Please mail your request with the required documents to the following address: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt MnchenStudentenkanzlei, SG 4 Beitrge, Promotions- und GaststudierendeGeschwisterSchollPlatz 180539 Mnchen. * Payment is made to you for diagnostic and preventative services at 80% of your Delta Dental Premier contract fees. Dw`aG A1(Ch7a-z1~)< g ox1$eC"@LsG`1S^GLszXr=#P6wc kvg For further information regarding these fees and their purpose, please refer to the websites of the Studierendenwerk Mnchen Oberbayern. (b) Aetna application - fill out our . Italiano | ]+ i/w*+CoXe?Zy-n=7_oh\znfrDgY? Ready to apply at LMU Munich? Select the Claims & Payments menu and choose Remittance Viewer. 2022 . 1573 0 obj <>stream If customs duties are incurred, we cannot accept the documents. Please note. Further information on regional day tickets, Explore the country's most beautiful regions, Travelling during the coronavirus pandemic, Saver and flexible fares for long-distance travel, Regional offerings such as the regional day ticket for Bavaria and day ticket for Germany, Long-distance trains such as ICE, IC and EC. Aetna Dental 1-800-554-2042 . As far as questions on still outstanding student loans are concerned, we continue to be available at the times stated below. Under the Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan, you Links to ClaimConnect and its content are provided for your convenience. CN iGVWyZM> ;N( X07]U,&5E>h|f>l.]|p!c c0g@L/peBNn)`iNhD0KDiXqhHE_\9m9 I|*Y'1d`F!\*Ij@v1rJaQH;CV)Pc=g$czLSs65=/2f:A7_PlJMxzn}QN|C9y?}0 < Not all dental services are covered. | Find your dentist now in Aetnas large nationwide network. UM^]%cJ#;%}y&y`?9/q _@of9:S*sa'Ez Treating patients As a participating dentist, you'll be able to see all Aetna Dental Medicare Advantage members, with There are no fee reductions or fee waivers available. Please specify when sending documents: "Documents only", Amount 0 . Speaker 1: The fee amount is determined by the statutes of the Studierendenwerk Mnchen Oberbayern (Munich Student Union). Get Started. | n2$o d endstream endobj 6660 0 obj <>stream A crown, bridge, or cast or processed restoration if a tooth was prepared for it before the person became a coveredperson; Root canal therapy if the pulp chamber for it was opened before the person became a covered person. A Nationwide Dental PPO Plan Who may enroll in this plan: All Federal employees, annuitants, and certain TRICARE beneficiaries in the United States and overseas who . our TRICARE information page %%EOF 2021, through midnight EST December 13, 2021; You do not need to re-enroll each Open . responsible for the content of this page: Office of the University Registrar, Switch to German / Zur deutschen Sprachversion, Fees concerning visiting students in the study program for senior citizens, Semester fees for the Munich Student Union, Sub-Unit 4 - Fees, Doctoral Students and other registered individuals, SU 4 Fees, Doctoral and Visiting Students at the Office of the University Registrar, Visiting students in the study program for senior citizens, Office of the University Registrar, Sub-Unit 4, a copy of the degree certificate confirming the passed final examination. Franais | Application for admission for international applicants (PDF, 586 KB) ]{tFeI5p[;Q?GFz%mLIhm~RM9=C0O9WJ]-It&h[-X~%SF}Ae@G@gOC##WN3YI 5*&GA7+1LZBI5c,GHIs@re@\hRbK2y<4O2J!.8~?7*a_ N#p&RKK!y+D_EO(>&$: tZYtMKOS39. As an Aetna dentist, you'll be part of a strong national network with access to millions of members. Box 14611 Lexington, KY 40512-4611 CompBenefits claims office P.O. 1-800-554-2042. Call Member Services at 1-877-238-6200. 2020 Aetna HDHP benefits (available nationwide) Key . Dental Hygienists: Beate GATERMANN, RDH Praxis fr Dentalhygiene Veit-Pogner-Strasse 23 81927 Munich Phone: (089) 912-442 Email: Website: English language spoken: Fluent Aram Agdhaie, RDH BS - children's dental hygiene c/o Dr. Marcus REGENSBURGER Effnerstrasse 39a 81925 Munich Aetna Dental works with ClaimConnectTM offered by EDI Health Group (EHG) to provide easy access to check patient eligibility, file a claim, check claim status, view patient rosters and Electronic Remittance Advice. Effective Date: 01-01-2021 (a) a non-occupational disease; or (b) a non-occupational injury. View upcoming webinars , Worldwide dental coverage and plans with no deductible. 0 Schedule of benefits Preferred provider organization (PPO) dental expense insurance plan . For details on eligibility and more information on FEDVIP, please visit Q8la-WrDmm9C ?^ the original confirmation issued by the relevant examination office documenting that the student concerned graduated in the top 10 percent of his or her graduating class (other than the teacher education program, veterinary medicine, and law). Switch to German / Zur deutschen Sprachversion, In addition if you have studied at university before, In addition if you are applying to change your program or university, In addition if you are married or have changed your name, Application for admission for international applicants (PDF, 586 KB), Application information sheet for non-EU/EEA citizens (PDF, 161 KB), Application information sheet for EU/EEA citizens (PDF, 152 KB), Important dates and addresses (PDF, 77 KB), Help with filling out the form (PDF, 729 KB), FAQs - General questions on studying at LMU, FAQs - Application status and registration, Application for admission for international applicants (PDF, 443 KB), data protection policy from YouTube / Google, Health insurance regulations for international applicants, Visa regulations for international applicants, Residency regulations for international applicants, Information for refugees and asylum-seekers. "|N0~\O+Mi 10 ~ The patient may be billed the balance up to your submitted charge. | | If you want to study a subject for which you have to go through an aptitude assessment, you will be required to apply additionally in time via the respective institute. MKkuc\KV`1-v1M]Bt]'3=C3iB-7W\*OZHiN8k!jA^.wU='Z!6Qg[9Q!0*k18PuIS{P_{?c#0q So, please first find out where you need to apply! # 2y0Qb4G,g = endstream endobj 45 0 obj <> endobj 46 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 42 0 R/Resources<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 47 0 obj <>stream Under this plan, you may choose at the time of service either a PPO participating dentist or any nonparticipating dentist. No oral statement can modify or otherwise affect the benefits, limitations, and exclusions of this brochure. hb```b``a`211 P9* How to contact us for help We are here to answer your questions. However, in certain cases they will need to apply to the Office of the University Registrar (Studentenkanzlei) or the Foundation for University Admission (Stiftung fr Hochschulzulassung). 1544 0 obj <> endobj 6655 0 obj <> endobj This concerns already exmatriculated students only:If your fee account still shows a credit, you can ask for a repayment by completing this form for the repayment (null, -0 KB). 8sXY``$V@k7 Yq|:;.fwiLry6|&&Hwe@0P &n{ e`F W$g`VbL:@Zu\$fVY XJ Office of the University Registrar Mr. Tyroller, Room E 112Monday - Wednesday 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. A separate fee is charged for a number of special graduate and professional degrees and certificates; the amount varies according to the type of program offered. Just schedule a one-on-one appointment with one of our team . Box 14283 Lexington, KY 40512-4283 Electronic payer IDs 44 0 obj <> endobj %%EOF Log onto your secure member website at We invite you to join the Aetna Dental preferred provider organization (PPO)* network, one of the largest dental PPO networks, with millions of members nationwide. Get your work done in peace, sit comfortably and arrive more relaxed. - travel and mobility portal: information, train tickets, online tickets, regional day tickets, affordable offers for rail travel and city breaks. This Aetna Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) benefits summary is provided by Aetna Life Insurance Company for some of the more frequently performed dental procedures. *If you use an out-of-network dentist, you are responsible for the difference between our plan allowance and the dentist's charges. Visit to learn more and connect live. HVRV}Wj!SSe`p@I&yDO+kx(lsOo:%ezyY3SB (/R`9\2H0S*ReU(G+Uw/ Try our zip code search now , The Aetna federal team answers your questions. hZ]o7+`a $4n{7kAD-m}$GD#;Ep8$=:v^NkDi02;%a:Kv8&\gBMLER}}Yh]Lz')JuZ={2{_[|z}\Gut(trA3wx1-7Sv|FsZ^~|J35oumq3;[^y9Q":R?y}XmOgo'n?/?}xN6|S? In this context please also note the current information on the continuation of registration. The following progressive fees apply to visiting students based on the number of hours per week per semester: The fee is due at the time of registration and the amount corresponds to the total number of hours per week per semester of the courses you register for. (We regret that applications cannot currently be submitted by email. Please be aware that your payments will only be shown in your account up to 3-5 days after bank transfer. \aByg_v9Yyg5-\BZZ -8PwOP-eA 6BSI,Xzprmd +*2eOAC4XN6e:|vS,"c5So A`":qJe0!soqgA/ 9(/9AYqo .BO! ue6++k Up to five people travel on regional transport for a whole day within one federal state, from EUR 22. The details, especially with regard to the amount, charge and application of the tuition fees, the University determined by the statute Satzung ber die Erhebung von Studienbeitrgen an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen dated 9 August 2006 and its amendment dated 24 July 2009. As of the winter semester 2013/14, no tuition fees are charged. You can find more information in the infosheet (PDF, 245 KB). Top 3 reasons to choose Aetna Dental You'll benefit from convenient tools, discounts, continuing education and other valuable resources. With an Aetna Dental Plan, you can count on care when and where you need it, anywhere, anytime. %PDF-1.7 % 0"I1B8`qCi"8L[,Y.pd{m7(=6 This concerns already exmatriculated students only: If your fee account still shows a credit, you can ask for a repayment by completing this form for the repayment (null, -0 KB).. For questions, please contact Sub-Unit 4 - Fees, Doctoral . All covered benefits are subject to a Calendar Year deductible and payment percentage unless otherwise noted in the schedule of benefits below. 517 0 obj <>stream Read the most frequently asked questions about this plan. Aetna Dental . Healthier smiles happen together. 3496 0 obj <> endobj n6{Ye5MQ_Z9}[F;PY' TD?M?WB$)U~(6qey*t9s* o/&W2qTZSUQEUp BFXY*WsVUIQd0:|EI#q1Mes"_Q q xH]O |aAa>|R8HHc'RK;y}{5Out/`hl.A1`]w|< 8Q>:i4.t~H{j[AOSt`/Q^vhp"O | hb```l\@Y8L89`@7` g uRd7^yEd3n3PxVgq2s;lX A4`1/r r`F"X&;&1 289 0 obj <>stream ), If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: International Admissions opening hours. Other languages Take a test run by using federal3 for the username and password. %%EOF To receive maximum benefits, members must choose a participating primary care dentist to coordinate their care with in-network providers. A retroactive exemption from all tuition fees paid at LMU Munich is only available for: Students registered at LMU Munich who completed their studies within the standard length of study plus one additional semester and also graduated in the top 10 percent of their graduating class in their degree program. You can also use any doctor outside Aetna's network. Portugus | x}y|vUg}ifz4I#-um|IeKd[dIp1 $@ea&5d $B%\|ouu$Yyz:ZB!dDGVX,y1Oouq{'?2k]n@H#m;lm~!>7xB}"W"_?.l5?">dB[]}G 4 8kP GG'>t3B{pG {8)FyLY y_(G'h,:d"ueII^ QI|( Under the Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan, you may choose at the time of service either a PPO participating dentist or any nonparticipating dentist. endstream endobj 48 0 obj <>stream 121 section 5 sentence 1 of the Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz. More information available here: LMU data protection policy, data protection policy from YouTube / Google, 3 min %PDF-1.6 % Aetna Dental Medicare Advantage members covered under a dental exclusive provider organization (EPO) or a preferred provider organization (PPO) plan are supported by the Aetna Dental PPO network. Fee Schedule: Fees displayed are sample, please call the :DP AtYourServiceTeam to access fees by dentist or region. +-FjcP(FB@`~-S{$G&Y{5ytxPD$T80A3$xo6Q#65 :K9ufrx-7E_GLK 7Qm`^?YM}{-+]/*?YFMNuZe@'F}~WS>r J:^{V(f8 The fees for the Studierendenwerk consist of the basic fee and the additional fee for the semester ticket. No fees are charged to students attending other universities if according to a legal regulation or an agreement between the universities - they register as visiting students for the purpose of completing those parts of their degree program at LMU Munich that are offered here. Services that Aetna defines as not necessary for the diagnosis, care or treatment of the condition involved. 15 Mar 2021 The information, tools, and resources you need to support the day-to-day needs of your office Find your dentist now in Aetna's large nationwide network. You may also drop off your request at the University mailbox located at the main entrance, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1. hbbd```b``>"9{9-d bs7H80H2D02HU20 {A Deutsch | "JQ Tw'JoRKBy/uV Q/MP-B 4J]P:tq=S*I~ 6B9&Em`r Y4% )N_Nt;%(D6*6*\gF6%0uHzuxNSdq [d"Hn@A8(B_;ynNIkh68@v1GW* -l&-v 7hn=i o@zUf wm m2%zm*jzzW)i:(#QRYAz*;*Pk'MyfP 5_S3+e!Vc*mI:!~73f.!`s$H[/Hn=_;=imOvr[E~*oK,4f_~W5=IV'\[>:LZF+2C`Xj1o? 51 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6DE8A9C8A0591F4EBA0B91D10B73D60E><18E5BE937467C34E81B0A9306F1F522F>]/Index[44 15]/Info 43 0 R/Length 57/Prev 87095/Root 45 0 R/Size 59/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 3892 0 obj <>stream Register now for Aetna's provider website on Availity, Applications and forms for dentists and their patients, Authorized Representative Request Complaint and Appeal Request, California Dispute Resolution California Language Capability Ohio EFT Refusal Washington Substitute Providers. hbbd``b`$U Hp 3@b.#n,#V? D >}aO0l_r@ctyxL0T$G 1c"0elr_|J6ADd cn^Np!V' 5oI!mse\,[KlV~Eut. For questions regarding the exemption from tuition fees, our team members of SU 4 Fees, Doctoral and Visiting Students at the Office of the University Registrar are available in person during our opening hours. 2021, through midnight EST December 13, 2021; You do not need to re-enroll each Open . hbbd``b`2@i%y $xWnq % W ,F@f;Hl/9 A)Z@"d AL HSOB-PPODental 04 2 CA GE-04 . Experience the comfort of 1st class. Polski | For foreign payments this can take up to one week. If you click to view this video your personal data will be transmitted to YouTube and cookies may also be stored on your device. For questions, please contact Sub-Unit 4 - Fees, Doctoral Students and other registered individuals . Dental, vision and pharmacy coverage are built in. Under the current circumstances, there are many factors that affect your journey. endstream endobj 1545 0 obj <. THIS IS NOT INSURANCE - the Aetna Dental Access plan allows you to save money and receive savings on dental care through a wide provider network. Legal notices Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna). Please also note our information at: Visiting students. 70K yO g/]E*"e[NG|UeTD4Iyejcc /#Q3S {.p7fj8oXx1~z6#f". Tagalog | Aetna Inc. and its subsidiary companies do not endorse any of the products or services available through EHG. Aetna does not provide care or guarantee access to health services. Please submit your application by post. In this context we would like to point out that the Bavarian student loans were discontinued as of the Winter Semester 2013/14. We're committed to listening to you and making it easy to work with us. For questions about Continuation of Registration please call Study Information Service: +49 89 2180-9000. Due to data protection we are not allowed to answer the emails regarding such questions! No need to get a referral to see a specialist. For the Master's programs Allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Art History, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Buchwissenschaft, Chemistry, Germanistische Linguistik, Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft, History, Informatics, Mathematics, Media informatics, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Slavistik, Statistics & Data Scienceplease use the online portal. Ny+X& LI@R endstream endobj startxref (WZti:'j'1B(}1Y]o$%9Pndwi55[asZ.Uy\tQ}Xby5Wpt}#giblg+}"L7MHl %,|Z%l. If the International Office is responsible for processing your application, you have to apply to them for admission to the University. =%>=iR_bgbHG&_ 0"} }~ '%d7[U{{%e}[?M>#7Y\R S 80539 Mnchen. Provider participation may change without notice. HOc`5V kl[OC3 58 0 obj <>stream hWmOH+ *IJV(-Q>KlhwqB;Dk #ZA8K$*T4Q9KwJFBepPLD$U4MAJ.wt|;86-O\Uz1>W 8NzR ~j9 This material is for information purposes only. 0 Kreyl | But your out-of-pocket costs will be higher. You will receive further information about the payment details at the time of your registration. Aetna Dental PPO Plan More reasons to smile Worldwide dental coverage and plans with no deductible New Hires have 60 days to choose benefits. This Aetna Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) benefits summary is provided by Aetna Life Insurance Company for some of the more frequently performed dental procedures. Working with you to help your patients. Language Assistance: dw>[yk>TGm)x85P5XWTL %PDF-1.7 % %PDF-1.6 % t C`9D#ta ?$z+]>- -fheS. (Ls|I^HlM6g T{o.+ ?pE3? 3516 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9E2648067D4BC54A81250CF4442DA344>]/Index[3496 397]/Info 3495 0 R/Length 121/Prev 213153/Root 3497 0 R/Size 3893/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 71 of the Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (Bavarian Higher Education Act) dated 23 May 2006, tuition fees were charged in Bavaria from the summer semester 2007 up to and including the summer semester 2013. This Aetna Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) benefits summary is provided by Aetna Life Insurance Company for some of the more frequently performed dental procedures. Physician fee schedule tool This tool provides fee information for a sample scope of services that a doctor can provide. %PDF-1.5 % %%EOF Gifted students who register as visiting students at LMU Munich are exempt from paying any fees as well. Basic and major restorative services are payable by the patient at 100% of the Delta Dental PPO Contract Fee Schedule for your region and specialty. endstream endobj startxref hb```"qrAX#X\2Ogbj2yqzG4p&&`^dkh`h " :$::%:\mfb.s230+_rb `)Y`!@ _, Travel conveniently throughout Germany with just one ticket from for just 49 euros per month. Find out how you go about applying to study at LMU Munich as an international degree student. {R]1,.Ir|8|}R;mE62"8'!/5gCq6S0{^u#0N4v:`h^G ~u[7`pr:}n;`:PO:ge;\M;v[ Qw%M'Q:u JF`nuc1cqPdXIINhB[MWGtg]^~O=GjUZ?OwGwZRA^Kz1aY"iE"9-Y)qtvYOw LyNqxZ >\S $d6-_>]}k{{8 endstream endobj startxref LMU, International Office. To do so, complete the form and submit it before the stipulated deadline together with all the documents required. j"-4^Q` 5oz*g. Discover the most beautiful cities in 16 European countries, from just EUR 22.90. Children up to the age of 14 travel free of charge. The request for an exemption must be submitted, at the latest, one year after passing the final examination. 6688 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 3497 0 obj <>/Metadata 144 0 R/Names<>/Outlines 3535 0 R/PageLabels 3486 0 R/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 3489 0 R/StructTreeRoot 164 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 3518 0 R>> endobj 3498 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 3490 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 3499 0 obj <>stream Each semester all students must pay the fees for the Studierendenwerk (Munich Student Union) as part of their registration or continuation of registration, even in the case of a leave-of-absence semester. 2021 Health Plan List and Fee Schedule PO 71717 PHOENIX, AZ 85050 TEL 877.311.3338 FAX 602.485.3100 WWW.HNA-NET.COM 3 THREE RIVERS PROVIDER NETWORK (TRPN) - PPO Fee Schedule: 125% of the existing Medicare fee schedule as total reimbursement for covered services less applicable co-payments, co-insurance or deductibles. SS 2022 A Nationwide Dental PPO Plan IMPORTANT Rates: Back Cover Changes for 2022: Page 4 Summary of Benefits: Page 43 Who may enroll in this plan: All Federal employees, annuitants, and . Customs duties payable by the sender. N9uJ*4^f|DXn!GmWBp JaxX;OoX~9q Providers are independent contractors and are not agents of Aetna. /uA"b0aM+*(;nh)Oo&j0TNU3'jX((MlIE SjAv\,yN_}^ez%)EJCDrCLt&tx~%ta2$$*n KX2Z(BBI,F%&{h.| {XC",EiWxR:Z HpMOM wpX})mQ> gREI[G]^'nY^L?Yr kvYk&c8D/njO? How To Search: Enter the Procedure Code and the Provider's Fee Schedule ID (FSID).

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aetna dental ppo fee schedule 2021 pdf
aetna dental ppo fee schedule 2021 pdf
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Phone: +31 70 204 2717
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Phone: +31 70 204 2717
aetna dental ppo fee schedule 2021 pdf
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