There's a company that makes a special ammo tube follower and spring that allows you to add an extra shell from 5 to 6 shells when using 2-3/4" ammo. Therefore adding a heat shield to a civilian 1897 is not allowed. Can be retro-fit to pump action 97 Winchester to "Trench Gun" specifications. We do not have a tech inspection at the matches anyway. Original heat shields on both WWI and WWII guns are riveted to the bayonet lug. So if the rules state civilian or military style why is a civilian converted to military illegal? Invoice and payment instructions will be sent by email on file after the conclusion of the auction. Not withstanding the foregoing paragraph, if any property listed in this catalog is found to be substantially at odds with the description provided, then the purchaser may seek the remedy of return for the property in question for full refund as follows: For those attending the sale, return must be made the day of the sale. I guess now that model 12 s are legal and available the 97 will be a smaller part of the game. If your sling loop has been removed or damaged these will correct the problem. First is Bruce Canfields Complete Guide to United States Military Combat Shotguns. Gauge : 12 Gauge. Receiver: Matte Black Steel W/Sling Swivels. East Taylor Heat Shield for Winchester M1897 Shotgun, ventilated barrel jacket with bayonet lug for the M-1917 Bayonet. QW reserves the right to withdraw prior to sale any lot listed in this catalog, in whole or in part, and may do so at any time up to the moment of sale and at its sole and final discretion. : guns, Winchester 1897 to trench gun conversion - CMP Forums,, Winchester 1897 12g takedown receiver assembly, Benelli M3 Super 90 Tactical Convertible Semi/Pump Shotgun, Lincoln Park man, 73, opens fire on catalytic converter thieves, Sold PendingStainless New Model Ruger Single Six Convertible For Sale. Pasted as rich text. record(s) for this. You may shoot it in that category and certainly nothing to stop you in shooting it two handed in Modern as well. The bidder agrees to allow the auctioneer to charge his or her credit card for all unpaid merchandise. Nevertheless, no information or description of any kind with regard to property listed shall be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. Those are the models that also went Lot number: 263. Finish is brushed surface blued steel. Many modern reproductions of early firearms do not have the correct markings. Blackey Cole Please let me know if this 1897 bayonet lug and heat shield would fit on a Stevens 520 shotgun. The Germans let it go. Any other mark, such as FULL, means the barrel was cut down from another model. The US responded by saying that Germans caught using those weapons would face a similar fate. Something went wrong. 95% of the TOs wouldn't have a clue if you made a replica trench gun. These guns take the 1913/1917 bayonet used on the US Model 1917 Rifle and British P14. With All the things that are allowed to the 1911s that make them far from the basic gun of the day. Rifleman Q&A: When Did M1 Carbines Get Bayonet Lugs? It like saying your boots are illegal because you had them resoled with the soles of another legal boot. A direct replacement for both original and reproduction bayonet/shield assemblies. Pictures are of actual Firearm and our best representation of what you will receive! SHIPPED IN THE WHITE, If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant Internet bidders may bid via the Live Auctioneers service. Some were Parkerized by civilian owners in. Trench and riot guns had 20-inch barrels. IMHO the model 12 makes a better trench gun. XLVI No. Barrel: 20" with heat shield. No to my question to the rules committee will mt 97 take down model with the 97 trench gun heat shield legal under WBAS rules? Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. The earlier WWI guns will not have that stamp. WINCHESTER BRASS BEAD SIGHT. Id like to get the right bayonet for it. Found a 1925 Winchester 1897 fairly local and got a great deal on it. The law of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall govern the auction and sale of all property unless otherwise noted. I dont need to rehash the particulars of that, other than to say it was a particularly nasty way to fight. WINCHESTER MUSKET SABER BAYONET SWORD, WWI U.S. Model 1913 / 1917 WINCHESTER British Enfield Bayonet + Scabbard & Frog, Rare Winchester Hotchkiss Model 1883 Rifle Bayonet Socket 45-70, Rare Excellent Winchester Hotchkiss Model 1883 Rifle Bayonet Socket 45-70, Original WWI US 1917 Enfield P17 Front Band with Bayonet Lug Winchester Marked, 1895 USMC USN WINCHESTER LEE-NAVY CARTRIDGE BELT & SUSPENDERS & BAYONET SET#1. Original, Winchester 1200 Trench Gun Heat Shield/bayonet Lug With M1917 Bayonet. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program. Website by Hudson, Product Details & Gun Parts Identification. When US authorities declined to withdraw the guns from service, the Germans announced that they would summarily execute any American soldier caught with a trench shotgun (there were other models too, like the Winchester Model 12 and Remington Model 10, but since this article is about the 1897). REMEDY. The Chinese reproductions are quite easy to tell from early Winchester originals. Because of medical issues, she shoots a 20 gauge and a .32 mag Marlin, two illegal guns. No checks or money orders on foreign banks will be accepted. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Fax: 877.486.7278 Early Retreats, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Category: TRENCHGUN ACCESSORIES for Wiinchester and Norinco/IAC 1897's. WWI heat shields have six staggered rows of 29 holes each. QW assumes no responsibility or liability regarding estimates provided. Newly made steel reproduction item.Originated back in WWI for trench warfare and used up through Vietnam war. Would you please advise where you came on that? The reason it is not correct to that gun is because it was made at least 24-years after the gun was made. The buyer's final purchase price per lot is the total of the lot hammer price, the lot buyer's premium, and any applicable taxes. The shield proper is tig welded on four positions at the muzzle collar. Registered user must be the buyer, with his or her own money. Canfield is well-known for his seemingly encyclopedic firearms knowledge, and he is a trustworthy source. HJ, your statement that Chinese trench guns are now illegal for import is the first time I have heard that. BAYONETS: Trench guns only accept the 1913 British and 1917 US bayonets. I tried it on one 97 back then and the barrel was to large well today I was playing with it and slide it on my other 97. Not for sale to civilian residents of New York or Connecticut. Please contact the auction company for checkout dates & times. WebHere is an exact replica of the factory Winchester 1897 and 1912 Head Shields that were issued from World War I up until Vietnam. Trench guns had no barrel band, so look for evidence of one having been removed to spot a fake. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation Making a "military style" 1897 from a normal civilian style 1897 is NOT listed as an allowable external modification. You are using an out of date browser which is likely incompatible with our website. Something went wrong. The bayonet lug on this shotgun is sized for the M1917 bayonet, which remained in service through the time this gun would have been in use. By clicking the Confirm Bid button, you are agreeing Carrying a half-cocked hammer over a live shell may teach you what the phrase going off half-cocked really means. Researching more than one vehicle? These shields will fit Winchester models 1893, 1897, and 1912 with standard barrel diameters and magazine tubes. Ill once again do this in list form: The correct bayonet for the Winchester 1897 Trench Gun is the M1917 model, which was also issued with the Enfield M1917 infantry rifle. Thank you. I can't remember what the name is, but I'll do some research today. Therefore it is ILLEGAL. Capacity: 5, without plug. Jet forward a year or two from then. Buying firearms and related items for other people can result in felony charges. How are we, as ROs, to determine if a shotgun brought to the line with a heat shield came from the factory that way or not? AUCTIONEER'S DETERMINATION AND DISCRETION WebThe pre-existing Winchester Model 1897 was modified by adding a perforated steel heat shield over the barrel which protected the hand of the user from the barrel when it became over-heated, [15] and an adapter with bayonet lug for affixing an M1917 bayonet. What's the difference? The Winchesters are so highly sought after that there are more fakes and copies, trying to scam the unwary collector, than there are legit trench guns. You cannot paste images directly. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL WITH ANY PROBLEMS OR QUESTIONS THAT MAY ARISE. That is a felony. 8 (May 27): The National Military And Sho, The Great Historical Collection Of Arms & Armour, Arms And The Man Vol. This is not a definite indicator of authenticity. They are no longer legal for importation. The Winchester 1897 bayonet lug and heat shield (#813820) is a reproduction made to specifically fit the Winchester 12 WW2 pattern Winchester 1897 "Trench Gun" heat shield and bayonet lug. I was a MD at a club annual Friday and a shooter declared herself illegal to me before the first round was fired. Riot guns had no bayonet adapter. The use of illegal equipment is a MDQ for scoring purposes. There was no special Model of 1917 bayonet made for the U.S.-issue trench guns. UPDATE: March 16, 2023 An ongoing supply chain issue means that we need to immediately put a hold on all NEW incoming trenchgun conversions shipments. Save winchester bayonet to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Authentic trench and riot guns were cylinder bored and marked CYL on the left side of the barrel just forward of the receiver. A direct replacement for both original and reproduction bayonet/shield assemblies. The Winchester 1897 Trench Gun also saw service in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and it has become a prime target for military surplus firearms collectors. The HJ finally conceded that if I was to put a disclaimer that the part could only be used to restore an existing trench gun but not to build a new one at that point I decided it wasn't worth it. I recommend you watch the video, as I simply didnt have the space to write up all the detail provided therein. If the auctioneer determines that no bid has been executed that is commensurate with the value of the lot offered, the auctioneer may then reject any existing bid and withdraw the lot from sale. All sales are subject to state sales tax laws. Auctioneers reserve the right to hold personal or business checks for up to 10 business days to allow for clearance of funds, returned checks are subject to an additional fee of $35.00. In the event that unforeseen circumstances such as adverse claims of title or rightful possession require the rescission of sale of any property offered and sold, QW, upon it sole and final discretion, retains the right to rescind any sale to any purchaser upon provision of written notice to the purchaser. 555). These guns take the 1913/1917 bayonet used on the US Model 1917 Rifle and British P14. soldier had to break it down and reload from the breech. The rest of the blade was left in the white. His bayonet is stamped 1917 with the Winchester logo on one side and U.S. with the flaming ordnance bomb on the other. Additional fees, such as shipping costs, VAT, etc., may also apply. "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. These guns take the 1913/1917 bayonet used on the US Model 1917 Rifle and British P14. $1799 plus shipping and handling (as of 9/01/2022..THIS PRICE COULD CHANGE BASED ON THE AVERAGE PRICE THAT THE BASE GUNS COST US) March 16, 2023: The 1897 wait list for BCA supplied guns is currently CLOSED. A. PARTS : Sorrywe do not sell SHIELD/BAYONET LUGS as stand alone units. Generally $949 plus $45 return shipping IF YOUR WOOD IS USEABLE.. You can send it to us directly without going through an FFL and we can return it directly to you. Its all patriotic and stuff.

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winchester 1897 heat shield bayonet lug
winchester 1897 heat shield bayonet lug
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winchester 1897 heat shield bayonet lug
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