Were you? A theory I am investigating, Randy Maugans Read Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Native americans tell all about the giants, their advanced cities, their destruction, and the real history of america and the evidence matches their stories. I am not a financial expert. They say he was nailed to the cross of matter inside the circle. Are Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors the Fallen Angels? FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY, FORBIDDEN HISTORY, FORBIDDEN BIBLICAL BOOKS, AND FORBIDDEN TRUTHS ARE BEING UNVEILED. You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts. Like the crosses found on top of churches, cathedrals, and mosquesthe metal poles sticking out of the top and sides of homes and other Tartarian buildings acted as aetheric electrical antennas which harnessed the power of the aether and focused that free energy into the chimney. This friction would first cause the object to catch on fire. Apr 29, 2020 - Explore Charlotte McGee's board "mud fossil giants" on Pinterest. The United States of America is at the heart of this incredible surge. Martin is amazing and he has put together a lot of this puzzle with the help of a think tank during livestreams. What the people running this planet have done to maintain their iron grip over the population is shocking, and the evidence in the videos below may render you verklempt, as I was. He is amazing with maps, world exhibitions, the grids, and the fake narrative of America's cities. The Tartarians (or Tartars) were the indigenous people (quite possibly founded by Noahs sons) making up the world renowned Tartarian empire. They said that during the civil war the fort was built to protect the end of the Santa Fe Trail depot but it looked much older and no solider could stay in it as it was poorly built and was not stable. Then look at the 1906 columbian exhibition, they say that is wood and plaster facades made like a movie set, they demolished all of this. You will see people boating down their streets because the city was completely flooded; cities devoid of trees. Well, here is my latest update. adamspiritualwarrior says: And Im going. The mud flood event wasnt an event, but rather the result of the dustified remains of the previous inhabitants of the Earth being carried around by wind and rain and conjuring up against buildings and geographical locations. THEORY, Flat Earth Evidence: The Wandering Stars are NOT the Planets. Incredible. destroy us. Interesting. And that Earths previous astrological age was the Age of Aries, the current astrological age is the Age of Pisces, and the next astrological age is the Age of Aquarius. IN my last newsletter I made mention of Rebecca L. Gould without ever giving a photo reveal. You can read her birth story here. Thank you!Please don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe! There are no clothing (Ill explain why later), no traces, nothing. Or per the first book of Enoch the wind is composed from the spirits of the nephilim giants. She is having a rally for him at the tea party tomorrow night, if you want to go and find out more. You [], You earn more money than if you were poor. Can we please ad Sir David Attenborough to this list as well please. Or at least tried to keep it all secret, but as with all things eventually you hit a critical mass and then things change. A deep dive on the underground cities in that region.open up a Pandoras box of questions. Which would mean that the events themselves that are mentioned in the bible school tax manual occurred at least half a million years ago, and perhaps even millions of years ago or even older then. In fact all of our so-called history was invented during the Renaissance. The Evidence of the mud flood in 19th century. Which would mean that the prophecies of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation already happened. You had to sail around south america to make it to the west other than that. The original first floor becomes the basement and the window placement doesn't make logical sense until you consider that, always the same architecture worldwide. Understanding this will help understand most conspiracy theories, this is what they are hiding, our ancient past and our real lore and backstory. There are hundreds of hours of information between just these four channels and all of this is connected to the bigger picture. Whenever electricity was required for additional tasks all someone had to do was to flip a switch for the desired outcome. Be as critical of old photos as you would new ones. Our history and education has been a lie. The rebar in the home was connected to the roof top tower dome (which was quite possibly filled with various substances such as mercury, radium, or quartz crystal) and the metal poles sticking out of the top and sides of the building. Tartarian fireplaces and chimneys were pressurized electric vacuums which acted as an air circulation unit inside of the home. Julius Caesar, who added the months of July and August, warped the universal calendar into one that would endure his name. Their soul (consciousness plus memory) would then become one with the aether and the universal energy state. That would be totally amazing if true. GiANTs were real. The earth is covered in ancient structures and grids, we inherited all this stuff from the giants, the past has been erased and rewritten. The Middle Ages are a I invest in the stock market for passive income and cash flow. These heat exchangers were connected to air shafts and air ducts. Does this look normal? But now im rethinking this and thinking so many Royal Historians past and present and anthropologists, Like Sir Vernon Bogdanor, Mary Beard, and many others too who work with the BBC. So lets look at the mud flood closer. The Titans may have been led to Tartarus but memories die hard. They were all taken at once (Through a mass alien abduction quite possibly). According to American Indian oral tradition, copper was mined by red haired white-skinned marine men who came from across the sea. In the summer of 1931, heavy snowmelt, torrential rains and seven . After that, the creators of this place have decided to shrink us slowly slowly so, we have become giants. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a problem on my end? On YouTube videos and Reddit boards, adherents of a bizarre conspiracy theory argue that everything you know about the history of . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I am not a political expert. His channel was hacked and lost hundreds of hours of streams and the videos/comments. He calls this collection of photographs an encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places. through war, climate, or disease, followed by a clean up and rebuilding period. Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities situated in the intervening valleys. with its free energy and beautiful buildings. These streetlights harnessed the power of the aether which caused the gasses inside of the upper bulb to ionize and fluoresce. A Russian youtuber named Philipp Druzhinin noticed many buildings in Russia appear to be half buried in mud and the ground level is usually buried or dug out and a new entrance gets added. We see recent advanced cities with free electric power and stunning architecture buried partially or completely under mud. Many are composite images or multiple exposures designed to prove that these old buildings were constructed in the 19th century. Denying the actual timeframes does not cover up that the same type of giants and species spoken of in the Book of Enoch and Bible books such as the Book of Job have been found in archeological digs. Reblogged this on Upon The Face Of The Waters and commented: This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms. February 21, 2019 at 2:22 PM 87,543 views Aug 5, 2016 1.3K Dislike Share Philipp Druzhinin 29K subscribers The. I will explain how this was discovered so you can discover it as well. Always seek professional help with a certified political expert. Today we are jointed by Jake from The Improbable Dreamer. Yates also writes of the Starnake people of Navajolegend, describing them as: A regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West, enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas. Was the massive kingdom of Tartaria visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? The heat output this type of central air circulation system would be dependent on the amount of rebar in the house, the amount of tensional stress applied to the rebar, whether or not the house had a tower dome and metal poles on the outside that were connected to the rebar inside, the size of the chimney, the size of the metal back plate, the size of the fireplace, and the size of the fireplaces metal sculptings. The great merchants of the earth didn't just paper clip key people, they also paperclipped their past. Researching this has changed the way I live my life. A wave of mud covers the entire earth, leaving more than half of all life forms dead. You can find buildings that have an age of only a few hundred years old and find them to be buried in mud. After processing our life experience by joining and becoming one with the perfect energy state and are ready to be reincarnated back onto the Earth, depending on the current particular astrological age of the Earth will depend on whether or not we relive our previous life with the same body, parents, siblings, friends, everything, etc or get to live a whole new life with a brand new everything. Constitutional History Experts. This energetic metal back plate would ionize the air inside of the chimney and route the aetheric energy out of the fireplace and through the air ducts connected to the inside of the chimney which opened up to rooms found throughout the home. I think linking the sources to research studying this stuff this out will be the best way then we can discuss and ask questions. But whatever it means. These children undergo programming or indoctrination Can anyone suggest any further reading material on Tartaria for me? For more information, please see our Tartarus wasnt the underworld and will never be the underworld. In my book The Spear of Destiny- The Journey Begins and its sequel (especially) the Spear of Destiny II The Journey Continues, I show the underground tunnels in Cappodociaand how they hid the first followers of the way underground during scurges, because historically THEY DID. During the summer, the homeowner would open the upper portion of the chimney. Thanks! There were many Scythians who fought as mercenaries for themselves and for whomever they chose to fight with. His warning to us is that the Illuminists Architects intend to undo what God has done. Notice, where are the people? Tartarian bathrooms did not contain toilets. You brush with fluoride toothpaste. Tartarian buildings are more similar in function to pyramids and temples found across the world than what we are lead to believe by mainstream peer reviewed science. So stay tuned. Ill just throw out the number 50,000 years, which is highly conservative. DelhiPlanet. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He coined these "mudflood" buildings since it appears they are buried in mud. The windows and doors of the upper floors of buildings are quite often found to be at ground level and occasionally even found to be completely buried underneath the surface of the mud that covered the entire area. The Tartarians are thought to have been Breatherians, a being who does not rely on the digestion and burning of calories from food/water, but instead rather receives energy straight from the aether. You want to fight. Now the most powerful energy vortexes on the earth are in the USA in Arizona where the Hopi were/are in the Grand Canyon area and Sedona. She just turned 18 years old and must marry a man and produce children. Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders. A similar technology was used to wipe out the previous creation; however, this time instead of tuning the EMVF weapon to break a part the cellular structure of steel molecules, the EMVF weapon was tuned for the composition that made up life, such as iron (in our red blood cells). For it appears now, the architecture we marvel at are indeed built by those who have some secrets and want Lucifer to come out into the open. In the past we have been titans. Change). At the risk of your being sick of them, heres another. Once fully ionized, the Tartarian would remove the portable bulb from the fireplace and use the ionized gasses contained inside of the portable bulb to provide illumination. The lovely Rebecca. Knowledge is Power - NWO - 5G - Agenda - Microchip - Awakening https://youtu.be/NmPEsUbkHrcAlien Invasion in Their Plans - Secret Technology Can Turn The Sky in a 3D Projector And We See UFOs https://youtu.be/l_1RRu46VtEHelping Each Other by Sharing These Important Infos - Already Blocked in Some Countries https://youtu.be/CjFXjYWqtGoLower IQ, Cancer \u0026 Health Problems From The Fluoride \u0026 Arsenic in Water, Chicken, Rice, Food https://youtu.be/iAAzppgmFHsStars Seen Through The Moon - NASA Means \"Not A Space Agency'' - The Sun Goes Around The North Pole https://youtu.be/YVGrArlxt6kPlease visit my channel for more awakening videos and share them with everyone because the youtube is hidding my channel and has shadow banned it Wonder why#MudFloodTartaria#GiantSkeletonsMegaliths#natubertv The process of reincarnation is mirrored here in the physical. This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc. The story is that there were bigger beigns on this planet than we have ever dreamed of. It was a civilization reset, (out with the old, in with the new) and that new civilization is us. They don`t want you to know the truth. Take in all the picture evidence from Justins video before forming a conclusion. Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything Ive ever seen. The Tartarians would walk inside of the massive fireplaces and demolecularize. Well mud floods happen when earth quakes happen, so I think that there was a device that could cause earthquakes, there was a story once of nickola Tesla making such a device and almost bringing down a building he was using. Inside the 'Tartarian Empire,' the QAnon of Architecture. They explain everything we are learning about the giants now, it is amazing how they describe the mudflood and ancient giant cities buried under hills back in the 1800's. Among the other, you will understand that the creators of this place that we call Earth, they have shrink us many times over the years. They probably built many of the huge buildings around the world that are too large for today's humans. Fearless Nation -December 17th, 2021. Every so often there is overpopulation and excessive evil or corruption on our plane and that is when The mud flood theory suggests that an ancient civilization was recently covered up in literal mud and its history is being erased from humanity by an intentional process. Who are you to disagree ? Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. Science, medicine, religion, and the media are all to dumb us down and control us. Take care. At length, in the height of their power and glory, when they remembered justice and mercy no more and became proud and lifted up, the Great Spirit descended from above, sweeping them with fire and deluge from the face of the earth. Thank you!If you appreciate my efforts, please support me via paypal and bitcoin donation so i can keep this channel running because the youtube has shadow banned my entire channel here and about 23+ months now:Donate via Paypal: danaikorda@gmail.comDonate via Bitcoin: 18AJRdhmbnC4ATk23vptrjvqdnLWpTTrhThank you very much in advance!Check this Playlist with all the Flat Earth videos: https://bit.ly/2L4yZfzCheck this Playlist with all the Moon Landing - ISS - NASA videos: https://bit.ly/2vCo9mJCheck this Playlist with all The Truth about our world - Awakening Documentaries: https://bit.ly/2HcCIT4Visit our Odysee Channel: https://lbry.tv/@Antwniaco:1https://odysee.com/@Antwniaco:1?\u0026sunset=lbrytvVisit our BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/natubertv/Ancient Giant Petrified Tree Stumps Around The World - Giant Skeletons https://youtu.be/I1aMb_eZ17IDon't miss this one, very important - The Earth is NOT What we Think https://youtu.be/PxXIx9AJFbYThe Moon Is Rotating Turning Clockwise With Strong Proofs https://youtu.be/DqsyRrE0nTg\rThe source of the info which we present in this video are from the following websites:https://bit.ly/3Dzn4NIhttps://bit.ly/3Fzcsiehttp://eclypticstudios.com/home/?p=3025We Don't React in Many Important Situations Because of The Chemical Clouds - Chemtrails 24/7 https://youtu.be/3LfbLQzNluMThe Real Stars in The Dome Captured by The NaTuber Tv With a Nikon COOLPIX P900 Camera https://youtu.be/gp9fQaHOvgwThe Moon In Daytime Recorded by The NaTuber Tv With a Nikon COOLPIX P900 Camera https://youtu.be/zoN1Wy8O5BcAre You Sure That The Moon Has Craters ??? Cushman said Nahullo came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when they first crossed the Mississippi River. The archeological evidence of cahokia and timeline backs their stories of abandoning their city before the flood that wiped out the giants. These fireplaces were used as a type of bragging rights by revealing the intricate architecture of the homeowners taste to visiting guests and relatives. Most people buy homes, but you sell homes. The mud from the so called mud flood isnt from a watery briny solution of water and dirt, but rather the dustified remains of the Tartarians, Mayans, and other inhabitants that existed only a few hundred years ago. In my surprise at beholding so unexpectedly these evidences of civilization in that wild region, I turned to the Rolling Thunder and asked if he could explain it., ". The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. One is And The Truth Shall Set You Free. ", "The Rolling Thunder, in order to convince me of the correctness of a belief, universal throughout the Comanche nation, conducted me to the western side of this strange valley, where I saw, with infinite astonishment and surprise, the dilapidated ruins of a large town. I am not a political advisor. Their dustified remains blew in the wind and was carried along the ground by rain which caused the dustified remains to gather around anything in the way such as buildings, mountains, and canyons. The Tartarians were a tall people, averaging some eight to twelve feet in height. David Icke has written several books which tie in very well to this subject. You live with your parents. If the pop cultural phenomenon started by the Radium Girls are any indication, then these bulbs could have contained various substances such as mercury or radium which reacted with the aether or maybe the bulbs contained nothing at all and the quartz crystal itself is what reacted with the aether. The rebar, roof top tower dome, and metal poles sticking out of the sides of the home acted as a spider web, attracting the aether and concentrating the aetheric energy all throughout the home. The Parthians rode horses ladden with shining armor that blinded their enemy and had fighting skills with sword and arrow and could charge on horseback with both hands free to use their weapons with accuracy of which they were no match to any of the Romans or western way of warring. We also see how the name Tartaria would make sense to Genghis Khan as he was from the land of underground cities and must have known of their secrets. We see the symbolism in events like the CERN opening ceremony, and Super Bowl Halftime events and of course Oscars, and Music Awards and in various other forms. Tartarian fireplaces were not designed to burn anything. I am not a legal expert. Since I live the single life I was able to watch e3 this year amongst the tranquility of a calm atmosphere. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out the Tartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the underworld if they challenged the religious authority. Tartaria is the underworld. Churches, cathedrals, mosques, and other buildings of worship were originally aetheric power stations, water stations, and sound resonating acoustical healing centers. So Tatarusthe undergroundcan very well be linked to children of darkness with a past that is secret. You will see giant doors, giant guns and giant-sized musical instruments we cant even lift. This was partly fuelled by the World Fairs and Great Exhibitions in Europe (which also served to legitimise recovered technology) and also by the exportation and exploitation of convicts, orphans and slaves. 16K views 1 year ago #natubertv This video contain many (327) unbelievable photos from our past so you can see and learn about the mud flood, the tartaria, the giants, giant books, the. Native americans had eidetic memories and their history is from oral traditions and songs. 22,370 views Jan 12, 2020 This video is meant to be an introductory visual presentation intended to catch the interest of open. Here is a panorama from 1878 of San Francisco. Please use the subtitles so you can watch the video in your language and share it with others. Just like the ancients did with the pyramids and temples. So now we know the seven rays are used by the Illuminati and those who do the underground rituals in the tunnels. Researching the mudflood got me to a YouTube called JonLevi. Or whatever inhabited that land they called the underworld, or Tartarus. A summary on the theory of Mud Floods and Tartaria in a straight forward and concise matter.You can watch a collection of my main videos on LBRYhttps://lbry.. These are the same fallen ones that the global ones desire to have come out into the openwhose name is Lucifer. Like the civilizations before them whose heights averaged twelve feet, fifty feet, two+ miles, etceach preceding civilization had an average taller height than the civilizations coming after them and each succeeding civilization had an average shorter height than the civilizations predating them. Which bring us to Michael Cremo and his book, Forbidden Archeology. Really, pick a continent. So why do we have electric heaters and furnaces? The Watchers were sentenced to a prison . Its walls of cut stone, two feet thick, and in some places fifteen feet high, included a space measuring two hundred feet in length, and, perhaps, one hundred in width. Nothing we see was built by only women. Similar to how spiders are able to grow and survive without food and water so long as they are touching their web, the Tartarians were able to grow and survive without food and water so long as they stayed inside of their aetheric energized home. jeff bezos stock portfolio 2022,

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