Psych 3: This Is Gus features a number of familiar faces tied to the shows eight-season run. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But the timing of when that might be is very much up in the air. The tribute title card appeared just before the credits and read: In loving memory of our friend and colleague Alan Decker.. Psych 3: This Is Gus on Peacock continues this tradition, foregrounding the duo's friendship and providing them with one hilarious circumstance after another. Shawn: I'll be honest, I didn't think we'd have to take our pants off for this. Woody: Oh, please, it was a small outpatient surgery, and I underbilled the insurance company. As should be clear by now,Psych is never afraid to get meta, butPsych 3 also shows that it isn't afraid to playfully bite the hand that originally fed it. Woody: Well, of course they aren't there, because they are me. HILL: And you can't really have a cinematic universe a Psych Cinematic Universe, a PCU without having some dangling food out there. Psych usually lives firmly within its own world and timeline, but on the occasions on which the franchise does offer some social commentary, it never misses a step. Alan: Make it quick. and Black-ish. The title card read: "In loving memory of our friend and colleague Alan. Karen: Okay, Woody, I have another call. Born September 14, 1961 Died December 14, 2020 (59) Add photos, demo reels Add to list When Shawn and Gus fear detection at the brew works, Gus says "Winter Soldier" and the duo assume heroic poses identical to those taken on by Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson on the poster of the 2021 Marvel miniseries, When Selene asks Juliet for help because she cannot get ahold of Gus, Juliet says she's "having a serious dj vu right now". They agree that he and Iris should go on ahead to their camping spot and she will join them there later. It started filming in Vancouver in the summer of 2021 and was released on NBCU streamer service Peacock on November 18th, 2021. Meanwhile, Timothy Omundson's (This Is Us) Lassiter grapples with the future of his career. Unfortunately, however, Alan is still at large as Karen did not find him where he should have been. Psych 3: This Is Gus. Apart from the Emmys, Decker was nominated for six Cinema Audio Society Awards, winning one for his sound mixing work in 'Homeland' in 2013. Shawn and Gus live in a world where their understanding of things is shaped profoundly by the popular culture they consume, even when it tests the patience of others who are trying to keep up with them. Psych/Supernatural shared actors images a list of 187 images created 07 Dec 2020 Thesis 1.0 a list of 465 titles . Following his death, the Cinema Audio Society, CAS, posted their own tribute, saying: Alan was a mentor to many and a strong figure in the sound community known for his positive and encouraging nature. How did you react when you saw it? Since the end of the series, Buzz has been working as a detective for the SBPD in Lassiter and Juliets absence. He also reveals that he and Selene were never legally married since Nipsey is not ordained. And we love the idea of someone kind of losing it and being driven by a warped version of romantic love and how that could potentially manifest itself into being a supervillain. Selene has noticed from the state of her purse that Shawn and Gus are trying to find out more about her past, so she visits Juliet in her office and tells her that they could be in grave danger. Why does Tommy Shelby rub cigarettes on his lips in Peaky Blinders. RELATED:Every Psych Main Character, Ranked By Likability. Shawn visits Karen in her office. We haven't had a potential supervillain since Yang, and we thought it would be cool to put our version of the Joker out into the Psych universe just so that he's out there. Did you know from the beginning that you wanted him to get away? Allen Maldonado (Black-ish) joins the cast as Alan Decker, Selene's estranged husband. We had to make sure we had to frame out the laptops as much as possible. Woody: Class is class. And we also have some pretty good ideas about what happens two or three movies down the line. After all, the ending of the first PSYCH film implied the next adventure might be centered around Ewan (John Cena), but eventually pivoted to telling a Lassiter (Timothy Omundson) tale for PSYCH 2. Shawn: Oh, Dad, that's very sweet, but I sleep in a big-boy bed now. She's been living in a galaxy far, far away since she was 11 years old, though she makes the occasional stop in Themyscira, Hawkins, and Westeros - and she wouldn't have it any other way. Adult Swim SMALLS Animator Felipe Di Poi Brings "Little Edy" To Life, The Rookie Season 5 Finale "Under Siege" Preview: Danger Hits Home, Psych 3: This Is Gus | EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK | Peacock (, Psych 3: This Is Gus | Official Trailer | Peacock Original ( The press is out in full force as Buzz arrives at the station to book a murderer. Related: Psych's Gus & Bud Joke Was Finally Paid Off In The Series Finale. Plus, it was supported by guest appearances from some of the shows recurring characters. Gus: Wow. After Gus and Selene have been married and the baby has been delivered, Shawn fully expects Karen to inform him of Alan's arrest. And on the way, go over your statement. It turns out that one of the people in PSYCH 1 has become a giant movie star in the interim. Hes played by Allen Maldonado, whos best known for portraying Curtis Miller Jr. on Black-ish, a role hes held since 2015. A Third 'Psych' Movie Is Coming With the Brilliantly Silly Subtitle: "This Is Gus", Psych 3 Movie Happening: Title & Story Details Revealed, Psych 3 Was About Getting to 'The Longest Scene We've Ever Done, and It's Going to Be Bonkers', Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This film is dedicated to Alan Decker, an Emmy Award-winning re-recording mixer who died on December 23, 2020. 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Jazmyn Simon as Selene Played by Dul Hills real-life wife, Selene is credited in the intro with the rest of the main cast members, despitenever having made an appearance in the show. Ta-da! Karen: Okay, get here now. Karen hangs up on Woody when she sees a call from Richard coming in, and she has to disappoint him with the news that she won't be able to make it home in time for their planned departure. This tips off Karen, Juliet and Selene, who had been parked outside the brewery ready to swoop in, that their time has come. Over 150 credits were to follow throughout his career with notable projects including Homeland, For All Mankind, Your Honor, Bates Motel, Switched at Birth and Grimm to name a few. Gus has selected Father Westley, their old religion teacher, but Shawn rightly points out that the priest is perhaps best known for his work in exorcisms. Unsurprisingly, they eagerly take him up on his offer. A gun was left behind, but the police turned a deaf ear when presented with this evidence as they didn't believe Cole could possibly be a criminal. He has a degree in journalism from the University of Montevallo, and is the author of the psychological thriller and time travel novel, "A Man Against the World." In today's BCTV Daily Dispatch: Watchmen, Night Court, Mike Flanagan/Netflix, Doctor Who, Star Trek: Picard, SNL, Good Omens & more! Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - Swordsmith Village E04 "Thank you, Tokito" is an action-filled reminder of the anime's amazing animation. Everybody nailed all the regular stuff. Prior to Psych 2, the actor was billed as James Roday but now goes by his full legal name. Nicholas Raymond is a staff movies & TV features writer for Screen Rant. The . From beginning to end, the movie is packed with one joke after another, and might just be the funniestPsych movie to date. According to Alan's former landlord, Alan is Harry Belafonte on a charisma scale of Gus to Daniel Kaluuya. In Psych 3: This Is Gus, Shawn (Rodriguez) and Gus (Hill) go rogue before Gus' shotgun wedding ahead of the birth of Baby Guster to find Selene's missing "ex." You were working undercover, for Chief Carlton Lassiter, who was in imminent danger from the people who were working at the rehab facility. Technical Specs, See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro, executive producer (showrunner) / executive producer, first assistant director (as Roger Russell), additional assistant director: background coordinator (uncredited), sound effects editor (as Candice Baldwin), camera operator: "b" camera / steadicam operator, second assistant camera: "b" camera (uncredited), post-production coordinator (as Janelle Lopez), trainee assistant location manager (uncredited), transportation coordinator (as Al Morgan), publicity coordinator: Universal Studios Home Entertainment (uncredited). Buzz, who has been featured in more episodes than any other recurring Psych character, appeared in every single season of the USA series and also had cameos in both Psych movies. Karen is supposed to meet up with Woody and serve as a character witness in his trial for impersonating Dr. Amerigo Catalon, but to her frustration he's running late and instead calls her. Psych started as a television series in 2006 and has since been adapted into three movies. Shortly after Alan also enters the room and tells them he managed to obtain the ledger, but once he threatens them with a gun it's clear his plan also included killing Cole. What if it's in the background? Shawn expectantly enters Selene's name into the system, but to his concern she just doesn't appear to exist. 2. dissolution of unity between self and identity. Whitney gives our duo the exact address. Psych has always been an ambitiously silly endeavor, but the franchise's latest movie, Psych 3: This Is Gus (now streaming on Peacock), pushed that penchant to the extreme with its final scene. Evidence-based reviews rely on clinical trials and meta-analyses and best clinical practices are based on published guidelines, with DSM5 data cited in every review. Psych is a quick-witted comedy about police consultant Shawn Spencer, who, with the help of his best friend and reluctant sidekick Gus, solves crimes with powers of observation so acute that he. He also portrayed Alan Decker in Psych 3: This Is Gus . Chipera: [to Karen] They're ready for us. Shawn assures him that he looked great up there and that they still gave the reporters more than enough information to reassess the case. Phil: You must leave. Given that Gus is outside making a phone call, Shawn feels free to share his concerns over another issue: he and Gus are drifting apart. Meanwhile, Shawn has found a lockbox in the ceiling that contains several fake IDs and one real one. Shawn disarms him before he, Gus and Selene have to rush out of the room because Selene's contractions have started. I just knew that this is the part of the movie for me. Psych started as a television series in 2006 and has since been adapted into three movies. However, Alan soon realized Cole's goons would find them wherever they went and broke up with Selene on a Post-it Note in order to protect her. HENZE: He had no idea what the set looked like! Warning: This article contains spoilers for Psych 3: This Is Gus. Karen: [indignantly] Wait. Henry promises to give Lassiter some help on the case, but also tells Shawn that he should stop giving Lassiter false hope as it's starting to look like he might never make a full recovery. Shawn and Gus arrive at the brewery with Alan in the back, but unfortunately security guard J. Ramsay does not believe Shawn's silly explanation as to why he's suddenly dealing with two unfamiliar faces. Gus: What? In my future, I can do battle scenes and horse races and all those things, but nothing will be as complex as that birth scene because so much stuff was going on simultaneously. Shawn and Gus have many inside jokes, catchphrases, and shorthand that they use with one another, as a result of being best friends from childhood. The new chapter began in violent fashion as episode 1 flashed back to Jamies time in Ardsmuir Prison before catching up with Jamie and Claire in their new home as a familiar arrival threatens to upset the apple cart. He says that now they're in the same room as Cole anyway, he might as well pin the murder on them and pretend all three died in a shoot-out. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This is a reference to. Intoxicated by the prospect of fighting crime alone, Alan and Selene got married by Alan's cousin Nipsey on a whim. Alan and Selene met when they were both sent to Cole's brewery works, he as a private investigator while she had to take photos of a comp claim. Before joining the Psych movies, Jazmyn Simon was known for her work on HBOs Ballers (which also featured Dul Hill). The manager instantly realizes it would be less of a headache to just let them in and asks her assistant Bryn to show them around. He really knows his stuff. But as Selene goes into labor, with baby boy Guster soon to arrive, Gus frantically screams "come on, son!" Alan and Selene met when they were both sent to Cole's brewery works, he as a private investigator while she had to take photos of a comp claim. Dul Hill as Gus and Jazmyn Simon as Selene in 'Psych 3: This Is Gus', Dul Hill as Gus and James Roday Rodriguez as Shawn in 'Psych 3: This Is Gus', Jazmyn Simon as Selene and Maggie Lawson as Juliet in 'Psych 3: This Is Gus'. When they tailed a delivery van to a drop-off, they witnessed an altercation between Cole's bodyguard and a thug. Selene Gilmore (former fiance) Now that Alan's temporarily incapacitated, Gus rushes him and knocks him unconscious with his ventriloquist doll. As she does not want to lose him, the trio decide to save him and Shawn before they can get into even more trouble. We're just hoping people continue to enjoy it the way we enjoy making it and watching it with Ray Wise in the background. . Through their many misadventures, Shawn and Gus have had their fair share of experience with fashion shows (in "Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion") and high-stakes stunts and hero walks. RODAY RODRIGUEZ: I think there were earlier drafts where it may have been as long as 14 or 15 pages. He had no idea how it was going to be integrated. We got it down to 11 pages. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. He tells them the story of Ronald "The Bull" Cole, a brewery CEO who is secretly a drug-smuggling arms dealer, and meanwhile Selene tells Juliet and Karen the same story from her perspective. No one comes into the PSYCH world and is just sane, which makes us all wonderful PSYCHOs, Hill says in the video below. This is a reference to. In Psychs 100th episode, he was seemingly mauled by a panther. Back-up has also arrived. Juliet then gets a call from Henry, who informs her of the gun and the Cayucos ID. On the way to Selene's sister, Whitney, Gus calls Curt Smith and manages to book him for his wedding. [Laughs] I knew that the guys could pull it off, but I also knew there was so much opportunity for it to go completely off the rails, because when you're at that level of craziness, you're just teetering on the edge. Noooooooo. Since Selene refuses to accept the duo's help, Shawn goes through her purse for clues and finds out she and Alan used to live together in Santa Monica. Alan Decker . Created, directed, and co-written (with Rodriguez) by Steve Franks, Psych 3: This Is Gus is executive produced by Franks, Rodriguez, Hill, and Thruline's Chris Henze. Curt Smith as himself Curt Smith is the lead singer of Tears for Fears, a synth-pop band that spawned a number of hits in the 1980s, including Shout and Everyone Wants to Rule the World. When Shawn asks about Santa Monica, Whitney says that that's where she met Selene and gives them the exact address. Alan: Guys, I've literally been studying the ins and outs of this place for months. Now here's a look back at the official trailer for Psych 3: This Is Gus, premiering Thursday, November 18, only on Peacock (here's a look at the binge playlist that the fine folks at Psych put together as a "crash course" to help get viewers caught up on Gus' love life): PSYCH 3: THIS IS GUS is the latest installment in the adventures of one of television's most beloved duos. We have images & overviews for Melissa Rauch, John Larroquette & Dan Rubin's Night Court "The Honorable Dan Fielding" Parts 1 & 2 - SPOILERS! Not only for movie 4, but movie 5, should we be so lucky that the economics of it all work out. STEVE FRANKS: We've never gotten more than like one day to shoot a scene, but we had two full days to do it, and we were going crazy. After claiming that they don't believe Peacock is a streaming service, Shawn and Gus take things one step further by taking two shots atPsych's original network, USA Network. Welcome to Psychiatry! Share button decentering n. 1. any of a variety of techniques aimed at changing one's centered thinking (i.e., focus on only one salient feature at a time, to the total exclusion of other important characteristics) to openminded thinking. Peacock's Psych 3: This Is Gus may be the third film in the franchise, but these hilarious quotes show the film might just be the funniest one yet. Whether that be improvisation or if something goes wrong, or if somebody says something at the wrong time, those are the kinds of things we embrace on Psych. Only appearance: The movie focuses on Gus, who wants to get married before the birth of his baby. I forgot about that. Alan Decker (1961-2020) Sound Department IMDbPro Starmeter See rank Alan Decker was born on 14 September 1961. Shawn: I don't remember that. she served trict , where all 28 of the. Alan, who was a sketchy guy, slipped away in the mayhemand a post-credits scene revealed he was stalking Gus, Selene, and their son. The film runs for approximately 90 minutes. This real ID sends them to the small coastal town of Cayucos, where they find a sad-looking house in the middle of nowhere. As for Shawn and Gus latest team-up, Psych 3: This Is Gus boasts its own important guest stars associated with USA'sPsych show, some of which being characters viewers havent seen in the company of Shawn and Gus in several years. But as if that weren't enough, Father Westley is "also on Cameo," a very modern side hustle for a priest to have - and something made all the more hilarious by the fact that manyPsych cast members are on the video request site as well. As Gus makes it clear he won't get rid of them that easily, Selene enters and seems successful in her attempt to dissuade Alan from any more killing. Take the first step to help . The singer has cameoed on Psych three times, beginning with the season 5 episode that saw him meet Shawn. . [Shawn gestures wildly all throughout his explanation while Gus holds up the accompanying drawings and Alan slowly loses his patience] It's not necessarily a promise that we will or won't see him again, but we love the idea of having it as an option. When Shawn decides that he needs to investigate Selene's identity, he turns to Chief Vick for assistance in the investigation. Damon Lindelof (Mrs. Davis) shares what they believe the future of HBO's Watchmen could be - giving us a chance to make our pitch again. Shawn and Gus part ways with Alan and make their way over to the electrical room, where they again express their love for each other. Before he can tell them his plan, however, he first has to hear out their "plan", which is really just a summary of A-ha's "Take on Me" music video. Following up on Psych 2: Lassie Come Homes ending, the third movie deals primarily with the mystery surrounding Gus fianc and her elusive husband, who must be found in order for Gusand Selene to get married. The one where EW follows up with the cast. "Psych" is a quick-witted comedy about police consultant Shawn Spencer, who, with the help of his best friend and reluctant sidekick Gus, solves crimes with powers of observation so acute that he. He died on 14 December 2020 in Pasadena, California, USA. One of these items is, of course, finding an officiant for the wedding. So we all know what it was meant to be . More:Psych: Why Shawn Was Really Pretending To Be A Psychic. And it turns out they have good reason to worry as Toms son Allan is found to have stolen a powder horn by the cruel Richard Brown but as he is on Jamies land, Jamie says he will dish out the punishment and whips Allan for his crimes. Nipsey (cousin) RELATED:One Quote From Each Psych Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality. 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