Benson notices Stabler isnt in the best place mentally, especially when he says, Its kind of nice not to be me for a while, about being undercover. Season 1, Episode 8: 'Stalked' Stabler tells Benson to blink her lights. judge timothy kenny political affiliation. Benson points out theyve been partners for seven years longer than anybody else there. Barba mentions Benson hasnt let go that he defended Wheatley and adds he was trying to protect her by doing that. Olivia Benson finally reveals her feelings about Elliot Stabler Kathleen defies advice to seek psychiatric help and is instead detained. When love warps into hate, theres nothing you wont do, Stabler responds, before telling her he signed the divorce papers. Elliot, tell us what you need, Benson says. What happened between Benson and Barba in Law He feels her head and notes shes burning up before going to the kitchen to make her tea. But now after the death of Kathy, that can, for the first time in over 20 years of them knowing each other, change. What the hell just happened? Stabler says to Benson as she walks out of the courtroom. ", "Stabler," Rollins says. Benson emphasizes that in her role as a captain, its her job to take care of her people. Knowing hes in trouble, Eli calls Elliot and tells him his location. The decadeslong partnership between "Law & Order: SVU" star Mariska Hargitays Olivia Benson and "Law & Order: Organized Crime" star Christopher Meloni's Elliot Stabler has been deemed by many fans the longest slow burn in television history. He tells her he was asked to speak at her award ceremony, but instead opted to write his thoughts in a letter he planned to give to her that night. ", "It's so nice to allow myself," Rollins responds. ", Later in the episode, before returning to Italy, Leonetti tells Stabler: "Whoever it is youre in love with, shes a lucky woman.". Bensons home sick, and when she opens the door, Stabler says, You look terrible. She responds, Stop with the sweet talk. He stares longingly at her as she's putting something in the car until she turns and notices and says, "What?". I have to work on changing his about that see if I cant make myself No. At the end of the episode, Benson mentions to Stabler that theyve been partners all these years and she doesnt know his blood type. Stabler also shields Benson from gunfire and takes down the shooter as they eventually rescue the missing girl. In a scene from a promo for Season Eight's "Philadelphia," which ended up making the rounds in the "SVU" fandom, the psychological evaluator asks Benson if she's ever had romantic feelings for Stabler. They both glance down at their watches at the same time and choose to enter a facility they believe holds the missing girl before backup arrives. In later seasons, Rollins ends up in a romantic relationship with her former partner and ADA Dominick Sonny Carisi (Peter Scanavino). Later, in an unexpected clocking of sorts, Rollins asks Benson how she and Stabler are doing before offering some personal advice, which may come as a surprise given Rollins previous hesitations about Stabler. Stabler and Benson shared a moment 'SVU' fans have been In between testimonies, Wheatley meets with Benson and taunts her about the love of his life, Angela, whos taking the stand tomorrow. Stabler learns from Benson in this episode that her brother, Simon, is no longer alive and died a few years back after a suspected overdose. At night, Kathy thinks her husbands finally home, but its actually Benson at the door, telling her that Stabler is undercover. Stabler was cleared. Cragen responds Stabler was cleared only on that one, but now Internal Affairs wants to investigate his entire jacket., Benson continues to defend Stabler and says, Let em. Down bad since day one, according to many fans. did benson and stabler Well you are going through a divorce and you do have four children so I guess you are, Benson responds with a smile. Organized Crime has dropped many references to Benson throughout the series, including in the Season Two premiere. Cragen tells Stabler he may have another chance and that Benson is back (finally). I think I had an episode. She adds: Im just so sorry your beautiful bride. After a New Jersey cop coaxes Eli from jumping off a ledge, Benson and Stabler go to the precinct to talk to Eli. Many fans have followed Benson's life and career for nearly 25 seasons, but one thing that's always remained a mystery: Whether she's ever had romantic feelings for Stabler. "It's not all about the genes, Liv," Stabler adds as he turns around to face her. Who knew one word, Wildlife, could hold so much power among Benson and Stabler fans? For the past four years, he lived in Rome as an international liaison for the NYPD. Thats what Im counting on. Then Benson realizes Kathy wants her to convince Stabler to sign the divorce papers. Rook threatens to hold the button down longer and double the voltage of the shocks. Then, Stabler transitions to talking about the one other woman who has been such a crucial part of his life for decades. Is that too awkward? Stabler asks. We needed a change, she says. Afterward, the two sit awkwardly at a caf until Benson finally breaks the silence and says, Why couldnt Dani cut it? Stabler says Beck couldnt deal with the victims." Stabler, however, was too late getting to Ryan. Benson is innocent, of course, and ends up saving herself after the real suspect breaks into her home. Thats the problem, she responds. Benson then tells Stabler about the latest with her brother, which leads Stabler to ask why shes helping Simon given all the evidence against him. The conversation takes even more of a turn after Lewis brings up Bensons father and taunts her to the point that she ends up beating him with the bed pole. Law & Order: Organized Crime She emphasizes to Stabler that he walked away, and she had to find out about his exit from Cragen. Benson talks Simon into giving her his gun after Millfields confession while Stabler keeps his gun trained on him the entire time. Stabler notes Fin and Phoebe are a good-looking couple and asks Benson how the two met. A case involving missing fertilized embryos from a cryobank causes Benson to think about her own fertility and eventually leads to Stabler expressing hed support Benson if she wanted to have a child. Still trying to seduce him? Stabler approaches the hostess and says, This is my wife, Olivia.. How about we call it a friendship, Benson says to a beaming Stabler. Who knew a small letter could hold so much power? ET. Meanwhile, Stabler and the teams tech guy, Ruben Morales, are in Bensons bedroom so that theyre close enough to get into Porters phone and eventually track him. A few scenes later, Stabler is caught off guard when he gets Benson a soda, and she informs him that she doesnt drink them anymore. Fans haven't seen Stabler and Benson share the screen in Season Three of "OC" since the historic "Law & Order" premiere, but that doesn't mean her presence isn't a part of the show. After Benson tells him to freeze, Gitano quickly slashes her neck with a knife, and she falls to the ground. Stabler watches from afar and calls for backup. Benson Cut to Benson and Stabler later spotting each other in the precincts hallway. she says as the two rest their foreheads together. Hows that for now? Note the "for now" part. With tears in her eyes, Benson says, You were the most, single most, important person in my life, and you just disappeared.. Now it's cannon that Stabler's wife was always the "boundary" preventing either Benson or Stabler from admitting they both had romantic feelings for the other. ", Protelliot asks Benson if shes been to the doctor, and she says, Its just a bug.. After concluding her conversations with both, the evaluator tells Cragen that the two have a degree of mutual reliance and emotional dependence that compromises their effectiveness as police officers. Basically, theyre too close., When Cragen asks if this means he should split them up, the evaluator responds, If you want to lose your two best detectives.. Zebras highlights that no one knows Stabler better than Benson, especially in a life-or-death situation. Benson says she's "not ready for this" as she rests her face against his cheek and then leans back against the fridge. They both realize theyre A+, and Stabler looks over at Benson and says, Id give you a kidney, to which Benson responds, Not if I gave you mine first.. Never romantically involved Benson dated off and on, while Stabler was married with multiple children the two were extraordinarily close friends, as well as She knew that she was going to die, and she still lied to my face, Benson says. ", "I did," Benson begins, "feel like Stabler was my home. Later on, Benson goes into Cragens office after seeing IAB and says, That was a good shooting, captain. The line is especially meaningful because all Benson wanted for years was a family, especially a child of her own, and no one knew that more than Stabler. Then, Stabler fires and hits Jenna, who ends up bleeding out and dying in front of him. I actually watch her back and not her backside, Fin responds. Theres nothing to find. Then Cragen stands up and points out it was Stablers sixth shooting and that the whole squad is on notice., So what? The partners dont get off to a great start as Stabler, fresh off welcoming his fifth child that Benson helped bring into the world, seemingly struggles to grasp that not everyone is able to naturally have children. SVU Crossover Finally Reveals What Was in Stabler's Letter to A shot rings out, and both Rojas and Benson go down. After 25 years of "will they or wont they" chemistry, are Benson and Stabler finally poised to get together? Shut up and drive., During a private moment at the end of the episode, Benson tells Stabler she had recently explored adoption, but she was turned down by the agency. SVU will be back next Thursday at 9 p.m. And like Season Sixs Doubt, this Season Eight episode is a he said/she said case. Benson tells Stabler she wants to wait since Noah gets attached very easily and Stablers going undercover again. "I'm never home. Benson's boss, Deputy Chief Garland (Demore Barnes) needed an explanation on why Stabler left. Shes good like that.. Theres nobody who knows these characters better than she and I. How was Olivias funeral?, Rather than correct his mom, Stabler says, It was beautiful.. What ensues is a truly unforgettable standoff where she has to decide if she wants to risk shooting Gitano to end this once and for all, or run the risk of hitting Stabler and killing him by mistake. Whatever happened between you and Angela, Wheatley knows, Benson says. It is her death that inspires Stabler to take a new job with the NYPD that keeps him in the Big Apple. You know everything about me even the parts that Id rather forget. In the premiere episode of Season 13, Benson learns the news that Stabler put his papers in from Cragen not from Stabler himself. Like last time, Benson and Stabler's sympathies fall on opposite sides. How come you never told me about your mother? Stabler deflects and says, Never came up.. At the end of the episode, Benson waits for Stabler in his building and says she wants to talk about the letter. Stabler confronts Rojas in the parking lot, and Rojas holds a gun to Bensons head. Stabler shrugs and says, "The job it makes me kind of hard to live with.". One of the smugglers finds Bensons jacket, and then she emerges from the bathroom without her shirt. Then she shoots Sister Peg, a woman in charge of a local homeless shelter who had been helping Benson and Stabler with the current case. "And with her gone it's like there's nothing but possibility, which is paralyzing," Benson says while refilling her cup of wine. Benson later brings up Stablers mom during a discussion, saying, Weve been partners for 11 years. She then tells him about the one man she thought she may have settled down with for good, and only offers up his first name, Ed. I just dont know how its going to shake out. Cragen adds Stabler would need to submit to a psychological evaluation to keep his job and go through anger management training, among other things. The top-tier scene, however, comes at the end of the episode when Stabler spins Benson around as theyre leaving the police station to thank her for being there for him. The two touched on the topic during his return episode, "Return of the Prodigal Son," but fans are still waiting for them to discuss Stabler's departure again specifically why he left Benson and cut off all communication with her. Both of them confirm they couldnt sleep, and Benson tells Stabler she realizes Miles didnt rape Valerie. Benson responds, You dont know anything about my feelings for Elliot, and you dont know him.. Stabler When an FBI agent approaches and asks Stabler to make a call, Stabler respects his former partners authority and responds, Shes the captain. "That is why I'm so grateful for you," Benson says. Rook continues to repeatedly ask Stabler to press the button. Well, Fin may have your six, but hes definitely not me, Stabler says. Some are tighter than married couples.. Maybe I should call him. More on that later. Bernie visits Kathleen in jail, with help from Benson getting her access. After commenting on how much they had to drink the night prior, Leonetti says she remembers some of "the important parts" of what they discussed "except her name.". Viewers are also treated to seeing Benson and Stabler interrogate a suspect together, not missing a beat just like old times. The partners' boss, Capt. Benson explains shes there because they lost contact with him, and she also gave him her phone so he could call Kathy. Benson delivers an unforgettable howdy after Stabler says, Hey partner. She offers to get hydrogen peroxide to clean a cut on Stablers face, and she runs into Eli as hes exiting the bathroom. After being paired up early in the season with another female detective, Dani Beck (Connie Nielsen) whom he kissed Stabler is once again on his own. Benson realizes Millfields sister was molested as a child, which helps explain her jumpy behavior with Simon on the night of the dance much to her older sisters surprise at realizing the truth. Hes my brother, Benson whispers, before Stabler reminds her she doesnt even know the guy.. After Stabler learns this, he starts lashing out, mostly at Benson as he stews in his emotions over the decision he made. Stabler shows up to the ceremony late since he was looking at apartments in New York City, which is a subtle confirmation and assurance to Benson hes staying. Each always mentioned Stabler's marriage as the answer which wasn't a "no." While talking about living in Rome, Stabler describes his apartment and tells Benson she wouldve loved it., You know what, Elliot, she responds. The scene turns personal and Benson asks what happened with Kathy. Stabler says he doesnt abuse his authority, to which Rook responds, Every cop abuses his authority. After conversing more with Stabler, Rook eventually confesses to his crimes. Well, Olivias a saint, Stabler responds. It will always be you and I, Stabler finishes and looks up and locks eyes with Benson before adding he slipped it in there before sealing the envelope.. As Stabler begins an undercover arc investigating an Albanian family involved in the drug trade, he shares a personal moment with the mother of one of the men, Reggie, working for the family. Whos the guy?, Fin shoots back, You have to ask her that. (Another conversation fans are still waiting for Benson and Stabler to have: How Benson got Noah, her adopted son. If she does, its news to me, Stabler responds, much to Bensons visible dismay. The moment Stabler's mom confused his partner for his wife. In retrospect, that line is even more significant now that Benson has a child of her own a son named Noah (Ryan Buggle), whom she adopted after finding him during a particularly dark case. Benson meets Stabler in the hospital, where he crumbles and falls into her for a hug (only their third one ever onscreen, but whos counting!). So in Thursdays Law & Order: Organized Crime, Benson was visibly shocked when Stabler blurted I love you (!!) When Stabler asks Benson how she knew he was in the lab and possibly in danger, she responds, Stuckey said you went to get sushi: You and raw fish?. "All you can do is love your kids." Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot, Benson responds. Later on, Stablers in the locker room changing when Benson appears in the doorway. Any other major changes you want to let me in on? he asks. After seeing an empty bottle, shot glasses and Stabler making breakfast as Leonetti walks in to the kitchen, it's clear the two didn't sleep together since Leonetti asks Stabler if he was comfortable on the couch. Stabler goes to Bensons apartment after finding his partners card on a victim. Stabler meets up with Benson in a park on a snowy day, and the meetup also marks the first time Stabler sees Noah, who's sledding nearby. She says Cassidy wants to go out with her again, to which Stabler responds, "Can you blame him?". Benson takes the step to visitsBernie in New Jersey. Who else would put up with me?. Do you want to know my dating history, detective? Benson says with a smirk. Whatever happened, were going to go, and were going to bring him home, Benson says. Then Stabler drops the bomb of all bombs when he declares that he didnt write the letter.. Back off.. She clocks Stabler for not answering her questions, and he responds, Thats none of your business. Nothing says I love you quite like spilling those three words out in the middle of an intervention with all your kids present, and thats just what Stabler does in episode four of OC. Meloni told TODAY in February that this scene, which he also wrote, was his favorite one hes filmed with Hargitay since his return in April 2021. "Elliot, what's wrong with you?" Witnesses rush over to help Stabler, as does Benson, who calls for help. The eighth episode of the inaugural season of "SVU," "Stalked," really put "Protelliot" a nickname given by fans to Stabler when hes acting especially protective on the map. At the last minute, he spins around and pulls Benson into a hug. She didnt hear enough after Angelas testimony? As the conversation turns more emotional for Bernie, Benson says, Elliot is a good man, and I know him well enough that he didnt get it from his father..

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