d. is eliminated. a. mandating that all outside directors be drawn from government or academia rather than industry. All rights reserved. This is in fact what we found. d.the top management team's interests and the owners' interests are aligned. b. riskier strategies with more focused diversifica-tion for the firm. Research suggests that boards of directors perform - Course Hero Post and Byron (2015) synthesized the findings from 140 studies of board gender diversity with a combined sample of more than 90,000 firms from more than 30 countries. 2010).These studies generally focus on institutional investors as shareholders (Roberts and Yuan 2006), and when they do address the role of . d. the opportunity for higher compensation through firm growth, a reduction in mana-gerial employment risk. Managers may decide to invest ____ in products that are not associated with the firm's current lines of business to increase the firm's level of diversification and decrease their employment risk. Several members of the board of directors of American Textile Products (ATP) have proposed creating the position of lead director. d.likely to be terminated by the acquiring firm even in a friendly takeover. c. an increased number of IPOs (initial public offerings) are expected. c. Institutional investors disapprove of long-term executive incentive plans and they may sell their blocks of stock in CamCell. a. available to comment to external analysts. But firms expecting a financial performance boost simply by increasing female board representation may end up disappointed. In the chapter Strategic Focus, the weakness of corporate boards was exemplified by ___________________. d. the proportion of insiders on the board of directors. International Food Services (IFS) has a contract with the Marines to supply meals for its troops in Iraq and other foreign assignments. Post and Byron (2015) found that firms with more female directors tend to have slightly higher accounting returns, such as return on assets and return on equity, than firms with fewer female directors. d.a poison pill. Companies that engage in CSR, or intend to do so, may be particularly inclined to appoint women to the board. a. determine and control the strategic direction of an organization, so that the top executives are focused on maximizing corporate profits. a. ownership concentration. The modest size of the positive effects helps explain ambiguity and inconsistency in prior scholarship (past research has been triangulating on a weak signal in a noisy field), and they caution against overclaiming about strong or causally dependable financial benefits (Eagly, 2016). d. the number of outside directors and total percentage of shares they own. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. a. reasonably compensating a CEO. a. firms with unethical top executives c. safer strategies with more focused diversifica-tion for the firm. b. returned to them as dividends. James Abercrombie has a thriving consulting firm specializing in training boards of directors in decision-making skills. d. The gap in compensation between CEOs in public and private companies is in-creasing. a. boards of directors. "Generally, a board member who is a source of information about a firm's day-to-day activities is classified as a(an) ____ director. Who is ultimately responsible for the corporate climate that resulted in this wrongdoing? By studying outcomes that are more proximal or immediately related to board decision-making than is company performance, researchers may shed more light on when, whether, and how diverse boards differ from all-male boards. Diversity advocates often argue that gender-diverse boards make better decisions than all-male boards. "Simon Leagreet, the Chairperson and CEO of L-EVA Industries, Inc., has long been the major power at L-EVA. c. executive compensation systems. a. increases shareholder value significantly. One board member discussed her experience on a board: I do feel Im listened to The CEO makes a big difference in terms of the openness., Similarly, another shared how a different CEO made it easier for board members to access the management team: It starts, again, with the CEO not playing the hierarchical role and saying, You cant talk to one of my VPs unless you come through meSo we had access to the next level of management. d.banks. a. elect an insider as the lead director. c. large; small Mary-Hunter (Mae) McDonnell is an assistant professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she conducts research on the topics of non-market strategy and corporate governance. We also asked them to evaluate the competence of the new board member. b. risk undertaken by managers to earn stock options. It is worth noting that gender diversity in other kinds of work teams is not significantly positively related to performance, either. "Research suggests that boards of directors perform better if: c. private shareholders rarely have large ownership positions in the firm. b. CalPERS' interest in Acme Brands will cause the directors to reduce the size of the stock option plan from what it would otherwise have been. b. a standstill agreement. a. defense tactics are usually beneficial for the executives of the target firm. b. CamCell may have to over-compensate its CEO in order to offset the personal risk a CEO would undertake under this plan. c. focusing attention on ineffective boards of directors. While the relationship between board gender diversity and company performance is very weak, there appears to be a somewhat stronger relationship between board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility (CSR). c. the number of outside directors and the parties they represent. b. increased diversification of the firm. The correlation is .03. Klein is also the vice dean of the Wharton Social Impact Initiative. b. risks borne by The market for corporate control serves as a means of governance when c. the government. d.incentive. "In the U.S. the fundamental goal of business is to: "In the U.S., a firm's key stakeholder(s) is(are) the: "Which of the following is NOT an internal governance mechanism? Ambrose Bierce, the CEO of DictionAry, has been paid a lump sum amounting to three years' salary because DictionAry has been bought in a hostile takeover by its main competitor. All of the following are correct about the chapter Strategic Focus on fraud and corporate gov-ernance failure at Satyam Computer Services Ltd. b. enforcement This is in line with numerous academic studies that have found little to no evidence supporting the idea that board diversity leads to better financial performance. d. dependent. c. Competition a. a uniform compensation plan for all corporate executives, U.S. and foreign alike. performance of boards of directors and how various studies have tackled this challenge. b. strengthening the internal management and accounting control systems a. earnings potential for: a. management structures related to total quality management systems. Similarly, after promising to address board diversity, Skechers explained their decision not to nominate a female director by saying that the firms primary focus is on maximizing shareholder value. In May 2019, the company nominated their first female board member following the enactment a law requiring California companies to have at least one woman on their board. c. often performing above their industry averages. They are more a function of general market conditions. To achieve cognitive diversity, then, we should focus on dimensions of diversity other than gender. c. defense tactics vary in their effectiveness as a defense to takeovers. Again, we cant know for certain why board diversity doesnt predict company performance, but it seems likely that some of the following factors explain the very weak and mostly non-significant effects: While research indicates that in general male and female adults differ somewhat in their values, experiences, and knowledge (and the differences are not huge), its not clear that male and female board members differ all that much in their values, experiences, and knowledge. Hed speak like, without taking any breaths for two hours on end., But even in hierarchical cultures, the CEO, Chairman, or lead director can help to create a more open communication environment. What other expenses might it expect? The repurchase at a premium of shares of stock that have been acquired by the aggressor firm in a hostile takeover in exchange for an agreement that the aggressor will no longer target the company for takeover is called: The fact that a hostile takeover has occurred is proof that the firm was un-der-performing. "An agency relationship exists when one party delegates: The best evidence comes from a recent meta-analysis of 146 studies (Jeong and Harrison, 2017). d. the board of directors. d.is less expensive than maintaining two top executives. a. usually on the verge of bankruptcy. The fact that two quite distinctive meta-analyses reached nearly identical conclusions carries a lot of weight. "Amos Ball, Inc., is a printing company in Iowa that has been family owned and managed for three generations. d. Banks have less influence on the governance of German corporations than they do on U.S. corporations. When executives have ownership positions or stock options with their employing firm, they are c. The state is becoming far less dominant in determining the strategies employed by most firms. a. a uniform compensation plan for all corporate executives, U.S. and foreign alike. a. the firm is overpriced in the market. High-performing boards: What's on their agenda? | McKinsey "Shareholder value is: b. c. compensating directors with stock options rather than with fixed remuneration. Besides the name of the director, the press releases were identical. Members of these boards believe that both their expertise and willingness to learn is recognized and incorporated into the boards work. b. small; large One board member shared: We look at diversity in a lot of different ways experience, age, ethnicity, gender, etc.. c. Electing an lead director. What difference can Archibald expect? Given the demands for greater accountability and improved performance, which of the follow-ing is NOT a voluntary change many boards of directors have initiated? Find the area bounded by the graphs of the indicated equations over the given intervals (when stated). b. a weak board of directors. d.penalties for inadequate firm performance. For example, our interviewees on the boards of hi-tech start-ups and cyber security firms revealed that women, minorities, and younger board members often hold these coveted roles on boards in their firms and industries. Increased regulation in the financial sector has increased the cost of mounting hos-tile takeovers. d.a silver handshake. b. company unions which are a type of governance system. a. increases shareholder value significantly. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A major conflict of interest between top executives and owners, is that top executives wish to diversify the firm in order to ____, while owners wish to diversify the firm to ____. d.risk managers will not find a new top management position if they should be dismissed. But when it comes to stock market performance, companies with women on the board actually see a decline in their market value for two years following the appointment. d. prevented by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act from owning more than 50% of the stock of any one firm. b. organizational size. a. boards of directors. "The argument for having one individual serve as CEO and chairperson of the Board of Directors is that this: "One means that is considered to improve the effectiveness of outside directors is: d.For legal reasons, the board cannot consider the interests of CalPERS over the interests of its top executives. d. frozen assets, Product diversification provides two benefits to managers that do not accrue to shareholders: ____ and ____. Meta-analyses linking team gender diversity to team performance (e.g., Bell et al., 2011) reach much the same conclusion as meta-analyses linking board gender diversity to firm performance that is, the relationship between team gender diversity and team performance is tiny. b. the market for corporate control. Mr. Abercrombie has had striking success in reducing conflict and hostil-ity among directors and allowing boards to develop more cohesiveness. c. excessive management compensation. a. shareholders in the large institutional firms listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In sum, the research results suggest that there is no business case for or against appointing women to corporate boards. Again, its important to remember that a significant correlational relationship does not prove causality. As a means of increasing profits, IFS has used substandard ingredients in these meals and has consistently lied about this practice during quality investiga-tions by the Marines. r:r:r: The apartment is hot. c. private shareholders rarely have large ownership positions in the firm. Whats going on here? a. the firm is overpriced in the market. Institutional Investors on Boards: Does Their Behavior Influence d. The compensation committee may not have comprehensive firm performance data. | Brian Berkey. p:p:p: The temperature is 9090^{\circ}90. c. CEOs and CFOs must personally certify the company's financial reports. c. having the stock option plan designed by insiders on the board of directors who are familiar with day-to-day operations of the firm. The research found that diversity doesnt guarantee a better performing board and firm; rather, the culture of the board is what can affect how well diverse boards perform their duties and oversee their firms. The number of women among them? a. the strategic decision making process. d.greater concentration on Sierra's core industry. Combined, the board members held seats on 47 corporate boards in the U.S. across a variety of industries. One interviewee discussed how this was a particularly challenging dynamic on a board that was resistant to input either from shareholders or board members: There was not a lot of open communication. a. increased diversification of Sierra Infusion. There was, however, a difference in the perceived goals of the company. Hostile takeover attempts are so common that they do not reflect negatively on the firm's performance. After all, both male and female board members are likely to be selected for their professional accomplishments, experience, and competence. a. d.potential tax burden for. c. the qualifications and experience of the CEO. Collegial boards are more likely to accept and integrate differences of opinion. c. managers' risk of job loss, loss of compensation, and/or loss of reputation. Which of the following statements is most likely to be TRUE? There have been many rigorous, peer-reviewed studies of board gender diversity. c. lobby legislators to pass laws that are aligned with the organization's interests. Research suggests that boards of directors perform better if: a. outside directors own significant equity in the organization. c. the board is homogenous in composition. c. the corporation has greatly exceeded performance expectations. c. the corporation has greatly exceeded perform-ance expectations. b. institutional shareholders d. The CEO and top executives should not consider their jobs secure. a. banks Consequently, the board has decided on an incentive plan that involves payout based on the firm's performance five years in the future. d. requiring that outside directors be truly objective by having no ownership interest in the firm. People believed that the company that appointed Marilyn cared more about improving the social performance of the firm and less about maximizing shareholder value, compared to the company that appointed Jack. (2020) finds that firms with older boards perform better than those with younger boards in terms of ROA. b. long-term firm performance is more easily manipulated by the board of directors through financial and accounting methods than are shorter-term measures of firm performance. b. the board includes employees as voting members.c. A business journal from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Many of our interviewees suggested that their boards had made progress on gender diversity but not on other forms of social diversity such as race, nationality, and age. a. "The interests of multinational corporations' shareholders may be best served when there is: If investors are indeed interpreting female appointments as a sign that the company is less committed to maximizing returns to their shareholders, the effect of increases in board diversity should be larger for those companies that demonstrate commitment to social goals in other ways. Spoiler alert: Rigorous, peer-reviewed studies suggest that companies do not perform better when they have women on the board. a. increased diversification of Sierra Infusion. Research suggests that boards of directors perform better if The Chinese governance system has been moving towards the Western model in recent years. One interviewee talked about the importance of respectful disagreement, acknowledging mishaps in communication, and in valuing different perspectives: I havent had anybody shut me down or shut other people down. c. having the stock option plan designed by insiders on the board of directors who are familiar with day-to-day operations of the firm. Does this mean that we should not promote women to corporate boards? c. The CEO/Chairperson of the board has been suspected of opportunistic behavior. "Executive compensation is a governance mechanism that seeks to align managers' and owners' interests through all of the following EXCEPT: d. potential tax burden for. In other words, investors seem to be penalizing, rather than rewarding, companies that strive to be more inclusive. a. greenmail. We dont know exactly why this theoretical logic doesnt hold among corporate boards. c. the board is homogenous in composition. And in many cases, this might mean recruiting board members outside of existing networks. Further, there is no evidence available to suggest that the addition, or presence, of women on the board actually causes a change in company performance. Stallman Company took a physical inventory on December 31 and determined that goods costing $200,000 were on hand. ____ is an important influence in Japanese corporate governance structures. c. pressure the board of directors to reprice their stock options.

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research suggests that boards of directors perform better if
research suggests that boards of directors perform better if
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research suggests that boards of directors perform better if
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