If they feel the soldier is not at the same level with the other soldiers of the company, they may decide to recycled him to another company in earlier stages of training. Rolled out last year, OSUT's initial 22-week pilot phase was "the first step toward achieving the vision of the Army of 2028," said then-Sgt. How often are basic training Soldiers allowed to call home? If of legal age, they may be authorized to consume alcoholic beverages while on pass. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. It happens here, at Fort Benning, a 182,000-acre military installation that straddles the Alabama-Georgia border about 100 miles southwest of Atlanta. Cookie Notice IET is the period from the first day of basic training, through job training, and ends when the soldier graduates from their job training and reports to their first permanent duty assignment (PDA). This demands that all soldiers in IET, regardless of rank, strictly adhere to the standards of excellence and commitment. For those training sites located at non-TRADOC installations, this authority will reside with the first general officer in that school's chain of command. You will delete them all. IET soldiers must remain within a 50-mile radius of the post, and all passes must end NLT 2200 hours. The concept of phasing and associated goals was established to provide intermediate objectives that give common direction and serve as milestones for IET soldiers during IET. Graduation from OSUT/AIT signifies successful completion of the first five phases of the soldierization process. This credit should be selectively used and only in those cases where there is a clear demonstration that the soldier meets and exceeds the IET graduation standards. Currently, the U.S. Army Armor School and U.S. Army Engineer School are performing internal analyses of their curricula to determine what resources will be needed to extend their own programs. Drill sergeant: Quickly! This session will be used to establish goals consistent with the soldier's MOS training requirements as prescribed in the appropriate POI and this regulation. Narrator: After being welcomed, recruits begin what's known as processing, which can take one to two weeks before their actual training begins. Also, there was a staff of contractors to help facilitate training. Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! Ricci: It's really just a little shock to the system so we can break them down to build them back up.Drill sergeant: Answer me! Primarily, the program focused on more weapons training, but it also added more physical training, drill and combatives training. U.S. Army Infantry Soldiers-in-training assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade, begin their first day of Infantry one-station unit training (OSUT) February 10, 2017 on Sand Hill, Fort Benning, Ga. Narrator: The next morning, the recruits report to the barbershop, where one barber has one worked at Fort Benning for almost 60 years.Jay Shortz: I've been here ever since 1963. Drill sergeant: Let's go. Drill sergeant: You can't pick that bag up? The answer to this may seem simple, but it's not. "It's good everybody gets a swing at [leadership roles] because a lot of these guys, being as young as they are, probably haven't been in a leadership role," said Pvt. If they think the Soldier can make it, they will allow him to stay in the company and let him retry the event he failed with another company, not affecting his graduation. You guys are going to the front bus. We create expert marksmen at their individual weapons, because as an infantry soldier, that's what we're asking them to do. How long will my Soldier be in basic training? White Phase: White phase was almost exclusivly Rifle Marksmanship. It does not signify the end or completion of the soldierization process. Kelly Craig Lord: That dynamic changes because we want the soldiers to become more critical thinkers. During this phase and Phase V, DS's should evaluate IET soldier's behavior, and their behavior should be consistent with Army core values. Processing Companies will ensure that Trainees call home the evening of day 1 and the evening prior to shipping to basic training. The following policy applies to all IET soldiers upon completion of the 9th week of AIT (or 20th week of OSUT): In addition to the attainment of published training objectives, every IET soldier is required to meet the qualification standards. You gon die!. MjyEmnE; J2\*|>'Y&z82VN&]Hs&fnL{fsA4|]Ulz-W0`/R'dHq} 0pB^B8qgXo>EW.La_;W5)!a@CDr& o oosx3BBppZ:r|'4o5/S.B=#zV#} vuHC sY Sa This phase culminates with the application of all skills learned in basic training (and basic skills portion of OSUT) during a 72-hour field training exercise. They added more training to the gunner skills test, five more days of tactical field training, more live fire time and more time spent on the fundamentals of reconnaissance and security, Admiral told Army Times. A lot of guys had degrees of some sort, some could speak various languages, and the majority were above the 250 PT mark by the end of the cycle. Under the 14-week program, Soldiers only received one day of training with their assigned vehicle. Thoughts and observations after its all said and done. My Fianc's/boyfriend's family is not able to attend the family day or graduation ceremony. Money Minute, What's next for experimental AI projects in the C4ISR sphere. May my Soldier attend college while in the Army? 64 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6C44AB466438F84AA969A81E418C7DDE><7118BFC00894AA4CAA4766F7B707DDB7>]/Index[47 27]/Info 46 0 R/Length 82/Prev 39331/Root 48 0 R/Size 74/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Its worth noting that between shooting iterations we were conducting concurrent training with the contractors on skills like assembling and disassembling machine guns, plotting points on a map, programming radios, and deploying claymores. Your last four of your social. Movement from each phase is viewed as a "gate" or "passage" for each soldier. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. What is "OSUT"? I know infantry osut is 22 weeks long now so I would also like to know what the phase system is like what kind of privileges would we get. The drills played fuck fuck games with us to establish discipline and transition our mindset from ourselves as individuals to thinking about the platoon as a whole. Abuse of any kind is not tolerated. Drill sergeant: Hurry up! Recruit: Is anybody confused on what you can and cannot have? They were originally Marines assigned to Company C, 4th Tank Battalion, which was deactivated in August. X Co., X-XX Inf. Training is focused on Physical Fitness, the Army's Values and traditions, and Warrior Ethos White Phase: Weeks 4-6 Will he be able to use it? The pilot training program began in July 2018, extending infantry OSUT from 14 weeks to 22 weeks. and our Under the current 14-week program, three drill sergeants are responsible for training a platoon of 60 Soldiers. Phase IV begins at the start of the first week of AIT, or the tenth week of OSUT. Under the new OSUT program, Soldiers will get more training with their M4 rifle and increased hands-on experience with the M240 machine gun and the M249 squad automatic weapon. Regt. Soldiers are prohibited from driving privately owned vehicles (POV) and from wearing civilian clothes. "Extending OSUT is about increasing our readiness and preparing for the future," Sgt. . The installation commander may grant constructive credit to an entire class or an individual soldier for a missed training event. endstream endobj startxref Off-post passes may be authorized after graduation from Basic Training. In any case, Trainee cell phone use will be under the close supervision of Cadre. Get your bags up! Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! Edit 2: Heres some more stuff I forgot. Archived post. That offer will stay open as long as possible, Admiral said. Are they experts yet? We spent a day learning and qualifying with the M320. Narrator: The minimum age to enlist in the Army is 17, and the maximum age is 35. Our Company had an unheard of 100% pass rate for land nav. Once they're fortified, recruits return to their training. Ricci: I have trainees that were not alive when 9/11 happened. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "In every measurable aspect of lethality - fitness, discipline, technical and tactical skills - our new 22-week [infantry] OSUT graduates are showing improved levels of proficiency," Hedrick said. hbbd``b`Z$CAR $XX Ve"lAD i{bXaL@C&F}@#? J We were issued PEQ-15s in addition to our CCOs and we zeroed them under NODS. Phase V, plus (more than 9 weeks of AIT or more than 20 weeks of OSUT). Drill sergeant: If any photo you possess on your phone is less than a bathing suit, you will not have it. ?Z\+&\7J/V1t%,Z Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! That way you have all the information you need for the family day and graduation ceremony. Red white blue black and gold phase. Those training changes included extending scout training from 17 to 22 weeks and tanker . As its name implies, this phase is centered on the development of basic combat skills, with special emphasis on weapon proficiency. What happens if my Soldier fails a portion of BCT/OSUT? Drill sergeant: Let's go! We spent an entire week in the field qualifying with the M249/M240 during the day and night as opposed to the 1 day familiarization a 14 week cycle would get. khL\[`56F D5qjQjVd$_egAcb(T$Q#";aZ;${)KLn Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Huh? Under a new force restructuring, the Marine Corps is ditching all of its tanks. They have to relearn everything, and learn pretty much all the basics when they get to their unit. Absolutely not. Do you have any photos of my Soldier? The West Central Georgia chapter of the Red Cross services Fort Benning, http://www.wcgredcross.org/. I got the feeling that other cycles dont spend nearly the same amount of time going through these modules. This is because those units are filled with Soldiers with the same MOS, whereas 9-week basic training units are filled with Soldiers with a variety of different MOSs. The Infantry career field makes up approximately 15 to 17 percent of the total force. What is a typical day like in BCT or OSUT? Be patient. These requirements include but are not limited to: These requirements are set forth in order to produce the high-quality soldier demanded in today's Army. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The first phase, roughly 9 weeks, is basic military training. Narrator: This is Army boot camp. Army to extend Infantry OSUT to bolster Soldier lethality, STAND-TO! Depending the on the extent of their injuries, Soldiers who get injured during basic training are usually allowed to continue training as part of the rehabilitation battalion until either the injury is healed or they are medically discharged. ", The extended OSUT program was designed to fix the "crammed 14 week, get 'em in, get 'em out mentality," Davis said. Since then, changes from the top-down have occurred from the readiness of the force to modernizing equipment. Phase IV (weeks 1 through 3 of AIT or weeks 10 through 13 of OSUT). Under no circumstances will Trainees be permitted to use cell phones for purposes other than calling home while assigned to the 30th AG Battalion. My Soldier will be training in near future, what's his grad date? For the first time in over 43 years, the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, has overhauled One-Station Unit Training for initial-entry infantry soldiers. You will find out more details during Family Day. Of course there was a suckfest day at the end of the week, a brief intermission for Thanksgiving, and then another suckfest ruck which lead into a final raid. ", 22-week infantry OSUT set to increase lethality, with more careers to follow, Congress Confirms the Armys first Lead Special Trial Counsel, Army announces upcoming 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 4th Infantry Division unit rotations, Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center Media Roundtable, October 27, 2022, Army announces upcoming 2nd SBCT, 2nd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 2nd ABCT, 1st Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army Inspector General visits Alaska for New Soldier Experience, U.S. Army STAND-TO! "So across all the Infantry weapons, they will get more bullets," Hedrick said. My Soldier told me to put a colored dot, symbol or some other marking on the outside of his mail. We spent a week on mounted vehicle platforms, spicifically Humvees, Strikers, and Bradleys. Short answer is "maybe, but probably not." The training cadre evaluates each soldier against the desired standards for each phase before advancing to the next phase. Below are the training/restriction requirements for U.S. Army personnel undergoing Initial Entry Training (IET) as required by TRADOC Reg 350-6. No there isn't a limit. That improves the mental and physical toughness of Soldiers coming through the Infantry OSUT.". The new OSUT program will include expanded weapons training, increased vehicle-platform familiarization, extensive combatives training and a 40-hour combat-lifesaver certification course, said Hedrick. Gen. Kevin Admiral, who took command of the post at that time. During the new course, Soldiers assigned to a Stryker or Bradley unit will learn how to drive and perform maintenance on their assigned vehicle. Changes to the program are meant to increase Soldier readiness, making them more lethal and proficient before they depart for their first duty assignment, according to the Infantry School commandant, Col. Townley R. Hedrick. First, I'll give some background on our company and our command. This phase encompasses weeks four to six of basic training and OSUT. By Thomas Brading, Army News ServiceNovember 5, 2019. Drill sergeant: Just go to the position of attention, and you stay in the position of attention! Location for current, potential, and veteran soldiers and airmen of the US National Guard. Teddy Wade/OCSA/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain, General Restrictions During Army Initial Entry Training, Phased Training In Basic Training, AIT and OSUT, Air Force Technical School Training Restrictions, Things You Should Know About Army Basic Training, A Look at What One Can, and Cannot, Do in Air Force Tech School. It will not be used to pass marginal soldiers who have not shown the ability to pass a particular training event. Let's go! Narrator: After 22 weeks of training, these infantrymen are ready to leave Fort Benning. Each platoon had three drills assigned to it. IET soldiers are prohibited from using tobacco products. WASHINGTON -- In 2019, the Army will extend one-station unit training for Infantry Soldiers from 14 weeks to 22 weeks. They expect 18 by January and a total of 10 . Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) with a minimum of 50 points in each event, 150 points total, Complete all obstacle and confidence courses as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete bayonet and pugil fighting training as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete hand-to-hand combat training as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Throw two live hand grenades and successfully complete the Hand Grenade Qualification Course as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete the Protective Mask Confidence exercise, Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Army Core Values, Complete all tactical field training, to include foot marches and field training exercises (FTXs) required by this regulation and the appropriate POI in Basic Training, OSUT, Pass the End-of-Course Comprehensive Test (EOCCT), Demonstrate performance of MOS-specificcritical skills (skills determined mandatory for the awarding of a MOS) as identified by the proponent school and as prescribed in the appropriate POI, Complete all tactical field training, to include foot marches and field training exercises (FTXs) required by this regulation and the appropriate POI in AIT, and OSUT. Why do I have to do this? Narrator: On a rain-soaked week in February, we spent four days inside the Army's Maneuver Center of Excellence, which trains soldiers to serve in the infantry and armor branches. However, the decision to award privileges must be based on individual performance. Gatchell, B. Recruit: Is it a video? This will depend upon your soldier's Infantry MOS and on the needs of the Army. Do you understand? They will also do a basic combative certification. Drill sergeant: Listen up! Posted in these groups: Reclass Advanced Individual Training (AIT) - 11B Infantry OSUT (11B) Posted 3 y ago. Soldiers have the opportunity to attend religious services. Yes, just ask his family for the commander letter. No passes are permitted, and IET soldiers are restricted to the company area. What should I wear to my Soldier's graduation ceremony? All IET graduates, by definition, have demonstrated the technical and tactical skills necessary to join the ranks in the field and be a contributing member of the unit's mission accomplishment. More often than not Soldiers can receive these items. Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. Prior Service Trainees assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company are authorized to keep their cell phones at the discretion of the Company Commander. Remain silent. The five phases are Red, White and Blue for basic combat training, and Black and Gold for advanced individual training/military-occupation spe-cialty-specific training. If of legal age, they may be authorized to consume alcoholic beverages while on pass. This is to ensure that they have an opportunity to reach someone at home and not wake family members in the early hours of the morning. Christian Pensado: We're trying to teach them to achieve a dominant body position. And, more time on the firing range means an increased number of weapons qualifications, Davis said, along with other additional small-unit and individual skills -- each being fundamental reasons for the extended OSUT. Blue Phase: We started off blue phase with Combat Water Survival Course where we learned how to swim in kit, waterproof rucks, and dead float. Distance limitations will be imposed by local commanders; however, all passes must end NLT 2200 hours Sunday (or 8 hours prior to the next training day, whichever is earlier). 22-week Infantry OSUT pilot program trainees graduate at forefront of . It was during this time that we also were assigned leadership positons. The new 22-week OSUT is now in place for all new infantry soldiers. According to a drill sergeant, the effects of the gas begin to wear off after about four minutes. Toward the end of training, usually about two weeks before graduation, Soldiers will decide if they need government transportation to their next duty station if they're active duty, or home if they are National Guard or Reserve. Narrator: The recruits grab the snack that's waiting for them inside, consisting of a fruit cup, sunflower seeds, a granola bar, and a juice box. The additional eight-week push for infantry, which replaced a model dating back over 40 years, was designed to build better Soldiers through increased lethality and readiness, said Sgt. Narrator: Up to 241 hours of infantry OSUT are devoted to marksmanship, where recruits fire about 2,500 rounds using the M4 carbine as well as the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, or SAW. Most soldiers quickly adapt to the new life. 2022 EDIT: Its been a couples years since posting this and I'm sure things have changed, but if this post has help you at all or you've been through OSUT since 2018 feel free to PM me with your updates and I'll add them here. Narrator: Which takes a physical toll. ", The Army Vision, announced in 2018 by then-Secretary of the Army Mark Esper, a former infantry officer himself, was created to position the Army to be "ready to deploy, fight, and win decisively against any adversary, anytime and anywhere.". Three of them had Ranger tabs, 3 were former recon guys, and finally the CO was tabbed as well. Families are also allowed to purchase items at the National Infantry Museum gift shop. Despite COVID-19 challenges, the Army continued to put out extended training for its infantry and armor soldiers this past year. The last two phases are associated with AIT and the MOS skill portion of OSUT. The preliminary 22-week OSUT pilot program is slated to start this July with a graduation date scheduled for December, the commandant added. Thoughts and observations after its all said and done. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. Their presence through out the cycle helped the trainees get reps on each training module. "At this time, plans are on hold for extending those OSUT programs to the 22 weeks," said Col. Britt Walker, director of resource analysis and integration for the Army's G-3/5/7. Yes. 19 weeks of dick in the dirt! No. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. With the upcoming 22-week course, the Infantry School has already identified what new Soldiers will be part of the . I should've been retired a long time ago, but I wake up in the morning now, be wanting to come out here and go to work. Please do not photograph or video any of the access control points as this could be a security threat. It is an environment of total control where an active, involved leadership begins transforming civilians into soldiers. The goals for IET soldiers in Phase II include, but are not limited to: Phase III is designated as the "Warrior" Phase (Blue Flag). This means they will have a different date for family day and graduation. Yes? This exercise is designed to reinforce the basic combat skills learned in basic training and how they apply to the soldier in the execution of their MOS duties in a tactical field environment.

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22 week osut phases
22 week osut phases
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22 week osut phases
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