The system provides licensure and publicly available discipline data directly to you as the information is entered into the Nursys database by participating boards of nursing. After CMS released its report, RaDonda was indicted, arrested, and charged with criminal reckless homicide and impaired adult abuse. Professional boards must publish disciplinary license action each year by month per Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 68-1-114. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. The Board has continued to promote a transparent disciplinary process. See Table 1 for a more detailed timeline of events. <>/Metadata 1427 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1428 0 R>> The boards are also responsible for the investigation of alleged violations of the Practice Act and rules and are responsible for the discipline of licensees who are found guilty of such violations. Complaints. July 23, 2021. 5200 Butler Pike Once enrolled, a nurse will get automatic notifications about license status, license expiration, license renewal or publicly available disciplinary actions or alerts. Information Required to be Reported on Practitioner Profiles. May 20-21, 2020 Vaught's professional discipline hearing is scheduled at a quarterly hearing of the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Nurse claims that after failing to find the order in the patients profile in the ADC, she called the charge nurse to make sure the order had been placed, and then entered an empty room and checked the patients electronic health record (EHR) to verify the physicians order before returning to the ADC to withdraw the drug via override. e-Notify Get free license expiration and status updates via email I would have never wanted something like this to happen to her, or anyone that I loved, or anyone that I dont even know. Below is a list of actions taken in March 2021. In cases of this type, a nursing professional's legal counsel may get a dismissal or reduction of charges by exposing weaknesses in the board's case. To view your current profile, please go to enter your license number and profession, then click on the Practitioner Profile link. To SEARCH and find an individual, press Control and 'f' keys, and type in name. The system provides licensure and publicly available discipline data directly to you as the information is entered into the Nursys database by participating boards of nursing. TDH Newsroom. The prosecutor acknowledged that the hospital had various system failures that contributed to the error; however, he stressed that the Board is not here to look at the system and is instead looking at individual conduct. Thus, the Board judged RaDondas behavior in isolation of the contributing system failures. Only cases that have occurred within the most recent ten (10) years shall be disclosed by the department to the public; All medical malpractice court judgments, all medical malpractice arbitration awards in which a payment is awarded to a complaining party and all settlements of medical malpractice claims in which a payment is made to a complaining party beginning with reports for 1998 and each subsequent year; provided, such reports shall not be disseminated beyond the most recent ten-year period, but shall include the most recent ten-year period for which reports have been filed. Licensure QuickConfirm is a free service that allows employers and recruiters to retrieve licensure and any applicable discipline documentation in one convenient location. Nurses alleged failures and unanswered questions about the event. . If you applied for initial license online, you can use the same account to renew your license. % Tennessee Department of Health Publications. hb```@( g0A2kC.)3gZZN.qY{IU!FIP!DCA vs5 The state's duty to protect those who receive nursing care is the basis for a nursing license. Nurses alleged failures and unanswered questions about the event, anonymous whistleblower came forward to report the fatal error, TN Board of Nursing filed disciplinary action, crisis experienced by second victims of fatal errors, Anonymous whistleblower alerts state/federal agencies, Department of Health (Nursing Board) decides not to pursue disciplinary action, Department of Health (Nursing Board) reverses its prior decision, The RaDonda Vaught case is confusing. (2) In order to be issued a certificate of fitness as a nurse practitioner with . . Safe, competent nursing practice is grounded in the law as written in the state nurse practice act (NPA) and the state rules/regulations. Professional nursing license action report. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Also, healthcare practitioners, including nurses, will not want to speak up when they make an error, which will cripple learning, prevent the recognition of the need for system redesign, and set the healthcare culture back to when hiding mistakes and punitive responses to errors were the norm. Also, during investigation of the event, it was not determined whether previous patients in radiology had been monitored after receiving an IV sedative. <> 7oM~/dc`xb7T206 )5F{w0Q ( The NPA is then interpreted into regulations by each state and territorial nursing board with the authority to regulate the practice of nursing care and the power to enforce the laws. Filing Complaints and Researching Disciplinary Actions. ISMP was shocked, discouraged, and deeply saddened to learn that the Tennessee (TN) Board of Nursing recently revoked RaDonda Vaughts professional nursing license indefinitely, fined her $3,000, and stipulated that she pay up to $60,000 in prosecution costs. Click here to go to the live stream site. Tennessee Board of Nursing shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Nursing in accordance with the provisions of T.C.A. Please click the link below to access the licensure renewal page. RaDonda could not have consciously disregarded a substantial and unjustifiable riska requirement for reckless behaviorbecause she had no idea that she had made a mistake. The number of license violations per category for November 2018 are listed below: Nursing professionals in Tennessee who are threatened with the loss of their licenses can take action to protect their licenses. Contact us with any comments or questions. Also, the nurse was used to scanning the barcode on drug labels for verification and tried to locate a scanner to do so while in radiology, but to no availbarcode scanning technology was not available in radiology. While the prosecutor noted that RaDonda did not act with bad intent, he alleged that she did act recklessly. For example, in the case of suspected theft or misappropriation, were there other professionals or employees present who had access to the alleged misappropriated items? You can draw your own conclusions by viewing the 2-day hearing, but the following is what ISMP finds most disturbing and unjust about the Boards decision to revoke RaDondas license: Significant outcome bias. Speak with an attorney as soon as possible. endstream endobj startxref While the Board believed it was conscious disregard to not read the label, this is likely human error, as it happened inadvertently when she saw that the drug was a powder and quickly turned the vial over. %PDF-1.5 % Name of Board: Tennessee Board of Nursing . hbbd```b``+@$4XD'A$X|-XXV!`L^ +2$cXW l/#QF @ Every state and territory in the US set laws to govern the practice of nursing. RaDondas criminal trial is scheduled to begin on March 21, 2022. The mission of each board is to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of . endobj Currently, the annual rate of discipline on a nursing license is less than one percent. tzHhn(`d4H&e `Hhe/bFi 1a33$LQLR00m]2b6Q ]j@ZiSf7\D@ hY. More warnings would not have changed her performance.. 437 0 obj <> endobj Unreasonable expectations. While the vast majority of nurses are competent and caring individuals who provide care according to the standard, violations of the nurse practice act do happen. You can read the details of the error in three of our 2019 newsletters (January 17, 2019;February 14, 2019; March 14, 2019). As a primary source equivalent the data is provided directly from the boards of nursing. Last month, the TN Board of Nursing disciplinary hearing was held on July 22and July 23, 2021. Disciplinary action against her license was then filed. hbbd``b`:$gP " `v nb-W&FV^ 'F Nurse License Verification service enables nurses to verify their license(s) from a Nursys verification participating board when applying for endorsement into another state. Take disciplinary actions as necessary to protect the public from unsafe nurses. Suite 400, Were they monitored and by whom and for how long? However, ISMP believes her actions were either unintentional (human error) or at-risk behaviors, not reckless behaviors. But mistakes were made. We believe this is what happened here. After discussions on this topic, the nurse did not think she had a duty to monitor the patient. Although terminology may differ, board disciplinary action affects the nurse's licensure status and ability to practice nursing in the jurisdiction. Institute for Safe MedicationPractices Below is a list of actions taken in July 2020. ); Names of medical schools or professional and training schools and dates of graduation; Graduate medical education or other graduate-level training; Specialty board certification as determined by the relevant board; Names of the hospitals where the licensee has privileges; The identification of any translating services that may be available at the licensee's primary practice location; An indication of which managed care plans in which the licensee participates; An indication of TennCare plans in which the licensee participates; Appointments to medical school faculties and indication as to whether a licensee has a responsibility for graduate medical education within the most recent ten (10) years; (optional), Information regarding publications in peer-reviewed medical literature; (optional) and, Information regarding professional or community service associations, activities and awards; (optional). While nursing mistakes or misconduct may lead to other consequences, such as employer reprimands, terminations, civil suits, or criminal charges, nurse disciplinary action directly affects a nurse's license. If you are a licensed professional and have been arrested for a crime, your license to practice may be on the line. 2023 Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Adapted from: Kelman B. She said through tears at the hearing, I wont ever be the same person. Select Begin Here For Sign-up under New User to create your account. Getting to Know Your Licensing Board: the North Carolina Board of Nursing at a Glance; What Nurses need to know about Informatics, Social Media, and Security! All rights reserved. Undisputed failure. While the Board accepted the state prosecutors recommendation to revoke RaDondas nursing license, ISMP doubts that the Boards action was just, and we believe it set us back 25 years in patient safety. Disciplinary Action. The nurse questioned the need to monitor the patient, which was framed around the need to bring monitoring equipment along for use in radiology. Listed below are the monthly summaries of disciplinary actions taken against health professionals and/or unlicensed individuals. The nurse claims that she questioned the need for monitoring the patient and was told that monitoring was not required. The location of the licensee's primary practice setting; A description of any criminal convictions for felonies and, as determined by the board, serious misdemeanors, within the most recent ten (10) years. Tennessee law mandates that specific health care professionals submit information to the Department regarding details of their training, specialty certification and practice. Nurse charged with criminal reckless homicide and impaired adult abuse. 214 2nd Avenue N., The nurse was distracted (talking to an orientee) while preparing the medication and failed to read the full medication label. .`jh L@ b e-Notify for Nurses helps nurses easily manage their licenses at no cost to them. U.S. The information below represents a single month of 51 Tennessee Board of Nursing professional license actions in November 2018. Projectionsbased on a single month, while not statistically accurate, suggest a large number of annual nursing license disciplinary actions may result from controlled substance issues. Nursing Disciplinary Process in Tennessee SURBER, ASHER, SURBER & MOUSHON, PLLC WWW.TENNLAWFIRM.COM (615)997-1914 6 Grounds for Disciplinary Action Rules of the Tennessee Board of Nursing describe the Standards of Nursing Conduct or Practice. It is unlikely that the nurse perceived a significant or unjustifiable risk associated with obtaining medications via override. DISCIPLINARY ACTION REPORT . ISMP believes the TN Board of Nursings disciplinary processes and judgment of RaDondas actions during this event are NOT aligned with the tenets of a Just Culture. Read our recipe for investigating nursing boards' oversight . Available for institutions Consequences range from moderate to severe, including permanent license revocation and significant fines: In certain areas, such as alleged chart falsification or chart illegibility, the Tennessee Board of Nursing presumes the nursing professional acted with intent. Board of Nursing. Any actions taken by the boards must be filed with the Administrative Procedures Division of the Secretary of States Office in which effective dates will be assigned. %PDF-1.6 % Questions posed to witnesses were also misleading as they were directed at current conditions and not correlated to the conditions that existed in 2017. Contact Info Georgia State Board. The court for Tennessee professional licensing is the Administrative Procedures Division. Contact Info Montana State Board. RaDonda's criminal trial is scheduled to begin on . Licensed Nurses and Unlicensed Registrants Disciplinary action taken by the Board against an individual is listed below. The Division of Health Related Boards provides administrative support to the boards, committees, councils and one registry that are charged with the licensure and regulation of their respective health care professionals, as well as the Office of Consumer Right to Know. 0 NASHVILLE, Tenn. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 68-- 1-114 requires the Tennessee - Department of Health to issue a monthly media release listing all disciplinary actions taken by the health related boards during the prior month. Adherence to the physicians order is oddly linked by the prosecutor to the nurses alleged failure to monitor the patient. Receive the monthly Disciplinary Action Report by e-mail. The nurses license verification is available immediately to the endorsing board of nursing. This information is not intended to create, and receipt Patient involved in medication error is withdrawn from life support and dies. Listings are sorted by the year of original Board action issued then by last name, first name. Nurse failed to document vecuronium administration to the patient in the EHR. During the hearing, RaDonda was given an opportunity to testify and defend herself; however, she never shrank from admitting her mistake. Yet, the primary way to determine the differences between at-risk and reckless behavior is to carefully consider the system-based causes that might have contributed to the behavioral choices. Information for health professionals regarding the COVID-19 response. stream Nurse was distracted while talking to an assigned orientee while retrieving the medication from the ADC. And while RaDonda made a conscious decision to not monitor the patient or scan the medications barcode, she was told that monitoring was not required, and barcode scanning technology was not available in radiology.

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