Personally, I usually call them out, tell them I don't condone spam on my content and that I will be deleting their comment. Are these 4 sentences correct? What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? Witty responses are better suited for more casual scenarios like a conversation with friends. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. How about you?. If you want to sound a little more formal, you could use something like. Thanks for stopping by and for asking this question. Using an Ohm Meter to test for bonding of a subpanel, tar command with and without --absolute-names option. And if you want to be emphatic, there's nothing wrong with "Thank you very much!". Thanks for asking or Great. So instead of trying to craft the perfect sentence in advance, just keep in mind these 4 words: "Thank you I'm glad". 1.why did you play hooky from class? This not only shows them and other offenders that she is serious about her platform, but it also shows her true fans and audience that she cares about them. "good to know" is a great response -- as is "Thank you". By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! "text": "As long as the other person knows your whereabouts or usual routine, “Same as usual. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker! Hows your day? . Sometimes it's just their Instagram username, other times it's their name and a question or comment. Please give me some i Guys. 23. This informal response works well, it does a good job at letting the other person know that you don't need to be thanked, it was something you were fine with doing it, so it does not need to be mentioned. These ones get beyond annoying and I'm asked about how to handle these all the time. You can monitor multiple Instagram profiles, including all the comments you receive, as well as ads you might have running. ", Depending on the situation, sometimes just "Thank you" is enough. Hows your day? A: Hello, Joseph. How beautifully he described! 38 Fantastic Texts to Write in Birthday Card for Girlfriend, 63 Funny Things to Write on a Retirement Cake, 50 Great Messages to Write in a Birthday Card for a Friend, 37 Ingenious Texts to Send when Someone Doesnt Reply, Guest Speaker Thank You Note 21 Best Messages to Write. When Someone Takes Forever To Text Back, Here's How To Handle It It is often used as a way to say that you dont care about the person or thing that its said in response to. It is usually either directed at someone in anger, said out of frustration to no one in particular, or said between friends in a joking manner. I responded to her email with my suggestions but decided to take this one step further in today's blog post. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 100 Funny and Clever Replies to Compliments - PairedLife This is important in growing your community and actually building relationships with your audience. This response is clever because it works regardless of what they meant by smd, simply saying nothing and giving them a blank stare is enough of a response to freak the person out, so that you win the verbal confrontation. She's stuck up." 16 Great Ways to Respond to wtw in Text, 11 Ways to Respond to an Apology from a Friend, Linguaholic 2023 |Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Careers. This one is relatively better because of its grammatical completeness which meanwhile suggests formal language use. 2 me and Sara played hooky from school and went to the beac Can I say Shake instead of Milkshake if it's not milky? Thanks for sharing your insights on that. Making Conversation With Someone Who Is Only Giving You Short Answers A: Hello, Vicky. Ive got to find it first. Because of this expressions relatively formal tone, we need not worry about offending anyone we use this response. Mastering the art of communication entails knowing basic responses to the simplest questions like Hows your day? no matter how formulaic they are. Hows your day? What to Say When Someone Calls you a Rat (12 Things!) density matrix. It is a shortened of either How was your day? or How is your day? which means it could either be in the simple past or present form. - no problem! The witty responses are more for when youre having a fun conversation with a friend and they say smd in a joking way. Hi sorry babeee I'm going to bed! The go-to's for replies are usually: - aww, thank you When someone says, Who asked? what theyre implying is that no one asked, and that no one would ask because what youre saying is boring. The second part Thank you for checking on me is something that conveys warmth and gratitude to the other person for simply asking the question Hows your day?. My wallet will be in danger if everyone learns it's my birthday today. Thanks. 1. Have a look on some blogs of Shri Prashant Tripathi. This response strikes the perfect balance between being assertive and protective of your own space and still saying on the safe side of mean. Ive wondered if thats a lazy way to say awesome (like texting u r gr8 thx) or if an emoji is genuine. If you post a question after sending a gift to someone, your question will be displayed in a special section on that persons feed. Ask a native! Do they sound natural? Their comments typically offer some variation of a compliment on the content. Personally, it's a saying I use a fair amount and I hear it quite often too. Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? "You're honestly so kind. Sometimes its just best to be clever in your response to make the other person seem dumb or silly. The owner of it will not be notified. Yep, it really is that easy. I think a simple "thanks" is polite enough. Those three words can signal that even if you don't take the comment personally, you didn't really appreciate it. Regardless of how you follow up, always leave with the next step being in your hands"I'll follow up again tomorrow," or "If I don't hear back from you by the end of the day, I'll be incorporating the rest of the team's feedback and sending to the client." Anything expressing gratitude. What is a good response to Hows your day? from a girl? BEAT THEIR ASS OMG LET ME REPLY GIVE IT TO ME HAND IT OVER NOW. It looks stunning as the w i finished it in 2 hours or i finished it for 2 hours. However, if you have good intentions and use a polite tone, then it should be fine and you shouldn't worry. Hows your day? Thanks. This is a third witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? Even though the person youre speaking to is in fact being serious and did seriously just say, Who asked? the question Are you being serious? is a highly appropriate one under the circumstances. Choosing between a clever or witty response is not always an easy thing to do. How to Deal With People Who Won't Respond | The Muse I have a friend who cannot take a compliment, and every time I say something nice she would say the total opposite of what I said. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. 20 of the Best Responses When Someone Asks, "What's going on?" Mirrors can't talk. The go-to's for replies are usually: Native English speakers, could you please tell me how you say this naturally in English? Why is it shorter than a normal address? 29 Apr 2023 23:04:52 Say thank you. A: Its nice to see you, Ara. Texting truly is an art form. "Thank you, I love this color wool!") I do this frequently when the spam attempt is blatant. The best response to someone being rude may often be the simplest and most straightforward. You've probably heard someone say it. 5. Hence, we should limit our use of Nothing special in situations where the other person would not get offended at all, like closest friends and family members. Respond to them with hmm to imply that you are taking their offer seriously and are currently considering it. This response will hopefully make them feel a little bit ashamed and prompt them to apologize. Or you could swing by their profile and comment or like some of their content to reciprocate. Whether you want to brighten up the mood when your boyfriend is having a bad day, or share some stomach-aching giggles on a date, laughing together builds intimacy and is even linked to longer-lasting relationships. Please share: {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, 3 Ways To Get More Views On Instagram Reels, How to Add A Lead Form To Your Instagram Profile. If you want to respond to "Hey Handsome" with something clever or witty, simply look below for some ideas. Leave a comment responding to the offender telling them why their comments are not welcome and that the comment will be deleted. @Alisa_08 The grammar of both is OK. One of the most common and lighthearted responses to Hows your day? is Great! In these cases, you have a ready-made response. 9 Simple Ways to Respond to Emoji Texts - wikiHow Hows yours?. A simple text informing them of the mistake is fine. This is another response that makes a little dig at the intelligence of the person you are speaking to. This . ] Which would cut deep for most people whose go-to insult is smd. From another perspective, we should take note that this is a response that could meanwhile imply that we do not want the conversation to continue. This response generally coveys a neutral tone, which also works well if we do not want to share a bad, private experience. I cant suck something that doesnt exist. To make Pretty good. The next time someone compliments you and you find yourself feeling awkward, take a breath, smile, and use any of the points below. 29 Best Replies To "Hey Handsome" (Witty & Clever) His colon had completely shut down, and he was bleeding out. 25 Best Comebacks To "Suck My D*ck" (Witty & Clever) She believes it. With this responses relatively polite tone, we can even use this in email exchanges with those we usually communicate with. This is never something easy to answer and it often depends on a few factors. Hows your day? Im so glad you found this post helpful! Hows yours been? or "what's up?" Then, continue your story as though nothing happened. Not all Reels are created equal!Depending on the length of your Reel, you are more likely to reach certain people. or "Nah, I'm not!". 4 [deleted] 4 yr. ago Bowing my head, and saying "Blessed be the name of the Lord!". More often than not saying or writing smd will come across very rudely. This was a really interesting read. Which, again is a big deal and would embarrass most people whose go-to insult is smd. Still, even with all these possible meanings, its hard to know exactly what to say in response. Then report the spam post as being a scam or spam. It's super easy to review and reply to all your comments that way. For example, instead of asking if they had a good vacation, ask them what the highlight of it was. This reality helps frame a response to a compliment in a way that isn't primarily about the receiver, but the giver as well. Telling someone not to spread their bad mood around is doing them a kindness, because the implication is that the reason they are being immature is not because they are a bad or rude person, but rather because they are not in a good headspace. She also suggests noting when there's "a break in the pattern. If someone writes Who asked? to you in a text, you can respond with wtw.. Is Saying Oh My God (OMG) a Blasphemy Sin and Cursing? - 4 Simple Ways to Reply to a Funny Text Message - wikiHow Yours must have rubbed off on me." In other words, you are saying that you got the stupidity from the person and that it is contagious like a cold. Again, rudeness is never the goal. Nothing special is something we could use when talking to people with whom we are close enough. One of the tools I recommend to help make sure you never miss a comment is Agorapulse(affiliate link). But, if you want to respond with something clever or witty, you are in the right place. Handle it how you feel comfortable! When Im starting to feel bad? The High Road: How to Respond to Rude Comments And do you go to each feed and heart back some of their posted images? "@type": "FAQPage", Another tip I recommend, especially if your post is product based, is to offer a discount code as an additional thank you for sharing your products. Just as important as content is tone, Ho emphasizes. [News] Hey you! Busy and tiring should be an inoffensive response to Hows your day?. Perhaps you gave someone advice on how to handle a tricky situation. But if you want to give the impression that you knew it, then you would use it. It helped me in various situations. Sometimes "Thank you" plus a compliment for them ("That coat looks great on you, I wish I could wear pink. Your comment/response was (very) informative. Hilarious Comebacks To Use On Friends Unsplash / NeONBRAND The best comebacks make you look mature. As for how to respond, it's one of those things that no-one really knows how to say and it depends on what kind of the person who says it to you is. naturally ? Interestingly, our response mainly depends on how we feel about the person asking how our day was or is, rather than ourselves. People may appreciate the beauty of the image, the artistic composition of the photo, the value of the quote, or some other aspect. "Thank you for thinking of me!" I do have some questions about do you respond if someone just leaves a emoticon, no wordsdo you respond at all? This response generally conveys a dismissive tone, which means that using this in professional contexts could be seen as negative. However, there are third party tools available that you can use to better manage notifications, comments, and engagement. If the comments are vulgar and inappropriate (and unrelated to the product or content in the photo), then I say its ok to delete. Therefore, you can tell the speaker that they have good eyes, to be able to notice that you're awesome. This is a fourth witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. When someone says something like "aw I miss you!" you can always lie and say it back. 08 "That's okay" Use this phrase when someone is offering to repay you for your kindness. Someone may be giving short replies because you're asking closed-ended questions that can be answered with a "yes" or "no". This is something we can use when speaking to someone for the first time, such as during an initial meeting with a target business prospect. If you aren't sure, a simple "Thanks" is always appropriate. And how about you? is something we could use as a. Needless to say, these kinds of questions and responses are key in building relationships and keeping them afloat in society. I say it over and over: respond to all the comments on your posts! Geeeee!I mean, we knew it was inevitable we'd hit this milestone but Instagram/Meta has been super tight lipped about, If youre tired of seeing weird videos or photos in your Explore page, content from people you dont really want in. Related: Perfect Replies to "You're Welcome" 19. Do you have any unique or rewarding ways to respond to comments on Instagram? She also has to be weary of her audience and how these comments can affect that audience. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right 28 Best Replies To Hmm (Witty & Clever), 29 Best Replies To Hey Handsome (Witty & Clever), 26 Best Replies When Someone Texts You K (Witty Comebacks), 27 Best Replies To Did I Ask You? (Funny & Clever), 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. "@type": "Answer", Sometimes, you might be in a goofy mood or just want to laugh, so when someone tells you smd, you decide to give them a witty response. Often, the best response to an immature comment is a measured and calm response. Fine. And good to know seems okay when someone tells me something about themselves, can I use it when say someone leaves a useful comment under my post? All posts copyright their original authors. mainly depends on the overall context of the conversation. Forcing the other person to awkwardly explain what they meant by suck my d*ck, likely making the flustered or embarrassed. Hows your day? I got his answers very helpful and to the point. Its exhausting trying to keep up with everyone. Here are some of the best responses to Hows your day?: As mentioned, there are several ways of responding to the question today. Girls like people who are polite and respectful. How would you respond to someone who says "Oh my god you're so annoying"? However, as you mentioned, it could be a spam attempt to get new followers. This will likely leave them dumbfounded. How to respond when someone say "I hope it helps", Mentioning good deeds that you give to someone else. A: Youre finally home, son. When someone asks "What happened?" or "What's going on?", they're usually interested in our well-being and want to be there for us. (when there's no person in the photo) or other variations on these. Needless to say, these kinds of questions and responses are key in building relationships and keeping them afloat in society. Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. 9. I've spent too much time with you. For example, you might say, " I'm glad you asked! Especially if the other person is not that close to us, we should limit our explanation to the basics and avoid talking about negative things. } By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In these situations, the extra step makes you more genuine and relatable. One of the most common and lighthearted responses to "How's your day?" is "Great! In reality, even if we do not feel as good as we might say, it is more strategic to stick with neutral responses to preserve our privacy. This is because it does not contain a follow-up question, which is often expected by the other person, especially if we havent talked to them in a while. This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by pretending that its something that youve been waiting for. This response to Who asked? will embarrass the person who has rudely interrupted you and cause them to reflect on their less-than-kind words. Sometimes when you receive a thank you email, the gratitude is part of a longer message. Meanwhile, we use relatively neutral to casual responses to those we are somewhat or very familiar with like colleagues, friends, and family members. On the Mindful Messages blog, it is all about finding the right words for different types of texts and responses. Is my English natural? This response takes a similar approach to the previous one. You know what I did? Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. Whether you need consulting, a prolific speaker for your next event, webinar training, or online self-guided trainings, there are numerous options for working with Jenn. "name": "How can we respond to “How’s your day?” from a guy? 18 Great Ways to Respond to "Who asked?" Experts Translate What Her Texts Really Mean And It's Not Too Confusing. Just remember that if you are going to address anyone in your comments, you need to @ mention them to ensure they see your response. I'm so lucky to know you, and you help me appreciate different parts of myself. This way it becomes a positive message and supportive stance rather than looking like shes just deleting anything she doesnt agree with. B (not feeling well): Fine. No thanks, I have a toothpick already. How can you respond to Hows your day? when youre tired? This is another great one that takes the offer seriously. ", with the person youre speaking to, this is a great way to respond to Who asked?. By saying, Who speaks like that? youre suggesting that the way the person who has interrupted you is speaking is so out of the ordinary as to be ridiculous. Sure, as soon as you get it out of your a*s. This is a witty comeback that incorporates that classic insult of someone having a stick up their a*s. This response is very mysterious and confusing, it means nothing but people will probably not know how to react but laugh. How about you? works really well when communicating with both native and non-native speakers of English. Or ask them to tag people or perform an action on your post? I will try to use it. If they thank you for being there for them in a rough time: "Of course, I'm always here for you.". This way of dealing with someone elses immaturity and rudeness will be sure to win you major respect from the people around you. Instead of responding in a reactive, hasty, and frustrated manner, simply look up at them for a second. When you say, "Are you . While I can't give you targeted ways to respond to this, since it will depend on what you originally asked of them, your response should include gratitude (thank you) for their comment and input. How to Respond to Compliments on Social Media: A Guide to - WikiHow

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