the characters, or relive their favorite moments, the original Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series are still available on multiple streaming platforms as well. Aburame family exemplifies the best of this personality type by striking a perfect balance between independence, intelligence, and empathy. As such, the Rinnegan would align well with the Libra zodiac sign. Jiraiya's canonical birthday is November 11, which would make him a Scorpio. She has been watching anime since before Naruto became Hokage and trying to figure out how to bend air since she was in kindergarten. So then, it's obvious that there's no chance his birthday is accurate. People born under the sign of Sagittarius tend to be optimists and truth-tellers. If you were to look up Scorpio in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Sasuke Uchiha right next to it. Lee accepts any challenge because he believes his skills will eventually be good enough for a win. Naruto: What Would Your Chakra Nature Be Based On Your Zodiac Sign. Tsunade and Jiraiya both characterized Kushina as a tomboy with a bad temper. 7.2K 226 186 by kagurascarlet Hyga Clan: Virgo, Cancer, Pisces 24 Uchiha Clan: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius 69 Uzumaki Clan: Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn (NARUTO, YOSH!) Rock Lee is one of the most excitable characters in the Naruto franchise. and always eager to learn, Geminis are always well-informed and known for their love of reading. Required fields are marked *. That makes sense because a Pisces is incredibly in tune with their surroundings and the people they encounter. Though she's laid-back and lives up to her Clan's Demeanour. Hinata is definitely not ruthless, but she is incredibly ambitious as a child. A 257-bit encryption key is twice as difficult to guess compared to a 256-bit encryption key. Her favorite heroines include Black Widow, Blake Belladonna, Poison Ivy, and Sailor Jupiter. Fueled by her passion for learning and her diehard love, Sakura approaches life like a true air sign. Born September 15th, Kakashi is canonically a Virgo and the stars never lie. Nawaki, a Pisces, is an excellent confidant and close companion due to his capacity for love and compassion. Her favorite heroines include Black Widow, Blake Belladonna, Poison Ivy, and Sailor Jupiter. I'd attack them before they get a chance to, I admire them, but I wouldn't want to be one, I don't trust them and would never become one, Set traps and prepare for a counterattack, Send a messenger to negotiate and stop the attack, No, because I don't want to reveal my techniques. Though the manga and data books do include birthdays for the characters, allowing fans to figure out their canon zodiac signs, not all of the characters fit the personalities of their zodiac signs exactly. Leos are noted for their generosity, which includes their willingness to offer their time, effort, praise, and even financial resources. Sagittarians also tend to be the zodiac sign with the most wanderlust. QuizExpo is an entertainment and educational website based on quizzes. I despise all wars, regardless of the cause or outcome. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Capricorns are often viewed as ruthless in their ambition. As one of the most secretive Naruto households, Hyga members are obedient and loyal. naruto clan based on your sign 395 2 by pastelldrop Hyuga clan Virgo , Cancer , Pisces. It has a detailed database including all the canon and lesser-known households. She's the sensei for Kiba, Hinata, and Shino. They compete with ferocity because they want to be the greatest in their respective sectors. Karin's Scorpio nature gives her a volatile temperament; she appears harsh and constantly in control of events, almost to the point of being confrontational and critical, yet she can also be flirty. Which is exactly like Uchihas, who are also known for their brilliance and strength. Leos are powerful and fearless, and True to the sign's devoted nature, Mito converted herself into a jinchuriki out of a sense of loyalty when she sealed Kurama inside herself after Hashirama's victory against Madara Uchiha. You can follow her and her witty tweets at @bagariellebook. This is probably best shown to the anime audience in his friendship with Hinata. He's just as likely to be playing a card game and laughing it up with villagers as he is fighting for the village. As shown by Chino, the only living descendant of the Chinoike clan, she both displayed a deep-rooted hatred for Sasuke for what the Uchiha clan did to her family as well as an understanding after being defeated. They have a strong desire to be the best in all they do. Although many people think Sasuke has this, he only possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan in his right eye and the Rinnegan in his left. Aries are proud people who love to be boastful about being number one, while Leos hold the same arrogance and high-standingalthough they are claimed to be more ambitious than an Aries. For many otakus, becoming a Hokage sounds like the ultimate joy. The Hatake clan defines the Virgos' diligence and patience, and as such, they are considered Consciousness regulates the full scope of the user's powers, often leading to a second personality taking control of these powers. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one thats 100% true. Known for being powerful and passionate, Scorpios are the "deadly warrior" of the zodiac because they are fearless and unstoppable. As Capricorns are capable of both being mentally and psychically stable, this is a matchup that makes the most sense. As the Byakugan allows users to see opponents chakra points, and it can also be used for scouting. 100% Honest Guess, Quiz: What Is Your Fatal Flaw? For the character, head to Obito Uchiha. NEXT: 10 MCU Characters Who Could Pass The Naruto Chunin Exams. He just happens to tease those he cares for. Leos are well-known for their willingness to share their resources, including their time, energy, esteem, and money. . The world of Naruto places more emphasis on the nature types of its characters than it does something like the zodiac. Please logout and login again. Fans who want to see for themselves if their zodiac sign matches up to how the characters approach their challenges can watch whenever they want. Naruto is one of the most popular shounen anime series of all time. His pessimistic, fatalistic philosophies held him back, which only made him harder on himself. Known for being independent, eccentric, and original, Aquarians are in a league all of their own. Sagittarius is known for their strong sense of self-reliance. Choji is willing to wait out an enemy, biding enough time for his friends to escape, as shown in the Sasuke Recovery Mission. If fans weren't sure when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the Leaf Village, Naruto's birthday should give them a clue. What's better than having boththe Rinnegan and Sharinganrolled into one for such a sign? I'd like to get rid of all the politicians. While it might not make for the strong female characters we want to see, Hinata's desire for love makes her strong in a different way. of the planet's genetic material. But the quiz is designed to analyze your persona while also categorizing you into one of the Naruto households. She holds a Psychology degree from the University of Florida, but her real loves are superheroes and serial storytelling. Born March 28, Sakura is canonically an Aries. But what matches Sasuke's ambitious, determined personality is pure Leo. Itachi lived an unconventional life, to say the least. Because her teammates like to compete with each other, Tenten is often caught between them as the voice of reason and straight man to Lee or Guy's antics. They have a strong feeling of self-determination and seek freedom in their work as well as personal lives. The brilliantly devious Orochimaru is a perfect fit for the misunderstood Scorpio. But, just like a Gemini, Sakura is far more misunderstood than fans may realize. While he might not fit the mold when it comes to being the center of attention, Shikamaru's abilities demand respect and acknowledgment. He certainly stands out in a crowd. Which is exactly like Uchihas, who are also known for their brilliance and strength. That's all thanks to the nurturing instincts of a Virgo. Just like so many other characters across the series, Kakashi had a tough childhood, but that motivated him to work harder. happens. But the quiz wants to know if you could be the eighth. Go with options that you feel are the best. Genes of the clan are responsible for the clan's mastery in genjutsu. Though Kiba is the one who will tease her about fainting in Naruto's presence, he also is right by her side when she's training and encouraging her, never allowing her to doubt herself the way her family doubted her as a child. Quiz introduction. The trait that Kiba actually best shows as a Cancer is empathy. Still, although he cared about his teammates, the air sign simply needed to have some alone time. Based on their strengths and personalities, which of the Naruto ninjas are most like each of the zodiac signs? In fact, a furious tour de force might be unleashed on anybody or anything that threatens this feeling of security. Much like Fuso, they are renowned to be extremely devoted to their loved ones. Born June 9, Itachi is a Gemini in the series. What does it make me? NEXT: 10 Most Emotional Characters In Naruto. 100 Times Better Than Sorting Hat, What Is My Aesthetic? What are you guys basing this off? Several of these clans are recognized for specializing in hidden methods to be taught and handed down the bloodline. She wants to be worthy of being a Hyuga. They're also often natural leaders. That contrasts with her canon Naruto sign of Virgo. Harry Potter House Quiz. Which of the following would be least likely to be considered an objective of internal control? Thank you very much for your cooperation. Determined. Likewise, Sakura tends to jump to conclusions, sometimes reacting aggressively. Its members are distinguished by their white hair and their incredible battle skills. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Ashina, like the rest of his family, practiced finjutsu. Despite this, like Kushina, Cancers are incredibly affectionate to the people in their lives. Libra also happens to be Naruto's canon zodiac sign as he's born in early October. As the sixth Hokage, he's known to be analytical and hardworking. It's not just seeing other talented shinobi that motivates her, but proving herself to her father and little sister. Libras are just as charming as Geminis, able to see both sides of a conflict and play peacemaker. Neji and his cousin Hinata, have their differences, but he learns from her and grows to truly appreciate their connection. Each clan has specific skills that separate them from other shinobi. Similarly, members of the Otsutsuki clan have no upper limit on their strength. In Naruto, the Aburame family exemplifies the best of this personality type by striking a perfect balance between independence, intelligence, and empathy. The ability to be engaging and aloof to different people, as well as happy and sad, upset and calm at the same time are perfect examples of Sasuke's Gemini elements, as is his adaptability. Uzumaki members are tolerant, tough, and intuitive with their unbelievable long lifespan and exciting healing powers. Like Himawari, they are brilliant and smart beyond their age. Jiraiya knows how to get things done, but he also knows what he likes. Fuso was a kind person who worked for a good cause by assisting war victims. Like the lion in their crest, Leos are unafraid to assert their own power. In fact, they might be the reason for his life spiraling out of control. Amanda Bruce is a freelance writer in Florida who got her start penning features for the now defunct Portrait Magazine. He knows what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means manipulating innocents into doing his bidding. She seemed serene and in control. After murdering his entire clan, except his younger brother Sasuke, the former Anbu captain fled to live the life of an international criminal. It is the core business of Emergency Services but every individual and organisation has a part to play. Featured only in the anime series, One way to find your clan in Naruto is getting to know each households values. However, it takes a while to earn their trust, so don't anticipate a lifetime of devotion from the beginning. Find out which member of the Uzumaki clan you share a connection with based on your Zodiac sign. In the Naruto series, Kakashi is a Virgo. Their personality is characterized by a strong desire to connect with others. He's wrong, but he's also projecting because he's incredibly hurt as a result of the Hyuga family history. Known for being grounded and practical, theTaurusapproaches life with a careful, tactile hand. Aries might be known for their impulsivity, but they're also very passionate people. Known to be incredibly social, Leos love to be the center of attention, which seems to be against Sasuke's nature. Pisces have a great sense of intuition, which allows them to predict what will happen before it Just like the water sign, Sasuke is determined and resourceful. Pisces have a great sense of intuition, which allows them to predict what will happen before it happens. Known for being disciplined and serious, Capricorns have mastered the art of self-control, and no ninja understands that level of discipline quite like Neji. Instead of putting his life on the line for his teammates and working with them, Choji takes the weight of the world on his shoulders. Born just 27 days after his teammate Hinata, Shino is an Aquarius. I'm pretty sure that you all are excited to find out the Naruto characters based on your zodiac signs! They tend to keep their emotions locked up tight, not trusting people right away. His way of seeing the world was quite similar to Naruto's since both aspired to become Hokage and defend the village. Tsunade's birthday is canonically August 2, making her a Leo. His easygoing personality masks his ability to handle any situation. He puts his younger brother through mental anguish, setting him on a desperate path of revenge. Because he has Mito Uzumaki's ancestry, Nawaki is also a member of the Uzumaki family. While he may be lazy or constantly complaining, no one ever doubts his ability to be one of the best ninjas on Team 10. That charm, and her ability to flip on a dime in a new situation, just scream Gemini. Every time he's left out of a mission, like the Sasuke Recovery Mission that sees Shikamaru take all of the boys he went to school with except for Shino, he makes it well known that he should have been included. Notoriously Just like Senjus, Scorpios too are born with a strong sense of power and intelligence. He is strong-willed, outspoken, and active, just like his father, and his physical characteristics also bear a striking resemblance to those of his father. Sagittarius exercise a lovely blend of self-reliance, wisdom, and sensitivity. Just like the fire sign, Jiraiya is a traveler of the world literally and figuratively. Your login session has expired. Tenten is open to the possibilities of the strange shinobi world, like believing in the existence of ghosts. Interestingly, Kurenai's Cancer traits are also shown through her relationship with Hinata. Most of the characters live on in the Boruto sequel series and manga, which is still telling new stories. Even if they battle with personal vices, an Aries is never one to give up and is always eager to mend their negative conduct. Ino, on the other hand, has a different perfectionist streak. We've compiled a list of the twelve most popular Naruto clans, based on your zodiac sign, to help you find out which clan you belong to. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! RELATED:Naruto: 10 Strongest Dojutsu Users, Ranked. Uchiha clan Leo , Gemini , Sagittarius. Naruto Clan || Based on you Zodiac | Zodiac, Naruto clans, Zodiac signs funny Pinterest Today Sign up You are signed out Sign in to get the best experience Continue with email Continue with Facebook By continuing, you agree to Pinterest's Terms of Service and acknowledge you've read our Privacy Policy . "Naruto" may not have many strong female characters, but when it comes to Tsunade, there's literally no one stronger. It's obvious that Gaara wants to be loved so much, and his unwavering loyalty to those around him proves how deeply he cares. It's a set of 20 personality questions inspired by Naruto () events to determine which Ichizoku you belong in. And its currently the fastest (and most accurate) tool to do so. He was shown in the anime to be capable of imprisoning a beast in a matter of seconds. Its not like we are looking to find your anime character match. If 15 workers can build a wall in 48 hours, how many workers will do the same work in 30 hours, 32 workers can complete a work in 84 days, how many workers will complete the same work in 48 days. Naruto's world is full of fights, jutsu, and feuding families, where clan names bear a great load and typically distinguish the best from the underdogs. Pisces can adapt to any scenario since they are a flexible sign. Like Choji, Itachi is an incredibly protective person. Well-informed and always eager to learn, Geminis are always well-informed and known for their love of reading. In astrology, Cancers are known to be sensitive and moody. He has backup plans for his backup plans, and backup plans for other people's plans. However, there are certain downsides to their scary potency. The twin sign Gemini represents duality and the desire to pursue various interests. Visionaries and leaders, Capricorns are one of the most gifted zodiac signs. Shikamaru tries not to let any angle escape his attention. It takes time and growth for her to temper that, but she never loses her Aries qualities. they're willing to take on everything they put their minds to. Kazekage, #2. RELATED: 10 Of The Most Heartbreaking Relationships In Naruto. Known for being idealistic and enjoying the best parts of life, theSagittariusis able to balance love for life with an ability to be grounded. Still, it was really the characters that created a special connection with viewers. Similar to Nagato, who was once an emotional, gentle, and reserved young man prone to tears, his metamorphosis to Pain transformed him into a solemn, cold, cynical, and unrelenting being. Their personality is characterized by a strong desire to connect with others. forget to let us know which Naruto clan you belong to in the comments section! Still, that doesn't mean the fun-loving fire sign can't rise to the very top. They place a high value on family and close friends, and will go to great lengths to protect them, even if it means sacrificing their own needs. They also have a laid-back approach to the unknown, which allows them to embrace change as it occurs. Although Sasuke gains the spotlight when it comes to dojutsu, there are at least eight well-known dojutsu that other ninja have in the series. As the loner of Team 7, the one who turns his back on the Leaf Village's teachings and aligns himself with Orochimaru, Sasuke seems like more of a villain than a hero. 100% Honest Suggestion, Quiz: Am I Quirky? Only real fans can score more than 70%, Quiz: Which Enstars Character Are You? He sacrifices nearly his entire family to protect the village, and then maintains a cover for years to prevent his little brother from getting in trouble, and to continue helping. While he may seem cool and calm on the outside, his passion makes him impulsive and manipulative. the infamous Kurama Clan is comprised of genjutsu experts. From Aries to Pisces, there is an adored, strong, passionate, or funny character for each star sign! Aside from that, they're witty and like engaging in lighthearted conversations with one another. While we can all appreciate someone that's in touch with their emotions, it can also hinder their own personal growth which is why Gaara seems to be so much like a Cancer. That immense loyalty and protective nature is absolutely that of the Naruto zodiac's Taurus. People with the Taurus zodiac sign, belong rightfully to the Yamanaka clan, because just like the clan's members, they too place a high priority on honesty. I hope you found your favorite character based on your Zodiac Sign. This clan's name is likely a reference to the clan's A Taurus appreciates the finer things in life, and sometimes those finer things are new meals. Ironically, they found themselves protecting the same person in their teens. This 100% accurate quiz reveals it, Am I beautiful or ugly? 1) Itachi - Capricorn. They may quickly and easily alter their thoughts, owing to their high adaptibility. Naruto: Which member of the Uzumaki clan are you based on your Zodiac sign. They are a species that is always evolving, either by the consumption of the planet's human energy or the consumption Born on May 1, he's a Taurus. In addition to his calm demeanor, he is known for launching a number of administrative efforts and developing several of the most important and complex jutsus in history. Just like so many Aquarians, Shino marched to the beat of his own drum, and it's hard not to love that for him just from over there. Considering her initially gentle nature, discerning Hinata's personality can be challenging. There's no other Naruto character who embodies his zodiac sign as much as Choji. This is because an Otsutsuki can only gain it from having the Byakugan of a Hyuga implanted into their eyes. This J-Pop quiz reveals if youre Eichi, Tori, Watar. Having awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan is not so much as an accomplishment, as it shows how many trials one had to have gone through. Aquariuses are often rebellious, which may sound more like a Sasuke trait than a Shino one. Sagittarius is known for their strong sense of self-reliance. They were allowed to stay as long as the mother used her healing abilities to help the villagers. Boruto, the son of Hinata and Naruto, possesses the fervor of both the Hyuga and Uzumaki clans, much like his father and mother. He always strives to be the best and never ever gives up. This %100 Accurate Quiz Find It, What is my spirit animal? Did you see that tou-chan, did ya, did ya? They like being among other people, and are also good at meeting new ones. They are also known to be skilled users of the Sealing Jutsu. This clan's name is likely a reference to the clan's Byakugan's capacity to reveal information. She has been writing pop culture lists for Screen Rant since 2017. He values the next generation above all, which is why he's willing to die for his students and his unborn child. But I'm not interested in becoming one. Are you Nana, Hachi, Ya, Hey, which Enstars character are you? She knows what she wants to prove she's a capable shinobi and she works harder than nearly anyone else in the series to overcome her shyness and fear to do just that. He knows he's skilled and has confidence in his abilities, but he's also ready to stop what he's doing and party at a moment's notice. However, his birthday falls on November 27the same day as the late Bruce Leemaking him a Sagittarius. For the most accurate results, dont overthink your responses. RELATED: Every Naruto Hand Sign (& What They Mean). This is largely thanks to the inclusion of character profiles in manga volumes, data books, and even magazines. Sags are one of a kind. Shikamaru doesn't push people away as often as Kakashi does, but this is still evident in his early actions concerning Temari. The term smog was first used around 1950 to describe the combination of smoke and fog in London. QuizExpo contains different quizzes in different fields and tries to entertain the users while helping them to learn something new. He's the one caught in the middle of Ino and Choji's teasing. These arent Zodiac signs? Avenging her death, Nagato Uzumaki killed the invaders right there and then. NEXT:Naruto: What Would Your Chakra Nature Be Based On Your Zodiac Sign? However, she became increasingly self-confident and had a propensity to strike out at anyone who annoyed her. RELATED: Naruto: The 5 Worst Pairings In The Show (& 5 Better Alternatives). Cookies help us deliver our Services. While that can be true, Kiba does prove himself to be a pretty level-headed Cancer. Aries, like the Hyugas, are continuously on the lookout for new and better methods to accomplish their goals. While Lee doesn't outright leave Konoha behind, he never passes up the chance for an adventure on a mission.

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which naruto clan are you based on your zodiac sign
which naruto clan are you based on your zodiac sign
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