The task window will show you the recommended attribute levels for this duel. Proceed to the library to meet your friends. Sadly, none of the other students was bold enough to stand up to her no one but you! It will take around fifty energy on average to complete this. You can choose to duel bil, merula and ismelda and of course i choose the one that i haven't battled : ISMELDA MURK ! Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin. There are several ways to approach this duel. Where can one be alone? Since all five stars are required to pass, having full energy prior to starting the lesson is highly recommended. How did you find the cursed ice?- I followed a magical map. ", -Stars to pass: 5 out of 5 Mission time: 3 hours Rewards: +25 Knowledge, +5 House Points, + 5 Gems. - Mrs. Norris. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin. Corey will suggest continuing to monitor Merula in order to find out the truth. Not long after that, Chapter 8 of Year 3 will come to an end. Defense Based (Some Points), No. "Meal with a Friend" unlocked. Merula: Dont walk away from me! how to beat merula in a duel year 3. forza horizon 5 press kit for sale. However, there is a catch. Barnaby will be confused, forgetting what you said, so youll straight-up ask him to work for you and Tulip, instead of Marula. Still, she will be curious to know what you are doing. Choose the class duration you prefer and hit Start to begin. The only thing he will ask in return will be to help him feed the owls. To learn Doxycide, you need to earn five stars within three hours. how to beat merula in a duel year 3 But if you beat him in a duel, he will know you're tough as well and he will be helping you find the vault instead of working for Merula. Unfortunately, Mr. Filch wont be willing to let you through. Unlocked at Defense 3 (+10 Defense Points), I did it for my friends (+5 Empathy points, -20 house points), I don't answer to you (+5 Defense points, -40 house points), I'm sorry (+5 Empathy points, -20 house points), We won't. Tulip will be there, waiting for you. Has this happened to anyone else? Similarly, if your attributes are lower than recommended ones, the diamond meter will decrease by two points per attribute difference. Corey will ask if the note said anything about the person shes meeting. Depository Participant ID- IN304004 | NSDL- SEBI Registration No- IN-DP-315-2017 | NSE & BSE- SEBI Registration No-INZ000197136 | For the duels, do you notice patterns or is it just lucky choices? Once you meet Barnaby he will tell you he likes you and that you are nice. Your attribute scores will also contribute to this. Is The Casketeers Scripted, Merula tells the player they should watch out because Tulip will betray them. With some luck, you should be able to win the duel. YEAR 3 CHAPTER 6 HARRY POTTER: HOGWARTS MYSTERY Go Shiny Hunter 55.7K subscribers Subscribe 20K views 4 years ago WE PULL OFF A BIG PRANK SO WE CAN. Chapter 5 - The Duel - Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Wiki Guide - IGN 6. Your next story task will be confronting Merula, but you will need to wait an hour and a half before you can continue. You will decide to follow Ismelda and see if you can get the note. -This Quest has a cooldown timer of 1 hour and 30 minutes Recommended Attributes: 2 Defense, 3 Empathy, 2 Knowledge Cost to start: 100g Rewards: 100XP, "Victorious in your duel with Merula, you must now answer to Professor Snape. Q. 4 months ago. Merula: Flipendo! As it seems, she has her eyes set on one particular necklace. Report Save. The game made by the BlueMoonGame team is now available in stores. Just follow my lead. Now that the lesson is unlocked, you can head back to the classroom to attend it. Thank you for reading and see you soon with another chapter of this amazing adventure! This will be your next task. 3. She has 15 courage, 15 empathy, and 16 knowledge. Learning how to transfigure toad to toadstool requires earning five stars within three hours. Afterward, Professor Flitwick will explain some of the basic things about Levitation Charm and the lesson will start. This task requires you to earn five stars within three hours. Year Learned: Year Four Damage: 6 Stamina points and chance of large stamina reduction over time (If successful, -3 for eight turns) Bonus Damage: High Empathy This is a community by fans, for fans, and we have no affiliation with any of these companies. Like before, focus on bonus progress actions to save up some energy. Where did you duel Merula? basically alternated between two choices. The two of you will sum things up once youre done reviewing the facts. Below are some of the questions and the answers to them. You can collect an additional reward in the Potions section of your Hogwarts Record. Moments later, you will spot Merula walking towards the Artefact Room with a hooded figure next to her. Choose a stance and your classmate will do the same. After a bit of arguing, youll have two options to deal with the situation. This thread is archived. What do I want to be when I graduate? When you are done, you will find a strange note written in a code Jacob used. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. Year 6. spoiler. I lost my first duel playing differently than you but the CPU deployed the exact same sequence of actions as in your duel. Later on, you used it on Merula and her cronies with great success. The task window will display the recommended attribute levels and the gold cost. During the duel phase, players must choose one of three different Stance types in an attempt to counter their opponent's move. - The Training Grounds. Then, youll get the task to search the library. (No points), I put a lot of thought into it. (require: Level 6 Empathy) (+10 Empathy). Defensive Skill (No points), Everyone cheats sometimes, Empathy Skill (Some Points), Not until I hear your findings. You can choose to agree with her or to say that you are fascinated by Muggles. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why it's not recommended to start this task if you are low on energy. You can now eat with a friend in the Great Hall. She will advise you to persuade Barnaby Lee to join you on your quest for the vaults. After you select one of them, you are not aware of your opponent's attack type. Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. entdecke das geheimnis in brot und in wein lied; dancon march ribbon authorized for wear; hannoversche kaffeemanufaktur bio brasil Ask around during a 1 hour activity which requires just 1 star to complete. This is a 4 part quest which must be completed in just under 4 days or it will have to be repeated at a future time. Empathy Based (No Points), Dueling is a useful skill. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. I have been dueling with the thought that the CPU actions were based on if they had been hurt or not and their health level. When you are done with this task, you will learn that Barnaby actually saw the Dark Lord before. This will conclude Chapter . Youll also say that you are quite sure she is the Hogwarts mole. Unfortunately, you werent able to master this form of magic in time, which resulted in you losing the duel to Merula for the first time. (Knowledge), Just like You-Know-Who Youre better than that. Each choice will award you with five attribute points, but regardless of the option you pick, Merula will throw some taunts your way. Aggressive, Sneaky, and Defensive. how to beat merula in a duel year 3. Is it possible to beat Merula together without losing 20 House points? In the duel window, you will be able to see the recommended attribute levels as well as the gold cost of each attempt. Trace the wand movement to do so. A Very Weasley Christmas TLSQ Walkthrough, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You will receive 100 Coins and 200 Experience points. Thankfully, you will be able to find the black quill. Year 3 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Learn a few more spells, (l/n). When you are done with this task, the chapter will be completed. Unfortunately, youve yet to figure it out. -Diamonds to pass: 3 Rewards: Increased friendship with Rowen +5 Gems Costs: 10g to start Recommended Attributes: 1 Defense, 1 Empathy, 1 Knowledge. Exactly, me too. Last time, you helped Bill with his love problem. Still, you will fail to see the connection between the detective stories and the situation with Merula. Posted By ; on . save. Once the waiting time is over, proceed to Jacobs room to meet with Tulip. Lastly, trace the path on the screen to successfully cast the spell. To unlock the Chameleon Ghoul lesson, you need to acquire nine stars from the Defence Against the Dark Arts classes. You can choose to talk back to her or just tell Bill about it. How to Beat Merula in Duel without Losing House Points?! He will inform you that Tulip promised him a box of Peppermint Toads if he talks with you. This means that your MC must win certain duels against various friends and enemies to move onward with the story or complete a SQ or TLSQ. 2 years ago. Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of your friends by tapping on the speech bubbles above them. Year 7, Chapter 2 - MEGATHREAD : HPHogwartsMystery In the previous chapter, you learned that a famous guest arrived at Hogwarts. Speech Choice 2 (What does the charm Lumos provide? Which dry ingredient is used in a wideye potion? There are three options to reply with. When Merula is defeated Snape and Flitwick will appear at the courtyard demanding to punish the one who started the duel. In order to win this duel, use your Defense. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Hogwarts years (1984-1991) Flourish and Blotts has all the books you need! Some brief tutoring from Professor Flitwick and practice in the Duelling Club allowed him to properly practice enough to get to Merula's level and he has been able to beat her many times afterward. As for Merula, there seems to be a solution to that problem as well, according to Tulip. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Reply. 6. Did these tips help? Find answers for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery on Merula will give you a hard time for simply being your brothers sibling. There is a number of different class combination you can take to accomplish this. We'll be prepared.

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