- Managed and maintained internal office suspense--streamlined office--reduced late reports 75% Cultivated readiness;challeng'd & inspired sec, trn'd 4Amn on prgm's-^'sd sec morale & profic'ncy - Trusted Agent for Drug Demand Reduction; facilitated testing of 300+ grp airman--enforced AF zero tolerance policy, - UIF pgm SME; tracked/corrected 27 MilPDS record anomalies & dvlp'd checklist--lauded by MPF/adopted by 26 Units - Led sq's SDAP prgm initiative; streamlined package processing f/164 aircrew--pay benefit flowing to mbrs <30 days - Led 46 CSS pgms; executed 700+ time crit tasks f/Wg/Gp/Sq staff/250 prsnl--spt'd AMC's RGMSq NCO 4th OTQ - Reviewed 85 evals; initiated use of Electronic Management Systems for evals--improved/streamlined process - Navigated SEL through sq manning review; aligned 244 billets for PRP stand-up--assured CJCS force support f/E-4B, - Orchestrated correction of pay/GTC affecting DTS cases; coord d w/20 mbrs/finance--combat mission ready enabler - Updated members rater/add rater; ID'd/performed/verified 394 MilPDS changes--corrected 20+ errors before SCODs - Advises sr ldrs on prsnl/awards & decs/force mgmt/mil evals/SDAP/UHM prgms; ensures data integrity/msn readiness As Assistant Security Manager, adroitly reviewed and tracked X security action items, ensuring 100% DoDCAF compliance. Recommendations 11 6.6.3. AF bullets follow a few formatting rules: Each bullet must be exactly one line, with the width of the line depending on the form (performance report, award package, etc). - Advises CC/1st Sgt on personnel prgms and interprets/implements/brief customers/supervisors on force management, - Directs assignments section/1 NCO; enforces out processing of 22 PCS req's/itemized 26 mandatory remarks for orders - Directed base in-processing; updated duty status for 100 newly assigned airmen--reached 100% accountability COVID-19 EPR Bullets - Led tng f/ 2 flts on new voucher process; consolidated 12 routing lists--streamlined process/eliminated sys discrep 75% Personnel Security Specialist Resume Samples | Velvet Jobs - Tracked SSgt SCOD; updated 11 TIG/TIS promotion eligibles via MilPDS--ensured AIRPS mbrs promoted on-time, - Training streamlined transition of newly assigned airmen to their workcenters, reduced qualification time by 50%, - UCC Team Chief; led 8-prsn tm/4 base-wide exercise/2 real-world events--sustained 100% accountability of 780prsnl - Led AOR's lgst PERSCO tm; 1K DEERS trans/acct'd 23K pax/67 E-lv/averted 70 deports--saved DoD $140K September 25, 2021. - Led FAM PPC corrective action; id'd/reported two PRP personnel coding errors--ensured proper Surety prgm PCSs - Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule - PDF NCOIC; created teams to process XXX warfighters--provided direct support to xx AOR's, - PDF Team Lead; verified mobility currency of over 400 mbrs/5 real-world deployments--100% qualification Enhanced Performance Round. - Reviewed/updated 900+ duty info/decorations/TRs; ensured accurate career history--zero discrepancies f/228 sq mbrs - Participated in Sq/CC CoC setup/teardown; positive first impression of Sq for new CC-event 100% success - Facilitat'd AUoF guidance change; assisted local monitors/HAF to create resolution--process standardized AF-wide, - Led HNCC partnershp; streamlin'd processing 8.5K prsnl/prevent'd 50 deports--eliminated $325K redeploy costs/fees AF Bullet Shaping & Iteration Tool. - Responsible for USPACOM Strategic Planning & Policy staff actions w/ Components, GCCs, FCCs, JS & OS Volunteering is usually just one line out of the whole EPR. 3F1X1 Services. - Framed EFDP process; guid'd 17 Sgs/2 Dets w/OOAs/maintained EFDD *24hrs--primed 1.3K reds f/5 promo cycles, - Group Functional Area Records Manager; coord'd file records management for 21 offices--ensured 100% compliance - Sq AFPAAS dir; led 4 mbr sec during duty status cert f/394 mbrs/fams--showcased real-world recall capes f/disasters - Guided CC thru 3 promotion issues; synced w/MPF f/3 erroneous discharges--ensured mbrs considered for promotion, - Helmed Base Leaveweb Prgm; edu 23 UPCs on sys updates--cleared 637 unreconciled lv requests/restored 57 lv days, - Identified 31 quality force errors; pinpointed caused/repaired files/conducted training--records 100% correct - Mg'd 348 Gp/Wg/AMC-level TMT taskings; spt'd Gp's 15K msns/122K pax/37K tons--zero missed suspenses - Managed leave prgm; validated 362 leave requests/permissive TDYs--enabled $24K entitlements/100% accountability, - Mentored 174 sq mbrs w/specialized 3F skills/training; corrected 3.4K prsnl records' issues--secured 244 AF careers 3S0X1 Personnel EPR Bullet Examples - eprbulletsafsc.com Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates Create a Resume in Minutes Create a Resume in Minutes Christop Leuschke 9353 Bryana Curve New York NY Phone +1 (555) 863 6028 Experience Chicago, IL Quigley Group Conveying technical information to customers AND Conveying technical information to customers - Led Wg promo ceremony; authored wg continuity chklst/600+ prsnl--honored milestone 58 Amn/coined by Sq CEM Scrubbed trng/evaluation records at 3 GSUs--helped ensure Wing ops compliance/effectiveness - Valuable member! - Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC. Narrative Award Examples - Air Force Hub See also: AFSC 3S0X1, Personnel. - Revamp'd INTRO; ID'd mismanagement/centralized info of 25 sect chiefs--sponsors appointed w/in 72 hrs vs wkly - Mentored CSS on new processes; steered 3 amn on flight prgms--increased w/c task knowledge/proficiencies by 30% - Purged 180+ UPRGs; ARPC received vital prsnl records; electronic record established; simplified VA processing, - QB'd base assignment prcs; revived virtual sys/QC'd 1.1K docs, gen'd orders f/168 prsnl--steward'd $1.7M PCS funds - SharePoint lead administrator; revamped outdated website by 35%--site fully optimized for instructor/staff use - Coordinated PRP PCS transfer improvement effort; crossflowed thru command--reduced in-processing timeline 20% Readiness EPR Bullets AFSC 3F0X1 Personnel EPR Examples - eprbulletsafsc.com - Liaison btwn prsnl/MPF/CPTS/SATO; guides mbrs w/student dependent tvl/consecutive overseas tour lv entitlements - Liaison between CPTS/FSS; managed/resolved 804 CMS cases/eliminated 362 JUMPS rejects--rectified 116 pay rcds, - Liaised w/US Embassy/DoS; sent 227 passports/birth certs/visas/$8.3K fees--saved patrons 450-hrs/$30K travel costs, - Manag'd Dependency Discrepancy rpt; ID'd/fixed 90 pay issues/eliminated fraud--$25K entitlements/benifits restored - Directorate GPC cardholder; manages budget/purchasing, and maintains supply requirements for J5 directorate, - Provides personnel support to 78 units/GSUs/NAF/5 MAJCOMs servicing 5.2K Airmen across 17 locations Management EPR Bullets - Coordinates with local FSS/MPF, resolves records conflicts/MilPDS discrepancies/Case Management System inquires - Surveyed SAR codes against UMD; fixed 4 major discreps/initiated 2 upgrades--mitigated potential security violation - Enhanced work ethic; tackles tasks above skill level w/outstanding results--delivered quality operations to squadron Education, Qualifications and Training This is an entry-level enlisted position. Executed vital UCC duties; relayed alarm conditions/mop lvls/situation reporting; msn efficiency increased Enter contributions below and click Send. - Manages Agent requests, Join-Spouse/Citizenship Applications; processes address changes/marital status updates - Coordinates w/ 143 SR & 14 ML senior mil/civ ldrs assigned to the NCR on 40 personnel pgms, policies/procedures, - Primary AROWS-R order specialist and UTAPS manager responsible for maintaining status and participation - Motivated, efficient--dealt with new job, a geographically split division reorg with professionalism and poise - Manged Sq. - SharePoint lead admin; provided trng/granted permissions/modified sq/gp sites--pages compliant w/base CS Stratification 11 6.6.2. - Oversaw CC's prgms; QC d 50+ EPRs/LOEs/managed Smartbook f/250+ mil --98% on-time closeout/readyed sq CC, - Oversaw DJMS/MilPDS transactions; cleared $450K in pay discrepancies--maintained 100% rec accuracy f/ 213 me - Led 4 DEERS VOs; oversaw 2.8K IDs issuance & dependent enrlmnt--secured $2.5M medical benefits uninterrupted - Cmd Atlantic Stripe cmte mentor; facilitated 1 wk PDS/covered 20 topics; groomed 60 NCOs/coined by USAFE/CCC Talk to your superintendent or chief about how they plan on rack and stacking and thats how you know what is necessary. - Validated 1K dependent/15K subsistence authorizations--accurately programmed $60M/SGLI liability benefits - Managed 24 monthly UTAPS Absentee rosters; tracked/coord 60+ excused/resch mbrs--fortified 100% accountability - Aided FY17 FHP 1st Look; supplied personnel capes/ensur'd mx/ops trng rqmts match--secur'd . - Furnishes units w/CC's stndrds, promotions, scheduling, & finance allocations utilizing AROWS-R/UTAPS/MilPDS - Led CSS SAVs; insp 9 sqs/19 prgms/57 observations id'd/provid'd gudance/COAs--ensur'd msn focus/AF compliance, - Led sq's FY21 SDAP updates; mng'd 17 new prgm allowances--expedited $40K in annual pay incentives f/3 AFSCs Prepped 305 AMW for several 4-star and DV visits; perfectly executed--no show-stoppers The Air Force Personnel Center announced the 2011 Technical Sergeant 11E6 results will be released 23 Jun 11. See also: Personnel Awards and Decorations. - Mng d asgmt prgm; updated DTS records f/230 mbrs/coord d 94 PCAs w/11 units--set stage f/AFSOFORGEN model, - Mng'd 27 short-notice taskings ISO Dorian rel effort;coord'd CPTS/LRS--dply'd msn rdy Amn/2.5 cargo tons <12 hrs The purpose of this repository is to develop a set of tools to automate the pointless aspects of bullet-writing so that an officer/enlisted member can focus more on writing actual content rather than worry about irrelevant formatting. - Asst' w/Outbound/Rets&Seps merge, vetted 21 task to sharepoint prgm--increased msn efficiency&>cust prg'n time - Managed 51 mbr Leave Prgm; reviewed/reconciled 197 cases--enabled 1.5K leave days/uphold congressional mandate, - Managed 52 prsnl records; executed 86 MilPDS/54 CMS actions--facilitated accuracy/integrity of prsnl promotion rec - Refreshed duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's/4 GSU's f/reps/authored TDY checklist--sec'd line of duty f/1K mbrs, - Rejuvenated duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's f/reps/authored sq guide--secured line of duty/$500 SGLI benefits

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personnel epr bullets