The fact that they were not a local people is suggested by the fact that their language belongs to a completely different and isolated group.. , It was also at this time that the biblical account was written, which partly took up Babylonian myths while adapting them to Jewish anthropology.. Ningal was the wife of Nanna,[35] as well as the mother of Utu, Inanna, and Ereshkigal. The Sumerian and Egyptian origin of the Bible: who wrote the Bible? Sources for the Eridu myth include a Sumerian inscription on a clay tablet from Nippur (also dated about 1600 BCE), another Sumerian fragment from Ur (about the same date) and a bilingual fragment in Sumerian and Akkadian from Ashurbanipal's library in Nineveh, about 600 BCE. Oui, ce que tu dis se rapproche de : Anunnaki, la version sumrienne de la cration de lhumanit Et de : Nos anctres des extra-terrestres ? Homo Naledi: A Mysterious Extinct Human Species (Video), The Incredible Odyssey of Mankind: Ape to Human in a Million Years (Video), Evidence that Noahs Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Great Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology: The Sumerian King List, Biblical Stories Mirror Those Found in Ancient Mythology. 97-98). How can you say that we are not sure which came earlier? for hundreds of years. Texts from the 7th century BC discovered in Nineveh 16 centuries later in Sargon, but contemporaneous with the probable date of writing of the oldest books that would later form the Bible thus relate his accession to power: My mother was a high priestess. In his flight Moses is always accompanied by Tausret whose royal name bears the epithet of Beloved of Amen, Myriam in Egyptian, as the first name of Moses sister in the biblical account. They have been twisted and exagerated over thousand years. Hundreds of gods comprised its religious system. It should be noted that the word El in Hebrew has come to designate the one God, especially in the compound names IsraEL, GabriEL, EmmanuEL, etc. (Author provided) The Forbidden Fruit For millennia people have assumed the forbidden fruit of Eden to be an apple. Being written by as many as 40 authors over a span of 1600 years, one would expect to find some inconsistencies. Outside the Battlefield, What Was Daily Life Like for Medieval Knights? Thorkild Jacobsen, the first translator of the Eridu Genesis, was a renowned historian specializing in Near East and Sumerian literature. Likewise, James and John are sons of the mortal Zebedee and in Mark 3:17, Jesus gives them the collective label Boanerges Sons of Thunder. It too is lush and has fruit bearing trees.,,,, When they do so, the differences are far more striking than the similarities, although some scholars do not agree with the rather obvious (at least to me!) Reminder: Canaan is the country we call Israel today. His consort was the goddess Shala. Maybe the cuneiform for the Sumerian story is a written form of a much more ancient story, so not sure. Aqqi the water puffer pulled me out of the river by diving his bucket. According to Wikipedia : Eloha appears about sixty times in the Hebrew Bible, usually in its poetic texts, most of the occurrences being found in Jobs book. Another possibility is that one or the other was created first, and the other borrowed from it. That is an important distinction. There have always been many controversies about the authors of the Bible, and many implausibilities as in the texts attributed to Moses where he describes his own burial! Why is a Love Poem Full of Sex in the Bible? The Sumerian origin of the Bible: similarity between Genesis and Enuma Elish. Enki fills it with lagoons and palm trees. Abraham was a native of the great Sumerian city Ur. [43]:133135. Ten days later, having regained his senses, Atrahasis took a dove and released it; the dove left, but she returned. It seems, like El, to be a generic and polysemous name which, if it most often refers to Israels Elohim, is also used for pagan gods (Exodus 12:12, 18:11, 20:3 etc.) Does it mean that the Gospels are not based on true accounts? The implication of course is that it suggesets that the Gospels are retellings of ancient stories. Even if some rabbis explain that those who ask themselves the question know nothing about it, that it is normal to write God in the plural, the answers they give are far from convincing. Sumer, in Mesopotamia, was called 'the land of civilized kings'. Enlil and a fox act on Enki's behalf to call analog, Tammuz, appears in the Bible, however Dumuzi's periodic La terre ayant subi plusieurs dsastres majeurs tant un champ fertile approprie une rintroduction. The primordial saltwater sea was named Nammu, who became known as Tiamat during and after the Ur III period. He ordered him to build an ark sealed with bitumen and to take with him specimens of all living beings. [14]:179 Each Sumerian city-state had its own specific patron deity,[14]:179 who was believed to protect the city and defend its interests. (Their female equivalents were known as Nin.) Pierre voici un petit texte que javais crit un soir de solitude, vous me direz ce que vous en pensez, merci. First, Nammu, the primeval waters, gave birth to Ki (the earth) and An (the sky), who mated together and produced a son named Enlil or El. Ancient Sumerian Mythology The Chronicles Of The Sumerian Peoples Myths And Epics Gilgamesh And Beyond Greek Mythology Babylonian Mesopotamia Norse Ancient Egypt Gilgamesh Liturgies Pdf Pdf When people should go to the book stores, search creation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is truly problematic. Shotelel, Pharaohs second wife, had also given him a son: Siptah but he has polio., The Sumerian and Egyptian origin of the Bible, evidence. The Bible Story of Noah and the Sumerian Tales of Atrahasis, Ziusudra, and Utnapishtim. [14]:179180, The majority of Sumerian deities belonged to a classification called the Anunna ("[offspring] of An"), whereas seven deities, including Enlil and Inanna, belonged to a group of "underworld judges" known as the Anunnaki ("[offspring] of An" + Ki). Why not. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh dates back nearly 5,000 years and is thought to be perhaps the oldest written tale on the planet. For many scholars of ancient civilizations, there is no doubt that the Bible was written from Sumerian and Egyptian texts. According to the Bible, Abraham received a call from God when he was 75 years old. Only one woman had dared to do this before her, the great Hatshepsut. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thoths Storm: New Evidence for Ancient Egyptians in Ireland? See our article : Worlds in Collision, a book that questions part of the Bible. [20] During the Third Dynasty of Ur, it was believed that a person's treatment in the afterlife depended on how he or she was buried;[17]:58 those that had been given sumptuous burials would be treated well,[17]:58 but those who had been given poor burials would fare poorly, and were believed to haunt the living. Your email address will not be published. In my opinion the annunaki were fallen angels and the annunaki stories are part myth or taken from Enoch and genesis, not the . He was raised with the Egyptian nobility, but he is a Canaanite of origin. Both are losers. The name Tammuz seems to have been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early Sumerian Damu-zid, The Flawless Young, which in later standard Sumerian became Dumu-zid, or Dumuzi. The ancient tablets you refer to probably contained what is commonly known as the Gilgamesh Epic, although it is difficult for me to say for sure without seeing the source of the information you refer to. Ereshkigal was the goddess of the Sumerian Underworld, which was known as Kur. The priesthood resided full-time in temple complexes, and administered matters of state including the large irrigation processes necessary for the civilization's survival. Belief in one God in ancient Egypt, the teaching of Hermes, Pierre Jovanovics universal lie: see on Amazon Eric de Broquevilles secret of Paul: see on Amazon The story begins in Sumer: Samuel Noah Kramer: see on Amazon, The genesis revisited by the Sumerian texts: documentary, Anunnaki, the Sumerian version of the creation of humanity, Our ancestors of aliens ? or overflows, to form four rivers including the Tigris and Euphrates. The belief in one God in ancient Egypt,, Anunnaki, la version sumrienne de la cration de lhumanit, Nos anctres des extra-terrestres ? Site design and hosting by . The Great Flood has scientific proof of water levels rising. I am sure that those who do this do so for a variety of reasons. So what could account for these similarities? The river carried me; it carried me to Aqqi, the water pumper. Enki was god of freshwater, male fertility, and knowledge. Nikola Tesla and numbers 3, 6, 9: The secret key to free energy? Although the stories are not identical (for example, when God spoke to Noah, it was not in a dream) there is obvious parallel to the biblical flood account. The Sumerians regarded their divinities as responsible for all matters pertaining to the natural and social orders. According to the Bible, since the Hebrews were too numerous, a pharaoh ordered their male children to be killed at birth. One of the possible theories on the origin of Moses, see also the link to the article given above on the secret of Tutankhamun. [29] Ninurta was the son of Enlil and Ninlil. The mythology bible provides detailed information on a wide range of myths and legends throughout history and across the globe ancient myths of egypt, rome, greece, scandinavia and the celtic world are explored alongside the legends of native americans, australian aborigines, aztecs and incas, africa and asia from aphrodite to king arthur and the epic of gilgamesh to mayan death gods, here you . The Origin and Development of the Cuneiform System of Writing 302 B. What about the idea that it borrows from the Gilgamesh epic? The waves even covered the tops of the mountains. [14]:178179 The earliest Sumerian literature of the third millennium BC identifies four primary deities: An, Enlil, Ninhursag, and Enki. Returning to Enki and Ninhursag, we find a possible parallel to Lerreur a t corrig. The ancient civilization of Greece is a historical period that has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue. What about ancient cultures such as Sumer and Mohenjo Daro? Roger Sabbah, Egyptologist, archaeologist and researcher made incredible discoveries with his brother: In Tutankhamuns tomb, opened in 1923, there were inscriptions written in unusual hieroglyphics, some letters resembling the Hebrew alphabet in form, pronunciation and symbolic value. Sumerian myths were passed down through the oral tradition until the invention of writing (the earliest myth discovered so far, the Epic of Gilgamesh, is Sumerian [dubious - discuss] and is written on a series of fractured clay tablets). If there is no trace of the Bible Moses among the Egyptians, there are many traces of a Moses at the court of Egypt, here is his story: From 1197 to 1190 BC, Egypt was ruled by the old Pharaoh Seti II (1203 1197), who succeeded Merneptah. The hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh . 1,200-Year-Old Viking Ship Burial Found in Supposedly Empty Mound, Unleashing the Fury of the Khopesh: A Look at Egypts Deadliest Weapon (Video), Jewelry to Die For: 14th-Century Bulgarian Ring with a Killer Dose, The Macuahuitl: An Aztec Warriors Lethal and Sacred Weapon (Video), What Did Ancient Egypt Really Look Like? We know what happened next, the pharaohs daughter found the child, gave him her mother as a nurse and raised him in the palace. The most important section of Kabbalah is the theory of the formation of the universe. The Sumerian Flood Story (also known as the Eridu Genesis, Sumerian Creation Myth, Sumerian Deluge Myth) is the oldest Mesopotamian text relating the tale of the Great Flood which would appear in later works such as the Atrahasis (17th century BCE), The Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2150-1400 BCE), and - most famously - the story of Noah and his ark from the biblical Book of Genesis . Come and discover the incredible similarities between these sacred texts! You wrote, "The Gemini Twins were known to call fire down from the sky referring to their fathers lightning bolts and had been known in Greek myth to have destroyed entire villages with that power.". He was a Field Assyriologist for the Iraq Expedition of the The Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago in the years 1929 to 1937, according to his biography, as well. The account which numbers those Patriarchs as ten is Erich Von Danikens theory of ancient astronauts, Historians are perplexed by the list of Sumerian kings on cuneiform tablets containing the list of Sumerian kings, The genesis of humanity: Secret histories of civilizations: see on Amazon The civilizing gods: The genesis of humanity: see on Amazon The Bible as you have never read it: Did the Gods come from the stars? and Ashnan story. Tous les tres anims et inanims ont ainsi t crs, indirectement, par le dmiurge solaire. There are significant similarities between the Gilgamesh epic and the flood account in Genesis, which seem to defy coincidence. The term Elohim disturbs historians because it is used several times in the Bible. In the Sumerian versions death sweet water. 7.) Humans were believed to have been created by AnKi or Enki, the son of the An and Ki. Can you give me a source/reference for that please? The Hebrews lived between two great civilizations with which they mixed. Enlil was the god of air and wind among the Sumerians. Even Kabbalah specialists recognize him as Marc Alain Ouaknin in his book Mystre de la Kabbale (p 296). 'heart' of the clay that is over the Abzu " and "give I found your post very interesting. back Ninhursag in order to undo the damage. In Genesis, Eve is fashioned from Adam's rib and her name hawwa He is referred to as the one who put the king on his fathers throne, an appellation reserved only for the God Amon Ra! If one takes Abraham to be the father of the Jewish nation, as supported by the Bible, then one can assume that the Gilgamesh Epic is older than the written, Jewish version of the story which is found in the Bible, as Abraham died somewhere around 1850 BC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2020 - All Right Reserved. [14]:179180 People began to view the gods as living in a feudal society with class structure. Le christianisme sera le moins boulevers par rapport aux autres monothismes et au bouddhisme. but is given eternal life. I think you are just getting mixed up with the actual Biblical account in the New Testament in Luke 9:54 when James & John ask Jesus if they can destroy a Samaritan town/village with fire. Les dieux gyptiens taient nombreux et varis, cependant certains se dtachent et nous les retrouvons dans la figure jointe. Elohim is on the contrary one of the most common divine names, appearing more than two thousand times. According to these texts, Sargon I, the conqueror of the Sumerian cities, was abandoned baby to the waters of the Euphrates by his mother in a wicker basket sealed with bitumen. Because it helps another culture to understand their own through contextualizing the cultures main tenants and providing easy to understand comparisons. He himself will be called the great chancellor of the whole country and will govern the country with her. Neolithic Stone Balls: The Northern Rosetta Stone? Although a close correlation exists between these lists, it seems the Sumerian list has omitted the first man and the man who survived the Flood (Adam and Noah). : see on Amazon. [14]:203 The planet Venus was believed to be Inanna, the goddess of love, sex, and war. The goddess created to heal Enkis coast is called Ninti, the Lady of the Coast. In Ezekiel 8:14, the prophet sees women of Israel weeping for Tammuz (Dumuzi) during a drought. Perhaps, when we compare it to the other creation stories weve discussed, we can come up with commonplaces between all of them, and thus, a commonplace between all cultures in regards to the creation of the Universe. Along the side of Yanmen Shan mountain, located twenty kilometers to the east of Nanjing, China, the legendary Yangshan quarry can be found. Then Atrahasis scattered to the four winds all the specimens of the living beings that were still in the ark, and made a sacrifice: placing the meal on the top of the mountain, he placed seven ritual vases to drink on each side and, in the background, poured into the perfume burner, cymbo, cedar and myrtle. Did the Genesis writer rely on the Gilgamesh Epic in writing the flood account? Elohim created all living creatures on earth Genesis 1:25, Elohim says: let us make man in our image, in our likeness Genesis 1,27. Judaism appears from its inception to be a fully developed monothism, with out all the superstitions of Mesopotamian religion and the fantastic (and unbelievable) stories of gods and their petty intrigues. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Among the Akkadians, he was also the god of the air and the sky, and finally became the creative god among the Canaanites. For some reason the scribes never grasped this but hey!, when God's involved it does makes it a better yarn if they leave in the unlikely. [citation needed]. In this collection, you will enjoy the epic stories of Ancient Mesopotamia that echoed through other great works like the Bible and the Odyssey. is the lack of "pangs of childbearing" for those in Dilmun. 143-44).. To make a long story short, the god Enki out of curiosity eats 8 plants in the paradise of . Enlil, after the failures of his attempts to exterminate men, was increasingly exasperated and decided to end it by triggering the Flood and forbidding Ea to communicate with them. #art #music #CoMeDy &#PoliticsAF! Nous pouvons formaliser ces mmes hypothses pour les religions polythistes anciennes telles que celles de Summer, de Msopotamie, dAkkadie, de Babylone, dAssyrie, dInde dont on trouve des crits de plusieurs millnaires avant notre re. [14]:184 She was Inanna's older sister. This is perhaps appealing to some as Dumuzi's Akkadian She was known for her intelligence, beauty, and powerful political acumen. Towards the end of Sumerian civilization, these temples developed into zigguratstall, pyramidal structures with sanctuaries at the tops. Sumerian deity. Biblical parallels in Sumerian literature Traces of Sumerian religion survive today and are reflected in writings of the Bible. Renowned auction house, Sothebys in New York, prepares itself for the sale of possibly the most expensive historical document ever sold at an auction, in the form of Codex Sassoon. introduces the paradise Eden, a place which is similar to the Sumerian This mans name is in Egyptian Mssw and reads Moses. Actually, I believe the author is saying that some creation stories that many attribute to the Bible are originally found in Sumerian mythology. Arguing these similarities there are many others the Sabbah brothers reread the texts from top to bottom. Early Sumerian cuneiform was used primarily as a record-keeping tool; it was not until the late Early Dynastic period that religious writings first became . return from the underworld is not unique even in Sumerian literature. Everybody should listen to this, it really puts the pieces together from the epic of gilgamesh, Greek mythology, Sumerian tablets. Heaven was reserved exclusively for deities and, upon their deaths, all mortals' spirits, regardless of their behavior while alive, were believed to go to Kur, a cold, dark cavern deep beneath the earth, which was ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal and where the only food available was dry dust. Mesopotamian relition was polytheistic. [17]:140, Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. Murat Ozgen, a Turkish Freemason, notes this about it: It is clear that Kabbalah was developed many years before the Torah existed. Then it states or implies they got it from genesis. Christian Zionists claim that the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The Hebrew alphabet comes from the Egyptian hieroglyphs, The Egyptian wisdom on which the Bible is based, The Ten Commandments and the Law of Maat, The Egyptian origins of the Bible: the Moses who ruled Egypt, The Ten Commandments and the Law of Ma'at, similarity between Egyptian texts and the Bible, Joconde : The real secrets of Mona Lisa finally revealed, The Stargate and the Egyptian Pyramid Secret, an incredible discovery, The belief in one God in ancient Egypt, teaching of Hermes. appears to be avoided, although we do not have the complete Lahar It appears that the Bible was plagiarized from the Texts written more than 1,000 years previously. It had elements of ancient animism as well. 1. Introduction. The Hebrew text would just then have been transformed, embellished, to give importance to a God who would protect them, as the authors of the Bible usually do. There are two possibilities to explain this. Professor Alexander Heidel of the Oriental Institute of Chicago has prepared a table to allow us to compare a Sumerian text that describes the creation of the world, the Enuma Elish and the Book of Genesis, the result is extremely disturbing: The Holy Spirit and cosmic matter are co-existent and co-eternal. Be the first to rate this post. Misfortune strikes Pharaoh Seti II, his firstborn son dies and follows him to the grave (which may have inspired the death of Pharaohs firstborn son in the ten wounds of Egypt). man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the This week we are going to analyze the oldest creation story ever recorded, known as the Eridu Genesis. Do we have the exact words of Jesus or a paraphrase? The Igigi were the servants of the Anunnaki but one day they got tired of it and went on strike! The Sumerian goddess Inanna also developed the counterpart Ishtar during the Old Babylonian Period. Logically, one might assume that since the Gilgamesh Epic precedes the Bible account, at least in its written form, it was the source for the biblical story of the flood. Utu was god of the sun, whose primary center of worship was the E-babbar temple in Sippar. Before the Greeks exalted Zeus or the Egyptians praised Osiris, the Sumerians worshipped the Anunnaki. Many Canaanites have participated in the creation of Pi Rameses. First the underground world was believed to be an extension of the goddess Ki, but later developed into the concept of Kur. Before the beginning of kingship in Sumer, the city-states were effectively ruled by theocratic priests and religious officials. The Sumerian god Enlil becomes Abrahams El, the Elohim becomes Eloha. This tree not only contains a crafty serpent, but also Lilith, The motivation is different, her progenitor, a high priestess, had wanted to hide the fruit of an illicit affair with a stranger. [37] An was the ancient Sumerian god of the heavens. Thanks, (Genesis 5). The story contains topics relating to kingship, the first cities, and sacrifice. Historians have dedicated significant efforts to authenticating the biblical narratives of the Exodus. The Holy Spirit creates cosmic matter and exists independently of it. One striking example relates to the disciples James and John, which MacDonald believes are based, at least in part, on the Gemini Twins. The epic was almost certainly composed before 2000 BC. Shown are three classic planetary symbols of Sumero-Mesopotamian religious art: the Moon (crescent), Sun (estoile) and Venus (octactinal star). For six days and seven nights, gusts, heavy rains, thunder, lightning and hurricanes broke the Earth like a jar. Sumerian creation myth The earliest record of a Sumerian creation myth, called The Eridu Genesis by historian Thorkild Jacobsen, [1] is found on a single fragmentary tablet excavated in Nippur by the Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania in 1893, and first recognized by Arno Poebel in 1912.

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