Ruth Cockrell said of Tiede. "He knew how to take care of families," said Shamburger. When the family got suspicious and told her he was scamming her, she got really angry and threw them out, Nugent says. "There wasn't a question in anybody's mind. "The door's right there Bernie. I always loved her as a sister, actually, even when she did ugly things, and she did.[29] Merrel's son, Joe Rhodes, attested to the movie's accurate portrayal of his aunt. And the D.A. No one had anything bad to say about Bernie. "And Mrs. Nugent arrives," said Hollandsworth. The Nugent granddaughters found it all beyond belief. This may have appeared on older maps as Olgenowka, just east of, "We had lost contact with her. Tiede became a preacher and featured soloist in the choir at the First United Methodist Church and worked with the music and theater departments of the local college, often taking on starring roles himself. I don't want you to talk about the shooting," said Cole. Van Sant asked Davidson. Alexandria Nugent recalled. She says more than $3 million disappeared and Marjorie cut off communication with her family. "I think he is an incredibly nice generous man who did a horrible thing," he testified. The now-55-year-old Tiede, who was well liked in the close-knit community of Carthage, was convicted in the death of his longtime companion, Marjorie Nugent. It just seemed like she didnt have any friends, and I just felt this compelling desire to give her some friendship he said. Longview Bank and Trust replaced Marjorie as trustee of her late husband's fund. But I don't like talkin' about them either," he told Peter Van Sant. "Which is the top max sentence. "They are overwhelmed with stress and emotion. Cole says she and Bernie Tiede learned about the alleged scheme in a will contest filing from one of Marjorie Nugent's sisters. "And you have a community saying, 'Leave him alone,'" Van Sant noted. Bernie had embalmed Marge's husband and sang at his memorial service. The curt and vindictive elderly widow with the assistant funeral director, who at 6 foot 3 and 270 pounds, wouldnt have been out of place on a football field. Yet when "48 Hours" spoke with Tiede, Cole stopped him from telling those grisly details -- hard facts everyone from Carthage to Hollywood now knows. Because that's what you do when you love someone and you find out that the person that they were in love with shot them four times in the back. Critics loved it. She then became estranged from most people who cared about her. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. "She was very distraught. My grandmother taught me how to make cornbread, she says. In March of 1990, while working at the funeral of a man who had passed on, 32-year-old Bernie met the deceased's 81-year-old widow, Marjorie "Marge" Nugent. Tiede met Nugent at the Hawthorne Funeral Home while preparing her husband . Bernie loves everybody. Nugent hopes beyond anything else that her familys story puts a spotlight on crimes against the elderly. And she goes, 'I don't know who you are and you need to leave.'". 7:30. While articles and the movie portrayed Marjorie as a domineering, mean person, her granddaughter describes her as a really loving and touchy-feely person. "Nine months. Danny Buck Davidson recused himself. [4] The elder Tiede had served as a professor of music and choral director at Our Lady of the Lake College in San Antonio, Texas (19461948), at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas (19481957), at Kilgore College in Kilgore (19571968), and then McMurry College in Abilene, where he served as director of the McMurry Chanters until his death. "But I took that really personally, 'cause I don't live in Hollywood. While a motive remained unclear, there was zero mystery about the prime suspect. She opened the door. That was not part of my wanting to be around Marjorie," said Tiede. "I know how lost and lonely you are, and I know that the one person she trusted took. "No. Van Sant asked. As a freelance writer, he spends his time writing about true crime. "In small towns anywhere, your reputation is not often defined by who you are, it's by what people think of you," Hollandsworth explained, "and so the reputation did get around town that Mrs. Nugent could be cantankerous.". bernie-tiedes-freedom-was-more-than-a-feel-good-se "Man gets life sentence for killing Nugent", "Witness says sexual abuse triggered Tiede's "dissociative episode", "Ex-Mortician Whose Killing of Widow Inspired Movie Freed Early", ex-texas-mortician-being-freed-from-prison-early, "As 'Bernie' Goes Free, Victim's Granddaughter Says Hollywood Has Wrought an Injustice", "Richard Linklater on Living With Bernie Tiede", Shanna Nugent Delivers the Victim Impact Statement at Bernie Tiede Resentencing, "New Sentencing Trial for Bernie Starts Wednesday", "Bernie Tiede trial: Victim's sister says she was afraid of Marjorie", "How My Aunt Marge Ended Up in the Deep Freeze . On November 19, 1996, Tiede shot Nugent once in the back with her .22-caliber rifle as she stopped to pet the dog in her garage, then shot her three more times. John served in the U.S. Army and Army Reserves from 1973 - 1978. Van Sant asked D.A. Margie married Roderick Mathew Nugent in 1937. Van Sant asked. Yes. And Marjorie's family began to wonder, "What had become of grandma? And now, the Bernie Tiede story was about to take yet another bizarre twist that began right at the movie premiere. Taking great pride in his work, he was a consoling shoulder for the bereaved throughout the late 1980s and early 90s especially the elderly. The Bizarre Story Of Bernie Tiede And The Real Murder Case That Inspired The Movie Bernie. Marjorie Nugent filed a new will leaving everything to Tiede and nothing to her family. [24] The Nugent family created a website to honor Nugent's memory, posting photos of her and articles relating to her murder. "So what was the attraction?" [19][20] Cole theorized that Tiede shot Nugent while in a brief dissociative episode brought on by her abusive treatment of him,[21] a theory backed by forensic psychiatrist Richard Pesikoff. However, to say that Nugent was not well liked was a gross understatement. Tiede reluctantly admitted to Cole that he had endured molestation by an uncle from the age of 12, with psychiatrists saying he experienced a dissociative episode during which he killed Nugent. 'You can't leave me. As years passed though, Nugent became more and more possessive, expecting 24-hour obedience, paging Tiede constantly. "We'd go up on a Friday morning then come back on a Sunday evening," Tiede said. Van Sant asked. [12], In November 1996, Tiede killed Nugent by shooting her in the back four times with a .22 caliber rifle. "I don't want him talking about the shooting That's enough," she said. "And I go, 'What do you mean you don't know who we are?' "And you know, 'Maybe she's on another trip. A visiting state district judge in Panola County will begin. The Nugent family thought it was beyond offensive. When presented with the new evidence, Davidson agreed that, had he known this information in the original trial, he would have sought a lighter sentence. Tiede and Nugent visited several countries together, cruising the Nile and the Rhine with Nugent, of course, picking up the tab. In a blog on his law firm's site, Chad Baruch, an attorney who'd been hired by Marge's family,disputes much of Bernie's story. "This was just a straight up execution," said Tanner. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Mortician Who Inspired 'Bernie' Movie Sent Back To Prison For Widow's Murder. He snaps,' Cole said of the scene in the movie where Tiede shoots Marjorie. He joined the gay men's choir and he became a regular at Pastor Sid Hall's church. Van Sant asked. And in February of 1999, Danny Buck Davidson told his tale to a jury who had never heard about Tiede. For the new sentencing trial, he was replaced by two prosecutors determined to put Bernie Tiede back behind bars. Then, learn about Dean Corll, the killer who terrorized Texas in the early 1970s. After traveling to Panola County nine months following her death, Rod declared Nugent a missing person. He is not eligible for parole until August 3, 2029, which is the day after his 71st birthday.[37]. "Sixteen years. On April 2, 2016, some 26 years after he met Marjorie Nugent, the jury once again sentenced Bernie Tiede to 99 years in prison. On April 22, 2016, following Tiedes re-sentencing trial, the jury imposed a new sentence of 99 years or life for Tiede. "I think it's the classic case of a kind of disassociated moment," said Richard Linklater. "I think it's the perfect example of a sweetheart scam that I have ever seen," Shanna Nugent said. Nugent says he eventually stole $3.8 million of her money, which Marjorie was oblivious to at the time. Until finally I said, 'OK, I won't leave you. And people are still mystified about what really happened on that November afternoon that led Bernie to shoot her four times," said reporter Skip Hollandsworth. While there, he orders pizza for everybody on the widow's credit card. After learning about Bernie Tiede, read up on the real-life murders that helped inspire The Amityville Horror. Tiede shot Nugent four times in the back and placed her body in a freezer,. "Almost, people really saw him like that," added Lisa Cockrell. He preached a funeral for us," a customer said. "I get a call from my dad he and I drive down," Alexandria Nugent said. Tiede had known Nugent for years and became her caretaker and travel companion after her husband died in 1990. We had the funeral service there. Cf. And he was sold. However, to say that Nugent was not well liked was a gross understatement. It's very discouraging," said Black. to Egypt. In his confession to police, says ID,Bernie reportedly told them that, despite the pattern of behavior, "I was also afraid to leave her. "Some people are sayin', 'Hey let him go.' Many believed her to be the meanest woman in Carthage, lording her wealth and status over the town. I'm an indie Texas director. Van Sant asked. What made this God-fearing, likable man, take the life of an 81-year old widow that he befriended at her husband's funeral. "The first bullet in her back makes her paralyzed, so she falls straight down onto the concrete. I just think it's important if I'm gonna play a real person that I should meet you. Asked how so, Davidson replied, "I think that defines everything.". She was just so controlling, she felt like she could own me, and I guess to some degree, she did, Tiede said. I won't leave. "I don't know what happened that morning," Tiede told Van Sant in tears. And she said, 'Well, he's my friend,'" she continued. Mr. Tiedes ability to repress and compartmentalize the abusive events from childhood and adolescence was ultimately overwhelmed by the repeated and extensive psychological abuse he suffered from Mrs. Nugent. She had given him power of attorney over her funds. "But Bernie is not built for conflict. "They loved each other?" This is really eye-opening, Van Sant remarked. Bernhardt Tiede II (/tid/; born August 2, 1958) is an American mortician who was convicted of the November 19, 1996 murder of his companion, wealthy 81-year-old widow Marjorie "Marge" Nugent, in Carthage, Texas. This week we are discussing the murder of Marjorie Nugent by her business associate and travel companion, Bernie Tiede. "I met with her about the arrangements," said Tiede. Her husband, Rod Nugent Sr., made a fortune as an independent oilman, a ruthless operator. Some people are sayin', 'No, put him away for life,'" said actor Jack Black. "And Bernie is in charge of his funeral.". "When he pointed that gun at Marjorie Nugent's back, that justified the life sentence," Tanner said in her closing. And then, there's a group that wants no mercy.[11], At the resentencing trial, Tiede was sentenced to life in prison. Sixteen years after he shot Marjorie Nugent dead, Bernie Tiede painted a picture for defense attorney Jodi Cole about how he felt that awful morning. "Doing good, doing a lot of good in Carthage," said Ruth Cockrell. "I'm a gay man. His mother dead, his father started drinking hard and died when Tiede was just 15. July 22, 2017 / 11:09 PM "He was very successful here at Hawthorn's and as a funeral director overall," said Shamburger. If anyone asked, Tiede told them theyd just missed Nugent, or that she was taking a nap. The case became famous thanks to a 2011 movie, Bernie, directed by Richard Linklater. Marge, meanwhile, was often perceived as haughty and crotchety, per Texas Monthly, so the friendship that sprung up between the two may have been a surprise to some. What happens to First Republic Bank's stock and deposits now? Then he went to a dress rehearsal for Guys and Dolls,' Nugent says. "Sudden passion. Van Sant asked Danny Buck Davidson. "If I had gone to the police and then been proven wrong, I would have been laughed out of Carthage because people thought so much of Bernie," said Ruth Cockrell. And for Tiede, the perks kept piling up. Obituary Marjorie M. Nugent Resident of Morristown, New Jersey and Watch Hill, Rhode Island June 14, 1925June 7, 2016 Marge Nugent, loving mother, devoted wife, and adored grandmother passed away June 7, 2016 surrounded by her family in her Morristown, New Jersey home. Within months of meeting at her husband's funeral, Tiede was full time at Marjorie Nugent's eye-popping home. Bernhardt Tiede II was born on August 2, 1958, in Abilene, Texas. "In some ways did Bernie become part of the family?" He is solicitous, gentle, tactful. The former Carthage mortician was convicted in 1999 of killing 81-year-old Marjorie Nugent, a wealthy Carthage widow. Go by the house. "And she was kind?" It was there that the two met and forged their unusual bond. First published on July 22, 2017 / 11:09 PM. Frank Rosenthal And The Real Story Of Sam Rothstein From 'Casino', Archaeologists Uncover Animal Bones And Ancient Roman Snack Foods Beneath The Colosseum, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. "Is this case about money?" "Put it on her desk. All of this both while Marjorie Nugent was alive, and after Tiede had killed her and stuffed her in her freezer. Castle Rock EntertainmentJack Black as Bernie Tiede in Richard Linklaters 2011 film Bernie. "I had caused the death of somebody that I loved. He said that after the murder, he had prepared the body, and placed it in a freezer. "He put me up at his apartment at his home.". Dissociative episode. Everybody loved Bernie," said Davidson. "Yes, I'm aware of that. Baruch also touches on possible motive beyond the money Bernie would get after Marge's death, alleging the murder was committed at least ion part because Bernie was trying to cover up money he'd allegedly stolen from Marge throughout their friendship a direction the previous trial had been unable to explore and which might have influenced the conviction.

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