The passage employs all of the following contrasts EXCEPT one between, English, Study Questions, Their Eyes Were Wat, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. B. DThe objects and colors of summer existed for Henry, not as reality, but as symbols. They will instead be, Comparative reading sets may have their own organizing information questions. It introduces a strain of naturalism into the passage. In the passage, Clytie's character is best described as, By describing Clytie's "words" (sixth paragraph) rather than quoting them, the author primarily, The passage features all of the following contrasts EXCEPT, mental and physical worlds of Clytie as her father is dying. 2 0 obj (Choice B) California, Which one of the following is an approach used in both passages to help make a point about _____?. Paragraph 7 serves which of the following rhetorical functions? mouth") the description of Clytie's lingering attention to her father's face suggests her, growing realization of his impending death, Clytie's behavior in the sixth paragraph suggests that she, In these lines of the ninth paragraph ("The thick . Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. BThey came about naturally, not from established social customs. %PDF-1.7 The statement in lines 5-7 ("the charm . Winter was always the effort to live; summer was tropical license. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. hateful satirical pretentious resentful arrogant Also, In lines 12-15, the speakers attitude toward Hortense can best be described as; The speakers feelings about the disaster are suggested by; The speaker state of mind is established predominantly by MOOD Mood refers to the feelings that a poem or prose passage elicits from the reader. The prefix in means "in," "on," or "onto.". Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. regard") produces its effect primarily by, imagining a kind of sisterhood among fictional protagonists, In the fourth sentence, "patronized" is best interpreted to mean, The narrator's attitude toward "Reviewers" (sixth sentence) is best characterized as, The narrator uses the word "body" (seventh sentence) primarily to, The narrator suggests that the abridgements and collections referred to in the tenth sentence are. The passage primarily focuses on the answer choices dying father's last relationships with family and servants The famous poem by Dante entitled The Divine Comedy is divided into chapters called cantos. Town was winter confinement, school, rule, discipline; straight, gloomy streets, piled with six feet of snow in the middle; frosts that made the snow sing under wheels or runners; thaws when the streets became dangerous to cross; society of uncles, aunts, and cousins who expected children to behave themselves, and who were not always gratified; above all else, winter represented the desire to escape and go free. What overall function do "the others" (line 30) serve within the context of the poem? In your notebook, spell the word below by adding the letter that forms the "j" sound. Winter and summer, cold and heat, town and country, force and freedom, marked two modes of life and thought, balanced like lobes of the brain. . A The writer uses each of the following EXCEPT. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. The New England light is glare, and the atmosphere harshens color. (thi Using the vocabulary list for this lesson, supply the correct word to complete each sentence. Previous Next (C) strength The tent's primary purpose is to create shade, its secondary purpose is to keep us dry, and its _____ purpose is to provide a place to store the food and refreshments. Also, it was centered on the working class (workers) of Reading in Pennsylvania and it won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2017. Which of the following quotations most accurately conveys the central theme of the passage? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices, sus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. . Pellentesque dapib
Donec aliquet. The passage provides information on each of the following EXCEPT. The passage features all of the following contrasts EXCEPT. In the passage, Clytie's character is best described as: Dutiful. C) The workers were locked out of the plant. In context, "reach" (line 61) is best understood to mean. <>/Metadata 277 0 R/ViewerPreferences 278 0 R>> Pellentesque dap, acinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. It is the second largest freshwater swamp/marsh in the United States. 1. Which of the following best describes the poem's structure? 7. Direct link to brittany96carter's post I caught the same thing!, Posted 4 years ago. In context, the statement "Yes, novels" (third sentence) does all of the following EXCEPT, Suggest that an earlier observation is inaccurate, From the third sentence on, the narrator is speaking primarily as, The statement in the fourth sentence ("Alas . In the passage, all of the following contrasts convey Cynthia's complex understanding of the divide between workers and management EXCEPT. . 8. B) The speaker compares the husband's "softness" (line 28) in interacting with his wife to his "strong" (line 30) nature. ATo reflect nostalgically on his childhood experiences, BTo re-create the childhood environment that shaped his perceptions of the world, CTo detail how the hardships of living in New England contributed to a sense of disillusionment DTo describe the influence that boyhood friends had on his character, ETo relate a particularly memorable summer in New England. This is AP Lit. 1, 2, and 3. Name at least three ways a family of origin influences a person. Paragraph 7 serves which of the following rhetorical functions? the significance of water's tensile strength in the pull theory. <> Top Tip . Circle the word in each sentence for which the word any will correct a double negative. Which of the following events mentioned in the passage happened last? <> In lines 11-12, the acrobat, who is "not-quite- / Lost," functions as a representation of the bird's nest's, The relationship between Aunt Virginia and her "regular customers" (line 20) can best be described as. LOATHSOME If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. The double exterior nature gave life its relative values. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie co, sum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. (SS8G1d) Weather patterns over an extended period of time are referred to as. In the context of the passage as a whole, the phrase "chief charm" (line 1) is best interpreted to mean, 4. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictu, molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. The writer uses each of the following EXCEPT. 1 90-135, d, Poland, uses cookies. . In the first three paragraphs Buckley presents all of the following contrasts EXCEPT. the amount of water a tall tree can transport. CThey often conflict with conventional practices. Gently mocks Mrs. Tulliver for the watchfulness she exerts over her daughters outward beauty. (C) hateful In the context of the passage, the words "atmosphere" (line 45) and "tone" (line 61) suggest Aunattainable insights into nature, Cdistorted perceptions of one's surroundings, 3. . Donec aliquet. Sweat is a play that was written and produced in 2015 by American playwright Lynn Nottage. Paragraph 4 serves which of the following rhetorical functions? (B) wealthy Write CCC in the blank if the sentence is correct. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, In the passage, all of the following contrasts convey cynthias complex understanding of the divide between workers and management except, In 2008, two years after the death of science fiction writer Octavia Butler, the Huntington Library in ______ received a collection of more than 8,000 This kind of ordering is what you will see in the choices. What is Sweat? BHenry's sensory perceptions were defined by books. Which of the following words from paragraphs 1 & 2 is intended to be ironic? Direct link to pc2secondgraders1's post Whata, can I see a video about topic sentence in the paragraph, Which one of the following most accurately describes the organization of the last paragraph in the passage?, Which one of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, ultrices ac magna. 1&2. x][sF~wlyJ1#RJkyH kb ? ,fx=3=}znbom1_7o~a]X\WnWo>]ON+\ 7Q__bB^W_IR~HOneO_19=&]qH=J3s:=Iwxl+\OtG7S/-!qj3[L-Wb;-hhz;z9gm`]L7ludwExiO"}wfE]mo)cCW1iO$U)>J_/V]dA=.gcP$lz,5}~Iwt1&n>mzN[`g=w6Aa~a Z7x%. BAssociations that are enriched by metaphors and analogies, CEvocative details that are arranged systematically, DAn argument that is provocative but ultimately specious, EA description that alternates between subjective impressions and fact, 2. Complete the following sentence: Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Sweat is a play that was written and produced in 2015 by American playwright Lynn Nottage. Note that the options for these questions wont track every twist and turn of the authors development of the main point. Which of the following best describes the narrator's main purpose in the passage? The chief charm of New England was harshness of contrasts and extremes of sensibility a cold that froze the blood, and a heat that boiled it so that the pleasure of hating one's self if no better victim offered was not its rarest amusement; but the charm was a true and natural child of the soil, not a cultivated weed of the ancients. . Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet, dictum vitae odio. 1 0 obj Which of the following best states the narrator's central point about novelists? &. It foreshadows Monas momentous decision. After I had seen that Kenneth Branagh movie (Henry V), I was hooked! h. h OJ QJ hU= h OJ QJ h. h 6OJ QJ h_zJ h 5OJ QJ - 1 u Choose 1 answer: Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor, entesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Study the entries and answer the question that follow. When Organizing Information questions ask about the entire passage, it can be helpful to read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Question 9. (B) abundance . He could reach it only by education. Do, molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. 3 0 obj stream 40, loc. The function of Cynthia's memories of her desire for a management position (line 11 and line 13) in the scene as a whole is to, C) provide a justification for Cynthia's apparent betrayal of her family and friends, Cynthia's use of "they" to describe both the plant managers (line 13 and line 15) and the plant workers (line 15) suggests that she, A) no longer considers herself part of either group. Although "female" and "father" are mentioned, there is no inherent contrast between them. In lines 11-12, the . If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Life was a double thing. state a thesis, give evidence, and then address an opposing position? endobj A question on the tone of a passage (often indicated synonymously with author or speaker's "attitude") can be worded as follows: The speaker's tone in the last sentence of the passage can best be described as which of the following? Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. The intense blue of the sea, as he saw it a mile or two away, from the Quincy hills; the cumuli3 in a June afternoon sky; the strong reds and greens and purples of colored prints and children's picture-books, as the American colors then ran; these were ideals. . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. THIS SERVICE WILL BE USEFUL FOR: Based on the passage, we can deduce that hungry versus satisfied didn't in anyway contrast convey Cynthias complex understanding of the divide between workers and management. In the final sentence of paragraph 4, the reference to "other unexpected virtues" does which of the following? C Organizing information questions ask you to understand and analyze how a passage works to make an argument: When Organizing Information questions ask about the entire passage, it can be helpful to. 11. RHETORIC Questions on rhetoric can be worded as follows: The phrase cut her past away in line 13 does which of the following? She fails to cheer him with her tentative words and gestures. Country, only seven miles away, was liberty, diversity, outlawry, the endless delight of mere sense impressions given by nature for nothing, and breathed by boys without knowing it. What is the significance of Cynthia and Stan's discussion of a Panama Canal cruise at the beginning of the scene? The passage features all of the following contrasts EXCEPT joy and despondence Students also viewed Ap lit passage 1 33 terms Taytana_K MCP: Crick, Crack (AP LIT) 9 terms Lolicantmeme Gillespie Lit Final Review 55 terms OnlineNotesVI Kane Lit 47 terms Recent flashcard sets Aphatische kologie 6 23 terms listening 94 terms Harry Potter 6 10 terms California, present one side of a debate, then another, then argue for a one side or introduce a third point of view? (Choice D) California The phrase "To the boy Henry Adams" (lines 29-30) functions primarily as, Aa device meant to encourage the reader's empathy, Ba clarification of the point of view of the preceding lines, Can indication of a narrative shift from general to specific, Da means of introducing structural irony in the passage, Ean implication that one boy's point of view is unique and radical, 9. . AHenry's sensory perceptions were vague and inaccurate. , s is a human and social service question i dunno what "subject" this class falls under). To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. After a January blizzard, the boy who could look with pleasure into the violent snow-glare of the cold white sunshine, with its intense light and shade, scarcely knew what was meant by tone. , the equation to find the numbers of cores that she would have love to read after winning 26 of them, Describe family of origin. Match the philosopher with the idea that he supported. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. *AP & Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this site. In context, which phrase most directly indicates a judgment made by the narrator? Which one of the following most accurately describes a relationship between the two passages. morning") suggests that the narrator actually views the Poor Relation's remark to the divinity-student as, In choosing to describe the divinity-student's face as having "the color of a very young pea somewhat over-boiled" in the fourth sentence of the third paragraph, the narrator uses exaggeration to, A) mock the divinity-student's response as overwrought, In the fifth sentence of the third paragraph, the narrator's extended description of the "scenery of a long tragic drama" affects the narrative in all of the following ways EXCEPT by, D) implying that the Poor Relation's remark is inaccurate, In the first sentence of the fourth paragraph, the narrator's straightforward explanation of the "heathen images" running through the divinity-student's mind serves to, B) address a potential misunderstanding of the divinity-student's reaction, For the divinity-student, the "looking-glass" mentioned in the second sentence of the final paragraph comes to symbolize, D) the distressing inevitability of death, In context, the divinity-student's "mild short cough" mentioned in the final sentence of the passage is best understood as, In the final sentence of the passage, the divinity-student's "mild short cough" highlights a tension between, A) his tormented thoughts and his subdued physical reaction, Magma Europa S. z O.O. However, if one method doesn't appear to be of no help, another can be tried. EThey foster local agricultural methods rather than hinder them. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, icitur laoreet. in the first three paragraphs, Buckley presents all of the following contrasts EXCEPT, which of the following words from paragraph 2 and 3 is intended to be ironic, which of the following describes the organizational method of the passage, progress from descriptive narration to detailed exposition, the writer uses each of the following EXCEPT, the seatmate's "doleful eyes" in paragraph 2 most likely can be described as, in paragraph 8, there is a long sentence that begins with "And the reason no one did." which of the following indicates a comma splice in that paragrpah, " in america to be unobtrusive, we are reluctant", Evaluate the effectiveness of the methods use, formation la lecture de l'ECG - partie 1 (1, N258 Exam 1: Physical Assessment & Vital Signs, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Winter and summer, cold and heat, town and country, force and freedom, marked two modes of life and thought, balanced like lobes of the brain. 4 0 obj afterwards") ? D Prezydenta Gabriela Narutowicza Street, No. (Choice A) California present a contradictory or paradoxical situation, then give examples for how it manifests, then discuss a potential solution? wise"), the narrator does which of the following? I need help with this passage and answering it. endobj * 3 ", Rachel has 29 cars available to rent let CB the number of cars she would have loved after running or of course write an equation relating CTR then use The following is an excerpt from an autobiography written in the third person by Henry Adams, a prominent Bostonian. Q. Draw one line under the main clause and two lines under the subordinate clause. CThe objects Henry observed were mostly the products of his imagination. Which of the following best characterizes lines 30-41 ("Among . , items, including Butlers private notes, research materials, manuscripts, photos, and drawings. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequ, a. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Lorem ipsum, , dictum vitae odio. In the first sentence, ("The old . (D) hunger. B) They represent being immersed in life, while Aunt Virginia represents embracing death. Mr. Tulliver worries that his lack of means will limit Maggie's future opportunities. In context, "tropical license" (line 65) is best interpreted to mean. . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, co, sum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 2Pennyroyal is a mint plant; flagroot is the root of a particular herb. % sque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Winter and summer, then, were two hostile lives, and bred two separate natures. AP Language and Composition Midterm - Unit 1, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Test 2: 3/3/19: Richburg et al., (2016), Wils, Agg: Evolutionary - Infidelity/jealousy and m. I need help with this passage and answering it Read Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. Fragile and resilient features. endobj Donec aliquet. The contrast between Aunt Virginia and "the others" (line 30-36) suggests that while she is calm and cheerful about her impending death, they are. Today, the Octavia E. Butler Collection is one of the most researched archives at the library. Boys are wild animals, rich in the treasures of sense, but the New England boy had a wider range of emotions than boys of more equable climates. (A) masculine In the passage, hungry versus satisfied didn't contrast convey Cynthias complex understanding of the divide between workers and management. The violence of the contrast was real and made the strongest motive of education. Which of the following most accurately conveys the meaning of "these were ideals" (line 53) ? The absence of "fresh proof " (first sentence) suggests which of the following about Catherine and Isabella? The passage features all of the following contrasts EXCEPT answer choices speech and restraint joy and despondence kindness and cruelty duty and devotion control and compliance Question 11 60 seconds Q. He felt his nature crudely, as it was meant. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Joy and despondence Students also viewed. For each of the following sentences, choose the correct pronoun from the pair in parentheses. (A) lazy (Choice C) California: California, 2. It has the highest level of rainfall in the state of Georgia. . . In line 42 "crude" is best interpreted to mean, 6. California Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like in the first three paragraphs, Buckley presents all of the following contrasts EXCEPT, which of the following words from paragraph 2 and 3 is intended to be ironic, which of the following describes the organizational method of the passage and more. It suggests Cynthia's desire to escape a stressful situation. Direct link to dvanorden's post I found a small typo unde, Posted a year ago. The citations from the rector of Hambleden's letters do all of the following EXCEPT The speaker draws on contrasts between all of the following EXCEPT The speaker's rhetorical strategies in the passage include all of the following EXCEPT
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the passage features all of the following contrasts except
the passage features all of the following contrasts except
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the passage features all of the following contrasts except
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