A very, very uneducated Mexican that dont know ish about life but other than a gang called Surenos.Aint that right Sur 13? It is a blood set in San Diego, California. list of krystal locations closing. ONLY GANGS I RESPECT IS SURENOS, ASIAN GANGS AND BLACK GORILLA FAMILY CAUSE THEY ARE ALL TIGHT NIT. 1X4 k, Man f both you busters all you northRATS are a bunch of chickes, YOU SOUND LIKE A LITTLE chick YOURSELF, fIN SLOB, Blood f you !!! ASPK from tha valley 2 tha bay, its good to have surenos around becuz they are good target practice for all other gangs such as bloods, crips, nortenos and peoples nation gangs lol f a sewer rat PRICK. BUNCHA WINNNIES, Oh NO! Brother flue rag k sk ck all day, WHATS UP 2 ALL MY NORTH SIDE HOMEIZ Every time I run into a chap your famous word is I dont bang. CLAIM THERES NO SURENOS IN SAC, OH REALLY NOW? whats dat northside livin like in sacra? talkn about they banging hard & ish so many busters bangin on a small amount of homies lets see u chickes really get active like every other real gang in sacramento. sk ridin on a sur chick! MORE ON THE WEBSUR TRECE HOMES FORLIFE. Two Sacramento County Sheriff's Department Gang Unit detectives encountered defendant, a validated member of the East Side Piru criminal street gang, and a woman standing in front of a house in Rancho Cordova at night. UR PROBLY ONE OF THE ARYAN BBROTHERHOOD chickES.LMAO, fIN ___ SKRAP!! looks like somebody likes chatting with their self on here,. White Rock Neighborhood is a small hood in Rancho Cordova/ East Sacramento, this hood is territory of the east side piru gang, this area is not as bad or as active as it use to be but it is still known for gang like activitie, Sacramento rapper Liltrev gave this hood its fame. WFN 14. 925 up in this thang Pittsburg Ca to be exact, all gangs should learn to get-along this would be a better place but I heard their some old 47th gangsters around but thats it. . East Side Pirus are the first Pirus on the eastside of Compton and were formed after the original members of the Westside Pirus, which included Puddin and Bobalouie visited the eastside around 1971. Especially the bloods. Every time I run into a buster your lame ass word is I dont bang. Their gang members are primarily Laotian. hahahahahahahahahahahaha 187 on all you burnt ass looking watermelon eating Ni66ahsK EVERY HOOD FOR ITSELF!! ALWAYS CATCHIN SKRAPS AND OTHER NORTES SLIPPIN! This some I dont like boy ish cuzz . Yeah surenos are racist but their also mislead lmao, no-wonder surenos these days are very smart guyed lol. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR DRINKIN DOWN THERE OR WHAT? WE SURENOS ARE REALLY MAD! FROM DA VALLEY 2 DA BAY! Ive been to socal areas san bernardino, west la, north hollywood, long beach, torrance, riverside, ontario, west covina, south la and boyle heights and all these areas seem less violent compare to norcal areaslook it up on the web Mr. Making them one of the oldest blood gangs in South Sacramento. 1), Megan Thee Stallions lies had little to no impact on jurys verdict, Eric Holder arrives at the California state prison for classification, Flashback: Two Plead guilty in largest cocaine seizure in Los Angeles, Fashback: The resistance that black students faced in Little Rock in 1957, Los Angeles Police Gang Enforcement Initiaitives 2007. hahahahahahahahahahahaha . well only when the cops are around but we are hardcord surenos! This has to be a joke. To get a better understanding of fully active gangs in sacramento.heres the link to all major active gangs in sacra..this page was done by a sac gang tracker in 2011-2012 and its getting updated now and then. Nortenos run sac straight up. Real Enez got love for Norteos everywhere..yall smart as f bangin on the net! All these Ni66ahs on here netbanging in they mid 20s, @crabypaty$top makin $hit up.$ac i$ Norte areago to DPH talkin that $hit, youll get put downyoull talkin bout net bangin.what are doin now.dumb azz. OPBLOODS. Elm Street Bloods. Puro VARRIO NORTH SIDE VISALIA GANG. (There's a mixed gang of bloods and crips called "G-MOBB " on the southside of sacramento and there's also a gang called "Creek Mob (Elder Creek)", also on the southside, but it is not known to what affiliation/color they claim, if any.) f a chick made SKrapa, f a skrap and a punk ass sacra chick ene! SAN liveGO STAYS ACTIVE SUR ONLY NEVER SEE FARMERS. Join Facebook to connect with East Side Piru and others you may know. NSV 14 GANG ALL DAY, f bean burrito eating wets f 14K NSVk pachucoK VNSk this the BLOOD NATION, f a chick ass slobK f YOUR HOOD EBK. f NUT SAC TOWN AND ANY FARMER ASS LAMES. GILROY k, I dont like slobks 24$treet crip gang south sacc Crippin, Southside crippin 24$treet bkustin on slobks, f mexicunts f salvadorians f central Americans f south Americans f all Spanish speaking people BLACK POWER TO ALL YOU chickES, Ni66ah yall klucked up wit nortes shut up, You smart !!!!! You are a fin joke, I make money, I spend Money everywhere and anywhere lil chick! Whats good homies? North Highlands Gangsta ish believe that ENE. Im back chickes!!! 47th wasnt relevant during the 80s..47th wanna-bes barely starting kicking dust up during the mid to late 90s because you levas could not hang in the Norte gang..bunch of D.Os.. 47th is run down by bloods and OPN is active.47th is fake and its a dead area, skrapz dont run ish.in fact..47h has nothing but water down Mexicans as for CST,BST,HPS,AHTS ,very fakemade up gangsters.thats real talk. Sureno X3 Knockout de north highlands 916 NK all day. Now go feed your farm animals, and go tip some cows . and i will hit you with my foot too homes, ey homes WE SURENOS are not SMURFS stop calling us bad names SOUTHSIDE VARRIO OAK PARK 14 GANG 37ST&BROADWAY 1980S GENERATION, SOUTHSIDE OAK PARK14 37ST 1980S GENERATION. Yall Ni66ahs is sum straight .Ps. *151st Street Piru. VC36 IS DEAD NEVER HEARD OF PALETTO 14TH AVE HAS BEEN DEAD THATS A mayans HOOD, AS WELL AS OAK PARK, ITS ALL BLOOD TERRITORY THE ONLY ACTIVE BUSTER HOOD IS 45TH AND PUNK ASS VALLEY HI.. AS FOR THOSE SURENO HOODS WE ONLY GOT 5 SURENO HOODS WICH IS MY HOOD 47ST ,CST,BST,HPS,AHTS , THERES NO GRANDE PARK OR TRIANGLE PARK OR WEST SIDE THUGS..NOW THATS REAL!!! your not cool homes, ey homes forget you all homes i give props to Ni66ahs , regardless . You lame ass chaps are weak as f. Go upstate n see if you can hang wit the real gees. f all u chaps its shg till death! Select a sensor type for a plot of data. f salvadorians f colombians f northRATS f ALL wetS, your not fooling nobody here, under-cover Scrap..Sac-Town Asian affiliate with Nortes..dumb ass surena, f A PUNK ASS SACRA Shouldnt bang if you cant hang. They arent afraid of blacks.. VARRIO NORTHSIDE VISILIA X4 ALL DAY!! f Varrio Diamond 14? SKRAP k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get wet or get Slept your internet bangin means nothing to real Sactown Gs!!! White Rock Neighborhood is a small hood in Rancho Cordova/ East . When did gangbanging on the net become gangster? NORTE GANGS ON TOP SEWER RATZ IN THE GUTTERS, I USE 2 BANG HARD ON THE STREETS OF LA The Skyline Piru gang is made up of several smaller gangs which includes the O'Farrel Park gang. f skraps and bullfrogs. It dont matter what you bang. All bullish aside nortes a getalong club of wanabe mexicans that sport red & claim norte cuz they born in the north not no real active gangstas. They got this ish all wrong. WrongIve been to all areas in Sactown..DPH, South Sac, Arden-Arcade, & Racho Cordova, Oak Park, North Sac, West Sac..never seen any Mexicans gangsters wearing blue nor any ish like that.Sactown is all dominate by Bloods, Nortenos, Crips, various Asian and Samoan gangsthere was a sur gang called 47th back in the 90s but that area is dominated by Bloods and Crips.As for Howe Park, is a area where old people/retirees live..I never I never seen any gangs there. SHELTON, Mason County Nelious Horsley, a former leader of Tacoma's East Side Piru street gang, has been shot five times, including once in the head. Im on 20 and if any of you foos are older or up to 4 years younger then I am I must tell you to open your eyes ENE by saying F#@K another home boys hood your saying F#@K the N and juss typing it myself ks me but what you must know if you already dont is that ish your talkin dont mean nada in county or the pinta you better start getting laced up cuz you lil homies are in for the ride of your life there is no hoods in lock down if you disrespect another homies clique your getting removed no hesitation Northerners dont get rolled up and moved pods, units or floors you get green lighted and stuck by your own ppl there is 0 tolerance for red on red crime again 0 tolerance you with be an outcast with a dollar on your head for any home boy to move on so I suggest you drop out now or wise tf up and hold it down for all ENEZ NO MATTER THEIR BLOCK. I GOT ONE IN THE CHAMBER 4 A $EWER RAT PRICK real ish . Mexicans have access to the border to get guns and drugs Norteos and Sureos but Norteos are allies with Bloods and Sureos are allies with Crips. go k ur self in echo park you fin dumb sewer rat lmao, Go live somewhere sewer rat 8461 S San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90003 . bK pk dphK opK SMELM k!! Thats cuz la is the first place you stop on the way up from mexico so the raza thinks they surenos but they jus confused the norte runs norcal up to yakima washington to florida and colorado makin real money movea f sewer rats yall the aryan puppets, True facts. We all have one common enemy, and its the boys in blue with super cop badges and two tone crown vics. All you rats better be careful. HAD HIS LAME ASS NEVER COME OUT HIS ROOM. "Bloods" was a term that African-American fighting men called each other in the Vietnam War. See answers (2) Best Answer. INTERNET SURENO! The energy and talent you use gang-banging could be used to change your neighborhood, Improve your future and even the world. Mucho gusto homies. Please change ur information. S/S 47ST BACK TO CENTRO AND MACK RD. EBK, f PANOCHAS NORTENOS AND VARRIO NORTH Poo buhts ENE :: DPH norte 4-Life, f Cacamento fake ass kid talkin out his ass cant even spell the town right. what ix thix xhit xite for, there aint no xkrapz in xactown , dumb axx fer who put thix blog up. Go feed your farm animals. f A SKRAP AND A NORTE RIVAL ENE ITS REAL AND NOT FAKE..BUT LET ME SCHOOL YOU WHATS REALLY GOING ON UP HERE.1st SURENOS ARE NOT FACTERS NOR MAKIN NO HITS ON ANYBODY..UP HERE, ITS ALL DRUGS, MONEY, AND SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.,,THE FEW SURENOS ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOD CHANGE., MONEY & CONTROL IS WHATS IMPORTANT, f THE REST, Bay Area Pittsburg 925 El Pueblo Projects nothing but. Operator: Ventura County. Ochoa (1993) 6 Cal.4th 1199, 1206 ), the evidence established that on September 18, 2003, persons who affiliated with, or lived in a neighborhood claimed by, the Tree Top Piru clique of the Bloods gang shot and killed Kevin Jones, a member of the rival Grape Street gang, a clique of the Crips gang. On Crip I dont like northrats yall chickes to light in Sacramento Yall straight none factors I dont like northchick and I dont like a slob, NORTHSIDERS WERE HERE BEFORE CRABS STARTED IN LOS ANGELES IN THE 1960S, Im from stockton but got love for my crip Ni66ahs in sac, We were wearing blue before the crips were.. f northrats. YOURE ALL chickES! EVERYBODY kER! Much love to the XIVers from $acra eNe. Triangle Park Surenos (TPS)- Dont exist.never heard of this gang. i bet u are somebodys chick! Oak Park Nortenos I hope this helps, gangs are bad. come join me at my church and get away from being male prostitutes for the Aryan brotherhood. Bloods there Oak Park, starz, meadowview, del paso heights, valley hi, Lincoln village and strawberry manors. PURO NORTHSIDE VISILIA X4 Im on this site because this gang list is wrong..so dont get your panties in a bunch and dont get all butt-hurt all over this. Grape Street Watts Crips, West Side Piru, 118 East Coast Crips: The Bounty Hunter Watts Bloods, also known as the Bounty Hunter Bloods, is a predominantly African American street gang situated in the Nickerson Gardens public housing projects in Watts, Los Angeles. Black Gangs in Los Angeles from the 1920s, Brik Boy Crips (BBC) in Northside Long Beach, Rollin 20s Crips on the Eastside of Long Beach, Crip Gangs in Willowbrook, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Crip Gangs in Florence, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Rollin 100s Crip Alliance in South Los Angeles, 102 Ten Deuce Raymond Avenue Crips in Inglewood, Transcript of Tony Sims statement made to police March 23, 1979, Partial Transcript from Tony Sims testimony during his murder trial, April 14, 1981, Hoover Crips alliance and history in Los Angeles, Parc Village Compton Crips | Wilmington Arms Apartments, Original Corner Poccet Hood Compton Crips, Blood Gangs in Athens, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Cross Atlantic Pirus (Eastside Compton / Lynwood), Elm Street Pirus on the Eastside of Compton, Leuders Park Pirus | LPP | Eastside Compton Pirus, Village Town Piru / Ujima Village Piru in Willowbrook adjacent to Compton, Avenue Piru Gang (APG) in Inglewood, California, Crenshaw Mafia Gangster, CMG in Inglewood, CA, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #5 | Crips Founder Raymond Washington, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #6 | Rapper Nipsey Hussle | Jan Brewer from Inglewood Family, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #1 | History of Athens Park Bloods, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #2 | Grape Street Crips & Bounty Hunters, AS IS Magazine, Issue #1 Freeway Rick Ross | Kay Slay, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #3 The History of Neighborhood Bloods, AS IS Magazine, Issue #3 The Black Gangster: Larry Hoover, Stanley Tookie Williams, Fluckey Stokes, AS IS Magazine Issue #5 | Former Bank Robbery Chazz Williams | Curtis Scoon, AS IS Magazine, Issue #6 Flukey Stokes | Rick Ross |, AS IS Magazine, Issue #8 The Wayne Perry Story, AS IS Magazine, Issue #10 | Cocaine dealer Pablo Escobar | Paul Wall, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #22 | Harlems Jim Jones | Flukey Stokes Story, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #23 | Kevin Liles | Rapper Maino, after 10 years in prison, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #24 Irv Gotti Not Guilty, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #25 | Kevin Liles | Witness or Snitch |, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #26 | FBI declares Mara Salvatrucha (MS) most dangerous | Rick Ross the Boss, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #27 | Blood Diamonds | Young Jeezy | Making of AllHipHop.com, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #28 | Weed Guideline | Jamie Hector interview, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #29 | Fabolous Shot | Oaklands Young Don: Darryl little D Reed | Young Buck: beef with G Unit, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #30 | Wayne Perry, Washington DCs most violent killer | Kenneth Supreme McGriff | Mike Fray Salters, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #31 Bumpy Johnson, Barry Reese, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #35 Big Meech | BMF | Jim Jones, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #5 Tupac Shakur, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #7 Terrance Gangster Williams, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #8 Michael Harry O Harris. BIG 14 TO MY $ACRAMENTO NORTH $IDER$ Whoeva made dz list f VNS ene! The only real gangs out here are esp,dphb and nortes. hey crabypaty give me your address so i can show you how this Asian gangster will put you on your knees and make you the chick you really are. 3 bds; 2 ba; 1,675 sqft - House for sale. $TOP $NITCHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chino cochino com e verga puto SALADAS kER 1am-3pm. thats saying something haha.. Nortes some chickes they dont run ish if anything the black gangs run sac & thats why these nortena chickes be scared to retaliate on bloods or crips even the asians who been put work on u .P ass Ni66ahs & still nortenas be on that peace treaty ish if yo homeboy get smoked ya let it go. Also any else notice Ive seen no bloods or crips comment on this blog. So you say the South is crazy, then how come in todays 2013 List of Californias most violent cities includes Oakland, followed by Stockton, Richmond, Antioch, Modesto and Vallejo. Next photo. Rounding out the top 10 are SoCal cities Inglewood and Santa Maria. Cant stop The Look Gang! LA Sur 13 right here East Hollywood to Rosemead Ls up to all my miraderos in every state to Mexico, El Salvador and Costa Rica we worldwide. EBK EVERYBODY k!! most gang activity is opn a much more united gang, I live to k a sewer rat chick.fake ass skrapz, Dont act smart (Lisa m) you know you be sucking on all kinds of SURENOS d#$ks chick just like (Jack and Mike). we will hurt you with our hands and feets, THE SUR IZ ___ what HAPPEN 2 THE SUR GANGS FROM LA! by the way RIP to the Ni66ah hi-sizzle aka hi-C , straight up tho this is real life street ish that most Ni66ahs from my generation aint knowin bout . ANYBODY kER! * 187 Mafia. HAHA WEIRD ASS BUSTERS, YALL INTERNET BANGERS. You probably are just racist and think that all the Mexicans guys you know are Norteos. EVERYBODY k, f yall northburritos chickes NORTH cali is a no B spic wet zone, f YOU Ni66ah The Piru Street Boys are considered the forerunners to the Bloods, which is why the terms "Piru" and "Blood" are often used interchangeably. Stop and think. Mit sav ya lyfe, Southeast 13 LOKOS GANG October 4, 2013 - 10:19 pm. f GETTING ALONG ENE!! A very uneducated Mexican that dont know ish about life but other than a gang called Surenos.Aint that right Sur 13 aka MR INTERNET SURENO..LOL. NORPoo buhts. f YOU LEVA Im glad I aint no sur, gangs are bad, we need to stop all this violence. What a lame ass..LOL ILL PUT 4 GUNSHOT-HOLES ON A SOCAL SMURF RAT chick! Operator: United Water Conservation District. JUST WONDERIN, ALWAYS TRIP OUT WHEN I HEAR WE GOT HOMIES HERE AND THERE. Mr. 617 36th St, Sacramento, CA 95816. Frum 5TRE AVE TO SUN RIVER TO DA SLOPES. ALL U SLOb ASS Ni66ahS SCARY ASS SNITCHES!! ASK THAT LAME ASS FARMER WHO HIT JUVENILE HALL IN MY CITY. East Side Piru Elm Street Piru Lime Hood Piru (defunct) Low Profile Seattle Mafia Piru Valley Hood Piru, 2900 Block West Side Street Mobb West Side Mafia Blood Gang (34th Ave & 170th St.) Yesler Terrace Bloods- Dime Block (10th & Yesler) 3rd & Pine (3P) 5 Star Bloods CRIP GANGS

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east side piru sacramento
east side piru sacramento
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east side piru sacramento
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