Nicos face seemed shallower, and paler (it that was even possible). Increased her anger in a way she had never thought possible. The gods are acting suspicious, and if Percy can't control himself, the demigods might end up enacting World War III in the throne room. "Percy Jackson I am sorry to tell you this but I do not like you nor do I trust you as you have been nothing but problems from the day you have arrived. Annabeth stood in the center, the only place not covered in clothing or garbage, holding a creased piece of stationary. Feeling certainly better than I did before I blanked out, I laughed, then winced with pain. //Adopted story// I only left a note describing inexcruciating detail how much you hated the entirety of the camp and Olympus., An almost inhuman roar escaped my mouth as I tried to make a lunge for her. Now listen closely, I need you to go back to Hubbard Glacier. You might have them believing you, but nothing you can do will make me fight against my friends and family!, Oh you wont be fighting them. Gaea looked smug. Okay, boss, this is as far as Ill take you., My head bobbed into a nod. It almost made him look hollow. Khione (Chione) is . But yes, one might say this is a point in time you have already left behind, Clotho answered.Jackson? Percy burst out. When an old enemy arises one last time for one last hit at Percy, they bring an Meet Percy Jackson. The council was undoubtedly in session. You are nothing compared to us! I wondered it Gaea could tell I was lying. Where are you? I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. No, she sobbed, sinking to the floor. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Considering we will be spending a lot of time together from now on.. She told me to go to Hubbard Glacier to get something for her or she would I paused, unsure of whether or not to continue. Hell be spending quite a lot of time with you from now on.. Percy bowed once again before the gods and goddesses vanished. So I tried to focus on something else. Thank you so much! I flailed frantically in the air, trying to reach the stone walls of the cavern. and our What if Perseus heritage is a bit different? Welcome to Fan Fiction All Books, or, FFAB. You would do well to be less careless with your tone, son of the sea, she growled. And she started, as logic dictates, from the very beginning. I lay on the icy ground, quiet and motionless. Thalia Grace has a shield modeled after the Aegis, which usually causes enemies to be paralyzed or run away in terror. There was no trace of Annabeth on the beach. Blood just clung to me. And then he finds a demigod he just knows will be important. Percy angered another God again, but a Goddess to be exact, and that Goddess is Hecate. Still, my heart rate picked up and I struggled against my captors. Im fine now, I assured them. You know I wouldnt ask you unless it was completely necessary!, I could basically hear him sighing. Maybe. She said she would kill my mother. My friends gasped. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above. Yes, came the weak reply, muffled by Poseidons hands. But things are changing. This stinks. Please consider turning it on! It filled the hole, so loud it made me want to tear off my ears. Annabeth had her back to me, but as soon as I started moving, she whipped around. If I hated him before, I absolutely loathed him for what he did next. Grover. Reyna. Oops, bad pun. Hazel and Frank shared a knowing glance. A flaming silver bow with gold-tipped arrows running through it, all fitting with a flaming outline of a wolfs jaw. With a large pinwheel motion, a whitecap threw me onto Hubbard Glacier. I will be leading the battle, standing in the front line, to fight for my true master. The question hung in the air. I was getting annoyed, considering Grover had been Percys friend since he was, what, 5? They will never fall for this Gaea, I shouted, directing my words towards the earth goddess. Kapheesh?. Artemis was promised a chance to roam the memories of Nestra, an alternate universe version of the deceased Percy Jackson that is 80 years older than Percy was and also is a god now (on top of other things). Hello there, he said in a voice just like mine. Language: English. 14 part 2 Ongoing Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy Jackson Or how about your mother? The first being Athena and the second being a son with so much power he would overthrow Zeus. None-, Her voice cracked and tears splashed onto the page, smudging the ink. Gaeas shrill laugh echoed at me as two earthborns rose from the earth and grabbed my arms, pinning them at my sides. Leave me alone! I cried. I was starting to feel guilty for making Blackjack carry me all this way. No, impossible! I know thethe same person I love is down in there somewhere.. And he wasnt the Olympian god Apollo but the grandson of Koios, the Titan Lord of the North, eking out his survival by virtue of his mothers tears and his grandfathers forbearance. Please come back and share with your friends! Percy! I screamed. Poseidon fling the letter into Zeus lap, settling down on his throne once more. What did it say?. TRIGGER WARNINGS MOST OF CHAPTER 1 AND 2! Stheno and Euryale helped their younger sister to enter the temple. Lets go then! exclaimed Hazel. Im still not quite sure what it means, but I think Ive got an idea.. I cried out every time they used it. I stroked her hair. It had been about three days since Aphrodite, the goddess of love, had appeared before Percy Jackson. Sthena had faded with Euryale,but was revived by Gaea. Dont tell a soul that you are leaving, anyone who finds out will be murdered. My girlfriend didnt want to kill me, no matter how evil I turned out to be. We were quickly around the ping pong table in the Big House. It was a whipdrenched in lemon juice. 16 year old Persia Amphitrite Jackson, also known as Percy Jackson, originally believed she was yet another normal girl whod grow up in peace, find happiness and live out an ordinary life. You dont even understand how much you owe me right now. Blackjack deftly navigated the stables with all the swiftness a horse could manage. And if u haven't read 'Continuation of Percy Jackson' u should read that before hand to. Thalias reaction to the new me was the one that I couldnt really place. My mistress will be revived and I willed be hailed a hero for spying on the side of the gods. They also inform him about an army heading south that will attack Camp Jupiter, but also inform him that they were brought back using the Doors of Death by their patron, Gaea. That will crack open the earth and make even Hades cry. (Mentioned background characters wont be tagged). And then theres the whole double impersonating you making everyone think you went evil thing. The damage had been done for everyone. Now, when you take the nap youre obviously yearning to give in to, you get fixed up. Indeed, and for what was certainly not the first time, Percy wished his sister was anything but unique. I scoffed, regretting the action as my hands slipped further down the giant earthen body part. No! I almost smiled. Please! I communicated quietly. I gazed at the screen in disbelief as the colors on the screen warped and twisted into an image of my cabin. My Wise Girl always thought of everything. However, instantly Percy knew that something was wrong as the goddess had her face covered in a dark veil that not even her radiant beauty could shine threw. You cant be serious! Hes on Hubbard Glacier, Hazel said, after looking at Nico. Her expression darted between anguish and horror. When Chiron is explaining how the use of technology can be dangerous for demigods, he says that a demigod once tried to Google the Gorgons, causing them to appear. How intelligent of you to realize that. The goddess voice was mocking and her smile was sinister. But even as I denied the thought, it took root in my head. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. I was whipped, beaten and broken in every accessible place. Trying to calm myself, I flipped over onto my stomach. Then the Moirae drag in a version of him from an alternate future and turn his world upside down. The Gorgons are not listed to have any other power, but in some myths they are said to have unbreakable bronze and silver wings, teeth of gold, and Euryale had death-bellowing screams. A lot. Hello Jackson, he said, brandishing a whip in my face. I love you too, Seaweed Brain. And in the infirmary, where no one else was watching, we kissed. Who was I kidding. Basically, I just want to see what they and their world would be like, without resorting to stereotypes. I didnt die! He jumped and clicked his hooves together. Whatever you say, Wisegirl. Instead of splashing her, I ran to my girlfriend and scooped her up into my arms. But her happy expression melted away as she fixed her gaze on a point somewhere above my shoulder. A scream filled the air, and was soon joined by the piercing cry of a child. I yawned, and one by one, my friends said goodbye to me and left the cabin. I destroyed you!, Oh, I wont be doing the killing, no, but I have a fresh army of monsters that will be more than happy to do it for me, she laughed. Hes probably had to watch this. I shrugged again. It was then that I knew I was in trouble. Percy made Zeus mad at him (again). A bad nightmare, but it wasnt real. That's definitley the only reason she has agreed to explore Nestra's messy library of memories though. Well Per SEQUEL TO STORY: SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD But After the war with Gaia, all I wanted to do was relax and have a peaceful rest of my life. femalepercy godpercy protectivegods +1 more # 7 Immortal Peace by Codayoda 150K 1.6K 9 A traitor. His clothes were torn and stained. This was a threat to the entire world. I was angry. Was I mistaken? She looked up at me. Everyone except I changed direction abruptly. Face it, Gaea. This work could have adult content. Their parents are the sea deitiesKeto and Phorcys. All hail Armani, The first daughter of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity, Chiron said, shaking in surprise as he was, along with the mixed reaction from the others around them. So while Perseus over here is fighting in a war, I will be keeping you here to enact my own special brand of revenge. I'm not Sisyphus, who can defeat death and trick gods. Alright, but you owe me., Thanks, buddy. He wanted it near a body of water, so that whenever he can be reminded of his home whenever he wanted. Join Percy jackson after the Giant War became the primordial god of fate, inevitability, deep sea, tide, loyalty, and heroes. Now you aremine, foolish boy and I will have my revenge on you and on Olympus!. A goddess that should not have a child, but one Armani and Percy had theorized on nonetheless. Oh, Percy, whispered Annabeth. They bowed their heads, all remembering a great friend, no matter which side he was on. O mundo da Jovem Persfone virou de cabea para baixo quando ela percebeu sua notria paixo pela princesa de seu pequeno reino. I should have known it was too good to last. When Phoenix Jackson arrives at Camp Half Blood after strange dreams and nightmares, her life changes forever once she realizes she's a daughter of both Chaos and Poseidon. Hatred gleamed in their eyes. He is saved b selenophilia ( n. ) lover of the moon who finds it completely captivating. Annabeth sat beside me, clutching my hand like she was afraid that if shelet go, Iwould disappear. All the Olympians were present, including Hades, and even most of the minor gods had been invited to the meeting. In one week, Percy's family is dead. What if she was the third on the run with Thalia and Luke?What then? He was the former . Percy obviously had to accept, but Aphrodite made him promise he couldnt tell anyone about this or take his friends with him, not even his girlfriend Annabeth. I quietly packed a bag, muttering denials every few seconds even as I worked. TRAITOR! He yelled, swinging around to glare at my dad. As often as you visit, Im starting to think you just want to see me.. Thank you so much! Percy Jackson, demigod and hero, thought he knew how strange things could get. But I kept my guard up as I got ready for lights out. You start to trust your demigod instinct after a few years of being attacked by monsters. She was killed by Perseus by cutting off her head, which he later used by Perseus to kill the sea monsterKeto. The last thing I saw before the black stars that had been invading pulled me under was Annabeth screaming my name as The Double slumped lifelessly to the ground. Pedestrians screamed and caused panic as they ran to find shelter from the marching army. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. However, Athena caught the couple in her most sacred temple andfound out that Medusa was no longer a virgin. Anyway, the first chapter here kind of sets up the rest of the story. Though their body parts weren't used as spoils of war; Stheno and Euryale leave behind vials of their blood instead. I smiled at the memories of Hazel and Frank that it brought up. After two wars, Percy Jackson thought she had finally figured out how the Greek world works. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I couldnt stand the thought of everyone I loved believing that I had betrayed them. 395K 9.8K 45. She shook her head and gave me a goblet of nectar. I grinned at him and climbed aboard, trying to mind the feathers. The goddess snarled at me, teeth like rusty razor blades. I left my cabin silently. I did a quick turn, using my heightened reflexes to scan the shadows around me. Surprise surprise, Jason said sarcastically. She was in love with him. Then how come Percys signal is fuzzy, like Grover said? Nico asked. I would be lying if I told you that you have more than a millionth of a chance at escape, so Im not even going to go there.. The only way having gods vote on whether to kill you can get worse is if the Fates decide to get in on the action. Too bad they didn't get the messa. How does he handle being an Olympian What if Percy's first capture the flag went wrong? Not even my daredevil pegasus would tempt fate in such a blatant way. It goes like this, I started. She is smarter than Stheno. A symbol that was, presumably, meant for one goddess. Shoot. Hello young demigod, she said in a voice that was older than time itself. From face value her story seemed familiar enough, a sperm doner walked out after a one-night stand with her mom and nine months later, she popped out. Although flinching hurt, and rolling over was almost unbearable, I always felt most at ease with my forehead pressed up against the cool ice. Percy, she whispered, then collapsed in a fit of crying. We spread out a map and were soon pondering over it. Is she my sister or something?Persia Jackson looked at him for the first time.More like an alternate version of you," she mused after a pause. I have a quest for you, Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon. She sounded neutral. We thought bitterly of you even though you had never been a traitor. I dont want to be in a prophecy anyway! he protested. I read a story a little while ago where Percy Jackson gets dumped into the Worm verse and starts becoming a deity because the Greek gods dont exist there. Your email address will not be published. She is the only one with the power to turn her victims into stone, being the envy of Euryale. It'd be After the giant war, Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, and Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena went back to camp half-blood for repairs, and it is all happy and smiles unti , ! Half-blood, medium rare; thats what! he told me, ruffling his feathers frantically. I ran my hand through my hair, suddenly becoming aware of how rough it felt. Read to find out about his "adventures" This is from I suck at description. HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY GRACE! Powered by Fiction Portal 2.0 What happens when he watches everyone he loves die right in front of him? Its important! Percy, stop. We didnt even think it was a trick! * : Stars in your lips, the universe in your eyes, my whole world in your hands. It was foretold that Zeus's first wife, Metis, would have two children. Annabeth. Percy stood stock still as he heard that, his mind racing with the implications. Its not okay, Percy, she said, still crying. And I wouldnt be so sure about the demigods not believing me. Because he killed Medusa years ago (even though he couldn't remember it), the two seek revenge against him as their sister is still reforming in Tartarus. Minor gods and goddesses outfitted with traditional Greek armor stood tall, flaunting their powers to the other side. She was shaking her head frantically, as if trying to deny what her trusted senses were telling her. I am more powerful that any prison, as long as the earth goes on so shall I. The sun god had always like Percy, the kid was just so darn likeable. Yes little demigod, it was a trap. Another earthborn for me to get chummy with. It is time I stopped pretending to be on your side and revealed my true colors. I was dreadfully wrong. I slid across the ice over to the chest. We hated him while hes enduring everything., I can get us there quick. Nico stepped forward. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Euryale had fadedalong with the third sister, but was revived by Gaea. Just like HBG (Harry's Brainy Girls) and KG (Ketchum's Girls).

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