About Us
About Us
The disinfecting effect of metals is no stranger to us. Since 2001 we have been using the unique properties of copper and silver to make and keep drinking water safe. This technique is called copper silver ionization and is successfully used internationally in the fight against legionella and e-colli.
Joris Post
Commercial Director Copper Concepts
Keep it simple and effective. That’s what I like about using copper to stop the spread of viruses and bacteria.
And commercially this is the best option for our clients. It saves our clients a lot of cost on cleaning and keeps their valuable personnel safe in the work environment.
Please contact me to get to know what we can contribute to your business.

Mark Engelenburg
Technical Director Copper Concepts
The last couple of years we have all been very busy disinfecting our hands. But why not stop pathogenic viruses and bacteria from remaining on contact surfaces. And then we can also stop using all chemicals to clean our hands.
That is precisely why I believe so much in the use of Copper. A copper layer on a door handle or banister stops the spread of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.