Meeting ID: 896 9618 5484 (no passcode required), +1 8778535257 US Toll-Free At this time, the Court is not requiring a copy of the Notice of Hearing and Motion to be mailed to Chambers prior to the heading. The Court is holding Pretrial Conferences IN PERSON. To check if your hearing is in person or by Zoom, or to find your court date: Find your case in our online system, eCaseView. It is the responsibility of the moving party to file a Notice of Cancellation and cancel their hearing via the online scheduling system. All orders for dismissal, final judgments (summary, default or consent), amended final judgments, notices of voluntary dismissals, orders vacating final judgments, orders granting motion to amend final judgment, and any other closing documents must be in compliance with Supreme Court Order no. When trying to coordinate a date, please keep in mind that the dates uploaded on thefirst working day of the month aretypically hearing datesfor the followingmonth. Any answers/letters from Defendants should include the Case Number, Defendant's name, phone number and email address. ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE COURT MUST BE IN WRITING, filed with the Clerk and copied to all parties in the lawsuit. A PC with an external camera and headset will also work. In addition, the scheduling party must log in to the 15th Judicial Circuit's Online Scheduling System, select "Uniform Motion Calendar 'UMC' Scheduling;" select "Cancel Hearings" and follow the directions on the screen. 3.180(a)(3). The most recent version of Southern District of Florida Local Rule 16.2, "Court Annexed Mediation," amended last October, provides that if the parties cannot agree on whether to conduct a mediation in-person or via video conference, it takes place via video conference. All hearings on Motions for Attorneys Fees and Costs must be requested by sending a letter requesting the hearing to the Judicial Assistant via email at with all parties copied on your request. For Juvenile Dependency cases (DP), mediations are provided by the ADR Office Mediators, without cost to the litigants. Please note, this information is current. ALL Uniform Motion Calendar [UMC] hearings and Special Set Hearings [15/30/45/60 minutes] are scheduled online (including foreclosures). One (1) motion only may be scheduled at a 15 minute hearing. If you have a matter to bring to the Court's attention, please file the proper Motion with the Clerk of Court, and copy all parties and/or counsel in the case with said Motion. AK section. Monday - Friday Stipulations for substitution of counsel must comply with Fla. R. Jud. Special set hearings of more than 60 minutes must be requested by sending a letter requesting the hearing to the Judicial Assistant via email at with all parties copied on your request. (Or, submit the judgment after the supporting document(s) appear on the docket). More than 50 pages total: HARD COPIES VIA MAIL. To cancel a hearing scheduled for UMC, the scheduling attorney's office must file a Notice of Cancellation and submit it to the Court via Couples wishing to get married in Florida may apply for a license online or in person (by appointment only) at one of our office locations. If the Court directs an attorney to prepare and submit an Order after a hearing, the Order must state the date the hearing was held. Please be sure to copy all parties, if applicable. We process, record and file court documents such as lawsuits, traffic tickets, divorce agreements, wills, domestic violence petitions and tenant evictions. Status Hearings and Case Dispositions will take place on Zoom or in person. BOOKMARK IT for convenience! Until further notice, UMC hearings shall be conducted via Zoom: Uniform Motion Calendar ("UMC") hearings are set on the Online Services System. YOU MUST REGISTER WITH THE 15TH CIRCUIT'S ONLINE SERVICES SYSTEM. Neither the Judge nor the Judicial Assistant can give you legal advice regarding how to proceed with your case. Enter your case number or first and last name to search for your case information. +1 8884754499 US Toll-Free Return to TOC I. The Court will require all orders to be submitted in WORD format through Online Services. Please include a cover letter (as a supporting document) to the Judge indicating that all parties have reviewed and agreed to the language of the proposed Agreed Order. All specially set hearings are set by Court Order (not by Notice of Hearing, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Court or Judicial Assistant) and cannot be cancelled except by further Court Order. In keeping with professional courtesy, any party scheduling a hearing shall make reasonable efforts to contact the opposing party/counsel for availability or scheduling conflicts. All Motions in Limine will be heard prior to trial at a time set by the Court once the case has been called up after Calendar Call. The Fifteenth Judicial Circuit's Alternative Dispute Resolution Office (ADR) utilizes Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediators, who assist the parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Enter your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) provided by the host/organizer or Judge in the space provided as shown below: How to connect from an Andriod phone Open the Zoom mobile app. The party scheduling the hearing shall place the meeting identification information into their Notice of Hearing and take reasonable steps to ensure that all parties are provided notice of the Zoom ID. Select Join a Meeting at the top of the screen. 2023 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. If you receive a message that you are unable to cancel the hearing, you are in the wrong place. If you are unable to download the app, you may select the option to "start from your browser.". Private attorneys should check in using the chat function with their name and clients name and the time the case is set. Please e-mail or call 561-355-2739 to be connected to your mediator. Non-Jury Trials are set by the Court with attached information regarding mediation and uniform pretrial procedures. Parties are directed to file appropriate dismissal papers including the Final Disposition Form (see Form 1.998) as required by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1.545. Postal Service which will greatly reduce the time for the parties communication with each other and the Court. Video Conferences: A camera, microphone and speaker are required to participate in a video conference. Discussingcases with your attorneybefore the court hearing will reduce wait times in court. Additionally, the Palm Beach County Bar Association has a lawyer referral and information service at 561-687-3266. Please make sure if submitting an agreed order that anemail is sent to CAD-DivisionP@pbcgov.orgshowing that both parties are in agreement prior to submission of the Order to the Online Services. Appearance by telephone for specially set hearings is discouraged unless otherwise noted in these instructions. All represented parties and parties registered for eservice shall Court's Online Services (OLS) to upload any proposed order(s). A guardianship is a legal proceeding in the courts in which a guardian is appointed by the court to exercise the legal rights of an incapacitated person. Cases may be dismissed for lack of prosecution if not acted upon by the Plaintiff/Landlord upon the Court's review of the case file. All parties must have reviewed the Order before it is submitted on the Online Services System. Any potential conflict shall be brought to the attention of the Court at the calendar call, or as soon as possible, or shall be waived. 205 North Dixie Hwy. Parties may submit competing Orders and the Judge will sign the Order reflecting her ruling. All parties shall abide by Local Rule 4 to try to resolve the matter and certify the good faith attempt to resolve on the Notice of Hearing. Zoom hearings are court appearances. The small claims limit will remain $8000. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Public Service Tax on Propane Gas, Natural Gas and Electricity, Electronic Certified Copies of Official Records, Official Record Index and Images on CD-ROM, Book Appointment for Marriage License or Wedding, Waiting Period & Discounted Marriage License, Marriage License Copies & How to Change Your Name, Homeowner & Condo Owner Association Laws Workshop Toolbox, How to Collect a Judgment Workshop Toolbox, Injunction for Protection Workshop Toolbox, Landlord Tenant (Eviction) Workshop Toolbox, Sealing or Expunging Criminal Records Workshop Toolbox. The Clerk's administrative offices and Finance Division are located in the Governmental Center at 301 North Olive Avenue in downtown West Palm Beach. Relevant Case Law must be received by chambers at least three (3) days prior to the hearing or the hearing is subject to cancellation by the Court. A list of the pending Motions in Limine including how much time is needed for hearing should be included with the Case Information Sheet submitted for E-Calendar Call. Emergency Motions must be filed with the Clerk of Courts before submitting to the Judge for review. Any memorandum or materials provided to the Court shall be simultaneously sent to the opposing party. For assistance, you can contact the Self-Help Center at 561-355-6781 located on the first floor of the Main West Palm Beach Courthouse. Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. All locations close on designated holidays. Materials provided to the Court for hearings and Non-Jury Trials must be received by our office at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Public Service Tax on Propane Gas, Natural Gas and Electricity, Electronic Certified Copies of Official Records, Official Record Index and Images on CD-ROM, Documents Accepted at the Main Courthouse Only, Probate Evidence - Pre-Marking Guidelines, Unified Family Court Evidence - Pre-Marking Guidelines, Criminal Evidence - Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Handling & Packaging Guidelines, how to look up your criminal case balance. US Toll-free 888-475-4499 If unable to appear on video in Zoom App, call toll free: (877) 853-5257 and enter Meeting ID. The submission must indicate whether the order is agreed/unopposed and the date of hearing if applicable. Motions in Limine are not to be set on UMC, please see below regarding when Motions in Limine are heard. *Parties may only appear by Zoom for these proceedings if extenuating circumstances are present. See our zoom instructions if you have any questions on how to use Zoom. See our Zoom instructions if you have any questions on how to use Zoom. More info. Special set hearings requiring more than 30 minutes are held LIVE. NOTE: THE FILING OF A "NOTICE OF E-MAIL DESIGNATION DOES NOT REGISTER YOU FOR JUDICIAL E-SERVICE. In compliance with AOSC21-15 & A.O. 1. Parties should file their Temporary Injunction with the Clerk of Court through ordinary course and send a courtesy copy with all exhibits/attachments to the Judicial Assistant at 2023 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. Our office CANNOT and WILL NOT accept any ex-parte personal correspondence on a case. Please do not call or email the Judicial Assistant about Zoom without reading these instructions. Delray Beach, FL 33444See map, 2950 State Rd 15 All rights reserved. Specifically, attorneys are required to "make reasonable efforts to actually speak to one another and engage in reasonable compromises to resolve or narrow the disputes before seeking court intervention." Materials should be submitted as directed below, unless otherwise directed by the Court or Judicial Assistant. View video How to Schedule a Family/Dependency Mediation, How to pay Mediation Fees ( Anonymously report potential incidents of financial fraud or waste involving court-appointed guardianships over elderly, minor children and incapacitated individuals. If already registered, insert the user name, password and case number and follow prompts to Div. Appearance by telephone for UMC hearings is permitted. At this time, the Court is not requiring a copy of the Notice of Hearing and Motion to be mailed to Chambers prior to the heading. If not registered, please follow prompts to set up an account. Using eCaseView, you may search civil, criminal, and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. 3. Prior to scheduling a special set hearing online, you must have previously filed your motion and you must clear the hearing date and time with ALL parties. County and Family Mediation fees may now be paid online through the Clerk of Courts at PayItClerkPBC. The following Court events are held by Zoom: The following Court events are held in-person:*. If the matter specially set for hearing has been resolved between the parties, an Agreed Order cancels the hearing. Begin by choosing "Continue as Guest," then follow the on-screen instructions. This procedure should not be used for untimely motions or in-place of the division's procedures for scheduling hearings. The Notice of Hearing must include the Courts ZOOM information. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic email to this entity. All rights reserved. Any testimony by a person for whom appearance by telephone is sought, such as a witness, must be in strict compliance with Fla. R. Jud. Corporate Site - This is a contributing Drupal Theme, Message from the Court Administrator and Chief Judge, Submitting proposed orders to E-Filing Portal, Quickparts & ePortal/ICMS Proposed Orders. Please see the Clerk's Website for instructions for e-filing. The hearing may be a Case Management Conference to discuss scheduling. For case specific questions, the best way to contact the Judicial Assistant is via the Divisional Email Address at CAD-DIVISIONAK@PBCGOV.ORG. Learn more about electronic certified copies . The Court's office will provide one copy to the Clerk. Public access - no registration required. In keeping with professional courtesy, any party scheduling a hearing shall make reasonable efforts to contact the opposing party/counsel for availability or scheduling conflicts. Parties may also follow this procedure to schedule 60-minute hearings if they prefer. Parties will only be excused from hearings if the file has been closed by the Clerk of Court PRIOR to the hearing date or by a written court order. All parties shall abide by Local Rule 4 to try to resolve the matter and certify the good faith attempt to resolve on the Notice of Hearing. All rights reserved. The Self Service Center provides resources to those representing themselves in court. Please be sure the motion and Notice of Hearing is docketed to the case prior to the hearing so that the Court may review all documents prior to the hearing. 3.202. Please include as many mutually available dates/times as possible. This will allow the Court to submit orders to the parties via email instead of sending in the U.S. Review how to turn on Live Captions in Chrome from your desktop. Before scheduling, all parties must first file the motion with the Clerk's office. How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? The Virtual Courtroom Directory is the fastest and easiest way to find court live streams of trials and court hearings in Florida. Pursuant to Administrative Order 3.206, the Judge will decide whether the reasons set forth in a motion for emergency hearing constitute an actual emergency. In accordance with Administrative Order 4.101-2/21, the cases that request a trial date will be scheduledfor a calendar call date and a three week trial period. Please return the requested information to. County civil limits will increase from $30,000 to $50,000 on January 1, 2023. All exhibits that will be entered into evidence must be follow these guidelines. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. If a case with a specially set hearing resolves as a whole, an e-filed copy of a Notice of Settlement or Dismissal emailed to and confirmed by the Judicial Assistant cancels all future hearings. Purchase electronic certified copies of case documents. The Court will simultaneously enter a Preliminary Order with the Order Setting Hearing on reasonableness. All family-related matters are handled in one place, including: Helpful information regarding Zoom hearings. Admin. The Virtual Courtroom Directory is the fastest and easiest way to find court live streams of trials and court hearings in Florida. All cases ready for trial will be set for aspecific week or placed on call. Division AK electronically serves orders to attorneys/parties that have registered their primary and secondary e-mail addresses with the 15th Circuit. Please file the original with the Clerk and provide a copy with supporting authority to the Judicial Assistant via email to be reviewed by the Judge. The moving party shall request the time for the hearing with the Judicial Assistant via telephone or email. The Court provides mediation services for Small Claims cases (SC), $8,000 or less and County Civil (CC) over $8,000 and, not to exceed $15,000. Pro Se litigants that have access to email are encouraged to fill out and file with the Clerk an email designation form. Passport services are available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in our branch offices. Florida Virtual Courtroom Directory ( FOR A SINGLE CASE UP TO 2 MOTIONS/10 MINUTES TOTAL IS PERMITTED. The Judge will review your motion and you will receive an Order. No camera, computer or smart phone is required. If the case settles prior to the Trial date notify the Court by contacting the JA. For ex-parte motions to compel discovery, a hearing is not necessary if the Motion is in compliance with A.O. This procedure should not be used without first attempting to comply with the division's procedures for scheduling hearings. How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? Please note that no long distance calls will be returned. Find out how to look up your criminal case balance. Please include as many mutually available dates/times as possible. The directory automatically refreshes every few minutes. Passport services are available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in our branch offices. 3. Click Online Services. Apply For. The department also handles: Guardianship Probate of Estates Tax deed sales are the auction of property on which tax certificates have been sold by the Tax Collectors office for delinquent real estate taxes. OLS is not permitted for Eviction (residential or commercial) related hearings/ motions nor is it permitted for Claim of Exemption Hearings on all Garnishment proceedings. (For example, if the Order was entered on the 7th of the month you must first try to set your hearing using the dates uploaded on the first working day of the following month.) A motion and order are required. Parties must notify the Judicial Assistant via email at the time of scheduling if a hearing they are scheduling will be evidentiary in nature. +1 8884754499 US Toll-Free. All rights reserved. When Appearing for Remote Hearings: Video appearance is preferred. Court services are available at the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach and at branch locations throughout Palm Beach County. To be eligible and qualify to serve as an Arbitrator listed with 15th Judicial Circuit, complete and submit the attached Application and Acknowledgement, Authorization, and Release for Background Check. Uniform Motion Calendar and Mandatory Compliance with Rule 4, Rehearing or Relief-from-Judgment Motions, Mandatory Compliance with Local Rule No. PIP Pretrial Conferences will be held every other Tuesday at 9:30 AM, they are being held LIVE beginning on July 12, 2022, any hearing set prior to July 12, 2022 will remain on ZOOM. If a case settles or is voluntarily dismissed and there are future hearings or a trial scheduled on the Court's docket, please provide the Judicial Assistant with a courtesy copy of an e-filed Notice of Settlement or Dismissal immediately by email at to allow the Court to free up hearing/trial time for other cases. By using this service you agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service. In addition, parties must include in their letter a single list of dates/times that all parties are mutually available in the following 60 days from the date of the letter. This procedure should not be used without first attempting to comply with the division's procedures for scheduling hearings. Litigants without counsel that have access to email are encouraged to fill out and file with the Clerk an email designation form. All information on this website is the property of the 10th Circuit Court of Florida, unless directly specified otherwise. Supreme Court of Florida Releases COVID-19 Administrative Order. Search our free online database of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. Access the directory using your desktop or mobile device. To appear on Zoom for emergency situations including illness for other hearings, please notify the Court as soon as possible by emailing the Judicial Assistant, ACCESS IT via the Web or your Mobile device! Find My Court Date | Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Services Find My Court Date Font Size: + - Share & Bookmark Feedback Print Find upcoming criminal court dates by searching eCaseView, our online case viewing system. The written consent of the client must be included. More Schedule Mediation Paying Mediation Fees Zoom Instructions Mediation Scheduling Application View video How to Schedule a Family/Dependency Mediation How to pay Mediation Fees( We are accepting hard copies of materials. The email must contain a case number, date and time of the hearing you wish to cancel. The Court will open dates approximately 60 days in advance. Parties may schedule hearings by contacting Sandra Becerra, Judicial Assistant to Judge Collins, at Glenn Kelley, Chief Judge. 17th Circuit News and Announcements. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Parties must also include in their letter a single list of dates/times that all parties are mutually available in the following 90 days from the date of the letter. All parties must be presentin person at the calendar call hearing. (10 minutes or less). In Family Cases (DR) mediation is conducted by Staff Mediators for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in Dissolution, Paternity, and Custody cases where the parties combined incomes are up to $100,000. Your letter should include: case number and style, the names and contact information for all parties, and must note if entitlement has been found or is not being contested.

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