Cleggett, did you write these prescriptions for this young girl? If shed have said no, Id have been burnt probably. The Pharmacist explores a father's search for justice and clarity. It sounds petty, but that almost bothered me as much. The guys who come in and drop $50,000 on one hand of blackjack. The critically acclaimed Netflix docuseries The Pharmacist recounts Dans rigorous quest to find answers about his sons death, and his mission to stop the overprescribing of opioids taking place in his community. But she says, Come down there with me because we got a lot of money to make in New Orleans. And that all was because of The Pharmacist, but she was one of the whales. I said, Dr. And so I had to say, Well, why did he go there? Well, he went there because he was less likely to get caught. The big fish in this case was Purdue Pharma, that introduced Oxytocin to the masses without informing them of the harm it caused. It was like maybe 30 days or 60 days. Their words paint the picture of addiction, but also of hope. That sounds like common sense, but there were a lot of pharmacies cashing in on this. Daniel Senior and his wife, Annie, were woken at 2am to the site of two police officers, who explained to them that their eldest child, 22-year-old Danny Junior, had been found dead. Why? "Dr. Cleggett herself was addicted. And in one of the scenes where I really look kind of crazy, and I guess I was kind of crazy, a crazy thing happened that still isnt explained to this day. I document this. Now, there was different nights that would, Im sure different patterns, but the times I went out there, if you And usually I would only film for about a half an hour, but in a half an hour I would see 30 people go in and out of this place. The True Story of Dan Schneider: The Pharmacist Who Inspired Netflix's And Ill tell you why they werent happy about it. "Through the spring and summer of 1999, he walked the streets of the Lower 9th Ward alone, searching for a witness. Could. We are still afraid. #medtwitter. What's Coming to Netflix in February 2020? Who Is Jeffery Hall? Where Danny Schneider's Murderer From 'The These Oxycontin prescriptions would go on to not only kill hundreds of thousands of people every year in this country, but they often are the gateway to heroin, heroin that is now killing more people in the last year than in any other previous year along with opioids in this country. And so, it was definitely unbelievable. The story begins as Schneider, a Louisiana-based. But, of course, all of the evidence he painstakingly attained during his investigation is still dear to him, and still in his possession. Dan learns that someone name Dr. Jacqueline Cleggett was making OxyContin prescription just blocks away, in a"seedy" part of the area. What did you hear? She told him that the son of a friend - a boy called Jeffrey Hall, 15 - was the killer. Eventualy,. Since the year his son was killed more than half a million Americans have died from opioids. I mean, if we wouldnt have turned down what we turned down, wed have filled way more, but we would have people come in and say, Well, Im from Lafayette, Im from Mississippi. And so believe it or not, the FBI actually called me. Prior to me really digging into this I told my wife, and one time my wife says, Please dont get into this. Theres a couple times we went back and forth on this. And they gave me a date. Schneider's quest in Louisiana is one of the many pieces that led to Purdue Pharma's fall, but The Pharmacist details how his efforts are also seen as some of the earliest to quell the spread of OxyContin. Even with shutting the doctor down and some of my other investigations. She had security, not the police per se. You work as a pharmacist, hence the name of the documentary, The Pharmacist. Its definitely money making. I dont even know if I ever got into advocacy the way I kind of hoped I would one day. And that has always been a motivation to me. And we did do a long interview with her, and the highlights obviously make the film, but the reality was that it's a sad tale. But this time now, a couple of things have happened. Unfortunately, I couldnt save my son but maybe because of this I can save others and thats the mission I am still on.. Schneider is currently semi-retired, and still works at Bradleys from time to time. "The reason I sound different is because I was incubated for six weeks; my voice is now higher and squeakier.". They didnt want her stopped. Hundreds of people, two oclock in the morning. I tried to have some compassion, but at the time it eventually got to be too that they not only didnt really work on solving the case, they tried to prevent me from solving the case. He is also set to star in a new podcast. The Pharmacist is a four-part true crime documentary that dropped on Netflix on February 5, 2020. Schneider grew up in St. Bernard, and went to Chalmette High School, where he played football, and met Annie. Dan Schneider, a small-town pharmacist in Louisiana, makes effort to identify his son's killer, which leads to his gathering of evidence against a prolific "pill mill" doctor in New Orleans. Powered by VIP. But Ill tell you this, it was a punch in the gut. They acted like 90% of the prescriptions filled at that drugstore. Daniel Schneider, a pharmacist from Louisiana, investigated the murder of his son Danny / Netflix The Schneider family's world was torn apart on April 14, 1999. Falling grades in his last year of secondary school and a recent conversation about wanting to dissuade other youngsters from taking drugs sprung to his mind. In The Pharmacist, Lower Ninth Ward locals state that Dan seemed a bit crazy. 50 cash with friend referrals at Virgin Mobile, 15% off extra plans with this Vodafone promo, 50% off your 1st 3 months - Audible promo, 50% off selected memberships using this Ancestry discount, Rail services disrupted after person hit by train in north London, French pension protests hit by violence as thousands march on May Day, Aerosmith announce farewell tour marking 50 years together, Explosion derails train in Russian town near border with Ukraine, Royally Big Portrait of the King unveiled ahead of coronation, Donald Trump says its great to be home as he arrives in UK, to hundreds of drug addicts for opioid painkillers, The chilling true story behind ITV's new drama White House Farm, The terrifying story behind Netflix's Don't F**k With Cats series, The tragic story that inspired Netflix's true crime doc The Pharmacist, Man, 20, in critical condition after assault in Beckenham, County lines mum ran selfish sons drugs ring while he was in jail, King Charless coronation weekend: Programme of events, Warning nurses could hold strikes up until Christmas. Miss Americana: Biggest Reveals From Taylor Swift's Netflix Documentary, Killer Inside: The Biggest Reveals From Netflix's Aaron Hernandez Documentary. There is a spectrum of clinical diagnoses when it comes to problems with substance use. Dan reveals that Dr. Cleggett's associated spotted him during a reconnaissance mission. There are risk factors for substance use just as there are for other health conditions. Well, after you managed to find your sons killer and help bring him to justice, as you just said yourself, you became an activist. The Schneiders were shocked - they had no idea "polite, gentle and compassionate" Danny had been taking drugs. I didnt trust these people. I mean, you had visual evidence of these people at three oclock in the morning-. Dan Schneider appearing in The Pharmacist, The True Story Behind Netflix's 'The Pharmacist' and Dan Schneider's Fight for Justice, Hall was eventually released after serving a 13-year sentence, the boom of addiction cases in the U.S. in the early 2000s, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. So let's jump into my conversation with The Pharmacist, Dan Schneider. And you talked, just told me about at one point contacting 10 other pharmacists, and none of them would help you report Dr. Cleggett, who was clearly, clearly abusing her capacity and her medical license and writing prescriptions for Oxycontin she shouldnt have. And when she stepped forward, I said, Well, darn it. Although, I seen kids die and I seen nothing happen and so I started investigating again. Theres no screenplay or even a book to go off of but what is coming together is a new podcast produced by the Ranch Studio. While speaking about his son's death, Dan breaks down when contemplating an alternative sequences of events, and often referencesGod while trying to convince his wife that everything will be OK. Terms and Privacy. "I took that time and tried to better myself with it. It's an honor to speak with you. It just aint going to be people with substance use disorder. You called it in the documentary over-the-counter heroin. I left my house on Monday, headed to the FBI headquarters. People are going in and paying the doctor cash to write a prescription for Oxycontin. She said, Schneider, youre going to do this. And I said, What do you mean? She said, Youre going to be put her out of business, you are. And I said, Well, thats easy for you to say. I said, But theres a lot of sacrifice going in, Ive already promised my wife. I said, You know what? Dan Schneider, welcome to Heart of the Matter. And shes got a boyfriend at the time. In other twist, it turns out that Dan's high school friend, Walter Leger, represented St. Bernard Parish in a case against Purdue Pharma. I wanted this to be even tighter than we were. Mr Schneider began phoning around the neighbourhood where his son was murdered and was met with phones being slammed down. Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more. We looked at him and said you have a crusade Dan, said Jason Waguespack with the Ranch studios. watching. He was never a penny short, this was a total shock to me. And then I told the cops that, I got on their case. They faked this out. What would you say to people who are sitting on the sidelines, watching this slow motion car accident happen in front of them and watching our numbers of opioid overdoses tick up year after year, after year? But it was probably fairly bad even before my sons murder was solved, but I was so focused on that I just could not get involved in that. The New Orleans pain management specialist comes to the attention of the eponymous pharmacist Dan Schneider after he sees a huge increase in the number of OxyContin prescriptions. Not even a drink or a cigarette reads another letter. But they, she also had body guards you might say. Myers reveals that Dr. Cleggett prescribed 182, 732 Oxy pills in one year, dispersed through 10 pharmacies. Cleggett is indicted by the, This page was last edited on 8 April 2023, at 17:44. Heart of the Matter, a Podcast Hosted by Elizabeth Vargas. I made a deal with God to go out and teach kids and parents, not to investigate again. Schneider, we appreciate this and want to let you know, well get back with you on this. I get a call from them not long after and they say, The DEA is ahead of us on this. Kids everywhere have experimented with Xanax and Percocets and whatnot. The story begins as Schneider, a Louisiana-based pharmacist, solves the murder of his son, discovering a major twist in the process. In a big twist,Dan learns that theoriginal murder witness, Jeffery Hall, turned out to be the killer. Maybe it, whatever it was. Always compared myself to her. During the collectivefour episodes, however, the focus shifts to the titular subject'spersonal war against a doctor who essentially created an opioidepidemic throughout New Orleans and beyond. Overcome by grief and seeking answers, Schneider decided to take matters in his own hands. If it is negatively affecting a loved ones life, learn how to help. The 1950s turned St. Bernard exclusively white, while the black largely lived in the 9th Ward. Each email has a link to unsubscribe. Ive got to come to the realization that my son is dead and Ive got to come to the realization that he was attempting to buy drugs and the stigma back then was horrible. One doctor mainly put your St. Bernard Parish on the map as an opioid epidemic center. As a result, Dan began recording phone callsand commenceda personal investigation, one that led to mass speculation that he might be dealing with some mental health issues. I was pretty well known in the community. And I still dont know that its not possible that the FBI, somebody in the FBI was really on a take. So, and not only am I seeing this and Im getting involved in this, okay, Im embarrassed now. So I managed to, when I got her, I managed to get all this information to the Medical Board now about this young girl that came in, and documented this thing. Who is Dr Jacqueline Cleggett from The Pharmacist and what happened to Our state football team won one of their first playoff games. The Pharmacist concludes with a damning portrait ofPurdue Pharma, thepharmaceutical company that distributes OxyContin. Coverage of the latest true crime stories and famous cases explained, as well as the best TV shows, movies and podcasts in the genre. Maybe they dont have to go as far as you did, because Dan, you went far, you went farther than most people ever would, or maybe even should. Netflix's gripping new docu-series "The Pharmacist" follows a grieving pharmacist as he takes justice into his own hands after his son suffered a drug-related death. You became involved. Schneider eventually shares that he felt like his work was done after her conviction. His son was murdered in a drug-related shooting in New Orleans. The Pharmacist begins by recounting the tragic death of Dan Schneider's son, Daniel Schneider, Jr. Only 22 years old at the time, Danny Jr. was fatally shot while attempting to secure crack cocaine in New Orleans. They said, In 60 days were going to have this thing closed. The New Orleans pain management specialist comes to the attention of the eponymous pharmacist Dan Schneider after he sees a huge increase in the number of OxyContin prescriptions. The family hadn't. It tells a moving and inspiring story of a fathers journey in his path to seek justice as he channels his grief into an almost obsessive investigation when he finds himself looking at the opioid epidemic at its infancy. He learned the names of neighborhood drug dealers, and even approached a few for help," reported in 2017. Near as we can figure he was robbed, and that wasnt good enough and he was killed. We had been aware of some marijuana use. Now how bad is now some of the patients knew they were being taped. She said, Please play it. The humble pharmacist decided he would try to find those responsible for the murder, but that was just the beginning. Maybe I didnt know the depth of this. Which obviously I didnt in a sense. I cant even imagine. So, my question to you is, what would you say to people who all too often stand on the sidelines? The thing I would close with on this aspect too is, we have to get more people involved, not just Dan Schneider. The girl that was with me, shes kind of one of these people that believe in this kind of stuff, and I kind of dont. There were a few of them, it was greed. The pills had already made addicts out of thousands of innocent people, who shifted to less safer options like heroin. What Happened To 'The Pharmacist's' Jeffery Hall, Danny Schneider Jr.'s What had you heard about her? "The day after, me and my wife stayed in bed all day. I think they said 90 in a session, which was still ridiculous. They dont really react to it. eflix's latest true-crime docu-drama The Pharmacist features the story of the death of Danny Schneider. Supposedly that was a back up for her to kind of act like she was doing the right thing. Its safe to say that Netflix is confident when it comes to putting out the best documentaries. Then you got to figure out hes also doing serious drugs. And we took a break, went to Minnesota to watch this game. During the defense's cross-examination of E. Jean Carroll, Trump's attorney asked the writer why she "did not scream" when she was "supposedly raped. I dont think itd be the case if you had a real stick out doctor that I went to 10 pharmacists now and asked them to go with me to the medical, I think Id get some to go. Actively stop. The young man was brutally murdered in a botched drug-deal to the disbelief of his parents. And in fact, you can see some scenes in there where Im actually acting kind of crazy. It hasnt made a big difference. This account already exists. We had, at least 50 or 60% of our business was birth control pills and blood pressure pills and what not. Yeah. He was then chased in a car, and made frantic phone calls to his family. Lacking answers from the police, small-town pharmacist Dan Schneider embarked on a persistent pursuit to find and bring his son's killer to justice. NEW ORLEANS The story of a St. Bernard Parish pharmacist, who solved his 22-year-old son's murder after a drug-related shooting while also shining a light on the deadly opioid epidemic, is far. He later confronts a rampant drug abuse problem in his own community. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! It all begins when Schneider's son is murdered in the late 1990s while attempting to secure drugs. Theyre not being created by the prescription doctor, the pill doctors any longer, they needed new blood. And I was so astonished to see this Purdue Pharma sales rep refer to Dr. Cleggett as a whale. I found the cabs pulling up. The documentary itself builds the reveal of Jeffery as the killer as a twist for those unfamiliar with the story, only identifying Hall as a "Lower 9th Ward resident" when he is first introduced onscreen. The pain that the family goes through, hopefully that helps some people. But I didnt know what it was. I mean, she was one of the only African American female doctors in New Orleans who had these types of credentials. So what did she do when I get on the phone with her? We know Dan Schneider as the vigilant civilian hero, but how much do we really know about him? But all of a sudden I got this doctor here and the clientele thats coming in, not only is this huge amount of high potent [inaudible 00:09:10] and a pill almost type of medications that they take. The story of one man's investigation into his son's murder and how a drug deal gone wrong led to uncovering the opioid crisis. Though born in Upper 9th Ward, his family moved to St. Bernard soon after his birth because of racial divisions in the area. Hallwas ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2000 and served 13 years. She didnt think she could be stopped. They do good work and maybe a different time at a different place it would have been different. What would you say to them to encourage other people? In audio recordings, he repeatedly references a"special calling," and implies that his son was a "martyr." So what I to do though is, at home we had a little cash area. They said he had been out studying with his friend the previous night and had returned later that evening. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. We actually thought about it. While investigating Dr. Cleggett, Dan's behavior concerned notonly his family, but also the FBI. Now, why did I? By December 2000, Dan returned to work with clear eyes and a full heart. And even though it cost them maybe $200 or a $100 to go see the doctor, what would happen is they would go there like at eight oclock, she didnt open up until nighttime. Dan Schneider Once Reigned Over Children's TV. What Happened? The Pharmacist: With Dan Schneider, Jack Stephens, Annie Schneider, Anna Lembke. Maybe they know somebody he dealt with or somebody knew what he was doing. And they went down there and they asked one question, and his boss at the Pizza Hut, he delivered night pizza. ", The Pharmacist ends its murder mystery by revealing that Hall was eventually released after serving a 13-year sentence, at the age of 29. And so, believe it or not, I had two policemen, local policemen come there, but directed by the FBI to come there, sit me and my wife down and said, Look, hes got to stop. And believe it or not, it scared me and I basically stopped. not. I had learned to do that to help solve my sons murder. And they were treating my son like a criminal in a sense. Daniel Sr had to talk his witness around to testifying while she received threats in the post and had her house vandalised. This was early on in my investigation. And now I think shes buying into, well, maybe this is a calling. In other news, who is The Stranger star Brandon Fellows? Surprisingly, St. Bernard Parish was a community with some of the highest rates of prescription drug misuse in the entire nation, according to a 2000 Time article. "The Pharmacist" is now available to stream on Netflix. Schneider zeroes in on OxyContin in particular, which contributed to the boom of addiction cases in the U.S. in the early 2000s. This was the same house that Dan had built for his family, where his son was born and where he grew up. But when they said that, I said, Well? She said, Oh no, he was my best employee. The Pharmacist is both revealing and surprising with the ways it sheds light to a side to Americas drug crisis that we largely turn a blind eye to. He mentions that. Shes been hearing me say this. Tell me about that? In 2013, he founded St. Bernard Anti-Drug Coalition, a non-profit that works to reduce illegal drug use in the parish. During the trial, she was involved in a near-fatal car crash that resulted in a broken neck ("a hangman's fracture"), two brain hemorrhages, five skull fractures, and a six-week incubation. If she could take that kind of risk. A lot of people look at the risk, Ill take it. ', See Princess Eugenie's Rare Photo of Her Son. God, why did you take my baby? And its this shrill voice, a mother losing her child. "The embarrassment is just going to keep growing over this," Laura Harth, the campaign director at Safeguard Defenders, told Newsweek.

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