You love deeply, passionately, and wholeheartedly, and others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. Figure out who you are inside and learn how to reveal your inner self to other people. Ok so the quarrels start after a couple has been married you're saying and not before hand. The synastry thing gave me that exactly, "Venus Opposite Ascendant." He needs a Service (6th) to attend to, or a partner(7th), ie, where my Venus now resides by Progression. The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant are of the greatest importance in the natal chart of a person. They may even be subconscious, but your Venusian qualities will be very evident toothers. You get along well with people and know how to please them. Copyright 2000-2017 Venus opposite Ascendant natal is also called Venus conjunct Descendant and Venus setting. Maybe they are beautiful, maybe they are smart. With the position of Venus in Cancer and Pisces there is a strong need for romantic love and unity of souls, but the position in other signs gives practicality, the habit of putting oneself in first place in relationships and demanding a comfortable, rich life. When one person's Venus is opposite another person's Ascendant (thus, conjunct the person's Descendant), a strong attraction is indicated, particularly on the part of the Ascendant person. Trump Train participants, Hannah Ceh and Kyle Kruger, "apologized" after settlement; sued under KKK Act for terrorizing Biden-Harris campaign bus, Covington mom, 12-year-old son disappear during trip to the store, New Jersey couple arrested after allegedly trying to mow down officers, COACH RESIGNS AMID INVESTIGATION INTO NAKED VAGINAL LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP WITH PLAYER. Pluto is being humbled. It is a symbol of I, a symbol of a persons personality. People tend to be proud of themselves. LSA whats going on with the WEATHER WHERE YOU LIVE!??? In addition to this my Venus is in an exact square to our vertex/vertex conjunction and her Venus in an exact square to my pluto, a double Neptune/ascendant conjunction and an exact moon/north node square. The Sun person illuminates and reinforces the Ascendant person, making them feel appreciated and admired. prestige and high esteem of society determine the choice of profession, real estate, car: they prefer what is in trend and delights the majority; in the negative narcissism, the torment of creativity, obstacles in love, prudence and self-interest, extravagance, gluttony. If both partners are clear and honest with each other, this beautiful relationship could last a lifetime. > Side note: I am a Taurus with Virgo rising and synastry chart is also Virgo rising. Venus trine Ascendant can make youvery giving. You are both loving and gentle towards each other. Your determination to gain acceptance and to improve your status in life is strong, and you may use your social contacts to reach those positions. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also her venus and mars conjuncts her descendant.Its really sad because her lack in confidence is holding her back. For the lucky Eros conjunct the Ascendant native, he attracts people as honey to a bee. How this manifests will depend on the signs that your Venus trine Ascendant is in. The type of individuals you attract wont change until you rearrange your own values. and our Its easy to become very selfish with this aspect, because these qualities come naturally to you. Your vibe is calm and happy. Youre probably never completely satisfied with the way that you look. You are quite self-protective and often defensive. Here's a sample (not including asteroids): Ascendant + Midheaven Ascendant + Juno Juno + Midheaven Juno + Pluto Mercury + Jupiter Mercury + Uranus Mercury + Venus Moon + Mars Moon + Midheaven Moon + Uranus Moon + Venus NN + Mars NN + Moon NN + Pluto Pluto + Midheaven Saturn + Mercury Light Skinned Women Are Like A Drug To Me. Privacy Policy. Astrology Love Compatibility Chart Basics: Synastry Aspects, Jerry Hall sinastries with Rupert Murdoch and Mick Jagger, The worst synastry aspects youve experienced, Yung Miami says she ready to correct her poor speech, thinks she sounds illiterate, 90 Day Fianc: The Other Way: Season 4, Episode 13 - Winds Do Not Blow As the Ships Wish, Joshua Jackson says his wife Jodie Turner-Smith 'enjoys' watching his xes scenes with other women. Standing out among the crowd with inner light and a radiant smile, the carriers of the Venus-Ascendant conjunction get used to easily getting what they want through their appearance and flirting, which enhances natural laziness and discourages the desire to learn, develop and work.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2','ezslot_21',173,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2-0_1'); .leader-2-multi-173{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. I feel a little bit lost without a close friend or a deep relationship to give myself to. You will have a hard time relating to the point of view of the other person. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Check the other aspects Saturn to determine how this aspect will play out in the relationship. Moon square pluto in synastry AND composite.. whats the meaning? However, the Ascendant person can let Venus fly free, for it understands the desires and aspirations of the Venus person. If Venus is in your 1st house, you will be especially aware of the effects that your Venus conjunct Ascendant aspect has on your outer personality. In fact, you appear a bit like a Libra rising. Venus opposition Ascendant means that you may have a hard time seeing your own beauty. LOVE AND COMPATIBILITY You both have Venus inconjunct Ascendant in the natal chart.I think everything was a misunderstanding because you wrote that YOU have Venus in Aries opposite Ascendant in Virgo and that he has Venus in Pisces opposite Ascendant in Libra and not that his Venus opp. This placement can definitely signify marriage if other aspects are supportive. The more of these aspects in the horoscope, the more intensively it is necessary to work on strengthening the will, endurance and mastery of emotions.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',172,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_16',172,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1'); .large-mobile-banner-2-multi-172{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Having chosen the right direction, the native strengthens Venus and becomes a source of creative energy, attracting love and money. There is a feeling that the two are meant to be together, which can bind them together for a long time. Business dealings benefit from your negotiation skills, especially in one-to-one situations. She has a sun in piscesmoon in taurus mercury is in aries which conjuncts her venus.Her venus in aries also conjuncts her mars in aries.Her ascendant is in libra is opposite her venus mars. They could also create a family really fast Having Mars in 7th house leads to fighting a lot after marriage In synastry, Venus in harmonious aspects to personal points indicates strong attraction and romantic compatibility. Venus and Ascendant person radiate a powerful and mysterious aura that piques the interest of each other. Are you and your love interest meant to be? You want everything around you to be elegant and pleasing. Colorism: The Dark Skin / Light Skin Debate. The Ascendant shows the extent to which the possibilities inherent in him are realized in a person. Venus rules beauty, grace, style, and all things aesthetically pleasing. You have good diplomatic skills and always want peace, and you are easily upset by conflict and aggressive people. Click below to learn more. Venus Opposite Ascendant"With Venus in opposition to your Ascendant, you may be blessed with many social graces. Sex is something that you want but are also afraid of. In architectural structures.var cid = '5596380066'; So, a horoscope can be considered a set of qualities given at birth, while an ascending sign is a set of properties that a person consciously or unconsciously acquires during his life. Does the house play a role where the pluto person will be humbled? They love being around the Moon person, and feels a natural inclination to partner with them. This aspect is very binding, particularly for the Descendant person, as the Sun person makes them feel more balanced and complete. Sometimes, people with Venus square Ascendant get taken advantage of because they dont know how to say no to others. She's got good things going on in her chart, and having this aspect and Libra Rising adds grace and charisma. Both planets long to touch and feel each other. In this article, we go over synastry interpretations of planets conjunct the Descendant (or opposite the Ascendant). The Pluto person completely transforms the way the Descendant person looks at relationships. You are intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex and are not inclined to friendly, platonic relationships. With Venus conjunct Ascendant, you have style, grace, and natural beauty. Someone has to face their darkside and someone will be very attached, obsessed and codependent. Youre good at settling things in a peaceful way, so you tend to excel as a diplomat or in any field where negotiating is required. The sign opposite to Pisces is Virgo. At the same time, the negatively expected planet of love symbolizes the troubles and dangers associated with women, as well as love disappointments. Lol. Depending on the female or male card, Venus takes on special meanings when it hits the AS. Judge things using your own mind instead of looking at whatothers think. There is a compromise, and both partners are willing to work with each other to improve the relationship. It is a symbol of "I", a symbol of a person's personality. The fate of a person, according to astrology, is influenced by the stars, as well as the Ascendant. Venus square Ascendant makes you magnetic, yet you also scare other people. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Add Uranus hard aspects to Sun,Moon,Venus..dealbreaker. = '100%'; It can give Venus a sense of direction in life. Interesting to see how your aspects that are very similar to mine play out. EXPLORE TAROT.COM Over time, the Descendant person might not feel they can rely or depend on the Uranus person in times of need. Read on to learn more about how these two . Again, true love will take work. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you and is probably something you care a great deal about. Venus-Ascendant aspects are all about how beautiful, refined, charming, and loving you appear. Venus opposition Ascendant means that youre concerned with taste and aesthetics. For example, as a Sagittarius Ascendant, I find that Virgo men are very attracted to me, at least, physically. On a deeper level, youre energetically sensitive as to what actions are appropriate, so you tend to be very careful around other people. If the conjunction of Venus and the Ascendant is in Capricorn, then beauty is manifested in a strict style, royal coldness in public behavior, the talent of an architect and designer. Constantly demanding his time and attention. They likely did the same to someone else or need to learn how to vet their partners better. Position in Leo generates an extrovert actor, dancer and blogger with a thirst for luxury and social events, and in Taurus gives the gift of a singer and a passion for collecting jewelry. Keep reading to see some of the most captivating planetary energies, then look to see if any of them are in your chart! You coax rather than coerce. Venus trine Ascendant makes these talents natural for you. It is believed that at this moment in time, stars with a certain arrangement of planets create an individual horoscope for a newly born person, which affects his future life. Women with Venus on the AC are the adornment of their companion and welcome guests at parties. This is more typical for the position of the planet of love in the 1st house, the actual ruler of which is Aries, and from here arises an internal aggressive confidence in the right to luxury and fame. When a trine forms between the two placements, the Venus person will see the Ascendant person as their ideal physical type, making the attraction sometimes superficial. When one persons Sun makes an aspect to another persons Ascendant, physical attraction is indicated. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. The intense physical attraction is what pulls them towards each other. Ultimately with Venus conjunct Ascendant, you need to learn that you are more than your beauty and charm. Through the relationship with the Venus person, the Descendant person learns a lot about relationships, relating, equality and harmony. When everyone likes your mask, theres no reason to do the inner work. Home / Aspects / Venus Aspects / Venus Opposite Ascendant. I'm confused. You can be cooperative, diplomatic, and charming when you need to, able to find ways to relax others and make them feel accepted. Read More About Me! On the downside, the Descendant person may feel their Saturn partner is too stuffy or cold, or even parental, towards them. The Ascendant and Descendant are opposing angles: the Ascendant represents our physical self and persona, while the Descendant represents our close, intimate relationships. The zodiac sign influences the practical application of the natives artistic abilities. Even though Venus opposition Ascendant is a difficult aspect, you probably have aneasier time socially. They are happy to wear jewelry and have quality things. Venus conjunct Descendant in Synastry is an incredibly powerful aspect to find in a relationship chart. Liberace 017, Prince Michael of Kent 037, Peter McIntyre 048, Elizabeth Barrett Browning 050, Russell Brand 056, Muhammad Ali 108, The Weeknd 112, Emmett Till 135, Henri Matisse 142, Lorraine Warren 154, Anne Heche 203, Sara Aldrete 229, Dan Rather 231, Charles Dickens 234, Bon Scott 238. When someones planet is conjunct your Descendant, you feel you have met your match. You're happy to give, and you know how to please others. Venus and the Ascendant person have a harmonious relationship in this aspect. Yes. like ever. Venus and Ascendant person are very affectionate towards each other. You truly want to be liked, but you automatically assume that others wont enjoy your company. You know what people want to hear, plus youre good looking enough to get away with a lot. In your experiences, what has been the most intense synastry youve ever had and what were the aspects? Knowflake. You need to settle any problems in your relationship right away to maintain the harmonious relationship that you have. Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here >>. Venus shows what a man is attracted to in a woman. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); Saturn can make one have an obsessive drive to express any asteroid it touches. You don't take anything at face value and are always digging beneath the surface for the deeper meaning or real motivations of others. Virgo working with details, numbers, and signs: mathematics, foreign languages, mosaics, embroidery. Venus square Ascendant is all about healing the inner self and learning to love oneself without the acceptance of others. On the good side, the Uranus person teaches the Descendant person to be more independent and detached in relationships. The conjunction being the most intense and significant connection is the only aspect I currently consider. Now, unfortunately Venus is inconjunct Uranus, the final planet of the trifecta (because it worked with Venus), so its causing a bit of stress in the force. In the absence of negative aspects, these men and women are the favorites of fortune. You love beauty and harmony with Venus conjunct Ascendant. Even though you are friendly and work well in groups, you probably feel best when you spend one-to-one time with another person. Sun square Ascendant: This aspect certainly indicates an attraction, but may present challenges. Both planets long to touch and feel each other. You will have the opportunity to mediate conflict by sharing your own needs, listening to others needs, and finding ways to alter your relationship so that each person can have more of their needs met. Oftentimes you are irresistibly attracted to someone and you feel that you have very little choice or control over your powerful feelings. You have a friendly, affectionate attitude toward others and a great deal of personal charm if you have Venus conjunct your Ascendant. Both parties learn a lot about compromise and harmony through this relationship. Although you sometimes misread the signals, you tend to rectify your mistakes very quickly. Venus square Ascendant also means that youattract superficial people. Ascendant is the most individual part of a person's horoscope. While we were traveling we constantly had interference with our moods, his family and its been incredibly funny. You already have the talents that you need, but you can learn how to switch this side of you on and off. You can also find peaceful settlements to disputes between friends or relatives. Venus and Ascendant person are well matched that your relationship is conflict-free in soft aspect. The Truth is Revealed. In life, men with this aspect of women take the place of leaders leading to the heights of success in creativity and financial enrichment.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-3','ezslot_22',175,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-3-0'); The mother, wife or lover will push him to take active actions in the line of creative self-expression, education, meeting useful people. This aspect indicates compatibility at the emotional level. You are using an out of date browser. Be careful that, with Venus trine Ascendant, you dont take these positive traits for granted. Sign in which Venus is tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, values and principles. Yall try this combination from pizza hut (the best pizza ever). if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'dreamastromeanings_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-medrectangle-4-0');To understand what the planet of beauty is doing on the AU, it is worth looking at the houses that it controls in this horoscope. Then the professions of an artistic sense are possible. Beware of using this power to manipulate people, for you could gain the reputation of being a user. Others approval will never give you the love that you seek with Venus square Ascendant. This is huge. This is the reason that they can establish a harmonious relationship. Why do SOME black women feel like a black woman needs to have weave and a ton of make up in order to be seen as pretty? It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! In fact, you may even swing back and forth between wanting love and expecting it to fall into your lap. Thus, it one of the notable things the Venus and Ascendant person have in their relationship. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); From: Cordoba, Argentina. Youre friendly and affectionate with other people. Venus person finds the habits and traits of the Ascendant person irritating. Ascendant, or ascending sign, in astrology is called the countdown minute from which a persons life begins. No, self-esteem issues would be more like Saturn aspecting the sun, moon, or maybe even Venus. You may feel that your appearance or outer self is all that matters, and you dont see beauty in the deeper parts of your soul. Yeah if one party is willing to be miserable. If conjunction to Neptune it signifies a relationship between the two in a past life were one was separated from the other via death or some other circumstance. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. This makes it hard for you to put yourself in other peoples shoes. Instead, it is destined to change your attitudes towards love and relationship, as well as your values. Venus does not represent a mother or wife, it is a mistress or a love affair. Venus rules beauty, grace, style, and all things aesthetically pleasing. In fact, you tend to compliment others naturally, whether this is through words or actions. With Venus sextile Ascendant, you need to learn how to show your charm and social graces around other people. So, its like the Perfection of humanity, meeting the limits of the material world. Because both want to please one another, disappointments, controlling, and manipulative emotions are threatening to resurface. When you want something, you go after it rather quietly but insistently and wholeheartedly -- and you usually get it. 3 top dogs worked their tails off to graduate from SDPD K-9 academy. Each partner feel heard in this relationship, and talk through their issues in a fair and balanced way. The Ascendant person sees the Sun person as the perfect mate; the Sun person expresses the qualities the Ascendant person lacks. Even if the native himself does not particularly make attempts in this direction, he attracts potential partners. In this relationship, both partners, particularly the Descendant person, feel they have met their ideal match our soulmate in each other. You must learn how to find a true, deep love that isnt just based on how things appear. Wouldn't these aspects make her actually really confident and feisty? = + 'px'; It's all or nothing with you. You definitely have the pretty boy or pretty girl privilege. I also have natal Venus OOB, conjunct descendant, squaring Saturn. In astrology, it is believed that a rising sign can tell whether the name given to him by his parents is suitable for a person, or whether the name does not match his zodiac sign. It is likely that the owner of the card will be connected with the world of art in one way or another, especially if Venus is related not only to the AC, but also to the MC. This aspect indicates a strong attraction between the partners. This happens when you actively learn to be less concerned about what others think. Not just their appearance -- their complete energy is so enticing that you can't help but be drawn in. var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';

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