My tongue twisted in my mouth as it struggled with the desire to blurt out a technical correction. I used to shoot 500 rounds a week with the same 2 or 3 guns, for years. Bearman took over the production of Cobra Arms derringers in February 2020, and the choice of models remains good. Specifications and features: Cobra Standard Derringers Multi-Barrel C22BPMBS .22 Long Rifle Barrel .22 Magnum Barrel .25 ACP Barrel .32 Auto Barrel 2.40" Barrel lengths Fixed Sights 2 Round Capacity Alloy Frame Single Action Pearl grips Black finish The one reviewed here is the Cobra .38 Special model that comes from their Long Bore family. JavaScript is disabled. Id like to see that derringer right there she said, tapping on the glass and pointing at it. But then after several hushed expletives, I remembered something I read, again online, about the trigger. The most useless gun Id ever actually WANT to carry said by the author to a customer. All items must be ordered through a gun dealer when ordering. ( FIRING PIN BUSHING. WRONG, WRONG ,WRONG ! Always keep the safety on until ready to fire. Nothing wrong with a Velodog, as long as it still functions. Bond offers two versions of this model. I switched to 45acp- 250 rounds (2 kinds of different Ammo) into it it was light striking the primer of the bottom barrel too. Thats many thousands of rounds later. It must fire from a fixed barrel. I can shoot it quickly with one hand as well as slowly with two hands. According to arms historian William Reid, One New York trader went so far as to advertise himself as an imitation Deringer Pistol Manufacturer. To get around patent and copyright laws, many copies were sold as Derringer Pistols (with an extra r) and that spelling has stuck to this day. This gives you the option of the big .45LC throwing serious bullets around, and also the versatility of the .410 which gives you a wide variety of options for what you can do with the gun. Many years later, I tried to find one like it on eBay and nice ones, in the original package, were selling for about what I paid for my Davis! As for the grips, these were made from ivory, pearl, metal, walnut, rosewood, and hard rubber. When it comes to loading and unloading the Texas Defender, simplicity is again the key. If you carry the gun in half-cock like I showed in the video, in some ways having to cock the gun is a plus. Cobra Derringer Big Bore .38 Special / 9mm Combo Over/Under, Nickel Satin CBBSB2BS. DO NOT place your fingers along either side or in front of the barrel when firing. adam01364. There is a "cool factor" that goes with these little guns. Im considering buying one.brand new but is it worth $185 plus tax. You have to watch it a few times to be sure he even shot twice. Cant they just fix it so I can carry it as a reliable handgun? During this period, over 150,000 were sold in four variations. We were there to shoot the new BullPup. I do not stock these any more after having too many of them come back with problems. Remington Subsonic 9mm 147 Grain FNEB Amm Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 10 Round Short M Cobra CB9 Nickel 2.75" Derringer 2 RD 9mm, Cobra CB9 Chrome 2.75" Derringer 2 RD 9mm, Cobra CB38 Nickel 2.75" Derringer 2 RD 38 Special, Cobra CB38 Chrome 2.75" Derringer 2 RD 38 Special, Cobra CB38 2.75" Derringer 2 RD 38 Special, Cobra CB22 Nickel 2.75" Derringer 2 RD 22 WMR, Cobra C22 Nickel 2.4" Derringer 2 RD 22LR, Cobra C22m Nickel 2.4" Derringer 2 RD 22 WMR, Cobra C22m Nickel 2.4" Derringer 2 RD 22 WMR Rosewood Grips, Cobra C22m Chrome 2.4" Derringer 2 RD 22 WMR, Cobra C22 Chrome 2.4" Derringer 2 RD 22LR, Cobra Big Bore 2 RD 380 2.75" Satin Stainless Derringer. Well, as usual, real-life trumps (no pun intended) fantasy and so with the Cobra .38. I picked regular, off the shelf .38SPL+P rounds bought from the Range at Austin. I prefer the smaller calibers, there's not much to hold onto. You are buying a new gun, not an old gun that is probably someone else's problem gun. My personal carry gun is the original Springfield XD-S in .45 ACP, post factory recall mod. Roughneck CURRENTLY DEC 2019AND IM 100 MILES WEST IN ANOTHER NURSEING HOME!!! Round capacity is two, and the Snake Slayer IV weighs in at 23.5 ounces. Related Tags: Out of Stock. To perfect it, you need to practice on a very regular basis. They may have one, two or more barrels set together and may fire in either single or double action, via a hammer or striker. The NAA has a fixed barrel but rotating chambers, so its a true revolver. Their Texas Defender is a two-shot derringer that is stylish, compact, and powerful. For the same size and weight you can get tiny automatics that pump out six or seven rounds of 32 or 380 for $200 give or take a bit. Im not a fan of the blocky trigger guard on the Bond design. was already a highly respected gun designer and manufacturer before he introduced the first large caliber, short-barreled pistol in 1825. It went bang every time and gave me no problems reloading. While perusing on of the online gun auction sites, I ran across a Cobra derringer with a funky looking trigger guard. If they are anything like the Davis Derringers, they will be cheap and fun. I dont have any use for a Derringer. This will be through the appreciative murmurs from other firearms enthusiasts! I am thinking of getting a Cobra/Bearman Derringer, has anyone played around with swapping barrels? Attempting to make sense of any ATF decision is an exercise in futility. as impractical as i always knew they were, there is just a certain cool factor to them. A revolver and a derringer are mutually exclusive. I know I've seen them at gun shows & in LGS's. Its the biggest piece of crap Ive ever owned. Dont get me wrong, Im glad you are okay, but that entire incident is 100% your fault. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. The Snake Slayer IV Derringer is certainly a stylish weapon, but it also has substance. Purchase Now I was at a gun show a few weeks ago and found myself holding one of these sexy little things. (1) Cobra Firearms Big Bore Guardian Green/Rosewood 380 ACP Derringer. However theres just something cool about them and ironicatbest would like to have another one. fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rosewood 24 k Buffalo Nickel Grips XL Bearman Derringer BBG9 9mm Parts: Barrel 2.75 Black Matte & Hinge Screw. Accuracy for me was acceptable for a fight in a phone booth or slightly more. Pistols will no longer ship with braces. Barrels are interchangeable, and you have a wide choice of caliber to shoot. If you get 9mm and want to shoot 38spl just get the barrel for a 38spl 02/25/2021 02:53 PM CT by James G - Lifetime Points: 64269 Wally, yes Sir, the Cobra Derringers were designed for caliber changes with just a barrel change. First off, theres no printed manual in the box Just a little note telling you, the new owner to follow the link online and get your owners manual. I love the looks, but will probably never spring for the price. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Cobra / Bearman .22 Long Rifle . Is it easy to do? RG 17 .38SPL Derringer Pistol parts: Barrel lever, screw. Cobra.32 H&R Magnum Derringer is designed to fire FEDERAL .32 H&R. Magnum ammunition ONLY. Speaking of toys, I got a Nichols derringer cap-gun as a kid, at a local drug-store for $2. Proving that any publicity is good publicity, Deringers guns sold very well after one was used by John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln in the Fords Theatre in 1865. Had it dropped into the grass it would have been a gone pecon. The loose pin very likely accounted for a lot of the trigger pull difficulties and perhaps for the large number (about 20%) of misfires. It also came with a spare barrel in 32? Derringers have always had a particular BUY ME appeal for me. The Saturday Night Special and Ring of Fire Zone, There's only one other three letter word that is more fun than "gun". $179.99. Add to Compare. its still a POS. Then one of them murdered plea Hardin VS when he was present I f evidence to implicAte all guilty parties who were all police officers. Barrels. My eyes and my speed have deteriorated a bit since then, and I no longer believe in the magic of the. Its real. Five shots as fast as you can cock the hammer. But I said in the video, my first long term daily carry gun was a Davis derringer in .32ACP, which is the same gun as the Cobra. I do not carry. I have seen a few in the past for pretty reasonable prices. He wore a 1/4 body cast for 7-8 months and had many surguries. Design is based on an infamous derringer model. In generally, my answer to those questions is yes, but watch the video, because I did find some unexpected hiccups in one of the guns. He was able to feed both the revolver round and the rim fire round straight in. The MSRP for the Standard Derringer is $154, $187 for the Big Bore, and the Long Bore is $193. Wheres the consistency? I do not have a CCW nor do I ever plan to. DO NOT chamber or fire .454 Casull, .45 +P, .45 Corbon, Oversized .45 Copper only projectiles, or reloaded ammo. Instead, I smiled and un-clipped the keys from my belt loop to open the case. I Carried one in 22 and 22 mag for 32 years never a problem Much more reliable. YetI like that. whiskey swilling, card-sharp dealing historical connection to those heady days, I too became a Cobra derringer owner.all black in .38 special. Maybe I was lucky. Cobra Firearms / Bearman Long Bore Derringer 3.5" Barrel 9mm 2rd - Satin W/ Black Grips - LBG9SB. u will inflict more damage to your target and at keast know it will work. Add to this a cross-bolt-safety along with the spring-loaded cammed locking lever. I rarely leave the house without by AMT back-up .380 or my High Standard .22 mag derringer. This factor, along with renowned reliability, will give you the confidence you need should you ever find yourself in an emergency self-defense situation. Always convince myself that "for that price, I could buy a .." Doesn't stop me from admiring then, though. da_ten_shi_yo_ha_ne 4 yr. ago A handgun with a fixed barrel but a rotating set of chambers is a revolver. The Rowdy model is the second of the 3 best derringers available from Bond Arms. This is all off the top of my head so happy to be corrected. I am not a gun smith and I am in no way giving gun smithing advise or any advise for that matter! Find new and used CC Derringers and Mini-Revolvers for sale at It is fun to shoot with very little recoil. So, every now and then it goes for a ride in my pocket loaded with lead wadcutter ammo. About 200-300 shots into it, the bottom barrel was light striking and therefor would not fire. Purchase also includes a Cable gun lock. 22lr rat shot in the face might give me a chance. It was small, light weight & would fire each barrel in succession with consecutive trigger pulls. .25 ACP & .32 Auto calibers &bullConversion kit included contains firing pins firing pin plate & wrench &bullBarrel . I have a Davis in 38 Spl. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" The Apostle Paul in Romans 1:22. it would be a great novelty but it would never sell well enough for any profit. The pistol sold very well until Remington discontinued it in 1935 and set the pattern for almost all two-shot derringers since. 45. Copyright Bond Arms Inc. All Rights Reserved. It was under a second. Target shooters, hunters, and gun collectors testify to their attention to detail in every aspect of firearms models produced. something or other caliber I've not ever seen ammo for, so I never used it. This also means that the caliber choice is yours. The alternative, head down to the range for a different kind of shooting experience. I have the Davis/Cobra in .32 and .22 mag The only way I can hit anything with them with that 40 lb trigger pull is load them with rat shot. Still in the box. Do you think it has been worth it? Bought a new Cobra .38 Spl. Want the smallest for My wife to Cary in her bag. The derringer is an iconic style that has been popular for over 100 years and continues to be the ideal choice for personal protection. A Cobra Derringer shoots about a 10 foot group at 10 feet. This is of course GunsAmerica, so most of you will prioritize your carry budget higher than Cobra derringer. Bond Arms Firearms are not available in CA, Chicago, Detroit, New York City, or Washington D.C. All models may not be available in MA, MD, NY, or NJ. Yup, the key there is firing from a fixed barrel. Do you prefer the smaller or bigger calibers? I dont get it, these should be top notch. I would recomend it, and i would by another. Both rounds hit in HALF a second. The notes also stressed the dangers of dryfiring to the firing pin and advised against + P. According to a local gunsmith one or more of the internal parts are plastic. Style: CLB38BB. $1,278,000 Last Sold Price. Not only did it go bang but it went bang with each subsequent shot I took and the bullet actually found its way to pretty much what I was aiming at. *Barrel Limitations: You must order through a dealer for any barrel purchase: Customers in Maryland are restricted to certain barrels for certain Bond Arms Models, but you are responsible for following the laws (click here for Maryland guidelines on which barrels you can purchase). Avid gun collectors will want a derringer in their collection; those looking for a backup and an easily concealable weapon may also consider one. The company also states to only shoot lead round nose bullets out of it. I dont understand why people saddle their wives with a pile like this. . Cheers and stay safe! This means ease of caliber conversion to suit your shooting preference. - EvilE424, There is a cool factor" that goes with these little guns. The barrel, receiver, and frame are all stainless steel, while the receiver has a matte finish. But i trust it, backup, on on the job as primary, i trust it will perform. Ill say one more thing, i hope never to use this in self defense. And now we have the bump stock fiasco. fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips faux Rattle Snake xl NEW, fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips White Mother of Pearl Grips High Luster Imop, Cobra, Bearman Derringer Grip Screws & Allen Wrench for Big / Long Bore Black, Cobra Derringer Box Vintage Factory Original w Manual, Cobra Bearman derringer hammer boot"HAMBOOT" 2pc 22lr 22mag .32 cal, Bearman Derringer BBG38 Parts: Barrel 2.75 Black Matte & Hinge Screw, Cobra Denali Slide, Barrel, Grips, and Internal Parts, Excam TA-38, 38 Special Derringer Parts: Barrel Lever, Bearman Derringer BBG380 Parts: Barrel 2.75 stainless Matte - K30, Brand new Cobra Bearman 9mm .380acp derringer grips, Rubber derringer handle grips Bearman Big Bore Cobra black 9MM 38SPL 380 custom, Davis Derringer D38 38 SPL Chrome Barrel & Extractor, Burgo Derringer .38SPL Pistol Parts: Barrel, Ejector, Hammer Parts, Custom derringer grips bearman cobra Davis 32 22 22m white curvy, FIE D38, 38 Special Derringer Parts: Barrel Lever, HIGH- STANDARD DERRINGER DM-101 22 MAG. But thanks for sharing all the stuff you carry. So, check out our reviews of the Best Pocket Pistols, the Best 380 Pistol For Concealed Carry, and the Top Smallest Pistols On Brownells on the market in 2023. And, apparently, this one will be, too. I baby this and do not flick it shut so I cant understand. A handgun with a fixed barrel or barrels is a pistol (And possibly a derringer if it is pocket-sized). Or yourself. If the barrels and chambers were one rotating unit then I believe it would be referred to as a pepperbox. 2h 22m left (Today 07:41 AM) $14.55 Buy It Now +$3.33 shipping Sponsored Davis Derringer D-22 Used .22 LR. I have to agree with Bill. Product Details. The Long Bore derringers sport the same features, but their barrel length is 3.5 inches. 38 or 410 for Snakes is a Good idea imo for Florida, or southern states.. Id carry a Derringer 2 shot round the Yard, or fishing.. It shoots 7 rounds of ammo, and is lighter than most any Deringer. With the modern small pistols there is really not much reason to own one. The first disappointment was to discover it will NOT chamber .38 shotshells as Id imagined it primarily as a snake gun when hiking light. and I wouldn't recommend it. Kind of off topic, but along these lines, it would be great to see Ruger make a Wrangler in .25 ACP it would make a neat camp/kit gun. I traded mine off many yrs ago when I found out I needed more than 2-shots in a larger caliber. One poor customer fired two rounds and the trigger literally fell out the bottom You probably wouldnt buy a product comparable to this in workmanship anywhere else in your life, dont do it when your life is on the line. I am working on improving my mind set so I can truly become proficient with my chosen carry gun and be fast and accurate with it rather than worrying over caliber and power and capacity. Cobra Enterprises of Utah recommends FEDERAL AMERICAN EAGLE, CCI OR PMC Brand. A Davis derringer was my first daily carry gun, and it is tough to walk into a gunshop these days without running into at least one Cobra brand derringer. The NAA fires from a rotating cylinder. Reloads are cumbersome, almost irrelevant. Not only did you have the safety off, but you sound like you were pocket carrying with no holster and other items (check book) in the same pocket. But earlier this year I watched Garret Martin, the World Champion Derringer shooter put two rounds into the target in under a second. Ask about our instore layaway terms. I wondered about that at first, but apparently its not a NFA item. Henry Deringer Jr. (yes, one r!) A friend had a COP nasty shooting .357s out of it. I figured I could just take it off but evidently its not that easy. Caviat Emptor. This is just my opinions and two cents worth of personal experience. That spelling has stuck. Your email address will not be published. Wow! In total, you have a choice of 25 barrel and caliber combinations along with a choice of swappable handle lengths. The ammo page is here: However the need to pull down and to the rear (as previously noted and pointed out by the literature accompanying the gun) makes it very difficult for me so I went back to the conventional forefinger. 9am-6pm CST Tue-Fri, 2023 Omaha Outdoors, LLC. The point of this article is for when a friend who works at Starbucks asks you how cheap they can carry. I can hit a pie plate reliably at across the bedroom distances with the .38 you see here, even though I have to aim a foot plus low. This offers ease of concealment and easy access. I cant even get rid of it because no one will take it on trade. They are made of an alloy much like Heritage Arms(Rough Rider 6-shooters). I used 3 kinds of different Ammo- same issue. Don't let your top knot slip and keep your powder dry. He is understood and for 10-14 years was SELLING DRUGS not ARRESTING DRUG SELLERS!! There is not much barrel at all beyond the cartridge, so though I didnt chronograph this gun at all, Im sure there is a significant hit on velocity. To finish off our derringer reviews, it is back over to Bond Arms. $160.49. I HAD THE CERVICAL- NECK- VERTEBRA SAWED OPEN EXPOSING MY SPINAL CORD FROM C-5 EARLOBE LEVEL TO T2 DEAD CENTER OF SHOULDERS BUT THE DR WENT TO T12 JUST ABOVE WAIST.AND CAUTERIZEDE 120 LESIONS TEARS , OPEN HOLES WHERE NERVES WERE TORN OU T. DURING MY ATTACKS I GOT TWO ASSHOLES SHOT PEPPERSPRAYED ONE AND BROKE ONE ARM IN MANY PLACES AND MANY WAYS But not bad enough to amputate as I noped. Another reason for the low price (which certainly does not affect performance) is that the Rowdy does not come with a sanded or polished frame. I also learned there are Cobra interchangable barrels for different caliber choices that will fit my derringers frame.

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cobra derringer barrel swap
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