The Tarot is free to use on this website and can tell you more about some useful choices for 2023. Just as important as love is friendship. Saturn has been in Aquarius, your own sign, and that hasnt done much for you, although it is not the culprit. So, on 3rd January 1993, in the newspaper, we discover, officials saying that the only morally correct way to prevent AIDS was. Thank you Jessica for your insight. The stretching, straining and compromising ends in July 2023 when the nodal opposition in Scorpio-Taurus also ends. Did not think that Saturn can do so much. hi Jessica, happy new year! Thank you. You are solely responsible for what you post. It becomes more important, when tied into aspects to other factors. The wheels are going backwards in billions of careers, so there is a reluctance to buy or sell land. Meanwhile, though, I have a lot of those Virgo factors you mentioned, including Virgo at 3 Uranus. You ask the Tarot to define the issue. Thank you, I will look at those further! How do you feel about them? Capricorn in one book says it rules India and we know their influence. A virtual hug. That is not your issue. I also want to figure out the best period(s) for changing where I live by 2026 as I reach retirement where to hunker down? I suppose the question for you and the family is, can anyone be bothered to make the effort to try communication and closer contact? We are living through Covid now but in centuries past, other plagues came and went. I only delete trolls so your comments would not have been trashed. Thanks for the astrology lesson on Saturn. Many people equate Saturn with structure, since his liminal nature gave him an association with borders and boundaries. Ask yourself what the allergy gets you out of, or what it encourages. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. If its a big part of who they are, you have a Pisces. We are going to see global limitations and restrictions on health care and medical supplies in 2023, starting in March, and evident in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. Jessica I missed your recent zoom class with Zoom. They will at home with new technologies or if not naturally the power of the planet Saturn will allow them to study hard to become knowledgable in these areas. But Saturn suggests its wise to look. You really do have such fabulous insights thank you for sharing! A man who worked tirelesly to bring his new invention to life, failing a thousand times before making something of great benefit to mankind. Im looking forward to a new phase to my life as Saturn exits Aquarius. This is fantastic, been meaning to try to understand Saturns role in my chart and this is really insightful! The core issue is always about work, service and duty. Saturn by conjunction will sit on (sat on by Saturn) your Sun in Pisces, for example, so that part of you which is invisible, interior, introverted and very hard to explain rationally, will be a new, heavier, more restricted part of yourself. Hello Jessica The ship in the background is your clue here. Also when Saturn moves to 6 Pisces, it will also square my natal Saturn in Gemini is there something I should be careful about on those days? In this same cycle, Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and issued new curbs and thresholds. Sorting out the aspects is really a matter of priorities. While you wait, you learn more. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Your marriage is really about children (you dont say if you have them), any stepchildren, young relatives who are substitute children and so on. These two sources are so dear to me. Virgo rules the Sixth House of your chart and that describes your physical state. You may have been a Roman Catholic; Anglican; Jew; Buddhist. As little action as possible, please! I have just recently found out that I am expecting a baby. Lynne, I am very sorry you were hospitalised with Covid. Please contact Support again about your blank email I am sorry about that! You are next due for such a transit when Saturn goes to 11 Pisces and is in a conjunction with his Sun. You have grown up being locked out of situations, involving your parents, siblings and other relatives (cant get in, for whatever reason) or you have been locked into situations (cant get out, insurmountable obstacles and barriers). Thank you very much. Some companies will go through huge issues; multinational corporations which have done wrong. Jupiter in Aries transits both your charts, through the Second House of banking. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. He will be offered a sensational career, academic or unpaid work opportunity from May 2023 to May 2024 and it will set him free. Appearance. Ive mentioned before that I had Covid in 2020 and then long covid and have managed to keep completely virus and cold free since then. I have distanced myself and now work for myself but ist is not easy. In fact, Im excited to see what unfolds this year and am more contented than I ever recall being. Confinement Academia. SouthNode If so, Saint Valentines Day (February 14th) 2024, 2025, 2026 takes place with Saturn going backwards and forwards in your solar Seventh House of marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. Yet the Twelfth House rules the subconscious mind, the spirit, soul and psyche so it is often invisible to other people, though I expect it felt quite onerous to you, on your first Saturn Return. This has to be met with new rules, which will come naturally to you from March. Joint Finances. Not working in smoke-permissive spaces and not having a smoker for a lover. Tarot cards that represent Aquarius are The Star, Five of Swords, Six of Swords and Seven of Swords. Cheers, Kate. It was taken by Steven Meisel and many stargazers I know sat up and took notice of this great example of Saturn in astrology. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. Merci beaucoup. I have 8 stelliums in Pisces, so how will this affect me? Saturn will form a T-Square in transit to your Mercury-Saturn square so minimise the media, internet, publishing or educational projects and plans there so the stakes are lower. The date 17th December was also the first day of Capricorn, back then the signed ruled by Saturn,named for the god (Fowler, Roman Festivals and Beck, Journal of Roman Studies), Saturnalia also celebrated the harvest and sowing, and ran from December 1723. In 1992, AIDS became the leading cause of death for American men aged 25 to 44. Youll do some life gardening about where you come from, and from whom you come. When Saturn changes signs, you are free, in that area of your life. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius and Virgo, two mutable signs (the other two are Pisces and Gemini). I read something about barricades and I thought the shackles would be coming off especially around the idea of home and where this is. Courts were not in session, so no justice was administered, and war could not be declared. Fascinating post as usually. Its rather hard to read for you as a result, but July 2023 is a turning point when you realise the other side, or your other half, is bringing back reminders of life as it was 18 or 19 years earlier. You will successfully relaunch your title, appearance and reputation in 2023, and may even do it twice. Its worth having his chart done: we have a Family and Friends service here which can help. You may have sustained being single by fantasising about unavailable lovers. Family members may have been a worry for you and so on. In addition to Women's Health, her work and writing has been featured in The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. If not really but groups, clubs, associations, good causes, societies, Twitter is you have an Aquarius. Ill also take a look at how Saturn works in your birth chart, which you can see right now, if you are a Premium Member. Your body is fighting this really well, even though the symptoms are weakness and so on. It can be a difference in values with a business partner. Media. Your father is a Sun Pisces and you found him a heavy presence and here is a man who nearly became a priest. Hygeia Your posts about Saturn in Aquarius are so spot on Im a Leo sun/Aquarius rising, and I was shut out of a group/profession due to a disgruntled/retaliatory former partner in December 2020, and have been unemployed and working to get into a new career since. We would include the Hindu religion in that too. I have always been the outsider of groups but at the same time the person who connects people, friendships have always been challenging so I am wondering what changes are coming my way, I have never fit in with any one group and have mostly felt like an outsider. The less you have to deal with, socially, or with a club (say) the less youll be bothered. I will give you the transits so you can look them up: Transiting Uranus in the Sixth House, Transiting North Node in the Sixth House. The shut-out (or shut in) social life of 2021, 2022 and early 2023 ends in March. The world will experience a big bump. However, with the Saturn conjunction, does that block or cause difficulties with using Minerva? If time allows kindly look at my chart and let me know when and if the tide turns ito my daughters. Renovating the barn. You cannot avoid Saturn but you can avoid overloading yourself with matters which Saturn is going to weigh down for you. i remember the womens lib days i was encouraged to go to and the individuals then that shocked. You have such a good way of explaining things, thank you. This is very much the housework, paid work, unpaid work or study that requires daily attention, but also your health on every level and how it affects your ability to be of service and do your duty, as in astrology we do not separate the maid of all work from her wellness, or otherwise. My brother is a strong Virgo Stellium (11 factors including 7 deg Sun, 4 deg Venus, 23 deg Uranus, 19 deg Pluto, 22 deg Juno, 3 deg Ceres, 27 deg IC, 11 deg Apollo, 20 deg Panacea, 7 deg Ops, 14 deg Mercury) and had relapse for depression since late 2020. Put her together with Saturn and you are always able to solve every issue Saturn gives you with the money, business, charity, house, apartment, valuables. Im sorry but we dont record Zoom events as they are private and confidential free to Premium Members. Saturn is tied into a number of close or exact aspects (to one degree) in your chart, including the lunar nodes, so there is a past life involved here. Clear the decks around that time. I hope so. Were also planning to travel in March. Saturn moving across Pisces and the Twelfth House brings new restrictions and limitations, along with the usual Neptune in Pisces experience of boundary-free life. If you impose boundaries, set limits, restrain and confine on a Saturn cycle, you will be similarly restricted. Jupiter is on your side. Thats a health change maybe? Saturn in astrology is sometimes a long lifetime experience. You hope hell be gone eventually. Your Midheaven is 25 Aquarius so yes, Saturn will transit 25 Aquarius and you will be dealing with restrictions involving the group and limitations involving your friends. This is the cycle when women make house or apartment commitments to divorced men with grown-up sons, who appear out of the blue. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! So its complicated. Uranus Saturn in Aquarius is all about humanitarian and political causes. Transiting Saturn in conjunction with your Pisces factors will encourage you to develop a strategy to deal with new barriers and restrictions surrounding your religion, spiritual beliefs, psychic ability, use of psychics, hypnosis, meditation and therapy. You will have a new image, title and reputation by May if you try and it will be terrific for you. Well, new restrictions and barriers will be there. Thank you Jana. The new variant of Covid is resulting in crisis. He had lost his job in April 2021 due to his mental health condition. It ends in March. Virgo is the body. if you have any wise words I would love to hear them I currently just dont see any good change on the horizon work wise. From May 2023 you will be offered solutions and by May 2024 you may not only have fixed your Long Covid, you will also have a completely different way of living, eating, drinking, exercising, doing the housework and engaging in paid or unpaid work or study. I take 2 steps forward and suddenly Im 10 steps back. Im considering divorce from my partner who is unraveling with addictions. You may have been a nun nursing infectious patients. Am back at work going into office once a week which is pretty much back to normal now with large face to face group meetings which I dont want to attend, but I am the only one. Many thanks, Jessica your kind help is much appreciated as always. I remember the last time around with Saturn was as you sayI was transitioning from singlehood to marriage, changing my religion, starting a family, and generally seeing my entire life and especially social connections completely upheaved in a matter of a few years. Tarot. Saturn in astrology works for all of us as a country/planet but individually. You see the restrictions end with groups and friends (Aquarius) but new restrictions with religion and spirituality (Pisces). Health. If you are single a potential partner will appear after the South Node enters Libra in July 2023 and by 2024 you will have made a choice. Your family tree will enjoy better growth and longevity because of that. I read in a comment above you mentioned a theme of Virgo- Pisces being the body versus God, and that quite rang true for me. When Jupiter and then Uranus both go to 27 Taurus, for example, they trine his natal IC at 27 Taurus and whatever he has inherited from a relative or ancestor, in terms of depression or being the professional who treated the same, takes a new direction and transforms to his advantage. I liberated myself when Saturn transited out of Aquarius. A change in the balance of power. The King of Cups is fascinating, sometimes intriguing, but always hard work. Hi Jessica, Im a cancer sun sign and Saturn In Aquarius has been quite rough to say the least, could you please give me some insight on how Saturn changing signs will affect me? Let us now look at the significance of Saturn in astrology. They may be found as engineers designing bridges or highways or they may be found in the computer industry designing a new form of microchip or as figures in the leading edge of medicine. Saturn was in Aquarius, from December 18th 2020 and he leaves on March 8th 2023. Saturn in the Seventh House will see a record number of separations and divorces for Sun Virgo people as he limits access to the ex, and limits access to new dates, who will not always want someone with baggage. It denies you access, or it locks you into situations. Hi Jessica, another wonderful read thank you. Best wishes for 2023!! Panacea Life as it was 18 or 19 years ago will repeat, not literally, but thematically. Here? Many thanks for your wise words and guidance. The faithful masses and those at the top. There are eight parts to a scythe and the ring is the sixth. Lastly, Saturn, again in its role as teacher, concerns itself with karma and the lessons which past experiences might bring. Thank you. Would really appreciate your advice and guidance if you have the time. His Saturn is 7Leo. So you see, it has a knock-on effect on business and trade; when that happens people dont buy. You need total control of your marriage. What is your take on Yods? Its only common sense to be careful who you make commitments to, if you are a single Sun Virgo going into this cycle. Between March and June 2023 you will see what it feels like to be ambitious, successful and accomplished, without having to think about who or what is top dog all the time. Typically, a marriage and mortgage, or a family inheritance. Have a look at your Libra stellium in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free for you to read. It is a complicated story but I was very lucky to leave when I did. The new variant is extremely infectious and has become the dominant form of Covid in America. What happens to that. Was looking forward to reading Astrology Secrets Newsletter for January 2023 but the email came up blank and have not heard back at all from Support. You two have karma and from July 2023 until January 2025 will settle karmic debts from 18-19 years before, either with each other, or in partnerships with other people. Beyond that, I hope Ive already been making enough lifestyle adjustments to avoid the kinds of health and home issues I dealt with in the 90s. What do i need to prepare for this in advance. With Saturn by sign and house, we are shut in and blocked, or shut out and locked of situations. I am sun cancer and keep hearing what a fabulous year it will be but it doesnt feel like it yet. What we know of Saturn comes from astrologers Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Dennis Elwell, Margaret Hone (20th century) and the art will tell you the rest. He may be rather stuck until then, but July ends the cycle for another 18-19 years. You are always shut out of a situation, or shut in by it. I have felt strongly the sense of restriction, limits and boundaries with my first house Saturn most of my life. Publicly this is about your family, house, apartment and roots. Thank you so much x. Family relationships are ruled by Scorpio when they concern money, houses, business, apartments, valuables, charity. I have stelliums in Aquarius and Pisces. Gemini: Siblings. What you are seeing is your body pushing back. Since childhood you have been drawn to clubs, or the Brownies (for example) or teams today its more online but you are an Aquarius stellium woman, so on the outside, even though you are much needed by your people and they need you too. Im very interested to hear what you see in the year ahead for me. Hi Jessica, Business. Saturns tour through Aquarius from March 21 to July 1 is a preview of a longer cycle. So a very common example is: people were forced to wear condoms, become monogamous, have AIDS tests before new relationships, stop smoking at work stop smoking, full stop. I am concerned about the upcoming transits for him. So March, July, bring a completely different era for you when you are no longer shut into a situation, or shut out of it.

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