To count as a bedroom, the room must be a certain size. It is part of a wider "homes as power stations" project, which is being. Swansea is one of the only local authorities in Wales without a common housing register. However, housing for asylum seekers is still controlled by the UK Government (the Home Office). To apply to be on the register, you will need to be interviewed either in person or over the phone. Homeless or threatened with homelessness, in priority need and not intentionally homeless, Non-priority homeless or in non-permanent accommodation and not intentionally homeless, Residents in long stay hospitals, Council care or a Nursing Home, Licensee required to leave (entitled to points under Section 4b), Licensee (entitled to points under Section 4b), Intentionally homeless ( priority and non priority), OVERCROWDED , UNSATISFACTORY HOUSING CONDITIONS. Once complete and submitted, your application will be reviewed by a council officer to validate the information provided. the need to be near special medical or support services which are available only in a particular area). 5.2 Where the highest pointed applicant or tenant refuses an offer, the property will be offered to the applicant or tenant with the next highest points score for the specific area and property type. Cardiff Council decides who can join its housing waiting list via the The Cardiff Housing Allocation Scheme. 2.15 The Council will seek possession of any tenancy that it considers to have been granted on the basis of false or misleading information, or the withholding of relevant information. You should therefore also consider renting in the private sectionas an option. Anyone aged 16 or over can ask to join the waiting list. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. Sometimes there's a set amount of housing for each band. Band E is for people who have a local connection to Cardiff but have no housing need. Comprehensive information on housing law in practice in Northern Ireland. 1.30 Physically disabled people who require high level adaptations in their accommodation will be referred to the ADAPT register. Associated schemes, initiatives and agreements. 2.21 The Council will make arrangements for decisions and assessments to be explained in person on request, or where it is apparent that the applicant or tenant may have difficulty in understanding the reasoning behind or implications of any decision made by the Council in relation to this policy. Listen for the options on the phone message and choose the right one for you. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. Sharing facilities with non-immediate family. Know your rights and responsibilities if you rent from a private landlord. Certain areas have a low number of council properties, again resulting in longer waiting times. The first step is completing an application to join Swansea Council 's housing register. 5.22 Tenants over the age of 60, under occupying accommodation in a flat or sheltered complex that is unsuitable for their needs on medical grounds will be allowed to register for a transfer to a property of a similar size (even if this means that they will continue to under-occupy), if a more suitable property becomes available in the same sheltered complex or block. Your adviser will be as realistic as possible with you and provide you with other housing options including how we can help you stay where you are and renting from a private landlord. To this end, support and other appropriate assistance, including the award of additional points, may be offered to tenants who are under-occupying their homes and who wish to move, to encourage moves to more suitable, smaller sized accommodation. Certain areas have a low number of council properties, again resulting in longer waiting times. Applicants will be withdrawn from the housing register for up to 12 months following one reasonable offer of accommodation being refused without good reason. Either Anti Social Behaviour or serious arrears of rent can constitute unacceptable behaviour; and it is satisfied that the unacceptable behaviour or arrears of rent would have been serious enough, if the household had held a social housing tenancy, to have led to the housing authority being granted an outright possession order (not a suspended or postponed order) under s84 of the Housing Act 1985 in relation to any of the discretionary grounds in Part 1 of Schedule 2, (including rent arrears and nuisance) other than Ground 8. An applicant and his/her spouse/partner will only be treated as having income large enough to secure a mortgage if they have income that would enable them to secure a mortgage on a average priced property on a 3 x total income basis. We will consider your feedback to help improve the site. You can get points for things like: You get 70 points if you pass the Housing Executives homelessness assessment (also called an investigation). Our advisers can help explain which points you can get and why. Disabled Adaptations where the applicant is a social housing tenant or has received a Local Authority grant. There is also a handy Housing Solutions Guide on the council's website which allows you to explore other options that might be available to you including shared ownership and sheltered housing, based on your circumstances. You can contact your housing officer to check roughly how many points you need for homes in your area. If this offer is refused then the Council will have discharged its duty. You can get points if you do not have enough bedrooms for everyone in your household. Some areas are particularly popular, resulting in a high demand and longer waiting times. If an applicant and his/her spouse/partner have gross assets income or savings sufficient to purchase an average priced property in the private housing market, points will be reduced to 0. Medical, Social and Welfare and Time Points awards will apply, if appropriate. For queries about your identity check, email The more our advisers know, the better they can help. If an applicant and his/her spouse/partner are awarded housing need points for needing sheltered housing, points will not be deducted unless their gross assets, income or savings would enable them to purchase a suitable sheltered property. 1.5 The policy seeks to ensure that reasonable preference is given to those tenants and applicants in the greatest housing need and to help applicants and tenants to be housed or rehoused in an area of their choice, as far as is reasonably possible. For queries or advice about careers, contact the Careers Service. Requests for review can also include any supporting evidence or information to help the case. Contrived, where households have left accommodation which they could have continued to occupy and where it was reasonable for them to continue to do so. 6.1 An applicant has the right to a review of any decision made under this policy, in relation to the following matters: About the facts of their case and their points assessment. Be clear on your legal obligations and what you're responsible for fixing. Applicants will need to make their request for information in writing, and there may be a charge to reflect any additional work involved in providing this information. Neath Port Talbot council is no longer a social landlord and does not own any council houses, flats or sheltered housing accommodation. The deadline for bidding is midnight on Monday each week. Swansea beach from St Helen's to the marina. Applications from households with no local connection to the City and County of Swansea. Local connection is defined at 2.18. To have a local connection you generally must have lived in Cardiff for at least two years when you apply. 5.13 Tenants who are in line for an allocation but who do not meet the transfer standard will be contacted by the Council and an opportunity to address any issues will be provided, depending on the circumstances. Waiting time is used to decide your position in the band. For example, needing a walking aid or struggling to move in your home. Officials said it also focuses on people's choices rather than points and to apply for homes in the specific area they wish to live by opening up more choices. Selecting a person to be a secure or introductory tenant of accommodation held by the Council. Your council will then prioritise applications based on who needs a home most urgently. 1.35 The Council will provide incentives to support mutual exchange requests. Find out more on our Information about Cookies page. Read our most recent consultation responses, briefings, research and policy blog. If you still do not have enough points for a home, you can: Being on the waiting list can be hard. Sometimes it can be hard to prove why you should get certain points. Their website states that waiting lists for social housing are very long in Torfaen, especially for those in a low priority band. You'll be asked a few questions about your circumstances and added to the register, if appropriate. 5.11 Tenants will be permitted to transfer to alternative accommodation if the following transfer standard is met: 5.12 Tenants will be exempt from the above criteria in the following circumstances. Volunteers play a vital role in helping Housing Rights achieve our vision. For queries or advice about Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), including parking tickets and bus lane PCNs, Children of different sexes will be able to share a bedroom until one of them reaches the age of 10. The University recently learned of the passing of these Cornellians. Highland Council has agreed to give more housing 'points' to people at risk of homelessness, and those living in poor conditions. We will write to you to tell you whether you have been added to our housing needs register, your housing need points and the type of property that you have been registered for, including the areas you have chosen. Generally there is a shortage of available properties and a large demand for accommodation. Homes4D&G points system will award points to waiting list and transfer applicants based on your living arrangements and circumstances as appropriate. Depending on where people want to live, they need to apply to one, two, three or all four landlords, completing up to four applications and making follow-up enquiries with . Find out more about council housing and apply online. 2.24 The Council operates an 'Equitable Tenancy' scheme which, in certain circumstances, allows people aged 16 and 17 to be housed with the Council. 1.37 The Council will not refuse an application for exchange unless: In addition, the landlord is entitled to require payment of any rent arrears or the remedying of any breach of tenancy condition before consent to exchange is given. 5.23 All ground floor flats will be offered to the highest pointed elderly household (over 60), household containing children or household with a need for ground floor accommodation on medical grounds. The property must also meet current minimum lettings standard. 1.20 Personal data requests by the applicant or tenant are exempt from the disclosure provisions of the FOIA 2000 and are instead dealt with under the Data Protection Act 1998.

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swansea council housing points system
swansea council housing points system
Joris Post, Commercial Director
Phone: +31 70 204 2717
Mark Engelenburg, Technical Director
Phone: +31 70 204 2717
swansea council housing points system
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