Some were very skeptical but felt they had to do it. But more importantly, we have to look at reuse models; using less where we can; developing new materials, which is the plastic maker's responsibility, that can be better recycled; and also really important that we deploy the technologies that are now available to us at scale. Buy the Official DVDBuy the Digital DownloadEducational Screenings. Plastic Paradise is another documentary on the topic of plastic waste and our oceans. JIM BECKER, VP, Sustainability, Chevron Phillips: Our view is you have to be very careful with that because sometimes the substitute products can have a bigger environmental impact than the thing you are banning. It's margarine tubs, clamshells, deli containers. Because we thought that it was getting recycled gave us the freedom"OK, no problem. We are the shipper of the scrap. It didnt make any sense. Plastic Paradise "Sun offers a fresh, new voice for her generation and has made a film that can appeal to the masses" - Honolulu Pulse "Chilling film.journalist Angela Sun offers valuable new insights." --The Hollywood Reporter "Thoughtful new documentary by @sunnyangela examines the Great Pacific Garbage Patch When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. It`s a tiny particle created when larger plastic items, tooth brushes, bottles, bags, break down over decades. Kamilo Beach, located on the south-eastern tip of Hawaii's Big Island, has been dubbed one of the most plastic-polluted spots on the planet. This is from California. Science Documentary hosted by Ian Connacher, published by Bullfrog Films in 2009 - English narration [] Cover[] InformationAddicted to Plastic Addicted to Plastic is a documentary focusing on the worldwide production and environmental effects of plastic. This is a documentary that should be seen by educators, students, politicians, and environmentalists alike. Yes, it would. Last year, customs found that half the containers of plastic waste they inspected. Documentary on the perfect invention of plastic, yet its durability has built up in oceans and is killing species that are full of its waste. Register to request a quote. And yet it's become ground zero for The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, syphoning plastics from three distant continents. There was an attitude that if your product was not recycled, then it should not be in the marketplace. New Harvestindo eventually got back to us and denied it was responsible for doing anything that damaged the environment. For the oil and gas industry, the stakes are higher, too, because single-use plastic is their Plan B. Ive got a couple of newspaper articles I want to show you from the past. Have each group report their findings to the class. The producers know what the environmental impacts of these different formats are, but they don't disclose it. We follow Angela Sun while she investigates the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is where the plastic waste of three different continents accumulates. A lot of that waste is ending up in the ocean. All rights reserved. So, it was up to us in the plastics industry to solve this problem so that they could continue to package their products in plastic. At Plastic Paradise's conclusion, the viewer is left pondering that the amount of plastic in the world will increase by 400% by 2050. Once in the ocean there is really no way to get it out, other than hope that it washes up on a shore and is collected. And the next thing you know, all of the plastic containers have these symbols on them. [Chanting] Save our Earth before it's too late! If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Web Site Copyright 1995-2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. They said that the chasing arrows symbol was OK, as long as it was small and on the bottom of packaging. Do you think that because its not quite recyclable yet that that might be a little misleading? There was never an enthusiastic belief that recycling was ultimately going to work in a significant way. When they were running the advertising on television, they were not about how plastics can be recycled but all the wonderful things that plastics bring to us. So they knew that these problems existed. But thats not what weve been told for decades, as the things we buy have been increasingly packaged in plastic. So you can talk about this stuff a lot. Last fall, I met up with Bagaria there. It was created. The film takes a refreshing approach of avoiding the blame game, while emphasizing that learning about the issue can lead to less plastic use by the general public.' and industry is investing tens of billions of dollars in new plastic plants. They would just take the low-hanging fruits. Dr. Joel Baker, Director, UW Puget Sound Institute, Professor and Port of Tacoma Chair in Environmental Science, University of Washington Tacoma'Angela Sun has found a way to present the imminent dangers of plastics pollution in a jarringly visual and inquisitive formatSignificant take-home messages include a misconception of just how few plastic products are recyclable, and that plastics production will continue to increase as long as the demand for plastic products remains. It provides valuable information and presents that information in an engaging and visually gripping way.' ", America has a garbage problem too long ignored. Step into the world of man-made materials that take up where nature left off. Amid the backlash, I headed to the Texas Gulf Coast, where oil and gas companies are under pressure from climate change and increasingly turning to plastics, now their biggest growth market. Eleven billion. Literally me. Yeah. All of a sudden, our own customers, they would bring it in and not only say it has the triangle, but it wouldthey would flat-out say, "It says its recyclable right on it." Save our Earth. I dont think so, because when I looked at them, at the arrows, I thought this is a way to identify the products so that the early stages of recycling can take place. Recyclers also appealed to government regulators, but they sided with industry. There are various types of plastics, and that the cost of new plastic is so low that sorting and reprocessing used plastic cant be justified economically. There is no proof. Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch DOCUMENTARY The invention of synthetic plastic created an era of disposable products. The reality is, for all the ads and promises over the years, it's estimated that no more than 10% of plastic has ever been recycled. Our member companies, SABIC and Shell and LyondellBasell, all of whom have made major announcements in traditional and advanced recycling to begin to intervene in that space in order to bring their scale, their technical know-how and their capacity to start providing products that are based on waste. By doing so, this film will inspire young people to act as global citizens and contribute to finding solutions for the major environmental problems of the coming century.' At the time, it was one of the few atolls in the world unspoiled by human activity. Plastic Paradise engages students by illustrating how their everyday interactions with plastic are connected to pollution at the farthest, most exotic corners of the world. Currently, we support online registration for anyone affiliated with a higher education institution. Plastic films, plastic bags, the plastic wrapping that comes around a lot of packaged goods, that all goes into the garbage. Making recycling work was a way to keep their products in the marketplace. Demand for low-cost plastic continues to grow, and the production of new plastic is rapidly expanding. So, I understand that there's a lot of skepticism around that, because the systems today have not kept pace. First,. In this video I take you on a Swap Meet tour where we will se. Dr. Patricia Corcoran, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario'Angela Sun spoke with all the right people and even went to places she wasn't supposed to go in order to present the full story on plastic pollution. No, it was not an accident. Made from readily available petroleum, plastic was the go-to material for the war machine. Coy Smith ran recycling centers in Southern California in the 1980s and early '90s. My college age son thinks it is 'right on.' the equivalent of a garbage truck dumped every minute. TV-PG. The film takes a refreshing approach of avoiding the blame game, while emphasizing that learning about the issue can lead to less plastic use by the general public.' And Liesemer found a solution. DENI SURJANTORO, Spokesman, Indonesian Customs: [Speaking Indonesian] We have some priority issues and one of them is plastic waste. They say residents will put all their plastic containers in one bag. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. This is a pile of U.S. recycling. Looks like a lot of shipping containers. That needs to be. But you're talking about couple of companies. Almost 20 years. Are we damaging the environment more in the name of recycling?". JERRED JONES, Program representative, Keep America Beautiful: We are Keep America Beautiful. Lead editor, Wendy Shuey; cinemtaography, Francisco Aliwalas [and 6 others]; music by APM Music [and 6 others]. I mean, absolutely societywide we bought this myth that recycling will solve the problem and we don't need to worry about the amount of plastic being produced. The question that people are going to have is what are they supposed to do to make this better? The effect on the planet, the actual effect. Vinod Singh is the outreach manager at Far West Recycling. And the consumption and lifestyle that we have, I think itsyou have to rethink, because we have to reduce the amount of plastics that we produce at the moment. Dr. Sherri A. Mason, Professor of Chemistry, Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator, SUNY at Fredonia'We are all familiar with trash, but most of us likely are unaware of indestructible plastic trash that pollutes the oceans, contaminates our seafood, kills birds, fish, and marine mammals as well as carrying toxic substances into the environment and our bodies. Amazing work!' Like in the '90s, the industry has been spending money on ads. How did it get there?The trash survey was conducted on a beach. Ask students to predict what kinds of floating trash might be most harmful to ocean life and why. I believe with the proper infrastructure and the proper education and we all work together as a collective, we can. One of those companies is DuPont, and on the grounds of the first du Pont family home, I found the Hagley Library. Drawing from the expertise of a diversity of scientists, activists and management practitioners in the field, this film introduces its audience to issues regarding plastic production and waste-management, plastic contamination in the ocean and the hazards of plastic and its chemical cocktail to humans and wildlife.' National Geographic Magazine infographic by Jason Treat and Ryan T. Williams Powered by Background Info Vocabulary Idea for Use in the Classroom In this independent documentary film, journalist/filmmaker Angela Sun travels on a personal journey of discovery to uncover this mysterious phenomenon. According to the filmmaker, plastic debris collects in this fashion because a combination of gyres (large systems of rotating ocean currents) serve as catchment basins, and debris that would. Dr. Patricia Corcoran, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario'Angela Sun spoke with all the right people and even went to places she wasn't supposed to go in order to present the full story on plastic pollution. A barge filled with garbage is causing quite an international stink. By 1987, a wandering barge called the Mobro became an emblem of the growing crisis. The fact that you now dont have to worry about dropping a shampoo bottle that was made out of glass on the bathroom floor because its plastic. Plastic enters the world's oceans, is broken into tiny bits, and ingested by marine life and birds. News Pollution. Yeah. They wanted raw material. Teaching Sociology 2020 48: 3, 259-261 Download Citation. [Speaking Indonesian] It depends on the condition of the bales. A growing backlash was threatening the future of plastic. How could they go into all of these communities and tell people "You just have to recycle" when they knew there were so many problems and so many hurdles? General Information . If you're looking for a zero waste documentary on Netflix, don't overlook the 2016 film A Plastic Ocean. Plastic bags are essentially indestructible, yet they're used and thrown away with reckless abandon. Use this infographic to explore how plastic pollution is affecting ocean life on a remote Pacific island. Highly recommended.' I remember being a kid and watching those ads. Hi, Im Laura Sullivan, NPR and PBS FRONTLINE. How big can the trash get? And yet despite the backlash, the industry that makes plastic is expanding. Using the infographic and a world map, point out the pattern of ocean currents. People with respiratory problem, they really get affected. Well, one thing that's different is the actual ecological context is different, that we're really bumping up against ecological limits. One of the sponsors was the American Chemistry Council. In Oregon, again, there are no curbside programs that would accept any of these tubs. What's it like to look at a field this size and see it covered in plastic trash? At Hagley, we found a collection of internal plastic industry documents about this period of time when the industry was in the crosshairs of the environmental movement and plastics were under attack. he was actually Italian, dressed up like an Indian [Laughs]but the fake crying Indian, the most famous one, ends with this very dramatic sentence where they say. Plastic Paradise makes the issue of plastic pollution real and relevant. In many ways were just getting started. The film provides graphic proof of this phenomenon. From packaging to clothing to home furnishings. In this state, none of this is recyclable. 2023 Plastic Paradise. Thousands of miles away from civilization, Midway Atoll is in one of the most remote places on earth. Were going into the office. So, you're saying consumers stand here and think, "What can I recycle?" In small groups, explore the impact of ocean plastics on coral reef species by having students research the impact of ghost nets on sea turtles, the ingestion of plastic by Pacific seabirds, and the ingestion of plastic particles by coral polyps. So let's take a look at these blueberries. Less than 10% of plastic has actually ever been recycled.

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