: And I am operating UNDER DIRECT AUTHORITY OF THE GERMAN GENERAL STAFF. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Oh, you fools. We don't want our audience walking out on us. : Colonel Klink: [to Burkhalter, over the radio, about the party] I'm only sorry there is no ice cream. Sgt. Cpl. Kinch: Achtung doesn't mean 'Good morning.'. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: If I do, I'm liable to shoot him myself. What else did you do? Hans Georg Schultz: Why? Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: What is this man doing here? Are you expecting any warm clothing? Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter He doesn't have a clue. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Oh, I appreciate your concern, General, but I can assure you, you need not worry about my life being in danger. It's my niece, Frieda, and she's marrying Count Von Hertzel. Colonel Klink: Those prisoners will be released over my dead body! Col. Robert E. Hogan: Let's get our prisoner first. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: And a dancing lesson. Louis LeBeau: The new girlie magazines must be in from Paris. Official Sites What is this man doing here? Col. Robert E. Hogan: Ah, Major Hochstetter, always a pleasure to see your smiling face. Hogan: After your supply factory is blown up and the Gestapo blame you and you still want to stay? Col. Robert E. Hogan: It doesn't matter, Kinch. KLINK Go get Colonel Hogan. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Colonel Wilhelm Klink. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Berlin is calling every minute. | Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: [hangs up] We've got him. Responsible for the security of our witness. Call the general, sir. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Well, we are centrally located. Hans Georg Schultz: Easy. Col. Robert E. Hogan: You must know some nice kids. Colonel Sitzer: We want you to keep it a secret until the presentation. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: That is me. That's fifty miles away through the heart of Germany. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Who is that woman? Col. Robert E. Hogan: I know who the fool is. Carter? Ritter: The general was kind enough to let me tag along on the inspection tour. Col. Robert E. Hogan: To buy something. Newkirk: Jawohl, Herr General! Cpl. Release Dates Col. Robert E. Hogan: Carter? Col. Wilhelm Klink: Oh, Herr General, don't I always do a good job for you? Col. Wilhelm Klink: It was a million-to-one shot that the candles would have hit the truck. So handsome and so unlucky. Sgt. Not sufficient entertainment, perhaps. [no response] Achtung! : It always sounded like Schultz was just clearing his throat. I was not here! Col. Robert E. Hogan: Look Metzler, why can't you understand? [Schultz had been drinking wine all afternoon]. I don't want to hear any more of your lies. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Uh, the fat little lady in the red dress has been eating steadily over an hour and a half. What is going on there? Colonel Klink: This is Germany. Cpl. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. I mean, how do you roll a *head*? It's of great military importance. Col. Robert E. Hogan: [as German general] Oh, I don't know. Peter Newkirk: [looking at the burnt money in his hand] It's the story of my life. [Klink brags that he is in tip-top physical shape]. Major Hochstetter is often shown in a black Gestapo uniform despite that uniform being abolished in 1939. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Then why do you want me to marry her? Col. Wilhelm Klink: Major Hochstetter, you won't believe this. Carter, keep working oh, you do have insurance? Col. Robert E. Hogan: And I suppose, uh, she put her arms around you? Col. Wilhelm Klink: Hogan thinks he can outsmart me. We had guys escape to Pittsburgh? Sgt. Think of the things you two have been through together. Radio Host: [Hogan pretends to be a Nazi sympathizer to get on German radio and discredit a propagandist] You read Mein Kampf, I believe. Carter: [answers the phone in a mock-German accent] I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number. So that's a command for attention, huh? Col. Robert E. Hogan: [Shultz, impersonating a Wermacht General, has run off a pair of Gestapo men attempting to search the flat of LeBeau's artist friend who will forge the replacement of the painting. James 'Kinch' Kinchloe: Could also mean heavy equipment. I never could hang on to money. No one in or out without my permission. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: Unexpected, Yes. Cpl. Col. Wilhelm Klink: I wouldn't believe one word you said, Hogan. Hogan:"Last night I dreamt Schultz ate all the dynamites." LeBeau:"With him that's possible." Klink:"I can smell the sauerbraten. Throw away the key. Take that paper out of your mouth. I will surround this camp with a ring of steel. Publish Translation Find a translation for this quote in other languages: Select another language: - Select - (Chinese - Simplified) Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Birthday cake? And I am operating UNDER DIRECT AUTHORITY OF THE GERMAN GENERAL STAFF. He'll try to use the tunnel a day earlier and really escape. : Therefore Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: ALL HEADS WILL ROLL. What makes you think he's fat? Klink is bucking for rat fink. Sgt. I will give you any information that I have. : Major Richard Leman: [addressing the flyers] All of you have been chosen for 'Operation Albatross'. Col. Robert E. Hogan Bob Crane starred as Colonel Robert E. Hogan, coordinating an international crew of Allied prisoners running a Special Operations group from the camp. Werner Klemperer played Colonel Wilhelm Klink, the incompetent commandant of the camp, and John Banner played the bungling sergeant-of-the-guard, Sergeant Hans Schultz. Sgt. General von Rauscher : Who are you? Cpl. : Hans Georg Schultz: He called you a liar! Top Major Hochstetter Quotes Writing has power, but its power has no vector. I saved you some cake. Col. Robert E. Hogan: [after Newkirk and Carter have been caught escaping] They weren't really trying to escape. And it makes me feel good all over. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: [annoyed] I didn't say you said anything about Friday. Am I not clever? Col. Wilhelm Klink: Colonel Hogan, just tell me this. Col. Robert E. Hogan: Ahhh. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Yeah, that's not the code Oh, it's the old double-look method. Col. Robert E. Hogan: Who calls it the "Klink Plan"? Sgt. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: You're a good-looking girl. Having to relay orders of a man like that. Andrew Carter: [dressed as Klink] Maybe you better run through it once more. What is this man doing here - YouTube Except, Major, I quite clearly had no part in this whole affair. Col. Robert E. Hogan: We'll give it back after we take it apart and make blueprints of it. The SS used the SA rank system, not the Wehrmacht one. He'll do for them what he's done for you. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Then what's the bad news? Take him away, Klink. James 'Kinch' Kinchloe: [skims through a collection of maps and finds Pittsburgh] Pittsburgh? Col. Wilhelm Klink: I was not aware that it's my birthday. Col. Wilhelm Klink: What about her looks? You are ignorant! General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: We haven't had a friendly chat at any time. Take him away, Klink. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Oh that's quite alright Herr General. Col. Wilhelm Klink: I taught him everything he knew about flying. I will surround this camp with a ring of steel. Colonel Hauptmann is a very lucky man. Sgt. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: That phone call. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: How do you explain this, Klink? Col. Wilhelm Klink: [shouting] And more, I wanna tell you [Klink and Hochstetter shout into each other, so you can barely understand what they're shouting]. Sgt. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: I haven't asked you anything yet. Peter Newkirk: What you mean by that, Colonel? If he asks questions, do not act as if you know anything. Col. Robert E. Hogan: [after the death of Hercules] This plan better work. Who's worried about firing? Andrew Carter: Well, I'm still willing to try, Colonel. And Schultz, for once keep your fat mouth shut. You might as well have said Friday, for all I care. Hans Georg Schultz: That's right! [spying on the equipment guarded closely by German soldiers]. Harold J Stone and Howard Caine make the believable and entertaining. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter See also Sgt. Col. Wilhelm Klink: That I'd have to think over. That British agent? Boy, that stuff is really unstable! Cpl. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Goering is a fat rat fink. Mental fitness - that's another. I meant green dress, of course. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: What is this man doing here? Please take your truck and its cargo some other place. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: But is Hogan ready to tell us about the Norden? Col. Wilhelm Klink: Carry on, but quietly, I have lots of work to do. Hopefully, you will go. The ultimate weapon didn't quite work out. : WHAT IS THIS MAN DOING HERE? Sgt. Col. Robert E. Hogan: 'Sugar candy' is code for something special. Are you OK? Lady Leslie Chitterly: Robert Robert Hogan! Keep your costs down, put your house in order, or the next time you want caviar, you won't have to import it - you can catch your own on the Volga. : Schultz and Hilda look at each other, and shrug]. Col. Robert E. Hogan: Look, I got the idea of stealing it, right? Given the high rate of sabotage near the camp, Hochstetter is highly suspicious of Hogan and comes to regard him as "the most dangerous man in all Germany." Hochstetter's position in the Gestapo makes Klink clearly fearful of him, while Burkhalter, who openly despises Hochstetter, is not. Col. Robert E. Hogan: Him I would let goldbrick. Sgt. : | A secret is sacred to me. Col. Wilhelm Klink: I do. Sometimes The Great Impersonation The Pizza Parlor The 43rd, a Moving Story How to Cook a German Goose by Radar Psychic Kommandant The Prince from the Phone Company The Safecracker Suite I Look Better in Basic Black The Assassin So handsome and so unlucky. *You* be the judge what's *important*! I mean, the Klink here - you don't mean him. When I say 'Achtung' I want you all to come to attention at once. Col. Wilhelm Klink: [addressing the prisoners] And while I'm on leave Col. Kureger will be in charge of Stalag 13. Hochstetter for example would have to be a Sturmbannfhrer. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter Col. Robert E. Hogan: It's going to be the only bridge in the world with a built-in bomb. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: What is it at your camp, Klink? I always thought it meant 'Good morning' or 'Greetings, Mate.' I'm a prisoner. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: That's my wife. Col. Robert E. Hogan: Well, it's obvious, major. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: What is this bungler doing here? Colonel Klink: [trying to demoralize Hogan after air-raid] No damage was done and your bombers suffered severe losses at the hands of our illustrious Luftwaffe. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter You can depend on me. Col. Wilhelm Klink I present, reiterate, and glorify the obvious - because the obvious is what people need Major Hochstetter Hogans Heroes Quotes Helga: Are you volunteering for active duty Herr Kommandant? Major Hochstetter Hogans Heroes Quotes: top 7 famous quotes about Major Howard Caine - Wikipedia Sgt. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: What did you tell him? Kindly be just as clever and get these plans out of this one. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: He isn't going anywhere with the information, is he? [Myra and Newkirk are being held in a German prison]. NOTHING IS WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DUKE OF YORK! Colonel Klink: [runs to the window and shouts outside] Schultz! Something like that. I think the general's going to be ill - deathly ill. Newkirk, we have a job for the Mighty Hogan Art Players. And I am operating *under direct authority of the German General Staff*. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Hogan? Discover and share Hogans Heroes Colonel Klink Quotes. Col. Wilhelm Klink: What do you think my faults are? Peter Newkirk: Oh, is that what it means? Col. Robert E. Hogan: What would you say is the one thing that made the Blue Baron the greatest fighter pilot in World War One? Cpl. Col. Wilhelm Klink: This one. Col. Wilhelm Klink: Now, is there anything I can get you, General, before you go to sleep - perhaps a glass of warm milk? Hogan's Heroes scene with Maj. Hochstetter, Col. Klink and - YouTube Hans Georg Schultz: It's going to snow again. Cpl. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: I have every confidence in your ability along those lines. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: What they're using here i a variation on the old Fessenhoffer Cipher. Captain: I have orders. Uh, did you come on military business, or is this a social call? General von Behler: Stalag 13? Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Yes, that does it. Who's "we"? Louis LeBeau: All you're gonna get is my name, rank and serial number. Who are you? General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: Klink, stop agreeing with me. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: Enough! Quotes.net. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Yeah, that's right. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: It was a great personal loss to me. I'm worried about spying. Sgt. [He gives Schultz a feather headdress], Sgt. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: But, uh where is there to go in a prison camp? | Col. Wilhelm Klink: [annoyed] Colonel Hogan, I'm very busy this morning - dispatches from Berlin. Col. Robert E. Hogan: They know its safe. I'll call headquarters and have them send over a cryptologist. Sgt. 1 May 2023. Peter Newkirk: Yeah, but how are you fixed for film? What better place to keep him. Col. Robert E. Hogan: That's a terrible thing to do. Col. Robert E. Hogan: You, uh, put your arms around her? Col. Robert E. Hogan: Well, you could have asked Lily to dance with him at least once. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Of course, we could give you the time to think it over in a special cell we have. Peter Newkirk: I find that question, sir, 'ighly insulting. [takes Hogan's hand, both leave Klink's office]. Major Hochstetter : [repeated line, whenever Col. Hogans shows up] What is this man doing here? Major Hochstetter If my head is to roll, all heads will roll. I have given it many hours of intelligent thought. Col. Robert E. Hogan | I talk about you all the time, when you are not around. General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: [walks in] KLINK! [while safecracking, the phone rings in Klink's office and Carter answers]. I don't know the answers to any of those questions, but I saw an episode the other day with a smoking hot frauline in it, who Hogan out-foxed and had arrested by Maj. Hochstetter. Col. Robert E. Hogan: [indignantly] That's to keep the tooth warm! General der Infanterie Albert Burkhalter: I assume you have set up a strong guard for the plane? He studied under Colonel Klink Bloopers [] Major Hochstetter says that Hammelburg (near Stalag 13) has been chosen because of its proximity to Dsseldorf, but his geography is way off -- Hammelburg is 250KM from Dsseldorf. General von Rauscher: Responsible for the security of our witness. Maj. Wolfgang Hochstetter: Oh, Nimrod is a very brilliant man. Schultz: Hess is a mess. General von Rauscher: Are you aware that I am in charge of this project, and that this is the inventor? Peter Newkirk: I'm going to need a few things, you know. Hans Georg Schultz: Don't ask me, this is a decision for an officer. Cpl. How I could have been so fooled by Klink.

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