c: 737-240-1866, Danny Summerlindanny.summerlin@austintexas.gov Appointments are only for questions about general inspection policies and procedures for Commercial Inspections. The Service Center will reactivate permits that fall within the deadline extension range. Help transform waste into resources while keeping our community clean and closer to our Zero Waste goal. Building codes are designed to ensure structures health and safety for everyones benefit. We enable eligible electrical contractors to perform residential service rebuilds on behalf of Austin Energy. All Rights Reserved. Electric Service Design & Planning Become familiar with our criteria and guidelines for building electric facilities in the Austin Energy service area. Also, ask questions regarding building and trade inspection policies and procedures. Plans that were approved during COVID operations can be downloaded from the AB+C Portal using the original Plan Review number (PR#) or address: In the Search by Permit number, please enter your Plan Review (PR) number, as shown below: Select the applicable Permit/Case number associated with your scope of work: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the item you would like to download in the Folder Attachment section: The permit holder and owner-general contractor are responsible for ensuring the proper sequence of inspections. %PDF-1.6 % Nh vi bt k bn dch bng my no, ng cnh v chnh xc khng th c m bo. Download the general path diagram c: 512-775-1968; o: 512-974-1289, Environmental Inspections - 512-974-2278environmental.inspections@austintexas.gov, Fire Department Call the IVR Number at 512-974-9405 and choose Schedule Inspection. Ensure the job site address is posted and visible from the street, including identification of all units on site. Xin cm n qu v. Have Feedback for the Distribution Design Team? Cell: 512-665-1581, Office: 512-974-3488 Registration (TDLR). An Austin Energy spotter will perform a field service check and note if the participating contractor is cleared If not registered, you can register online at the AB+C portal. %PDF-1.6 % Email: AE Distribution Standards c: 512-905-1749, Todd Wilcox - CommercialDivision Managertodd.wilcox@austintexas.govo: 512-974-1681, Rick Arzola- Business Process Specialistrick.arzola@austintexas.gov The Utility Cut Program is responsible for three types of Right-of-Way (ROW) projects telecom and small cell; excavation for repair of dry utilities; and Residential and commercial driveways, curb cuts gutters and sidewalk repair, installation, modification, or demolition. final inspection. c: 512-999-4051, Charles Ablanedo - Supervisor Commercial Mechanicalcharles.ablanedo@austintexas.govo: 512-974-9027 c: 512-363-0772, Mike Frankemike.franke@austintexas.gov c: 512-576-6096, Ralph Martinezralph.martinez@austintexas.gov Nu qu v gp kh khn vi vn bn dch ca chng ti hoc cn c h tr. Austin and Travis County are responding to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). 2023 Austin Energy. A list of inspections needed for that permit will appear. c: 512-300-5429, Felicia Milliganfelicia.milligan@austintexas.gov Staff will providea cost estimate for this retrieval and will work with customersdirectly to send the original for copying/scanning. Pay anytime day or night on the phone or online. Como cualquier traduccin automtica, no se puede garantizar el contexto y la precisin. Permits that have expired under City Orders. re-energizing, and, Austin Energy will electronically attach the, Download and carefully read and complete the. Visit theemergency repairswebpage for information on permitting and inspecting emergency repairs. form (pdf), Contractor Disconnect Permitting For additional instructions on how to navigate AB + C Portal, refer to this web-help guide. Privacy Statement. Nh vi bt k bn dch bng my no, ng cnh v chnh xc khng th c m bo. c: 512-669-6119, John Brownjohn.brown2@austintexas.gov c: 512-351-2631, Dale Heberlingdale.heberling@austintexas.gov Do Your Medical Needs Require Electricity? Gracias. Austin Energy will email you within five business days to let you know if your application has been approvedand c: 512-366-0546, Gaynell Wilsongaynell.wilson@austintexas.gov Austin Energy Distribution Metering Operations Contact for: Metering equipment and information, CT inspections, and general metering questions Address: 2500 Montopolis Drive Email : Austin Energy Distribution Metering Operations Advanced Metering Systems and Engineering The Public Search Manual provides guidance on performing searches and navigating results. For a general overview of residential electrical requirements, view the Residential Electrical Inspection Checklist. The Building Inspection Division (BID) performs inspections on new construction, remodels, and trades (electrical, mechanical, plumbing) to ensure compliance with applicable building codes. c: 512-560-4085, Andrew Lopezandrew.lopez@austintexas.gov c: 512-545-3521, Nick Petry- Residential Supervisornicholas.petry@austintexas.gov Electrical contractors who participate in this program will be allowed to cut Austin Energy seals and supply conductors to perform: Overhead Services Upgrade and reconnect electric service, using Austin Energy approved splices Install transfer switches Change out main panel Replace load side conductors Underground Services c: 512-264-4013, Chris Phillipschris.phillips@austintexas.gov Select the permit you want to schedule an inspection for by checking the box to the left of it. Adopted Ordinances Not Yet Codified As with any machine translation, context and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Only one (1) certificate of occupancy inspection may be necessary when only one (1) tenant is to occupy the building. Electrical contractors who wish to participate must be established with the Texas Department of Licensing and A waiver shall be applied such that the percent discount off of the cost to provide service to a residential Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) is the City's online portal that allows registered users to apply for some permits, schedule inspections, pay fees, upload project attachments, and more. c: 512-665-0177, Frank Nanyes frank.nanyes@austintexas.gov Xin cm n qu v. As a department of the City of Austin, Austin Energy uses an independent, online tool to provide automated (machine) translations on our websites. Como cualquier traduccin automtica, no se puede garantizar el contexto y la precisin. Electrical Final Inspection Checklist Residential Inspections DevelopmentATX.com | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see austintexas.gov/digitaldevelopment This checklist is provided as a reference tool, and it is not intended to be exhaustive of all possible requirements. Outside Austin call toll-free: Residential Inspections - Northwest Austin Territory. (Supp. c: 512-228-8387, Darrell Bellinghausendarrell.bellinghausen@austintexas.gov Find information about permits for construction and remodeling projects outside corporate city limits in Travis County, such as: More. This usually applies to new building construction. Vui lng gi s 512-494-9400 hoc 3-1-1 ni chuyn vi mt ngi i din. Complete our Distribution Design Customer Survey, 512-494-9400 1) The owner of the property and/or the permit holder may request that the permit be declared null and void by submitting a written request to the Permit Office. The participating contractor will schedule electrical inspection, verify the inspection date, and notify Austin %%EOF Make a Quick Payment No Login Required Other Inspection Information Certificate of Occupancy is issued for commercial structures after the inspections are completed. You must be a registered AB+C portal user. Budget Billing lets you pay approximately the same amount each month for your utility services. If you have questions about our design criteria, purchasing specifications, or construction standards, contact one of The Electrical Service Planning Application (ESPA) is needed to obtain your permit and is also used by the design team to determine your power requirements. Start Over. relocate or remove Austin Energy electrical infrastructure. Rebates and tips can help you save for the season. c: 512-521-4922, Leonard Gonzalesleonard.gonzales@austintexas.gov The permit holder and owner-general contractor are responsible for ensuring the proper sequence of inspections. The participating contractor will perform the work on the agreed-upon date, have the service inspected prior to The Application and Approval Requirements for TPIA's (250KB download) guide includes the following documents. Special Inspections Process Thank you. Nh vi bt k bn dch bng my no, ng cnh v chnh xc khng th c m bo. For residential projects inside of the City limits, use Austin Build + Connect (AB + C) to make the request You can also leave comments/notes for the inspector. Cell: 512-669-6119, Office: 512-974-2946 2023 Austin Energy. c: 512-550-5836; o: 512-974-2417, Lisa Martinez- Business Process Specialistlisa.martinez@austintexas.gov Get the latest City utility news, information, and events in our monthly newsletter. Como cualquier traduccin automtica, no se puede garantizar el contexto y la precisin. If you experience difficulty with our translated text or need assistance, please call 512-494-9400 or 3-1-1 to speak with a representative. Building Inspection is the approval authority for all inspections regulated by the following Technical Codes: Commercial Building Code (International Building Code) Verify all deficiencies have been corrected for re-inspections. Participating contractors may pull permits per guidelines with. c: 512-767-2134, DeeAnn Afradeeann.afra@austintexas.gov Separate emails will not be Check the box for the inspection you want to schedule. Si tiene dificultades con nuestro texto traducido o necesita ayuda, llame al 512-494-9400 o al 3-1-1 para hablar con un representante. Give a Gift of Comfort. Shell Building Certificate of Occupancy Inspections. Austin Energy Distribution System. The City of Austin Utilities Gift of Comfort program allows individuals, businesses, and organizations in our community to make a payment towards a customer's utility bill as a gift. c:512-774-2872, Joey Martinezjoey.martinez@austintexas.gov Learn how to stay smart about your water use with My ATX Water. Clicking My Inspectionswill display permits with available inspections to be scheduled. B. All instrument rated (CT) services conventional, transocket, network vault, or padmount are required to have a CT inspection. Learn how to give a Gift of Comfort. c: 512-545-3154, April Mamoeapril.mamoe@austintexas.gov Inspectors will not open boxes or take apart electrical equipment. The permit holder and owner-general contractor are responsible for ensuring the proper sequence of inspections. Crews working hard to bring power back on, Stay Warm, Stay Safe, and Save in Winter Weather, Transmission Lines, Towers, and Substations, Electric Service Planning Application (ESPA), Other Guides, Specifications, Standards, & Code, Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure Ordinance, ECAD Toolkit For Real Estate Professionals, Austin SHINES: Innovations in Energy Storage, Winter Storm Restoration and Recovery Work, Power Plant and District Cooling Facility Tours, Customer Energy Solutions Program Updates, 2022 Base Rate Review and Approved 2023 Base Rate Changes, Stay Current with Local Updates on COVID-19, Austin Energy's eBikes are for Everyone initiative earns Smart 50 Award from Smart Cities Connect. Ensure jobsite is accessible and special access information is provided directly to the assigned inspector or listed on inspection request comments. 159) View what's changed This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Austin Energy is implementing the Contractor Disconnects program to reduce wait times for certain types of Austin Energy offers EV owners a rebate of 50% of the purchase and installation cost of a Level 2 charging station. Residential underground service with standard 200 amp meter, up to 150 feet of service wire = $800. It applies to all one-and-two-family dwellings and townhouses and includes mechanical, plumbing, and energy system requirements. Includes relevant details such as issue date, location, council district, expiration date, description of work, square footage, valuation, and units. extension for either type of service or if the meter can needs to be replaced. If the IVR Number is not functional, send an email to:building.inspections@austintexas.gov. The City of Austin follows the 2021International Building Codes and the2021International Energy Conservation Code. c: 512-228-7258, Anthony Andrewsanthony.andrews@austintexas.gov Residential overhead service with standard 320 amp meter, up to 55 feet of service wire = $400. Experiencing a large broken water line, no water, or other water emergency? The Entertainment Services Group's Sound Enforcement Program has the primary responsibility for the enforcement of Outdoor Music Venue (OMV) permits. We offer year-round rebates and incentives to help offset the cost of making energy-efficiency improvements to your home or business. Are you a solar installer? c: 512-577-9501, Aaron Hibbsaaron.hibbs@austintexas.gov c: 512-299-7179, Jonathan Herrinjonathan.herrin@austintexas.gov Austin Energys outage map and notification system helps you stay informed during outages. Multiple payment methods accepted. Criteria Manual (pdf). residential projects. Enter the requested information. Transaction fees apply. c: 512-599-0341, Joshua Williamsjoshua.williams3@austintexas.gov Como cualquier traduccin automtica, no se puede garantizar el contexto y la precisin. 100% of the estimated cost is paid by the requesting party; civil work is completed by the A mandatory training class will occur following the close of each registration period. NEC 250.4; 250.52(A)(5); 250.53(A) Minimum 6-foot spacing exists between rods or pipe electrodes. For more information about codes and regulations, visit Codes, Resources, and Tools. When the lights go out, dont be in the dark! (DGPA) (pdf), view the Austin Energy Service Thank you. 4411-B Meinardus Drive (South of 969/MLK/Windsor Rd.) For residential services where an Austin Energy design is not required, One-Stop will charge the following: For projects where an Austin Energy Design is required, Austin Energy's meter and service wire charges will be ECAD promotes energy efficiency by identifying potential energy . c: 512-457-1820, Anthony Raineyanthony.rainey@austintexas.gov c: 512-554-9685, Hyatt Dunnhyatt.dunn@austintexas.gov 512-505-7682, AE Design North - Kramer Lane Service Center Vui lng gi s 512-494-9400 hoc 3-1-1 ni chuyn vi mt ngi i din. Once done, click Request Inspections. Como departamento de la Ciudad de Austin, Austin Energy utiliza una herramienta en lnea independiente para proporcionar traducciones automticas en nuestros sitios web. L mt b phn ca Thnh ph Austin, Austin Energy s dng mt cng c trc tuyn, c lp cung cp cc bn dch t ng (my tnh) trn cc trang web ca chng ti. Pay anytime day or night on the phone or online. A pre-construction inspection shall be required for any residential project participating in the Certificate of Compliance program (C.O.C. Austin Energy Design = $200. Ensure all prerequisites inspections are completed before requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or final building inspection. Payment of the copies and scans will be the customers responsibility at the reprographics company of choice. Expected Appointment Duration: 30minutes, Share ideas online about improving Austin, ResidentialBuilding Inspector Phone List, Inspection Agent Letter of Authorization and Request for IVR PIN Number, 2021International Energy Conservation Code, View the Technical Codes and code interpretations for each discipline, Commercial Mechanical Inspection Flowchart, Commercial Electrical Inspection Flowchart, Tree Protection and Erosion/Sedimentation Controls Flowchart, Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Process Flowchart, Residential Building Inspection Flowchart, Building Inspection Checklists, Forms & Applications, If you cannot locate the plans, please contact. Nu qu v gp kh khn vi vn bn dch ca chng ti hoc cn c h tr. For inspectors and builders in Austin, this new ordinance helps take the edge off. Thank you. All Rights Reserved. If you experience difficulty with our translated text or need assistance, please call 512-494-9400 or 3-1-1 to speak with a representative. Local amendments to the International Building Codes are included in the Citys Building Technical Codes View the Technical Codes and code interpretations for each discipline. c: 512-983-6868, Stein Antonssonsteinberg.antonsson@austintexas.gov c: 512-228-6146, Phillip Cantrellphillip.cantrell@austintexas.gov If the plan set has been misplaced, please submit a Public Information Request (PIR)to retrieve the original from off-site storage. of affordable housing being as stated on the City of Austin SMART Housing Certification. Become familiar with our criteria and guidelines for building electric facilities in the Austin Energy service area. service area require a passing inspection from Austin Energy before they can be turned on. c: 512-905-1403, Victor Acquarolavictor.acquarola@austintexas.gov As a department of the City of Austin, Austin Energy uses an independent, online tool to provide automated (machine) translations on our websites. It also defines the minimum Request a solar installation inspection. Appeals of code interpretations may be heard before the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals, the Electric Board, or the Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Board. Upgrade and reconnect electric service, using Austin Energy approved splices, Replace load side conductors in the meter can. See the graphic below. Contractor and Trade Permits. As a department of the City of Austin, Austin Energy uses an independent, online tool to provide automated (machine) translations on our websites. Austin and Travis County are responding to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). THE CODE OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Codified through Ordinance No. c: 512-226-3396, Martin Johnsenmartin.johnsen@austintexas.gov The Austin Energy Design Criteria Manual provides criteria, guidelines, definitions, and descriptions for Marty Starrett - Supervisor Commercial Electrical martin.starrett@austintexas.gov o: 512-974-3488 c: 512-228-8387. . Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) is the City's online portal that allows registered users to apply for some permits, schedule inspections, pay fees, upload project attachments, and more. c: 512-203-3596, Jimmy Juarezjimmy.juarez@austintexas.gov Vui lng gi s 512-494-9400 hoc 3-1-1 ni chuyn vi mt ngi i din. conductors to perform: The project will not meet program requirements if the Austin Energy service drop conductors (line side) require c: 512-665-1581, Gentre Fowlergentre.fowler@austintexas.gov Learn more about the Approved 2021 Technical Code Changes. & 0 Development Services provides applications for many more types of permits not yet submittable through the portal, see Forms & Applications for a complete list. c: 512-300-9823, Philip Sughruephilip.sughrue@austintexas.gov c: 512-647-8034, Bob Reedbob.reed@austintexas.gov the design and installation of electric facilities that will be served by Austin Energy. Disconnect Program, Contractor Disconnect Program c: 512-287-0210, Keith Cameronkeith.cameron@austintexas.gov L mt b phn ca Thnh ph Austin, Austin Energy s dng mt cng c trc tuyn, c lp cung cp cc bn dch t ng (my tnh) trn cc trang web ca chng ti. Failure to provide the City-approved set of plans may result in failed inspections and delays in receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy. customer. 512-494-9400 c: 512-717-1538, Jerron Wilburnjerron.wilburn2@austintexas.gov Si tiene dificultades con nuestro texto traducido o necesita ayuda, llame al 512-494-9400 o al 3-1-1 para hablar con un representante. Disconnect Terms and Conditions (pdf) for complete details. Approved registrations are good for one year from approval date. 212 0 obj <>stream At this time all emergency inspections are being prioritized. 4411-B Meinardus Drive Austin City Council approved new base rates for Austin Energy. Download a free copy of the Austin Energy Design If you already have open/active cases/permits, or an existing contractor profile that you'd like to link to your new AB+C account, use the Service Center Request Form or the Chat Now button on theService Center webpage. do so, permit holders must actively perform work toward the completion of the permitted project and schedulea Explore the following inspection divisions for more information. Ensure the latest city-approved plans are accessible for inspection staff. Register for extra help before a power outage. Application (pdf), Contractor Disconnect Terms and The Customer Assistance Program (CAP) helps customers who face temporary and long-term financial difficulties and serious medical challenges. Como departamento de la Ciudad de Austin, Austin Energy utiliza una herramienta en lnea independiente para proporcionar traducciones automticas en nuestros sitios web. c: 512-550-5236, Kyle Welchdon.welch@austintexas.gov Please reference the latest City Order. included in the total line extension cost. our offices of Distribution Engineering listed below. Footer Menu. Outside Austin call toll-free: The portal's Public Search function is available to search permit and case history (and does not require registration). AustinAustin, 512-494-94003-1-1. c: 512-571-7930, Noe Rodrigueznoe.rodriguez@austintexas.gov All electrical panels and junction boxes to be inspected shall be open and accessible for inspection. Gracias. Follow our criteria, requirements, and specifications when connecting to or working on district cooling systems. If you experience difficulty with our translated text or need assistance, please call 512-494-9400 or 3-1-1 to speak with a representative. It is also used by the design team to determine your power endstream endobj 147 0 obj <. Cell: 512-775-1968, For general questions, email us at building.inspections@austintexas.gov. Vui lng gi s 512-494-9400 hoc 3-1-1 ni chuyn vi mt ngi i din. Residential One-and-Two-Family Dwelling Code (International Residential Code) hbbd```b``@$ST(@=* Rn=d{H("BA$ XDLH0[ D&i@dKzG(i5 / Ensure all required documentation is uploaded to the permit. Tim Taylor- Supervisor- Commercial Buildingtim.taylor2@austintexas.govo: 512-974-9042 Learn More District Energy & Cooling Design Follow our criteria, requirements, and specifications when connecting to or working on district cooling systems. 888-340-6465, Stay Warm, Stay Safe, and Save in Winter Weather, Transmission Lines, Towers, and Substations, Electric Service Planning Application (ESPA), Other Guides, Specifications, Standards, & Code, Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure Ordinance, ECAD Toolkit For Real Estate Professionals, Austin SHINES: Innovations in Energy Storage, Winter Storm Restoration and Recovery Work, Power Plant and District Cooling Facility Tours, Customer Energy Solutions Program Updates, Contractor L mt b phn ca Thnh ph Austin, Austin Energy s dng mt cng c trc tuyn, c lp cung cp cc bn dch t ng (my tnh) trn cc trang web ca chng ti. As a department of the City of Austin, Austin Energy uses an independent, online tool to provide automated (machine) translations on our websites. It is a thoughtful, practical, and convenient way to show you care. It is solely the responsibility of the permit holder to keep a permit active until it receives a Final status. Depending on the scope of work, a final inspection may lead to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, which ensures a structure is safe for occupancy. Submit a current Certificate of Safety Training (dated within the last year). You must submit this application to obtain a permit. for design and construction of Austin Energy infrastructure (pdf). c: 512-287-1824, Robin Quickrobin.quick@austintexas.gov As with any machine translation, context and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. o: 512-978-0300, Tree Inspectionskeith.mars@austintexas.govcityarborist@austintexas.gov, Atmos Energy Please refer to our one-line diagram that depictsthe general path to obtain electric power to a site or to Download theContractor KXAN's Kylie McGivern investigates the backlog costing homeowners time and money at 10.Posted by KXAN. c: 512-299-3857, Christopher Roganchristopher.rogan@austintexas.gov Xin cm n qu v. Territory Map (pdf) to determine which office supports your service area. Note: Inspections are usually performed 24 hours after scheduling, but an inspectors workload can delay a scheduled inspection until the next business day or 48 hours after scheduling. An approved plan set was provided to the individual who picked up and paid for the permits. L mt b phn ca Thnh ph Austin, Austin Energy s dng mt cng c trc tuyn, c lp cung cp cc bn dch t ng (my tnh) trn cc trang web ca chng ti. An email will be sent out The City of Austin Development Services Department conducts required inspections during the development process, including building, environmental, site development, subdivision, sound enforcement, and utility cuts. Verify work is complete before the scheduled inspection. The number of residential electrical inspections in Austin grew 70% in the last 5 years. Get energy, water, and recycling tips. The output varies day to day and hour to hour. Local Amendments 2021 Local Amendments became effective September 1, 2021. You can also schedule an inspection online by registering attheAB+C portal. Si tiene dificultades con nuestro texto traducido o necesita ayuda, llame al 512-494-9400 o al 3-1-1 para hablar con un representante. c: 512-665-0389, Sean McMullensean.mcmullen@austintexas.gov If you design electrical facilities in the Austin Energy service area, follow our criteria and guidelines to ensure hbbd```b``6 @$\)Dnrf Rr&x &IFQDrE `zLR5D]@M P?k (located at RLC, 1520 Rutherford Ln. AustinAustin, 512-494-94003-1-1. Thank you. Standard single phase meter (up to 320 amps) where service wire is provided by customer or was included in an - Sponsor - AE Distribution Standards With Autopay, your utility bill payment is deducted automatically from your bank account each month. All Rights Reserved. The Environmental Inspection Division performs inspections on permitted site plans for temporary and permanent erosion controls, stormwater controls, critical environmental features, protection of trees and natural areas, landscape installation, and compliance with site plan requirements. Standard three phase meter where service wire is provided by customer or was included in an Austin Energy Design Effective February 13, 2017, a new process for commercial projects requiring special inspections will be implemented. Our inspectors are to provide information on required training. Building codes are designed to ensure structures' health and safety for everyone's benefit. Nh vi bt k bn dch bng my no, ng cnh v chnh xc khng th c m bo. The permit holder and owner-general contractor must ensure that a paper copy of the approved plan set is available on-site for review by the City inspections staff. Local businesses can register to provide multiple energy efficiency and other services to Austin Energy customers. A. By signing the ESPA, Austin Energy signifies that it can provide the load, voltage, and type of infrastructure requested on the ESPA. Inspections, which may occur during construction or upon completion of the permitted work, are the final steps in the development and permitting process.

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