Sahoo K, Garg A, Saha P, Dodia JV, Raj VR, Bhairagond SJ. Other soft tissue injuries include: ACL (100%), PCL (7.6%), Medial meniscus (89.7%), Lateral meniscus (23.1%), LCL (7.6%). 13 0 obj AJR Am J Roentgenol. Compression and tension are two basic loads that commonly act on the knee [4]. "Kissing contusion" refers to a bone contusion on both side of the knee joint. The Predicted Position of the Knee Near the Time of ACL Rupture Is Similar Between 2 Commonly Observed Patterns of Bone Bruising on MRI. Pivot shift injury depending on location and type/mode of injury. Before The double sulcus sign is a radiographic marker that confers a high probability of ACL injury. HWnWhl2 p$%SgdR`Qvs4a^q~z]&O_F?`7%|8W.Zyxc\4x{gJSp>)nO|-6bhLCntyFTVe7WwtR?fs;fLh;>|*E{mIvqGUlT! PubMed 1989 Sep;27(5):983-1002 government site. Boks SS, Vroegindeweij D, Koes BW, Bernsen R, Hunink MGM, Zeinstra SM. PubMed The bone bruise or bone contusion are commonly used to define an occult bone alteration oedematous haemorrhagic due to trabecular microfractures as a result of a direct blow to the bone, application of compressive forces on contiguous bones with a consequent impact mechanism, and the action of a torsional force, and to stresses by traction on the subchondral bone by insertion of the ligament, tendon or capsular as occurs in traumatic avulsion [1]. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. Tensile load can cause ligament and tendon tears as well as avulsion fracture. 4. A cross-section study was done on all patients reffered to Krishna Hospital, Karad for MRI knee with history of recent (< 6 weeks) knee injury. The presence of a double sulcus showed significant association with anteromedial kissing contusions (OR=7.8, p=0.03). Lateral-compartment bone contusions in adolescents with intact anterior cruciate ligaments. 2022 Oct;30(10):3508-3514. doi: 10.1007/s00167-022-06970-z. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. Bone bruising; Knee hyperextension; MRI. MRI is used widespread to interpret more complex injuries. Contusions of both surfaces of the knee joint are known as kissing contusions. Winters K, Tregnonning R. Reliability of magnetic resonance imaging of the traumatic knee as determined by arthroscopy. In addition to trauma, marrow oedema can be seen in a broad spectrum of entities, including infection, transient osteoporosis of the hip bone marrow, and neoplasm demonstrates relatively hyperintense T2 and hypointense T1 signal, but the clinical history and location of injury typically allows the correct diagnosis to be made [2]. MRIs, plain radiographs and clinical details of these patients were reviewed. These contusions are generally found by magnetic resonance imaging and most cases are associated with ligamentous or menisceal injuries.[1]. 1993 Mar-Apr;21(2):220-3 1989 Jun;171(3):761-6 Notch syndrome refers to the enlarged and deepened lateral femoral condyle. For outpatient testing, Valley Regional Imaging is open Monday to Friday from m 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday hours are available for obstetrics (OB) and CAT Scans only from 8 a.m. to noon. This article about a disease of musculoskeletal and connective tissue is a stub. Orthop J Sports Med. %PDF-1.4 % 2004-09-01T13:26:27Z Article Resulting bone contusion pattern will be present in the posterior aspect of the lateral tibial plateau and midportion of the lateral femoral condyle near the condylopatellar sulcus. PDFS Saggital: Bone marrow oedema at Medial femoral and Medial tibial condyle in Hyperextension injury. An official website of the United States government. Knee kinematics during noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury as determined from bone bruise location. Knee 27(2):414419, Yoon JP, Chang CB, Yoo JH et al (2010) Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging findings with the chronicity of an anterior cruciate ligament tear. . Among the 200 cases, bone marrow contusion was noted in 138 cases (69%) and absent contusion in 62 cases (31%). Bone marrow contusion was noted in 71 cases out of 255 cases (27.8%). The patients age ranged from 17-65 years and majority of patients were in 21-30years age group. The purpose of this review is to . Effusion in the adjacent deep infrapatellar bursa. application/pdf Inpatient imaging services are available 24/7. bone bruises on magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. SuzanneWitjes, Tammo HPels Rijcken, Cor Pvan der Hart. endobj 1995;19:7736. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Our Facilities. The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose. In distraction injury, excessive tension may damage the joint capsule, retinacula, ligaments, and tendons as well as their osseous attachment sites. Byrd JM, Colak C, Yalcin S; Clevel and Clinic Sports Medicine*; Winalski C; Cleveland Clinic Sports Medicine group; Briskin I, Farrow LD, Jones MH, Miniaci AA, Parker RD, Rosneck JT, Saluan PM, Strnad GJ, Spindler KP. Keywords: Anterior tibial plateau oedema and rupture of the posterior capsule predicted cruciate ligament injury [OR=10.5 (p=0.02) and 24.0 (p=0.001) respectively]. PubMed BMC Musculoskelet Disord 16:217, Article Epub 2022 Apr 12. Acute findings of a joint effusion and posterior tibial plateau contusion are present. [1] References [ edit] ^ Terzidis, I. P. (October 2004). Bone marrow oedema is responsible for patient symptoms and may lead to early degenerative changes [7]. In current study unclassifiable injuries pattern was noted in 6 cases. government site. PubMed The knee may also be swollen and bruised. 2003;37:1379. The depth of LFNS and the presence of KC were determined on MRI findings. Bone marrow oedema on T2 weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images is recognized as an ill-defined hyperintensity in the bone marrow where standard radiographs showed nonspecific osteopenia or normal findings [3]. Due to superior ability to produce high resolution images with exquisite soft tissue contrast, MRI is the modality of choice for evaluation of bone marrow. Waldn M, Krosshaug T, Bjrneboe J, Andersen TE, Faul O, Hgglund M. Three distinct mechanisms predominate in non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in male professional football players: a systematic video analysis of 39 cases. Meniscal injury was unrelated to the extent or pattern of bone bruising. and kissing contusions of the lat-eral femoral condyle and medial tibial pla . Contusions of both surfaces of the joint are known as kissing contusions. +(91)-9821210096 | paula deen meatloaf with brown gravy. Mandalia V, Fogg AJB, Chari R, Murray J, Beale A, Henson JHL. Bone contusion patterns of the knee at MR imaging: footprint of the mechanism of injury. Skeletal Radiol 47, 173179 (2018). The associated injuries were confirmed by arthroscopy in 12/16 patients. They found that all the lesions in one patient do not heal at exactly the same speed. After knee injury, bone marrow oedema is frequently subchondral in location [4]. 2008;67:5461. Frequent abnormalities found on MR imaging include labral tear or injury, stress fracture, and avascular necrosis . Clin Radiol. 2013;41(8):18017. ACL tears are classified into three grades: Grade I ACL tears represent intraligamentous injury without a change in ligament length. Conventional radiograph evaluation of skeleton following trauma divides injury into presence or absence of fracture. To establish whether patterns of soft tissue injury following knee hyperextension are associated with post-traumatic 'bone bruise' distribution. Contusions of both surfaces of the joint are known as kissing contusions. Ali, A.M., Pillai, J.K., Gulati, V. et al. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 143, 927934 (2023). PDFS Coronal: Bone marrow contusion at lateral femoral condyle and lateral tibial plateau in Pivot shift injury pattern. Results: Case Discussion. Comparison of bone contusion seen by MRI in partial and complete tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. 2014 Feb;44(2):281-93. doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0116-z. 2016. T1W Saggital: Bone marrow oedema at Lateral femoral condyle in Clip injury pattern. J Comput Assist Tomogr. In this study hyperextension injury noted in 4 cases in 138 cases (2.9%). 2011 Aug 17;93(16):1510-8. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.J.01320. Anterior tibial plateau oedema and rupture of the posterior capsule predicted cruciate ligament injury [OR = 10.5 (p = 0.02) and 24.0 (p = 0.001) respectively]. A cross-sectional study was done on all patients referred to Krishna Hospital, Karad for MRI knee with history of recent (< 6 weeks) knee injury. CAS This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. 1996;198:2058. endobj (2008) ISBN:0323076211. khloe kardashian hidden hills house address. The classic bone contusion includes involvement of the antero-lateral aspect of the lateral femoral condyle and the inferomedial aspect of the patella. PLT: Posterolateral tibial plateau, LF: Lateral femoral condyle, MT: Medial tibial condyle, MF: Medial femoral condyle. Kaplan PA, Gehl RH, Dussault RG, Anderson MW, Diduch DR. Contusion in medial femoral condyle occurs secondary to the avulsion to medial collateral ligament from site of attachment at medial femoral condyle [8]. of knee injury in pediatric patients. PDFS Saggital: Bone marrow oedema in Intercondylar region tibia with subchondral cysts. Chin YC, Wijaya R, Chong le R, Chang HC, Lee YH. The double sulcus sign is a radiographic marker that confers a high probability of ACL injury. In our study pivot shift pattern is noted in 78 cases (56.5%). [101 0 R] The posteromedial corner of the knee is a capsuloligamentous complex in the posterior aspect of the medial compartment. Davies NH, Niall D, King LJ, Lavelle J, Healy JC. 2011;197 (3): 568-77. The positive rate of KC in the experimental group (183/500) was markedly higher than that in the control group (3/500) (P<0.05). Diagnostic value of the lateral femoral notch sign and kissing contusion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a case-control study. Magnetic resonance imaging of bone bruising in the acutely injured kneeshort-term outcome. 10 0 obj 2006;238:85362. Am J Sports Med. On applying fisher-exact test, p = 0.1655 i.e. 1989 Mar;170(3 Pt 1):823-9 Over the lifetime, 3 publication(s) have been published within this topic receiving 31 citation(s). At the time the article was last revised Joshua Yap had Knee joint is one of strongest joint in body and allows transmission of body weight to leg. LXC designed the study and was responsible for the paper. Ready to get started? The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Kapelov et al., conducted a study to demonstrate that T2 weighted fast spin echo (FSE) images with spectroscopic fat saturation (FS- FSE) increase conspicuity between marrow contusion and normal marrow in post traumatic knee and found bone marrow contusion in 21 out of 76 cases (27.6%) which is less than our study (69%) [11]. Radiology 182(1):221224, Niitsu M, Kuramochi M, Anno I, Itai Y (1995) Secondary signs of anterior cruciate ligament tear at MR imaging. Other structures are injured less frequently and have weaker associations with bone bruise distribution. The site is secure. Hyperextension injuries of the knee: do patterns of bone bruising predict soft tissue injury?. To determine the frequency, type, and distribution of kissing contusions occurring in association with injuries of the knee joint. Posterior tibial bone bruising associated with posterior-medial meniscal tear in patients with acute anterior cruciate ligament injury. PubMedGoogle Scholar. FOIA Although bone marrow oedema is nonspecific and has a similar appearance in inflammatory and neoplastic disorders, a traumatic cause is usually obvious on the basis of the clinical history, location of bone marrow oedema and the presence of other trauma related findings. Bone contusion of knee: Increase lesion detection with fast spin echo MR Imaging with spectroscopic Fat saturation. Injury to the Meniscofemoral Portion of the Deep MCL Is Associated with Medial Femoral Condyle Bone Marrow Edema in ACL Ruptures. ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads. While the knee is in a state of flexion, twisting motion of the knee can lead to transient dislocation of knee. MRI of affected knee joint was done as per imaging protocol and images stored in compact disc. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help -, Arthroscopy. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies 1998;69:2914. - 2004;32:16817. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 1996 Jan;198(1):205-8 endobj A 14-year-old male football player with chronic anterior knee pain who experienced acute knee pain after jumping and landing awkwardly. - Vojnosanit Pregl. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Type/Mode of injury in these cases are: impact during car accident in 4 cases, fall on flexed knee while playing cricket in 1 case, while getting downstairs in 1 case and fall from bike in flexed knee in 2 cases. Presence of contusion may also effect management of knee injuries often requiring prolonged rest even in absence of surgical correctible lesion and establishing diagnosis of bone marrow contusion may obviate further costly work up like arthroscopy. By analysing bone marrow contusion pattern, type/mode can be determined in most of the cases. Arthroscopy. On MRI these injuries appears as ill defined, subchondral, reticulated or stellate region of low signal intensity on T1W and high signal intensity on T2W images [6]. Bone contusion and associated meniscal and medial collateral ligament injury in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture. 3. Traumatic Bone Bruises in the Athlete's Knee. 2. and transmitted securely. PDFS Saggital: Bone marrow oedema at Lateral femoral condyle in Clip injury pattern. Epub 2021 Apr 4. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[57.25999 58.11 666.34 848.69299]/Type/Page>> Bone marrow contusion is transient dislocation of patella noted in anterior aspect of lateral femoral condyle and inferiomedial aspect of patella in all the cases (100 %). 2023-05-01T23:01:26-07:00 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR, Lateral tibial plateau and medial femoral condyle, Medial femoral condyle, Metadiaphysis femur, Medial femoral condyle, proximal tibia and head. These findings are comparable to Arndt et al., who conducted a study in MR diagnosis of contusion of knee in < 6 weeks and described bone marrow contusion in 23 cases out of 51 cases (45.1%). Bookshelf You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Whilst anterolateral tibial plateau oedema strongly predicted PCL injury [OR=26.0, p=0.003], ACL injury was associated with a variable pattern of bone bruising. PubMed ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads. Plain radiograph of knee was done in all patients and they were scanned using 1.5 Tesla Seimens Avanto (Tim + Dot) with Tx/Rx 15 channel knee coil # Tim. Skeletal Radiol 32(11):639646, Flint J, Wade A, Giuliani J, Rue J (2014) Defining the terms acute and chronic in orthopaedic sports injuries: a systematic review. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Bratisl Lek Listy 113(9):539543, Svoboda SJ (2014) ACL injury and posttraumatic osteoarthritis. Eight of the kissing contusions were associated with anterior cruciate ligament tears, three with menisceal tears, four were isolated lesions, and one was delayed, following a menisceal tear. Bone contusion patterns of the knee at MR imaging: footprint of the mechanism of injury. PDFS Coronal: Bone marrow oedema at Medial femoral condyle and proximal tibia. Radiographics : a Review Publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc , 01 Oct 2000, 20 Spec No: S135-51. Wright RW, Phaneuf MA, Limbird TJ, Spindler KP. PubMed Central Other structures are injured less frequently and have weaker associations with bone bruise distribution. Shea KG, Archibald-Seiffer N, Murdock E, Grimm NL, Jacobs JC Jr, Willick S, Van Houten H. Knee injuries in downhill skiers: a 6-year survey study. Radiology. Radiol Med. Google Scholar. Radiographics. <> There were high rates of injury to the posterior capsule (52%), ACL (40%) and PCL (40%) but lower rates of injury to the menisci (20%), medial and lateral collateral ligaments (16%) and posterolateral corner (16%). volume143,pages 927934 (2023)Cite this article. Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows) Texas Health Care Imaging is a radiology clinic located in Brownsville, TX. 2021 Nov 11;6(4):e21.00069. Biomechanical and anatomical assessment after knee hyperextension injury. Hayes CW, Brigido MK, Jamadar DA, Propeck Tim. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Kissing contusion is a significant injury often associated with ligamentous or menisceal injuries. 5 Resident, Department of Radiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Science, Karad, Maharashtra, India. Type/Mode of injury were twisting injury while getting downstairs (1 case), twisting injury while doing household work (1 case) and injury while playing football (1 case). Lim YS, Peh WC. 2016;10(4):TC0611. 1999;211:74753. 2010 Dec;38(12):2502-8. doi: 10.1177/0363546510376232. Most common type/mode of injury in clip injury pattern in fall from two wheeler in 26 cases (66.7%). A prospective study of the association between bone contusion and intra-articular injuries associated with acute anterior cruciate ligament tear. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Conclusions: Following knee hyperextension, bone bruising patterns may be associated with cruciate ligament injury. Correspondence to This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Diagnostic value of the lateral femoral notch sign and kissing contusion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a case-control study. bone contusion) can give clues for the mechanism and associated injuries. The values of notch depth in patients who had ACL rupture concomitant lateral MT injuries and medial collateral ligament (MCL) injuries were 1.120.64 and 1.230.74mm, respectively, which were significantly higher than those in patients with only ACL injury (0.890.49mm) (P<0.05). Soft tissue injury associated with dash board injury includes PCL and posterior joint capsule. 1997;93(12):404. Study of imaging pattern in bone marrow oedema in MRI in recent knee injuries and its correlation with type of knee injury. Background: Bone contusions are often identified at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the acutely injured knee. Department of Radiology, Wilford Hall Medical Center, 759th MDTS/MTRD, 2200 Bergquist Dr, Ste 1, Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5300, USA. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the PubMed Central Most common type / mode of injury in patients with unclassified pattern in fall from bike (3 cases) followed by hit by car/ motor vehicle (2 cases) and injury while lifting heavy weight in 1 case [Table/Fig-13]. Meniscal injury was unrelated to the extent or pattern of bone bruising. bone contusion) can give clues for the mechanism and associated injuries. They can be used to diagnose ACL injuries. Moderate edema at the gastrocnemius/soleus interface and overlying the superficial medial gastrocnemius proximal myotendinous junction. Diagnostic value of the lateral femoral notch sign and kissing contusion in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a casecontrol study. Bretlau T, Tuxe J, Larsen L, Jrgensen U, Thomsen HS, Lausten GS. A deeper notch often indicates a more complex knee injury. Kirsch MD, Fitzgerald SW, Friedman H, Rogers LF. 2000;20:S13551. Correspondence to Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Emerg Radiol 2:129134, Article Prevalence and location of bone bruises associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury and implications for mechanism of injury: a systematic review. government site. The secondary aims were to study bone marrow oedema patterns in setting of acute knee trauma, to associate the type of knee injury (from clinical history) with bone marrow oedema pattern, to determine the most common oedema pattern and to assess the most common type/mode of injury. <> -, Radiology. Accessibility PubMed PubMed MRI follow-up of posttraumatic bone bruises of the knee in general practice. Br J Sports Med 38(5):592596, Article, DOI: National Library of Medicine It is a rare (6.3% in this series) but significant injury, often associated with ligamentous or menisceal tears. Google Scholar. Objective: To determine the frequency, type, and distribution of kissing contusions occurring in association with injuries of the knee joint. Patel SA, Hageman J, Quatman CE, Wordeman SC, Hewett TE. Rodriguez W, Vinson EN, Helms AC, Toth PA. MRI appearance of posterior cruciate ligament tears. National Library of Medicine There were 2 cases with hyperextension injury while playing football and 2 patients attained the injury after being hit by car. Lianxu Chen. No significant difference was noted in location of bone marrow contusion in clip injury for different type/mode of injury. PMC A knee contusion is a bruised knee. In this study, inclusion criteria were acute knee injury only in athletes while in our study there were no such selection criteria. "The appearance of kissing contusion in the acutely injured knee in the athletes",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 June 2019, at 13:40. Mild high signal of the distal semimembranosus insertion, however, the remaining posteromedial corner structures appear uninjured. Case study, (Accessed on 02 May 2023) Other structures are injured less frequently and have weaker associations with bone bruise distribution. In this study, inclusion criteria included history of knee injury within 6 weeks or suspected ACL injury [12]. Associated MCL injury is noted in 31 cases (79.5%). -, Radiol Clin North Am. A prospective study of the association between bone contusion and intra-articular injuries associated with acute anterior cruciate ligament tear. Bone marrow contusion usually resolves in 6-8 weeks [6]. DOI: 10.1148/radiographics.20.suppl_1.g00oc19s135 PMID: 11046168. 1 Professor and HOD, Department of Radiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Science, Karad, Maharashtra, India. Type I lesions are most common on the lateral femoral condyle and type III on the lateral tibial condyle. PubMedGoogle Scholar. CAS Am J Sports Med. 2 cases (50%) are hyperextension injury with kissing contusion at anterior aspect of proximal tibia and distal femur caused due to hit by car in RTA. In six cases (4.3%) no pattern of bone marrow contusion could be explained and was categorized as unclassified pattern [Table/Fig-6]. Correlation between various pattern of bone marrow oedema and type/mode of injury are shown in [Table/Fig-17]. MRIs, plain radiographs and clinical details of these patients were reviewed. Pure passive hyperextension of the human cadaver knee generates simultaneous bicruciate ligament rupture. This case demonstrates a hyperextension knee injury consisting of partial posterior cruciate ligament tear proximal tibia epiphysis bone contusion and minor "kissing contusion" of the lateral femoral condyle posterior soft tissue injuries involving the knee joint capsule, fibular attachment of soleus and distal semimembranosus tendon To identify imaging pattern in bone marrow oedema and to correlate the pattern of bone marrow oedema retrospectively with type of knee injury from clinical history. Whilst anterolateral tibial plateau oedema strongly predicted PCL injury [OR = 26.0, p = 0.003], ACL injury was associated with a variable pattern of bone bruising. Radiographics. [12] Contusions of both surfaces of the knee joint are known as kissing contusions. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Clin Sports Med 33(4):633640, Tauber M, Fox M, Koller H, Klampfer H, Resch H (2008) Arthroscopic treatment of a large lateral femoral notch in acute anterior cruciate ligament tear. Horizontal Rafting Plate for Treatment of the Tibial Plateau Fracture. In many cases, Bone marrow contusion might have resolved at time of MRI. Bone contusion and associated meniscal and medial collateral ligament injury in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Bone Marrow Edema Injury Patterns in the Pediatric Knee: An MRI Study. Google Scholar. Follow up scan could not be done to establish the presumable diagnosis of bone marrow contusion. Google Scholar, Kanakamedala AC, Burnham JM, Pfeiffer TR et al (2018) Lateral femoral notch depth is not associated with increased rotatory instability in ACL-injured knees: a quantitative pivot shift analysis. Hong CK, Lin YJ, Cheng TA, Chang CH, Hsu KL, Kuan FC, Su WR.

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