$("#responseLine").show(); You must log in or register to reply here. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Schwalbe G-One Allround Evolution - TLEasy - Folding Tire - Addix - Super Ground - E25 - 40-622 TubelessEasy tires with versatile tread pattern and balanced puncture protection for Gravel-Roads. 17. Schwalbe CX Comp Active Cross Wired Tire - 28 Inches Light cross tire with semi-slick profile and good cornering grip. 18. Innanzitutto, buongiorno a tutti, sono nuovissimo di questo mondo (ma non della bici in generale) e di questo forum (grazie per l'accoglienza). Bike: $.trim($(".product-name h1:first").text()), 15. }, 100); I live in Scotland so traction on wet rock and roots a must, usually go to Glentress The Price Match Policy is subject to change at any time. You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow cookies or not. // ]]> var name = cname + "="; $("#closeWinDone").show(); // "); PLEASE NOTE: Sto "trasformando" la mia MTB front in bici da bikepacking, e una delle prime scelte da fare sono i copertoni (ruota da 29) - alla fine ho ristretto la scelta a 2 opzioni: Schwalbe Hurricane DD vs Continental Double Fighter - sono i due che mi sembrano pi adatti per avere buona scorrevolezza al centro (asfalto, sterrato ben battuto) ma con grip laterale sulla spalla, essendo tassellato. If you are only ever using it on the road, get a set of slicks. More of these are on the way. For me the rolling resistance didnt outweigh a well-inflated Ardent, which is what ive gone back to. }); if($("#priceMatchContainer #comments").length > 0){ IGH Weight Difference - Kindernay VII and Enviolo Heavy Duty wheels with tires. document.body.appendChild(ratingBadgeContainer); WebShnte Schwalbe Smart Sam Addix 622x42 mm? var giftAmount = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("JensonUSA-Gift-Card-") + 20); if($("#seatPostGraphic").length > 0){ WebContinental Double Fighter III Sport MTB Wire Bead Tire 26x1.9 Inches - black. else{ I use MK2 race sport which is the black chilli compound with the medium weight side walls (the supersonic is the paper thin one) and they are great. 4 product ratings. //$("a.button-default:contains('Guest Checkout')").hide(); For a more specific shipping quote and transit time estimate, simply add the items you are interested into your shopping cart and look for the "Shipping Options" box at the top of the cart page. Smart Sam Clincher Tyre 28x1.75" Performance Addix. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. delivery Will usually delivered within 11 - 17 working days of receiving cleared payment. The speedkings are a 2.1 x 26 and looking to get 2.2s on my Trance X2. I could swear I saw that they could, but like you can't find it now. Dky Zbozi.Blesk.cz mete koupit Schwalbe Racing Ralph EVO Addix-Speed, TLE SS, 29 x 2,25 kevlar levn, ji od 1 349 K. if(firstDelay === true){ } I did have a flat last weekend but it wasnt the tire, it was the Schwalbe tube that developed a small hole on the rim side of the tube. You shouldnt need new inner tubes I think. I looked on the Schwalbe website and could not find if these can be mounted tubeless. var batchBikeInterval = setInterval(function(){ Las presiones recomendadas son bastante elevadas, siempre vigilando no llegar a la presin mxima de los neumticos.00:00 Presentacin00:17 Por qu cambio de cubiertas?00:45 Anlisis del dibujo01:03 Desgaste en la primera salida01:26 Presin recomendada02:26 PRUEBAS FSICAS03:32 Anlisis tras 250 km04:52 CONCLUSIN incl. if(bikePresent){ Sturdy shoulder studs offer good grip on forest roads and gravel creating excellent off-road qualities. Copyright 2012-2022 EBR Electric Bike Review, Inc. Also operating under the name EBR. I like my Schwalbe G-One AllAround as they have a consistent nubby surface texture. Price Matches made post-purchase will be refunded via gift card. I've been off-road on completely slick tyres before and its not bad, it's more confidence than anything. 1-day free standard Shipping on most orders to California, 2-day free standard Shipping on most orders to Nevada, Arizona, & Utah. I use them with Tannus Armour and Tubolitos. I use Marathon plus in the winter. This combo is also surprisingly good in mixed conditions. $(".breadcrumb").hide(); Richard, so after more extended use are your impressions any different? They're great tyres and a bargain at that price! Subscribe and receive a 15% off one-full priced item on your next order. 700c Schwalbe Marathon Plus Tyre Too Big For 700c Hybrid Wheel? Even Race King rear, X King front if you want more grip without paying too much of a rolling resistance penalty. Learn more. In the end, it just wasnt enough tyre overall to stay on the bike as an allrounder even in summer, but it was bloody good. For more information, please see our function getCookie(cname) { Do you know? GrandPrix Urban Folding Tyre 28" black. WebThe Continental Double Fighter II tire seems just as tough as the WTB Moto Raptor, especially in the sidewalls. c = c.substring(1); Worst thing was the way I could feel it flexing badly when cornering aggressively. function clearBikeDates(){ This is an adventure-biking sub dedicated to the vast world that exists between ultralight road racing and technical singletrack. Because I cant keep the air in a snakeskin rockrazor which weighed pretty much exactly twice as much, but the Burt somehow stood up to proper use, on the same bike. if($(".container-account").length > 0){ Youd have to hunt to find them cheap, but theyre worth it. $(".customize-this-button").click(function() { } 2nd the Continental Race King. Dimenticato il nome utente? Excludes Gift Memberships, Discount applies to first year. Continental. $("#sendEmail").click(function(){ Continental GrandPrix Urban Folding Tyre 28" black. Clicca il link per accedere alla mappa seleziona il blog da leggere qui a destra. } Continental Unisex_Adult Double Fighter Iii Tyres Brand: Continental 123 ratings | 10 answered questions -19% $2995 List Price: $36.95 Size: 700c x 37 Color: Black/Black About this item Excellent quality for sports level use Wire bead Mesh Sidewall design Cure your wanderlust for less with virtual travel Amazon Explore Browse now Yeah, I'd seen that and come to pretty much the same conclusion. WebReifen Conti RideTour 26/27.5x1 1/2" 42-584 sw/sw Reflex EPB. if(getCookie("IsKiosk") && $("body > header > div.header-top.clearfix > div > div > div.dropdown.header-account-menu-container.hidden-xs > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a").html() =="Sign out"){ In my experience https://www.bicyclerollingresistance.com/mtb-reviews is about right. } Two compatible inner tubes: approx. Schwalbe Marathon Plus or Continental Double Fighter 26x1.95 will be fine. clearInterval(batchBikeInterval); The only thing I don't like is the tread: the Marathon plus has a semi slick tread which is great on road but bit skittish on mud or packed snow, and the Plus tour has a heavier tread that manages all surfaces fine but looks a bit gnarly. 21, 2023). } Ive got double fighters on my current HT & they are reasonable enough, I was going to get the same again for the new bike, but wondered if the thunder burts (or something else?) Schwalbe. I think I'll stick some bar ends on as well to make the riding position better on road. } All bikes are built, tested, tuned, and ready to ride upon shipment. 5. } Which ones? $(".bike-alert").remove(); var bikeDateRun = 0; bikehit_de 145,356 ratings Go to shop Schwalbe Hurricane Performance Rigid 27.5 Tubeless Mtb Tyre Black 27.5 / 2.00 14.49 23.48 incl. uscito il nuovo E-book dedicato alla Life in Travel Family! The Hurricanes are certainly great tires. }); Grazie a tutti, UPDATE - ordinate e arrivate le SCHWALBE HURRICANE (trovate disponibili in misura 29 x 2.00 solo su Bike Discount) - montate sulle bici, le provo domani su una mia versione "personalizzata" di AbbracciaTO, la circle line attorno a Torino. Although the Double Fighters are a budget rigid tubed tyre I've found that roll really well and can be set up to run tubeless with very little effort. Hutchinson Toro 26x2.25 front and Hutchinson Python 26.2.0 rear has served me very well. Crea un account. Success! } In the main, middle tread, the tire has ridges of micro knobs, similar to those found on skinny gravel tires, with a center strip of fine ridges. We use cookies on our website. WebShnte Schwalbe Racing Ralph EVO Addix-Speed, TLE SS, 29 x 2,25 kevlar? WebIve a Double fighter III on my do it all bike. Anything in-between is sub-optimal. } I find the Hurricanes better and quieter on the road and WAY better off road. Typically not on https://www.bicyclerollingresistance.com! // ]]> Continental Double Fighter II Tyre. Phone: $.trim($("#customBikePhone").val()), Singletrack uses affiliate services calledSkimlinksandwhich means we may earn revenue if you buy a product after clicking a link to a retailer on our site. Puoi scaricare centinaia di tracce GPS di itinerari in MTB, gravel, viaggi cicloturismo e bikepacking pedalate davvero. { Stock Status After a winter of Marathon plus you feel like you are flying. else if($(".product-name h1").html() == "Jenson USA Gift Card") LC_API.open_chat_window(); 14 itinerari tra i pi strepitosi al mondo, 180 pagine con foto, descrizione, info utili e curiosit, link alla traccia GPS per seguire il percorso. There are a number of new cyclocross tyres available for 2017, including an entirely new model called the Race King. $(".cart-item-detail-proditemnum").each(function(){ Continue with Recommended Cookies, Search the forum using the power of Google. Now in a multitude of sizes including 650b, it's the perfect, affordable upgrade for this Check our guide to find out. 1.5 to 2.5 sounds a bit optimistic to me - narrow tubrd for narrow tyres wide tubes for the wide ones. // Once we are done building your bike, we will process the shipment. Schwalbe Marathon Plus ATB is your way forward if your still doing some off road, Schwalbe Marathon Plus if it's just paths and bridleways, road only Schwalbe City Jet, http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Reviews.aspx?ModelID=18897. 29 Dec 2018. The topic Tyre question.thunder Burt or continental double fighter? is closed to new replies. *many of the tubeless-ready tires currently available are also folding tires. Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site. $("#seatPostGraphic").attr("src", "https://www.jensonusa.com/globalassets/product-page-assets/seat_post_" + letter + ".jpg"); If you mean forest tracks and gravel pathways, you can get away with slick tyres. Tutti i diritti riservati. Do not share or sell my personal information, 26 x 1.9", 27.5 x 2.0", 700 x 50c (29 x 2.0"), Recreational, Sport, Touring, Urban Commuter. if($(".coupon-banner-right-2").length < 1){ Ratings and Reviews. } The Schwalbe Marathon range of commuter tires come in a variety of tread patterns and construction options, including tubeless-ready versions. $("#amount").val(urlParams.get("amt")); Schwalbe HS499 Hurricane (1) Schwalbe HS601 G-One Ultrabite (1) Schwalbe HS603 Marathon Almotion (1) Vee Rubber (16) Velotech City Classic (1) Mountain Kings are by far the worst tyre I have used. Some large and/or heavy items are subject to additional oversize charges that are separate from standard shipping costs. The Schwalbe Racing Ray front, new skool Racing Ralph rear is another great combo which I use for fast summer mile munching. WebThrow on a pair of the Continental Double Fighter III 29" Urban tires and get where you want to go faster and with less effort. var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); If you find an item we offer from a competitor at a lower price, let us know. } } are all fair game here. // ]]>, // -1){ Best mtb tyre ive used on the tar. I've thought about it some more, and when I get some money I'll stick a Double Fighter on the back and keep going with the cheap XC tyre on the front. Di quella - YouTube. (9) rate now. Price Matching voids any currently advertised Jenson USA promotions or special offers (i.e. Maybe I was dreaming. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Vi sapr dire (se interessati). This tire extends the range of use for every road cyclist. Ive a Double fighter III on my do it all bike. Please see. They will roll smoothly down the street as well as provide the necessary traction in the dirt. Just choose Standard Shipping during checkout. Oversize Charges Copyright 2007-2023-Lifeintravel.it. WebA pair of wire bead or folding tires* for a 29er MTB: approx. }); I live in an urban area with marginal roads, so tough tires are To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Our Price Match Policy is valid only for qualified Internet retailers. Off-road, the shoulders heavy tread provides the necessa . . function animatedSpecialOffers() { 6. A new 180 threads per inch nylon casing improves handling and speed. If you have any questions regarding a Price Match, one of our Gear Advisors will be happy to lend you expert guidance via phone, email, or chat. Prueba de mis nuevas cubiertas!Tras casi 38.000 km con unas Continental Race King me lanzo a probar un nuevo neumtico, en este caso los Continental Double Figther III 2.0 de 29\". If I really like the improvement from slicker tyres and I don't get off the road much, I'll probably put the Double Fighter on the front and have a smoother semi on the back.

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continental double fighter iii vs schwalbe hurricane
continental double fighter iii vs schwalbe hurricane
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continental double fighter iii vs schwalbe hurricane
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