"addressCountry":"United States" Telephone: 660-438-4568 or email: gunstock@embarqmail.com. "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/GS-Elk-City-Gun-Show;", { "@context":"http://schema.org", You can always find the correct dates here. Gun and Knife Shows. [ "@type":"Organization", "@type":"Offer", { { "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pup29dlr3mv07cr1i1q1q5pa.jpg", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "@type":"Event", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", } "name":"All Tex Gun Shows", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "@type":"Event", ] "streetAddress":"3001 General Pershing Blvd. ], { "@type":"ContactPoint", "performer":[ "url":"http://OKCGunShow.com" , "location":{ ] "category":"primary", "name":"Oklahoma Gun Shows", just use the zip and miles portion of the search. Promoter Oklahoma Gun Shows Contact: Trish Wright Phone: (918) 955-1092 Email: [email protected] http://oklahomagunshows.com/ Contact Us Location Rhema Ninowski Recreation Center "offers":[ "@type":"Place", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "offers":[ { "@type":"ContactPoint", "@type":"Organization", "addressLocality":"Oklahoma City", "name":"Muskogee Gun & Knife Show", } "@context":"http://schema.org", } "contactType":"customer service", "@type":"Place", "streetAddress":"4145 East 21st St.", 1 min read. "@type":"Event", "@type":"Offer", "offers":[ "validThrough":"2023-09-10" Performance & security by Cloudflare. "@type":"Event", "availability":"InStock", There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6bd4i7vl2f10mhc4212rf9vka.jpg", ] This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. "@context":"http://schema.org", Your IP: The patriarch of the largest gun show in the world had a fall last week and shattered his wrist but said the Tulsa Wananmachers Arms Show that bi-annually hosts about 35,000 gun enthusiasts will go on as usual and is shaping up to be one of the best ever., And he will be there, wrist pins and all. "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pup29dlr3mv07cr1i1q1q5pa.jpg", "price":"14.00", "performer":[ This Elk City gun show is held at Elk City Civic Center and hosted by G&S Promotions. "@type":"Event", } All federal and local firearm laws and ordinances must be obeyed. "price":"14.00", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "addressRegion":"OK", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "validFrom":"2023-05-01", "url":"http://OKCGunShow.com" , "postalCode":"74112", "@type":"Organization", } Witnesses called 911 around 12 p.m. to report a shooting in the 4500 block of 42nd Avenue Southwest, said the Seattle Police Department. "location":{ Contact: Joanee Pearson; "address":{ If you are a gun collector or are a hunting enthusiast, the gun show at Central Park Hall Expo Square in Tulsa, OK is a great place to spend some time. "name":"Oklahoma Gun Shows", { "organizer":[ "name":"G&S Shawnee Gun Show", Individuals are welcome to bring their guns, knives or other collectibles to the show to sell or trade. "organizer":[ "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fa8sb28u1u581tmt1ouhen918vta.jpg", "areaServed":"USA" "category":"primary", "addressRegion":"OK", } "name":"G&S Shawnee Gun Show", Saturday: 9 AM 5 PM "address":{ "telephone":"+1-405-503-3665", "addressLocality":"Enid", "location":{ ], A gunman, identified as 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza . } "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fa8sb28u1u581tmt1ouhen918vta.jpg", ] "@type":"Organization", "organizer":[ } "endDate":"2023-11-19", The sheath is in very nice condition with strong keeper strap and working snap. "@context":"http://schema.org", "addressLocality":"Tulsa", "@type":"Organization", ", Dealer Set Up: Friday- NOON - 7 PM Saturday- 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM *No Food Vendors Allowed Add to calendar January 28 2023 Details Venue { "@type":"Offer", This Chickasha gun show is held at Grady County Fairgrounds and hosted by Heartland Militaria Show LLC. Offered is a genuine Vietnam U.S. Military Mark 2 fighting knife manufactured by the MSI cutlery company and accompanying leather sheath. ], Tulsa, OK. GO. [ ] "postalCode":"73505", ] "priceCurrency":"USD", { This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" { "description":"Claude Hall's Original OKC Gun Show will be held on Dec 16th - 17th, 2023 in Oklahoma City, OK. { "@type":"ContactPoint", "name":"Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center", "address":{ } } "address":{ "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Claude-Halls-Original-OKC-Gun-Show-Fairgrounds", "@type":"Place", "price":"14.00", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Tulsa-Gun-Show;", "telephone":"+1-918-659-2201", Midwest Arms Collector Tulsa Gun Show. "name":"Broken Arrow Gun Show", ], This is the show you have been waiting for. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/G-and-S-Shawnee-Gun-Show" , "location":{ "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", ", You can cancel at any time. "contactPoint":[ "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "price":"13.00", } { "contactType":"customer service", Phone: 918-744-1113. } ], "endDate":"2023-06-04", "offers":[ "url":"http://macshows.com" Click to reveal } "@type":"Place", "priceCurrency":"USD", } } ] "streetAddress":"111 W Purdue Ave", { "@type":"ContactPoint", { All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" "name":"Muskogee Civic Center", "availability":"InStock", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. Sunday: 9 AM 4 PM, Tickets: "validFrom":"2023-05-01", "validFrom":"2023-05-01", "@context":"http://schema.org", "offers":[ "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pup29dlr3mv07cr1i1q1q5pa.jpg", "@type":"Event", "endDate":"2023-06-25", "description":"G&S Elk City Gun Show will be held on May 27th - 28th, 2023 in Elk City, OK. "areaServed":"USA" "performer":[ } "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", This Tulsa gun show will be held on Apr 29th-30th, 2023 with another show on Jun 17th-18th, 2023 and Sep 9th-10th, 2023 in Tulsa, OK. "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", } { Police arrested a man on Sunday after an incident involving a knife and a gun ended with a woman shot. "category":"primary", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "validThrough":"2023-06-04" "url":"http://www.tulsaarmsshow.com"} "addressLocality":"Oklahoma City", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Claude-Halls-Original-OKC-Gun-Show-Fairgrounds;", ], "price":"14.00", "addressRegion":"OK", } [ "category":"primary", 1 min read. "validFrom":"2023-05-01", "telephone":"+1-918-659-2201", }, 1. "priceCurrency":"USD", Joe Wanenmacher can throw a party for 35,000 people even with one armed all tied up with titanium pins. { "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6shais6nsu1eo48pn86f6g9a.jpg", } Performance & security by Cloudflare. "@type":"Organization", "offers":[ } ], ], ] "availability":"InStock", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Oklahoma-Gun-Show-at-Oklahoma-Expo;", This Shawnee gun show is held at Heart of Oklahoma Exposition Center and hosted by G&S Promotions. "validFrom":"2023-05-01", "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fa8sb28u1u581tmt1ouhen918vta.jpg", "addressCountry":"United States" "availability":"InStock", "organizer":[ "telephone":"+1-918-955-1092", "category":"primary", "@type":"Offer", { ] "name":"Claude Hall's OKC Gun Show", { "availability":"InStock", ] People just love that guy and I told him he is welcome at every show.. "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", ] "performer":[ "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" , "url":"http://OKCGunShow.com" , ], "addressCountry":"United States" } "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" , "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Broken-Arrow-Gun-Show", } "organizer":[ As noted above, "the" Tulsa gun show is Wanenmacher's Tulsa Arms Show, which happens in April and November (usually the first full weekend of each, IIRC). ", "availability":"InStock", "contactType":"customer service", This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. "location":{ "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/G-and-S-Shawnee-Gun-Show", "contactType":"customer service", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/All-Tex-Muskogee-Gun-Knife-Show-cc", { "streetAddress":"3001 General Pershing Blvd. "name":"Oklahoma Gun Shows", "@type":"Organization", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", 35,000 expected at Wanenmacher's gun show in Tulsa this weekend. ", "addressCountry":"United States" } { ], This Oklahoma City gun show is held at OKC State Fair - Oklahoma Expo #2 and hosted by Oklahoma Gun Shows. "category":"primary", "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1fa8sb28u1u581tmt1ouhen918vta.jpg", "eventStatus":"http://schema.org/EventScheduled", General interest exhibits will include . "name":"Claude Hall's OKC Gun Show", "priceCurrency":"USD", "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" , { "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pup29dlr3mv07cr1i1q1q5pa.jpg", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "description":"Muskogee Gun & Knife Show will be held on May 6th - 7th, 2023 in Muskogee, OK. "name":"Claude Hall's OKC Gun Show", "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f742cu3gci5aibc62d58e0ha.jpg", "address":{ "endDate":"2023-11-26", All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "addressRegion":"OK", "performer":[ [ "url":"http://www.rkshows.com" , This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/GS-Elk-City-Gun-Show", "category":"primary", } { "@type":"ContactPoint", "location":{ ] "@type":"Organization", } "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "@type":"Event", "@type":"Organization", QuikTrip's 1,000-store success story began with one store on a closed road in Tulsa; . "location":{ ] ], { Organizers say. { "name":"G&S Promotions", Officers were first dispatched to an area hospital at 3:14 a.m., April 27, after a boy arrived in critical condition with a gunshot wound . "@type":"Offer", ], "contactType":"customer service", } "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6pup29dlr3mv07cr1i1q1q5pa.jpg", "@type":"Event", Here are some the best events which is happening on this weekend in Tulsa. "areaServed":"USA" "description":"Claude Hall's Original OKC Gun Show will be held on Nov 4th - 5th, 2023 in Oklahoma City, OK. ], "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", ", "name":"G&S Promotions", "performer":[ "contactType":"customer service", "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6bd4i7vl2f10mhc4212rf9vka.jpg", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/GS-Elk-City-Gun-Show" } "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/RK-Shows-Tulsa-Exchange-Center-Gun-Show;", Click to reveal "name":"Claude Hall's OKC Gun Show", } The Midwest Arms Collector Tulsa Gun Show will be held on Dec 2nd-3rd, 2023 in Tulsa, OK. ], "category":"primary", "@type":"Event", "validThrough":"2023-12-17" "areaServed":"USA" You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. "offers":[ "logo":"https://www.igunshows.com/logos/o_1f6fg67iuqi619171b1811o7ccoa.jpg", "contactType":"customer service", "postalCode":"73107", "url":"http://OKCGunShow.com" On the update version of Hot off the Wire (posted March 3 at 6:18 a.m. CT): South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh has been convicted of murder in the shooting deaths of his wife and son. } "name":"OK State Fairgrounds", { You can always find the correct dates here. "validFrom":"2023-05-01", "telephone":"+1-918-955-1092", "telephone":"+1-405-842-3277", } "url":"http://oklahomagunshows.com" { "name":"Claude Hall's Original OKC Gun Show", "postalCode":"73107", { } ] "startDate":"2023-07-22", } "@type":"Organization", } { "addressLocality":"Tulsa", } "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "postalCode":"74802", } "@type":"Event", "priceCurrency":"USD", "name":"G&S Promotions", "performer":[ "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/GS-Elk-City-Gun-Show;", "name":"G&S Elk City Gun Show",

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tulsa gun show this weekend
tulsa gun show this weekend
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Email: joris@copper-concepts.com
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Email: mark@copper-concepts.com
tulsa gun show this weekend
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