It can also signal forthcoming helicopter winch operations aboard c-bed accommodation ships. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. Give Carol (Marion Mom) a break, all of us have posted things that we are sorry for after. A code 30-30 will be the crew contacting maintenance to clear up a mess that could be hazardous to passing guests, for example, if someone slips on a wet floor. Read more: What happens if someone jumps off a cruise ship? A. Way to jerk the welcome mat out from under the feet of the newest member of our community And yet people are amazed at the vitriol continually spewed on this forum? The cost is $7.95 USD per minute and will be automatically charged to your SeaPass account. While most associate it with the cardiac arrest of a patient, it may be used to denote any medical emergency in a health care facility, including medical emergencies involving patient family members. This would indicate to staff to take the required actions for the safety and well-being of the person, guest, or crew member as calmly and discreetly as possible. Reason I asked is I thought different codes were used on different cruise lines. Cruise Hive was established back in 2008 and among the earliest blogs in the industry. We make sure cruisers are fully prepared for their cruise vacation with tips on ships and ports. Of course, not all code words indicate an emergency. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Code View: Category Name Category Description: Sleeps Up To: FR Class: FR LB: ID First Sailings As Of: May 2021: CATEGORY CLASS: SUITES: RS: Sometimes the code Bright Star or Fallen star is used to signify someone has died.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. 3 Travel insurance benefits are administered by Aon Affinity and underwritten by Arch Insurance Company, with administrative offices in Jersey City, NJ (NAIC #11150) under Policy Form series LTP 2013. Secret codes on cruise ships? But with all due respect, ma'am, this post was uncalled for and out of line. Bravo Bravo Bravo - man overboard (some suggest Oscar is used) - the side or rear of the ship may follow. When I worked in a hospital, Code Blue, followed by whatever floor, wing, etc. Im sure it wont be you but do remember to be respectful to your crew and fellow cruise travellers at all times. Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features, Melbourne Fl, Originally Cambridgeshire UK. You should be briefed on this during your muster drill as its important that you to take action. The crew will be able to act alot more efficiently and discreetly by using these secret codes. Powered by Invision Community. This is only a code that can be used by a member of the medical team to indicate that someone is suffering from an urgent medical emergency, such as cardiac arrest. If you are the first one to spot a fire, immediately inform the officer on watch, who will inspect the area and inform the crew. Best. Shiver, July 16, 2009 in Royal Caribbean International. Units standby at runway for when it lands, Alert 3 A plane has crashed at or near the airport, 30-30 maintenance needed to clean up a mess, Alpha (specifically Alpha, Alpha, Alpha on Princess and Royal Caribbean ships) medical emergency, Alpha Team, Alpha Team, Alpha Team fire emergency on a Carnival Cruise Line ship, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie security threat on Royal Caribbean ships, Delta damage to the ship on Norwegian Cruise Line, Delta, Delta, Delta possible bio-hazard. Red Party means there is a fire at sea. When I hear a code spoken over the public address system, the first thing I think is, I wonder what that means? After all, it must be something set, otherwise, they would just say what the problem is! Bravo Bravo Bravo means that theres a fire onboard. Many of Royal Caribbean cruise ships' codes contain words in threes: Alpha Alpha Alpha, Echo . 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. Special Event: Q&A with Rudi Schreiner, President, Co-Founder & Co-Owner - AmaWaterways River Cruises. Echo, Echo, Echo is the code for a possible collision with another ship or the shore aboard Royal Caribbean ships, or if the ship is starting . Some other companies, such as Carnival Cruise Line, use Sierra Team Sierra Team as their code for a stretcher on site. They found the remains of the shelter broken about 1/2 a mile away. This particular code is known to be used on Royal Caribbean cruises. What's even more impressive is that Emrys has traveled the world by visiting more than 34 countries, lived in China for 8 years, and cruised the Caribbean, Baltic, Mediterranean, Asia, and Europe. As a passenger, theres not much you can do except keep your eyes open and report anything you think looks suspicious. Thankfully, most people here on CC -- including Merion Mom, usually -- are very kind and helpful, and I am tremendously grateful for this resource. or the SEC's website at Updated list. Just wondering, what are the different emergency codes used over the PA systems? Add a Comment. Code Gray alerts the crew to the presence of an abusive person or a combative person on board. If a death or serious medical emergency has occurred onboard the cruise ship, you may hear this code. This is a rarely used code that I hope youll never hear on any of your cruises. One former cruise director has lifted the lid on how the staff . NOTE: These lists are not at all complete; theyre just meant to give you an idea of what codes are used and why. And also, kindly be reminded of the old adage: if you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie - Security threat. As a former user of the NYC subway, I can see the need for a coding system but then, I ask, who will respond to most of these calls nah! Hearing Bravo, Bravo, Bravo on a ship can, after all, point to a serious issue. The best things you can do with a code Oscar are to stay out of the way of the crew and be patient. Codes arent standardised across cruise lines, so the meaning if the code Delta depends on who youre sailing with. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This could mean passengers, crew or people on the ground. Please contact our Access Department at 866-592-7225 for additional information. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Future Cruise Credit. A Code Black can mean a few things, like a suicide threat, a fight, or a violent confrontation. You can make ship-to-shore calls from your stateroom, 24 hours a day. This is pretty standard within the cruising industry, even the cruise lines with the strictest evening dress codes do not have dress codes during the day. Or from outside the U.S. they can call (321) 953-9003. No votes so far! We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), cruise ships have adapted since the pandemic, This $12 Root Spray Conceals Gray Strands Until Your Next Wash Day, The Best Caribbean Cruise for Every Type of Vacationer, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Posted March 18, 2014. Echo can mean high winds, or the ship is starting to drift, which isnt necessarily a problem because the captain can likely get things under control. Want to comment on this post? I've seen to many not washing hands, using the serving utensils in multiple dishes (possible contamination), picking up food with their hands, or picking it up then deciding that they didn't want it and put it back; to name just a few. Required fields are marked *. This code has multiple uses amongst different cruise lines, and can indicate a possible biohazard, damage to the ship, or possible injuries or even multiple injuries. Well, well cover those too! A squall came in and the ship moved, we just happened to be the only guests returning at that exact time. "Code Blue, South 6.". But compared to the folks here on this forum . Royal Caribbean has launched discounted UK cruises with savings of 20% off for workers in the NHS, emergency services and armed forces this summer . All Emergency Response: Liberty County Codes. Like the hidden cruise features most passengers are unaware of, these code words arent on most travelers radar. Be sure to join my email list for my best cruise tips and handpicked deals each week. Online Check-In Boarding. In many places, hearing Code Adam means theres a missing child (it was named after Adam Walsh, a little boy who was abducted in a department store in South Florida in the early 1980s). This isoften norovirus, which sadly, isnt exactly uncommon on board cruise ships, as regular cruisers will know. Art--Vandelay-- 2 yr. ago. Please share it! We looked out of our balcony .. . Lots of businesses have their own special codes for their staff to be aware of emergencies. There are a few others, but most cruise lines use somewhat different emergency codes so sometimes it can be difficult to keep track :confused: The following link takes you to a discussion like this last year. Powered by Invision Community. And the highest number, Level 5, is if there are 51 or more people potentially involved. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday - Monster truck races on the Royal Prominade. :(, You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. :D. You would not hear Pan Pan Pan over the PA, only over the marine radio and it would not be a good thing for the person making the call (urgent request for help). Bravo - is a fire emergency. You can post now and register later. Later that evening our hillarious waiter told us that if we heard "oscar oscar oscar" we should run out on deck because that ment "man over board". Voucher codes. Delta - damage to the ship on Norwegian Cruise Line. Like these. When I first heard the call I wondered what it was about. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The cost is $7.95 USD per minute and will be automatically charged to your SeaPass account. Kilo (specifically Kilo, Kilo, Kilo on Royal Caribbean ships) all personnel to report to their emergency posts, Omega or Oscar or Bravo, Bravo or Mr. Mob man overboard (we heard that on a Disney Cruise once. Most cruise lines use Bravo, Bravo, Bravo to indicate a fire onboard. Crown and Anchor Society Loyalty Program. Signals can be in the form of blasts on alarm bells, sounds on the ship's whistle or code names paged over the PA system. You may hear some of these secret codes on your next cruise. I hear "Oscar, Oscar, Oscar" and I just think The Odd Couple You are soooo right on that comment . If you also play Infinity Sea 2, we have all the free in-game redeemables for you. More specifically, "PVI" stands for public vomiting and that someone has vomited on the ship. Jenni Fielding is the founder of Cruise Mummy. And just touching a serving utensil after many people have already touched makes mesqueamish. What I wanted to ask what are the meanings of the different Alert Codes we hear on the ship. Carnival cruise use Alpha Team, Alpha Team, Alpha Team as their secret code to alert the crew to fire. Note that the codes weve listed are used as signals to alert crew without causing any distress to passengers. Disney Cruise lines Red Parties, Red Parties, Red Parties as their secret code to indicate a fire onboard. Description. If you hear a code alpha on a cruise ship, there is a medical emergency onboard. Emrys has been reporting on the latest cruise industry news since the site first launched. . If someone knows of standardized emergency codes for hotels, please let me know! Muster stations are emergency meeting points, and you will be briefed on the process on your first day on the ship. While on our last cruise in the baltics (overnight in St Petersburg) we heard the Bravo, Bravo Port Side Promanade . A code blue is usually used to signify some sort of medical emergency onboard the ship. Can You Bring a Vape on a Cruise? Now its time to sit back, relax and hope you dont hear them as crew members pass by your lounge chair. That was fun. I know ALPHA, ALPHA is for Medical emergencies. Members. . Let's not forget washy, washy, washy at the WJ. People with high post counts on CC get to say anything that they want, while they would jump all over a low count poster for saying something similar and have them removed. $200 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 10 to 13 nights. An announcement of Code Black on a cruise can be used to alert the crew to a few possible situations none of them good. Put on warm clothing, gather any medication you need and head straight to your assigned muster station for further information. As you can see, they make a point of repeating the secret code word . ALLABOARD is almost always active and gives you like $50 off, I think. A cruise passenger on the Cruise Critic message boards has reported that the cruise code Victoria is used by Thomson for extreme flooding. (Guide to All Types). These will have been pre-designated in previous crew training and will alert the crew and get them in a position to take whatever actions may be deemed necessary from there. You might not hear this over the intercom, but it may be radioed between staff responding to the emergency. Delta - damage to the ship on Norwegian Cruise Line. Crew Center has been informed that Bravo Code was sounded on the Jewel of the Seas at this moment. Due to this, you might hear the Sierra cruise code after you hear one of the Alpha cruise codes. ( Can You & What if Caught? Manage Settings You can also use our onboard Internet Cafs, stateroom Internet connection, or Hot Spots to send an e-mail to your friends or family for a minimal fee. Cruise ships generally use a traffic light system, where green means go and yellow means yield, so a Code Yellow may be more serious than a Code Green, but rest assured that neither is an emergency. Mr. Skylight paged over the PA system is an alert for the crew on board and means there is a minor emergency somewhere. Thanks lovesthebeach, your link was helpful. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Your email address will not be published. In addition to distress signals like Mayday and pan-pan, most vessels, especially passenger ships, use some emergency signals to alert the crew on board. Crew and ship police will respond, and passengers should do their best to avoid the violence. Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features. :D, As long as we don't hear a "row, row, row";). Echo, Echo, Echo possible collision with another ship or the shore on Royal Caribbean ships. Secret codes on cruise ships help them do that. I would think that most of the deaths on board start as a medical issue. Expired. Testing Requirement. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Free expert cruise tips and news from Cruise Hive! Whether you want to journey to tropical destinations on family-friendly vessels or meander along coastal Europe aboard an adult-only cruise, youll want to do some research before booking your next trip. Meanwhile, Carnival Cruise Line uses Alpha Team, Alpha Team, Alpha Team as a fire emergency aboard one of their ships. Guests taking an o. We have plenty more just like it and would love it if you decided to hang around and sign up to get emailed notifications of when we post. Oscar, Oscar, Oscar, is the code for Man Overboard aboard Royal Caribbean ships. Bravo or Bravo, Bravo, Bravo - fire. On the average week-long cruise, Royal Caribbean estimates its guests will be 80 percent American, consuming around 3,000 bottles of wine, 7,000 pounds of chicken breast, and almost 100,000 eggs . Codes used when someone has died onboard vary by the cruise line. You do however have to go to the muster station located on your sea pass and be checked in by one of the staff. Any other messes are communicated through the 30-30 code. This is why its important to familiarize yourself not only with secret codes on ships, but also what that particular cruise lines codes are, since they can mean very different things depending on the company. Pink Flamingoes are another lesser-known symbol among swingers on cruises, indicating they are into the lifestyle. You can find out more here about the meaning of an upside-down pineapple on a cruise and other hidden meaning symbols and codes you might spot. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is now largely done through Royal Caribbean's app. Join 40,000 cruiserswho readmy email each week Echo, Echo, Echo was used whilst we were docked in St Petersburg. Your previous content has been restored. Code 7 likely relates to the seven short blasts and one long blast that signals that all guests and crew must report to their muster stations. Shakespeare-Bot 2 yr. ago. 26814 used to respect your numbers now I question them. I have been on a cruise ship during a norovirus outbreak and have heard this code. Coded messages used over public address systems on passenger ships, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Secret codes, subliminal messaging behind world's biggest cruise", "Report of Investigation into the Circumstances Surrounding the Fire aboard Royal Caribbean International Passenger Vessel, "Semester at Sea: "Innocents Abroad, 2002",, Articles with dead external links from September 2022, Articles needing additional references from November 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles that may contain original research from May 2021, All articles that may contain original research, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 17:19. I am pretty new here, and I have always respected your vast knowledge of cruising and your willingness to help people with your informative answers. Robin Raven is a travel, lifestyle, vegan food and entertainment writer. at 2am in EVERY CABIN. Read Also: Cruise Ship Lifeboats How Are They Tested? The cruise code Kilo is used when the captain needs to request that all crew members report to their emergency stations. Read more: Cruise Ship Norovirus Statistics. 20% Off. If you hear the Echo cruise code, this means that the ship has started to drift, but dont panic! We recommend that you avoid the area. before you hit the "submit reply" key, try hard to remember what it was like when you walked up that gangway for the very first time, having no idea what you were about to experience. I think they vary from hotel to hotel. I dont know if Code Baby Ruth is 100% genuinely used, but if it is, it is to raise awareness among staff that there is a poo in the pool. Code pink means an infant under one year old is suspected to be missing. By That means doing more than discovering the things you cant do on cruises anymore or learning how cruise ships have adapted since the pandemic. Read this first to help ensure it gets approved. There are a number of high post count people that display the same behaviors. Millions of travelers rely on Cruise Hive in the United States, Europe, Australia, and around the world. Its important to note that different cruise lines may use different codes for certain emergencies. Upon activation of a Code Blue, listen to the announcement for location. There are several codes which all mean that there is a medical emergency on a ship which includes Star Code, Code Blue .

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