Estimates vary, and records have been destroyed, but there may have been as many as 64,000 deaths at Waverly Sanatorium. They were buried by passing through the death tunnel. This new treatment meant that newer cases could now be treated as outpatients in a regular hospital. & W.G.C. Four years later, in 1932, some say another nurse jumped to her death from the 5th floor patio near Room 502. If left untreated, the bacteria would begin to eat away at the lungs and could spread throughout the body -- consuming it. This list includes only patients that died at the hospital. An abandoned tuberculosis hospital moulders on into an uncertain future. In 1961, the hospital finally closed its doors. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium Body Chute in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the most haunted places in the United States. A tunnel connecting to the base of the hill was also built so that workers and supplies could be ferried to the facility at the top of the hill. (E to H) Patients of W.H.S. 2023 Atlas Obscura. During the late 1800s, roughly one in five deaths (20%) was attributed to tuberculosis. Please remember that information contained on this site, authored/owned by KHI, is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. After Alberhaskys efforts failed, Waverly Hills was sold to Tina and Charlie Mattingly in 2001. Some have reported seeing shapes near the window in room 502 and even a voice saying, Get out.. The Waverly Hills Death Tunnel. Even with many new procedures available, it was impossible to save everyone. Locals place their offerings on this nightmarish gnarled tree so the witches won't summon another storm. There is an underground tunnel from the sanatorium to the bottom of the hill. Its supposedly around 500 feet long and leads down the hill. In 1883, Major Thomas Hercules Hays, who had served in the Confederate army during the Civil War and fought at the. The project was canceled in December 1997. The structure served a lot of purposes throughout history, but the most significant one was when it was a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients from 1910 to 1961. In this procedure, nitrogen is injected into the lungs, forcing them to collapse. The 1920 & 1930 census reports were all hand written. The second e was dropped at some point.).,, Create a website or blog at, Historical Case Studies in Crime & Punishment, Infirmaries and Poorhouses: Image Gallery, Transylvania University Medical Department, University of Louisville Medical Department, Kentucky Institution for Feeble Minded Children, Covington-Kenton County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Madisonville State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Another theory is that Mary got pregnant by one of the doctors, and when he tried to perform an abortion, she died, and the suicide was staged. We do not have access to records of any patients from Waverly Hills and we cannot accommodate any requests at this time. var tlxLastPublishedDate = null; var now = new Date(); var edited = (tlxLastPublishedDate != null) ? resource site. It was also a disease that could end in a painful death. The Waverly Hills death tunnel actually was considered a sanctuary during an air raid and held enough space to fit everyone in the building safely. More than half of those diagnosed with TB would die in three to five years. ome improvement began to present itself in those who spent a restful retreat in the mountains. This road trip takes you to some of the most haunted places in Kentucky, including notorious paranormal hotspots like Mammoth Cave, the Jailers Inn, Maple Hill Manor Bed and Breakfast, and what might just be the most haunted place in the country: Bobby Mackeys Music World.. an impact on Louisville's history. It was thought that doing so would close up the small holes that tuberculosis causes. Even with the building of additional pavilions, space for patients was consistently at a minimal. Plans to turn Waverly Hills Sanatorium into a hotel, restaurant, and convention center are moving forward after the Louisville Metro Council approved a zoning change request by the owner on Feb. 27. (I to L) Patients of W.H.S. It's a place where the smell of death is hidden, and where the painful screams are still in the air. Alberhaskys intentions were to construct the worlds tallest statue ofJesuson the site, along with an arts and worship center. Waverly Hills Historical Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Waverly Hills Sanatorium, the history of its past employees and patients, as well as the education of the public of the history of TB and the effect on the area. This site It is said that 63,000 people died at Waverly Hills over the years, but that is just what records . Nothing that went down the death tunnel ever came back up. The administrators began taking the bodies through the hidden tunnel to hide the morbid evidence from the other tenants, earning the tunnel the nickname the body chute. Luckily this misery came to an end in the 1940s when a tuberculosis drug was introduced that drastically lowered the need for such a large facility. (M to P) Some of the names were difficult if not impossible to read. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! With little knowledge of how to fight the illness, the creators of Waverly Hills based their treatment on quarantine, fresh air, and a positive attitude. Other accounts tell of ghostly appearances by a little girl named Mary and a little boy named Bobby in other areas of the hospital. No purchase necessary. A reminder to visitors that Waverly Hills is private property and the residence of it's owners. The tunnels main purpose was to protect the morale of other patients. Construction on the second hospital was underway in March 1924. The tunnel is supposed to be haunted by those who made their last journey through it. There are a large number of people who enjoy the idea of believing and chasing ghosts and ghosts tales, and this fanbase is one that seems to grow byleaps and boundsevery single year. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. It is part of the. Waverly Hills was a self-contained community. . This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. People who were afflicted with Tuberculosis were isolated from the general public and placed in an area where they could rest, stay calm, and have plenty of fresh air. The dead were left at the end of the tunnel. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. Youtube user Dead Explorer perfectly captured what its like to walk through the tunnel in the video above. Major Hays was in need of a school for his daughters to attend, so he started a one-room schoolhouse that was located on Pages Lane. Since then, theyve worked with the Waverly Hills preservation society to restore the building. Reporting on what you care about. Welcome to the Official Waverly Hills/ Woodhaven memorial & historical resource site. Can I visit any abandoned places in Kentucky? All information contained in this website If you can correct us on anything we have posted, please do so. The second purpose was to protect those who had to transport the dead to the pickup spot to be laid to rest. It is made with concrete all around, which makes this tunnel of nightmares a very sturdy structure. This is an active project so check back often for updates. While the building is now primarily a tourist attraction for those with creepy predilections, it used to be a functioning tuberculosis hospital. It was the workers that would be detached to gather the bodies of the dead and either burn, bury, or transport them elsewhere. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Edward A. Arthur Waverly Hills photograph collection, 019PC9, Filson Historical Society. Robert Alberhasky bought the property in 1996 with plans to to erect the world's tallest statue of Jesus and a religious center. It also had an ulterior and much less sinister purpose. This building would stand at the forefront of America's fight against the deadly disease, Tuberculosis. Alberhaskys plan fell through, as only $3,000 was raised in a year. It was considered very state-of-the-art for its day. BUT, according to Patti Starr in her book. Kelli Patrick:Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened in around 1910 because of an outbreak of tuberculosis. Construction on the first hospital began in 1908 in a quiet space atop a hill, where it was thought patients would be at peace and receive lots of fresh air (and stay far from crowded areas). Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky. The Filson Historical Society holds a wide range of collections documenting individual experiences of tuberculosis and collective efforts to manage the disease. An event referred to as the Lbeck disaster, in which a contaminated vaccine ended up killing 72 children in Germany, curtailed the popularity of the BCG vaccine for several years -- even though the vaccine itself was exonerated. At the time, Tuberculosis was a very serious disease. At the same time they also reveal stark racial disparities in mortality rates and institutional treatment. In 1850, James Stewart wrote of a friend who suffered exquisite pain during almost nine months spent in bed. can not be used in any means without written persmission from the owner of the media. Meet MasterChef Gordon Ramsays Children - Who are They? When the visit was over, the visitors left Waverly and ventured back out into the community. Surgical intervention, including removal of ribs and/or parts of the lungs, was reserved for patients close to death. Waverly Hills isnt the only haunted tunnel around. Essentially, once you went to Waverly Hills -- as a patient, a nurse, or a doctor -- you no longer got to be a part of the outside world. These dead patients were taken to the burial site through the tunnels known as the 490-foot (150-meter Death Tunnel), one of the most famous parts of the hospital. Powered by & Waverly Hills Sanatorium once housed hundreds, perhaps thousands of tuberculosis patients during a major, years-long outbreak in Jefferson County, Kentucky the building that still stands today is said to be haunted by those who died there. This calm grassy field was once a Superfund site full of thousands of nasty chemicals. Some time before the property was purchased in 2001, a story circulated about a group of teenage boys who snuck into the sanatorium. If the number is true, the cost would equate to roughly. Important note:If you would like to use any information on this website (including text, bios, photos andany other information) we encourage you to contact us. We do not own all of the materials on this website/blog. Important note:If you would like to use any information on this website (including text, bios, photos andany other information) we encourage you to contact us. A homeless man and his dog supposedly fell down the elevator shaft when the building was vacant, and some have seen the. Create a website or blog at, Historical Case Studies in Crime & Punishment, Infirmaries and Poorhouses: Image Gallery, Transylvania University Medical Department, University of Louisville Medical Department, Kentucky Institution for Feeble Minded Children, Covington-Kenton County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Madisonville State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. What makes this tunnel in Kentucky stand out from the others? Previous property owners had no desire to maintain the luster of the building and did little to stop people from slowly destroying her. Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. - 1920 Census Report30 - 1930 Census Report Today, it stands today as a monument in the fight against the dreaded disease. The official estimates were admitted at more than 60,000 individuals died from TB or some of the questionable treatments utilized as attempted cures for the ailment. All information / names gathered from research and visitors will be added to the They were buried by passing through the death tunnel. * followed by year - Died at WHS/WGC in that year, Copyright 2003, 2004 This is an active project so check back often for updates. It wasnt until 1882 that Robert Koch published a paper identifying this bacillus for the first time. this website are the property of their respective owners or Waverly Hills Memorial & Historical Research Groupand The 400-bed hospital that opened in 1926 at Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Horror For an initiation stunt, five college women are locked in a Kentucky hospital built in 1910 where 63,000 people died from a disease known as the "white plague". WoodHaven Medical was closed by the state in 1981. No matter the good vibes the site espoused, it still ended up as place to scare people. Was a May Day Attack by Pilgrims a Practice Run for a Massacre? Louisville, KY, is home to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, which many people believe is one of the most haunted places on Earth. During its time as a hospital, Waverly Hills would sadly see many deaths. Sanatoriums were built on high hills surrounded by peaceful woods to create a serene atmosphere to help the patients recover. Offer subject to change without notice. There are currently 10 different medications available in the US to treat tuberculosis. As the state of the patients worsened, people began to die in the facility on an almost-daily basis. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Waverly Hills is one of the most fascinating buildings to be found that stores within its wallsmany horrible and pain filled memories of a time where it seemed to continuously consume 100s of lives. In 2001, Charles and Tina Mattingly bought the property. We do not own all of the materials on this website/blog. In 1907, the Louisville Tuberculosis Association established Hazelwood Sanatorium for the treatment of white patients from any part of Kentucky, even before Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened, in 1910, for city and county residents. will be confirmed information either by photograph, news article, and/ or historical archive of some kind. Every state in the country has its fair share of haunted locations, and Kentucky is no different. . The numbers are hard to believe, however. Public health advocates managed the Free Tuberculosis Dispensary on West Chestnut Street, hired a corps of traveling nurses, sponsored educational campaigns, and supported anti-spitting laws. The institution was reopened as WoodHaven Medical Services, a geriatrics hospital in 1962, but closed in 1980 under allegations of patient abuse. Not much was known scientifically about tuberculosis at that point -- but it was clearly very contagious, and it was common practice to quarantine TB patients away from the population. KDR - Kentucky Death RecordsS - SubmittedNP - NewspaperO - Other20 mentioned or used within Even those who don't believe in ghosts enjoy the site for its history, its controversy, or for its popularity. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Some have called this long concrete structure the Death Shute over the years. There are a few abandoned tunnels in Kentucky, but none have quite the reputation of the notorious Waverly Hills Death Tunnel on 4400 Paralee Lane in Louisville. Are they real, or arent they, that is the question? All proceeds benefit the restoration project. The hospital was deteriorating badly when they took possession. One report from a paranormal investigation group noted that six members saw what they claim looked like a young girls shadow that was completely opaque. The two TB sanatoriums were open for a total of 51 years, which means that 3 to 4 people would have died every single day. Due to the rapid increase of Tuberculosis cases, the original hospital was soon to capacity. Let's see what might have caused all these tragic deaths. A new sanatorium opened on October 17, 1926 that could accommodate 400-500 patients. If you get lost the address to the Golf Course is 4301 East Pages Lane, Louisville, KY 40272. When the plans fell through due to funding problems, Alberhasky, upset that the remaining building was protected by the Historical Register, tried to have the building condemned. It has been estimated that the death tunnel actually saw more dead people than most modern hospitals do in its first three years. Over the following years the population of Waverly began to decrease until it closed in June 1961. This website wouldbe Unfortunately, the sanatorium's medical records (up to 1935) were destroyed during the Flood of 1937, and subsequent documentation was haphazardly discarded following the hospital's closing . (The myth was further spread by Tina. Key: If you want to visit, make your plans early! In 1908, ground was broken on what would become known as Waverly Hills Sanatorium (no one is quite sure when or how the second e was dropped from Waverly). The only building in Louisville (hopefully) that contains two ancient holy skeletons. A total of 63,000 people lost their lives up until 1961, the year when the hospital was closed. The following index contains recorded patient deaths at Waverly Hills between 1911-1960.

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