"You arethe first personto challenge me like this" Vincent remarked, as Bradley looked down without emotion, or at least, it was hidden. "I see nowIremembereverythingmy lifewasindeedreal", "Yes, it wasand far more free than my own." Standard Equipment You are indeed where you belong. And if the live-action Cowboy Bebop is not your jam, good news: you can always watch the original Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. But which one is truly the superior? "Dammit!" To vote for the Magnificent Baddie Removals of the day, see: Magnificent Baddie Official He walks towards the soldiers, the rain pattering off his hat and coat, but never touching his skin or hair. Alignment Pretending to be a samurai again probably wouldnt improve his chances. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. They, are, not, immortal! Many of those characters also happen to be exceptional at martial arts, marksmanship, or both. Vincent is most commonly known for actually defeating Spike in a hand to hand (gun to gun) combat on a rail train, and nearly killing Spike in the process. What makes this more impressive is that he does not have an accelerated healing factor like his siblings. In other words, the world that we're in now.". "It worsens my aches and pains to move around more." But it would likely still involve butterfly imagery. Vincent Volaju Now he writes about all that comic book knowhow hes acquired for CBR, tackling DC, Marvel, Dragon Ball and a few indie series, too. Vincent remarks, standing up without so much as a flinch. Doesn't care when an attempt to shoot at Spike kills an innocent bystander instead before using a nanovirus bomb that kills the remaining passengers of a monorail. Hes also a brilliant shot. The series he originates from is Cowboy Bebop. Both combatants stared each other down, as Bradley was quietly gasping for breath from the sudden pain, and damage. Apophis: Vincent was basically friendless growing up, and his life was pretty mundane and uninteresting. The last scene of season 1 has a lot going on. This is a (RESEARCHED) battle that will take place between King Bradley from Fullmetal Alchemist (2009) and Vincent Volaju from Cowboy Bebop the Movie. Vincent states to Faye "There were no enemies, no allies in that war, just guinea pigs." Vincent went down after one gunshot to the heart, Bradley didn't go down after a stab to the stomach and eye, a gunshot to the shoulder, and was even able to get one last blow on Scar after having lost his arms! Furthermore, the monster can withstand a refrigerators cold, but perhaps not that of a Freeze Gun, Picture the Penguin with superpowers and youd essentially get Mad Pierrot, the one Bebop character whod pose the greatest challenge to Batman. Destroy the world that is. Vincent tilts his wrist to attempt thrusting the knife, but Bradley had blockedwith the one still intact sword from before! Is willing to spare the lives of the chosen few who he believes have enough willpower, having saved Faye's life when she ends up infected and offering her a chance to join her life, before leaving her alive as he's impressed she still refuses to join him even under the threat of death. A clear parody of Spike, Andy quicklyearned Spiegels ire by being just plain inept, confusingSpiketwice for the terrorist Teddy Bomber and repeatedly ruining Spikes attempts to stop Teddys bombings. Bradley growled and roared in agony, but never relented. Allies "Is that all you've got?" Wrath then pulls his swords out to cut Vincent's hand further, and swings them at him to force him to leap back again, which was what Bradley wanted! Archived post. Likeliterally burn them to ashes. Vincent drives Bradley's sword into the wall and leaps back, looking down a bit surprised at his cut knee. All he need do is choose how he wants to beat his opponent from there. He finishes with a frightening voice. With subterfuge, batarangs, knockout gas and several other items at his disposal, Batman could take the group out with ease. Vincent says. #[[Ultra Z Battle Official Rules and Guidelines, BloodyBloodwork365/Fan-Fiction form for Dark Samus, Red The Red Bird/Rise of the Toony Kingdom, Minecraftfan300/The Shattered Ages Sign Up Page, Cue: Yoko Kanno-Gotta Knock a Little Harder, Cue: Sightless in Shadow - The Pit of Doom, Cue: Stardust Vibes - Thunderstorm Ambience, Cue: Charlie Parra del Riego - Fullmetal Alchemist Theme (Metal Version), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. From what can be gathered from the "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie" (or "Knocking on Heaven's Door"), Vincent was an experiment in a project. Hed just have to avoid Asimovs blows, as Spike did, and time his attacks just right. Chaotic Evil He tends to favor physical prowess over abilities, and only went through with obtaining psychic abilities to gain a method to damage Gamer. At least Asimov, the guy with the same feat as Ed, can still see Spike move! Their name certainly sounds menacing and theyre not to be underestimated: after all, they did carry out a horrendous massacre in a Ganymede restaurant. Vincent replies, rushing at Bradley and immediately kicking at him. Bradley slashes at one of Vincent's feet, narrowly missing his ankles as his opponent kicks the blade away, yet Vincent's foot had indeed been slashed, and bled. Bradley grabs Vincent's leg with one of his hands and thrusts two knives at Vincent's face, Vincent catching his opponent's wrist as Wrath managed to flick it to send the knives at Volaju, who tilted his head to dodge, ignoring his other cheek being cut. (Spike trying to grasp an imaginary butterfly at the post-end credits scene of the movie illustrates his own imprisonment in a dreamstate like Volaju, surrounded and mocked by seemingly reachable beauty yet unable to feel it.). Wen may benear unkillable, but Batman doesnt need to kill to win. "It's clear to me that you've exceeded what I am normally capable of in this form of combat." "FunnyI did too. Likes: Asserting physical dominance, philosophy, fighting, scaring others, learning people's names, world destruction. He is a veteran of the Titan war who, together with a group of fellow soldiers, was subjected to experiments Get inspired by our community of talented artists. Vincent is still alive because he injected himself with counter nano-machine, that work just like the nano-machines but they go through and destroy any nano-machines. Vincent is arguably the strongest villain in Cowboy Bebop, being able to dodge and tank bullets and say, physically overpower the Mad Pierrot, and having the endurance and strength to do the same to Vicious, neither of them have a resistance to his nanobots, and neither does Edward's father. All previous abilities, but greatly enhanced. A biological terrorist working in the shadows cast from the presumption that he's dead, Vincent Volaju captures the attention of a misfit group of bandit hunters led Only one, if either, fighter would be leaving this battle alive. Murder everyone on Mars with the Nanomachine virus and then find a way to die himself. WebCheck out vincent-volaju's art on DeviantArt. A pinnacle that all of us dream of being! Gives out multiple awesome quotes, made even more awesome by the imposing performance by Daran Norris. Despite wanting to end the world, he chooses to wait patiently until the right moment, despite the fact that said moment was as easy to get as visiting the windy Aztec ruins. Bradley asks, as he takes out two knives from his pocketstwo of Vincent's knives! Vincent and the rest of his team were brought to Titan as test subjects for "Nano Knowledge of bioweaponsGun slingingManipulationCharisma I thought we made the lesser known character win? Vincent stands back up, and starts throwing chain punches the instant Wrath gets close, Wrath blocking each punch with his left arm as he grabbed two more of Vincent's knives with his right, thrusting them at his opponent's side. But before they can, knives pierce their throats, killing them instantly as they fall backwards. In an ideal combat situation, Wrath carries six Spadroons, which in real life are one of the shittiest swords but in Fullmetal Alchemist can only create badass moments. Vincent Volaju is a major antagonist of the UZB Server Games. Huh, the wrathful king with a rivalry with the guy who wants to rule the world and a just king. ), Instinctive Reaction (Despite not being able to see Gamer or Lucy's Vectors, is able to react to them nonetheless. Share the best GIFs now >>> He stood plenty of feet away from Bradley, who glared a hole into the back of his head. Max got reakumatized to Gamer 2.0. But it was not to be, Bradley kicked Vincent in the stomach to send him away, as Vincent wraps his leg around the Fuhrer's leg as he falls to send his opponent tumbling with him, both men crashing into a few suits of armor. He tends to favor physical prowess over abilities, and only went through with obtaining psychic abilities to gain a method to damage Gamer. ), Genius Level Intellect (Fully understands exactly what his Protein based Nanobots and the cure within his bloodstream are capable of, can easily sneak around and manipulate people, able to strategize on the fly and plan long term, knew that the Aztec ruins had intense winds at times, despite no one else knowing as such, can calculate how much time it would take for the nanomachines to cover the Earth from the Aztec ruins, can time bombs to go off at just the right time. However, he turns back into Max when Ladybug and Cat Noir manage to defeat him. Especially swords! Faye : Why did you do all this? A follow-up may clarify live-action Eds motives to send team Bebop on their mishap of a mission after the AI. note: The rest of this post contains major spoilers for Cowboy Bebop season 1]. WebWant to discover art related to vincentvolaju? Attack Potency: At least Building Level, possibly Island Level to Planet Level (Can damage the KOTT, and a clone of Metal Sonic.) He's a veteran who was experimented on during wartime and later becomes a terrorist. The only ones left will be you and me. It was there that he planned to end the greatest threat to his machinations, the Fuhrer of this country. In fact, Roy is believed to be more powerful than Kimblee, and Kimblee can level entire towns! RELATED:Cowboy Bebop: 5 Anime Characters That Spike Spiegel Can Beat (& 5 He Has No Chance Against). Vincent Volaju Able to last very long in fights, and shrug off most damage and pain like nothing.). RELATED:DC: 5 Anime Characters Who Can Beat Batman (& 5 Who Can't). This is the only thing that's real, to fight on behalf of my own life and nothing else. Diverts the government's attention, tricking them to believe he is dispersing the nanovirus through the water, when in actually hiding it in the balloons of the Halloween parade, as a result, has a near-villain victory. Geringah: And all of this is only aided by his trump card, which he supposedlyturns off and hides with his eyepatch, the Ultimate Eye. Favourite genre of music: Metal. "Stand down, all of you." Check out amazing vincentvolaju artwork on DeviantArt. He often debates philosophy, such as wondering if the world is Purgatory, a mere dream, or perhaps both or neither. Name We never saw Vicious fight with his fists, so this is a Explosives, nanobot bombs, nanobot orbs, 1911 pistol Explosives, nanobot bombs, nanobot orbs, 1911 pistol, Bioterrorist, Mass Murderer, Most Wanted Criminal. Full Name Warning: Unmarked Spoilers Lie Within These Pages. From what can be gathered from the "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie" (or "Knocking on Heaven's Door"), Vincent was an experiment in a project.Vincent states to Faye "There were no enemies, no allies in that war, just guinea pigs." Bradley threw a punch at Vincent's face, Vincent catching it, but is too slow to catch the next punch, from the hand that should be broken! ), Martial Arts (Is a skilled martial artist, his favorite technique being the Krav Maga chest grip. Geringah: King Bradley, Fuhrer of Amestris. "There never was a doorwas there?" Vincent then attempts to snap Bradley's blades into pieces, but they didn't even begin to give way. (Netflix could not confirm to Polygon whether the character uses the same. https://magnificentbaddie.fandom.com/wiki/File:Vincent_Volaju_on_death.mp3, https://magnificentbaddie.fandom.com/wiki/File:Vincent_on_purgatory.mp3, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Vincent swings the shaft like a quarterstaff at Bradley as he lets go and leaps back, the shaft being effortlessly sliced apart as Bradley comes under fire from his opponent, still blocking each and every bullet as casually as he read his books. Vincent himself is also strong enough to casually destroy a window of this train, a feat Spike could only pull off with his gun. Nanobots? "This is precisely why I am not comfortable with knives." Favourite style of art: Anime.

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