The details and disclosures are signed by the Unit President as well as the Treasurer. A digital card is processed immediately upon payment (via email receipt) and a physical card will be mailed to your home address within 3 to 4 weeks. NAACP is leading the fight Ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces From police brutality to COVID-19 to voter suppression, Black communities are under attack. Your training starts here The constantly evolving advocacy landscape requires that we stay sharp and stay connected. If the youth unit has bank accounts separate from the adult unit, bank statements will be required for the months that are applicable. Being a part of the change I want to see in the world. 8 /Filter /FlateDecode >> So glad to be a part of this great organization. memorable moments. Please contact to determine if there is an established EIN or if the unit needs a new EIN to file the annual financial report. If our unit had no financial transactions but wants to be AFR-compliant, what should we do? The other compliance requirement is whether the unit has enough members to qualify for membership compliance. Sacramento Branch NAACP Membership Application. How do I make the assessment fee payment for 2022? As a resource, we will address common questions asked by NAACP units. For unit financial records, however, the restricted and unrestricted amounts must be kept separate for your bookkeeping purposes. The Legal Landscape: Get Legal Department training and updates on ongoing legal efforts from the NAACP Office of the General Counsel. Visit your local NAACP's website and contact them through their contact us page. The criminal justice system is marred by racial disparities overburdening everyday taxpayers. Starting in my own community! Click here to access the form. The Treasurer of the Prison Branch will sign the last page with the President and Secretary signing the first page near their name. Find regular trainings and workshops for your local NAACP branch, chapter, or unit to grow community, network, and fuel your advocacy efforts. Another way to find your local NAACP office is through a Google search. These refunds will not be paid by check. Being a part of the change I want to see in the world. The constitution and bylaws can be viewed on our website. Balances can be obtained for subscribing members by email, Once the Secretary enters the new members into the portal it is the Treasurer's responsibility to submit payments via the paymentlink in the Membership Portal. Take charge of your financial journey by utilizing our free credit education resource aimed to help the Black community and other marginalized groups prioritize financial education and develop and maintain healthy credit habits. The next generation of civil rights leaders is making waves now. Within the last year, the NAACP played a critical role in ten major court victories for voting rights.At a time when millennials energy, creativity and leadership engagement are pursued, for 80 years young people have learned the spirit of public service and techniques of leadership training. If a funder wants to give us a donation and they need a donation receipt, how do we do this? Sign Up National Association of Corporate Directors employee? The youth annual financial report will not require any bank statements. You can purchase a gift membershipon our website. If the unit currently does not have a bank account and does not have or know if they have an EIN, or because it was recently chartered, please contact to apply for an EIN. Youth memberships start at $10 and up. The Board of Director's Advocacy and Policy Committee represents eleven standing program committees (criminal justice, economic development, education, health, housing, international affairs, labor, political action) who provide strategic input and insight to the CEO and national program directors. HRNCa!JHX)&:%4{CO5@ They will email a scanned copy of the paper AFR prepared by the Prison Unit Treasurer as a part of the required AFR filing as proof of SUBMISSION. In doing so, it identifies local units, and you can select one of your choices. Annually, the NAACP holds seven regional training institutes throughout the country where each state has individual state conferences to provide training, workshops, and activities to develop advocacy skills and capacities. Mandatory Training for Officers and Executive Committe | NAACP - Facebook Wn'{j?g*KJQ.v3SowF-'\ib8Gw-6ou>[y.lUOc-x5D\isgW)V_6a~YZ=lk,\am9 FX:-C?^}K{@\-9kxcp.h;Q.a_y4h@PQl`tmT)yp{p;7pW/xRy#hB7:R:>] gX&V2)dtW_tq CMdx,c&?^l(Q7f%A5k+u=Mg\N$OhEJ^| $Qm)%,"oJ7 x CjQ[C2Rdl_fRgqhbMhHCT[ Years the NAACP has spent fighting against racism and discrimination in communities across the country, Ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces. Once that is complete, your membership is sent to the Unit and the Membership Chair will contact you. Contact your local NAACP for meeting dates and times. Join NAACP today APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Each year we offer need-based and merit scholarships to outstanding and qualified Black students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees as part of our Inspire Initiatives. After March 1, a late fee of $100.00 applies. Fighting for educational equality, equal protection under the law, good jobs, quality affordable health care, clean energy, economic empowerment and labor rights are all central core values of our work in the past, present, and will continue to be the cornerstone of the NAACP's work in the future.The NAACP views all forms of diversity as being important, particularly, race, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, and physical or mental disability. If you are a life member, once fully paid never expires. Work throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association; Be responsible for planning and organizin, Be responsible on a continuous basis for soliciting new members and for securing, Initiate all possible means to obtain Life Members and sponsor a continuing program, Work with activists and organizers in local NAACP branches, Organize marches, rallies, and direct action campaigns to bring attention to local issues, Support access to quality education, healthcare, economic opportunities, Advocate for laws and policies to improve your community, Participate in voter registration and get out the vote campaigns, Attend national events, regional conferences, and trainings to sharpen your advocacy and leadership skills. Please contact Amber Offer or call 443-900-6138to request., Unit 3006b Chicago Far South Suburban Branch. Candid has made improvements to the race and ethnicity options. When I opened the link, I couldn't find my unit name and unit number. The Unit should file an all-zero annual financial report. That assisting person of the State Conference will complete the signing processes. Members are invited to the President's Reception and the Delegates Reception. Find Trainings & Workshops - NAACP Youth & College - NAACP The NAACP remains tightly connected to its past while fighting battles in courts, in Congress, and in marches and protests across the country to promote justice and equality toward the issues of today. 2 0 obj In the event, the portal is not available, please send your Membership applications and supporting documentation to, NAACP National Office, Membership Dept. Membership Portal Training is back and LIVE, starting tomorrow! endobj The digital activist list includes 870,000 email addresses; 384,000 mobile activists; 600,000 on Facebook (with a reach well over 10 million on our highest viewed post online; 300,000+on Twitter and 49,000+ on Instagram. Prepare the youth unit's annual financial report, but do not upload any bank statements. the name and address of that member and the date of the report in which the membership was remitted to the Membership Department here at the National Office. The maximum combined size for all the files can only be 2.5 MB. Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees. How do we separate grants & restricted income? Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. How do I know if my Unit is financially compliant? As the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, the NAACP has worked successfully with allies of all races who believe in and stand for the principles on which the organization was founded. in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section. #training #membership #activist Membership - NAACP_CFSSB A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. Learn about the organization's key goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. Secretary | NAACP Pennsylvania State Conference Home What We Do Membership PRESS Member Units Events Youth & College ACT-SO Contact Home What We Do Membership PRESS Member Units Events Youth & College ACT-SO Contact Copyright 2023 NAACP PA State Conference | All Rights Reserved. This form is usually completed after an election or when there's a change in officers of the unit. What should we do? They will email a scanned copy of the paper AFR prepared by the Prison Unit Treasurer as a part of the required AFR filing as proof of SUBMISSION. What do we do? Membership Portal Training Webinar - Formstack NAACP Youth and College Training Request Form - Formstack DIRECT ACTIONS Demand Educational Freedom in Florida Summer Internships From Our Partner Corporate Internship Summer 2023 (All Majors) Become an Intern | nissaninternships Mark your calendars & go to the link in the bio to sign up! PDF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - NAACP Pennsylvania State Conference Youth (Ages 20 &under) $10 It has provided all of the 2022 bank statements and completed the 2022 annual financial report submission, payment, and late payment if applicable. Does the board ensure an inclusive board member recruitment process that results in diversity of thought and leadership? A unit's roster is pre-populated on the Dashboardwithinthe Membership Portal. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> NAACP Executive Leadership Training Part 1 - YouTube. There is no need for a special link as the new form will allow the unit to select the unit's name and number in the new form. The instructions along with the link will be sent to place the funding request into the process. All of the fields must be filled out on the electronic form. Please contact, The State Conference will enter the information into the Prison Unit AFR on behalf of the Prison Unit and will use the State Conference preparers email address for all email addresses requested for President, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you are paying for another unit you will have to make the payment on their Annual Financial Report Form. Movement Building: An interactive training on the "When, Why's, and How's" of selecting, planning, designing, and leading ground campaigns that get measurable results. If it is for general operation, it is unrestricted. The NAACP sponsors a variety of programs to make real the promise of America. % 4805 Mt. Additional list of Shooting Instructional videos & demonstrations. Finance has been doing outreach to the units since March 2022 to obtain the correct ACH banking information to make a direct bank deposit for this refund. Choose a new home for your activism and become a member. Fighting racial injustice by building Black political, social, and economic power, An environmental, social, and economic revolution, An inclusive culture of health and equitable social health systems, Support for young leaders and change agents, Fair and just representation for all by standing up for our rights in the courts and in Congress. This indicates that the file uploaded is too large. }c_z} [.,hW'sjSR! Partial payments will not be accepted. Please send a request to No, you have the option to becomeA member-at-large means you are not affiliated with a local NAACP Unit. 1B,PYCZ The NAACP also has a Hollywood Bureau which is charged with holding the entertainment industry accountable for advancing diversity. We need you now more than ever. What do we do? NAAGA Certified Instructors - NAAGA The NAACP is committed to moving our legacy of civil rights advocacy through forceful legislation, vigorous litigation, direct action, and the creation of broad-based coalitions. %PDF-1.3 3 0 obj Fighting racial injustice by building Black political, social, and economic power, An environmental, social, and economic revolution, An inclusive culture of health and equitable social health systems, Support for young leaders and change agents, Fair and just representation for all by standing up for our rights in the courts and in Congress. Starting in my own community! Hope Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215. next . Fully paid life members receive a commemorative NAACP plaque and pin. If the donor provided more than $5,000 in aggregate, do they need to be listed? Check with your institution's administration to see if a chapter exists or find your local adult chapter to start one. Join this multigenerational network of activists dismantling structural racism by using your power to take action on the most pressing issues of our time. As a member of the NAACP, you're making it your personal goal to ensure that our community thrives in every aspect including education, economics, health and wellbeing, and racial justice. Each unit or state conference has its own Annual Financial Report. PDF CHARTER REACTIVATION MANUAL 03.06.20 - Webflow These local councils provide interactive and entertaining instruction on the history of Africans in the Diaspora. In addition, send noted changes to NAACP Membership This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ. The membership revenue deposited according to the unit bank should match the membership revenue recorded on the AFR unless the unit is using accrual accounting. Who should sign the electronic signature for the Prison Unit since they don't have access to do that? Where can I download the annual financial report? endobj Join our community of over 2 million activists across the nation fighting for change and for justice.

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naacp membership portal training
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