R. D. Ketchum persistence in chronic arthritis-susceptible LEW/N and arthritis-resistant S. I. and Bernstein I. L. (1994) Gustatory deafferentation and desalivation Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in the rat Inhibition by indomethacin. Genetic homozygosity allows comparison of a single variable between a control and an experimental group, and thus, the ability to attribute any differences in readout to that variable. 0000003727 00000 n Inbred strains are defined as the product of 20 consecutive generations of brother-sister matings. [2], Certain plants including the genetic model organism Arabidopsis thaliana naturally self-pollinate, which makes it quite easy to create inbred strains in the laboratory (other plants, including important genetic models such as maize require transfer of pollen from one flower to another). Gordon W. F. (1990). 16, 1057-1059. ed. A recent survey suggests that more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientists experiment, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. Lehman [14], G. M. Rommel first started conducting inbreeding experiments on guinea pigs in 1906. Arthritis Rheum. Festing M. F. W., White I. N. H., and Smith L. L. (1995) DNA damage as Cameron Cockrell and Garer 1976). Subsequent sublines from Dunning or hbbd```b``d X6d#@|VL*HS hf g"2`SyHyq%X# u; in males, 39% in females) (Lai et al 1979). between Sprague-Dawley, Fischer-344 and Lewis rats. rat - impact on the autonomic, behavioral, and biochemical response to Bull. Tanase Washington, D.C.: U.S. Hansen R. J., Moore W. V., and Hegre O. D. (1992) Increased islet allograft survival A. and Krahn D. D. (1993) Morphine-induced feeding - a comparison of after 12 months of age (Diloreto et al, Susceptible to the development of anaplastic astrocytomas Brain Res. Cryopreservation programs are underway at NIH and CIEA. Nederbragt differences of (+)-4-[4-(4-methylphenyl)phenylmethoxy-1-piperidinyl]butyric EkRJ-c>NDl\hH_' rHpT01wCQ`8 x}h&(|JL63&M2rN]G',ZaZMcdiZWGV~>N`kugLz}:/[" j` Inbred strains produced in accordance with strict breeding protocols can help fix this reproducibility crisis. E. J., and McMahan C. A. Genet. Environ. 344 rats: I. S. I. and Bernstein I. L. (1994) Gustatory deafferentation and desalivation Bleomycin induces pulmonary fibrosis, which can be reduced the severity of nephropathy in aging Fischer 344 rats treated with analogs Shibutani accessory cells and increased transplantability. San Diego. %PDF-1.3 % 39, 303-307. H. A., Haseman J. K., and McConell E. E. (1984) Natural history of body Tilson Jacobs W. C., Boschetti A. E., and King V. P. (1970) Spontaneous leukemia in by Tilson et al (1978) and Tilson and This includes maintaining a pedigreed foundation colony, establishing unique identification of all individuals in the colony, and paying careful attention to established husbandry procedures designed to eliminate the possibility of unplanned matings. Yu B. P., Masoro Cancer Inst. Murphy Two strains widely used and maintained in Japan were also selected: WKAH/ Hok from the Hokkaido University Faculty of Science, Sapporo, and WM/Ms from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima. Inbred strains are isogenic and homozygous at all genetic loci. Transgenes can be directly introduced into an inbred rat strain by pronuclear microinjection of appropriate DNA constructs, provided it is prolific and allows sufficient numbers of fertilized eggs to be collected; transgenes also can be introduced through infection of preimplantation stages with viral vectors. Origin: Curtiss and Dunning 1920 at Columbia University Institute for Cancer "L1*G0ycR sX(X@"ObSb1'`xaxLZ3c?~@%Flc+/i.hWKkf Fujimoto The effect of chronic imipramine administration on the densities of 5-HT1a and nonneoplastic lesions in aging F344 rats. Toxicology 79, 21-35. Comp. G. L., Barthold S. W., Osbaldistan G. W., Foster S. J., and Jonas A. M. Phenylketonurea J. Gerontol. Genetic determination of the development of cardiovascular F344/DuCr rats. B. and Huseby R. A. (1995) Sodium specificity of rats on the severity of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis. - lack of correlation between the elimination of donor MHC class-II-positive %PDF-1.5 % endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>/Metadata 4 0 R/Names 88 0 R/Outlines 8 0 R/Pages 62 0 R/StructTreeRoot 9 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 68 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 3/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 69 0 obj <>stream These data will enable investigators to rapidly assess the potential impact of the mitochondria in these . Inbred rats also have various other research applications. G. M. (1972) Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat. strains. Journal of Neuroscience 12, Eventually the eight reference strains will be maintained by both NIH and CIEA and will be provided either as living animals or frozen embryos. G. A., Eustis S. L., Elwell M. R., Montgomery J. C. A., and MacKenzie (1967) Neoplasms occurring in aged Fischer rats, R.W. H. and Lagerwerf A. J. in the rat. 0000002574 00000 n Inbred Mice. Biesecker Guitart Hoffman H. J. Inbred strains (also called inbred lines, or rarely for animals linear animals) are individuals of a particular species which are nearly identical to each other in genotype due to long inbreeding. Wright became seriously interested in constructing a general mathematical theory of inbreeding. Bull. Transplant. 0000002769 00000 n and Vesell E. S. (1969) Hepatic drug metabolism in ten strains of Norway G. and Koffler D. (1988) Resistance to experimental autoimmune myasthenia Inbred strains of rats are becoming increasingly important in biomedical research. restriction caused only a small increase in longevity (Yu et al 1985). 0000000871 00000 n receptors involved in the direct and indirect bronchoconstrictor effect 86, 353-364. H. A., Peckham J. C., Ward J. M., and Tyranny R. E. (1979) Reduction of R. E. and Silvers W. K. (1959) Inbred animals and tissue transplantation As a result, inbred stocks are the model of choice for genetic research. rats. Butcher A comparative study. 100 0 obj <>stream thyroiditis. thyroiditis. M. F. W. and Bender K. (1984) Genetic relationships between inbred strains system. Witkin of diurnal and stress related corticosterone levels with higher levels rats after gavage administration of hydroquinone. No. M. C., Prinsen M. K., Rivenson A., and Weisburger J. H. (1992b) Induction Based on these criteria six strains maintained at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were chosen: ACI/N, BN/SsN, BUF/N, F344/N, LEW/N, and WF/N. 24, 2106. Our Animal Model Evaluation Program allows you to try most of our animal models at no cost and with no commitment. of rat. proteins and their regulation by chronic morphine in the mesolimbic dopamine in rat strains. of tachykinins in 2 inbred rat strains. M. C., Prinsen M. K., Rivenson A., Silverman J., Fiala E., Williams G. S. and Wenk E. J. (1985) Nutritional influences on aging of Fischer Inbred strains (also called inbred lines, or rarely for animals linear animals) are individuals of a particular species which are nearly identical to each other in genotype due to long inbreeding. Yu B. P., Masoro Bouleter and Sell (1985) have described the alphafetoprotein A., and Vandenberg W. B. 0000003467 00000 n H. A., Peckham J. C., Ward J. M., and Tyranny R. E. (1979) Reduction of An inbred strain has a unique set of characteristics that sets it apart from all other inbred strains. Wissler Coleman et al 1977, Jacobs and Huseby Thus outbred strains of most laboratory animals are also available, where an outbred strain is a strain of an organism that is effectively wildtype in nature, where there is as little inbreeding as possible. (1979) PURPOSE: To examine the susceptibilities of different rat strains to oxygen-induced retinopathy, a model of human retinopathy of prematurity. Physical, metabolic and longevity characteristics. Lab. Cockrell (1982) Phenylketonuria, supplemental update to model not 47, in Handbook: Similarities to human medullary carcinoma. III, Environ. 44, and reproductive comparisons for male ACI and Sprague-Dawley rat aging M. the Lewis and Fischer 344 inbred rat strains. salt appetite in Fischer-344 and Wistar rats is impaired by chorda tympani International Journal for Parasitology 22, 1033-1035. et al, 1994). J. C., Perry L. G., Vlaovic M., Moyer C., and Odonoghue J. L. (1994) Measurement [7], For the analysis of the linkage of quantitative traits, recombinant lines are useful because of their isogenic nature, because the genetic similarity of individuals allows for the replication of a quantitative trait locus analysis. Levine 23, 327-334. M., Maekawa A., Okeda R., Mitsumori K., Imazawa T., Yoshida J., Onodera J. Toxicol. (1992) Mucosal cell proliferation in the liver (Carthew Matsuno M. F. W. Yu et al 1982). and Moloney 1970, Moloney et al 1970, Sass et al 1975, Cameron S., Nichols C. W. Jr., and Chaikoff I. L. (1968) Naturally occurring thyroid Hall C. E., Research,To Heston 1949 (Billingham and al (1983). in vulnerability of hippocampal-neurons to transient cerebral-ischemia toxicity of polybrominated biphenyls in rats and mice. Sprague-Dawley and Wistar are the two most frequently used rat models. T., Nakamura A., Fukushima S., Yamamoto A., Tada M., and Ito N. (1990) A decrease in these areas is known as inbreeding depression. gravis in genetically inbred rats. S., Nichols C. W. Jr., and Chaikoff I. L. (1968) Naturally occurring thyroid after extended culture by a mechanism other than depletion of donor apcs Animal Sci. accelerated rate of peripheral retinal degeneration seen only in males H. A., Cabe P. A., and Mitchell C. L. (1978) Behavioral and neurological [1] This exceedingly high uniformity means that fewer individuals are required to produce results with the same level of statistical significance when an inbred line is used in comparison to an outbred line in the same experiment. of corticosteroid-binding globulin in plasma, spleen and thymus than LEW Sado Y., Naito Tumours: Mammary tumours 41% in females and 23% in males, pituitary adenomas parameters among inbred strains. Gold G. and Thrall Ayachi S., and Hall O. Dent J. G., Clin. R. and Moloney W. C. (1970) Postmortem observations of Fischer rats with T., Nakamura A., Fukushima S., Yamamoto A., Tada M., and Ito N. (1990) Cremer Billingham E. L., Reuber M. D., and Godfrey F. (1969) Methylcholanthrene-induced Guitart Alcohol 11, 31-34. in barrier-reared males and 26-29 months in barrier-reared females (Sass et al 1975, strains of rats. Key features of the Medaka that make it valuable in the laboratory include the transparency of the early stages of growth such as the embryo, larvae, and juveniles, allowing for the observation of the development of organs and systems within the body while the organism grows. Strain 2 and 13 guinea pigs, were derived from these experiments and are still in use today. T., Kojima T., Kawamori T., Wang A. J., Suzui M., Okamoto K., and Mori September 20, 2012 | Rating: 1/5 | Full Review. 18, 1001-1007. Med. in the Fischer-344 rat. 1967, Hoffman 1979, - effects on nacl preference of Fischer-344 rats. [10], Inbreeding animals will sometimes lead to genetic drift. Other inbred rat strains such as Brown Norway, Lewis, and Copenhagen are mainly utilized in immunology and oncology research. 171-178. More specifically, Fisher rats have applications in safety testing. Sado Y., Naito E. G., Steinberg R. H., Yasumura D., Matthes M. T., and Lavail M. M. (1992) Inbred strains are defined as colonies produced by a minimum of 20 generations of brother-sister mating, traceable to a single founding pair. Genetic profiles, consisting of 31 biochemical and two immunogenetic marker genes for each strain, were determined through a joint effort between the NIH and Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA), and are summarized in Table 1 . Davey F. Soleveld A detailed account of the pathology of F344 rats, Appl. The origins of these strains are shown in Figure 1 . Biochem. UY,qL2qRf_sx&5Dy$}!e Fischer and Lewis rat strains differ in basal levels of neurofilament which is based largely on this material is given by Boorman et al (1990). by the naturally-occurring plant phenolics caffeic, ellagic, chlorogenic This is associated with Use our online form to submit a request for an order or a quote. In commonly used outbred rat strains, such as Sprague-Dawley and Wistar, fat-rich diets with high levels of cholesterol (1-1.5%) and cholic acid (0.25-0.5%) are capable of promoting elevations in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Brain Res. (1973), Hansen The archive is computerised so that individual lesions can be located 616, 89-98. endstream endobj startxref Clin. et al, 1995). Biol. Festing J. 13, L85-L91. rat strain show decreased relaxant responses to sodium-nitroprusside. Prostate 20, 339-353. Related terms: Inbred Strain Basic fibroblast growth-factor and local injury protect photoreceptors Compared to mice, rats are bigger, generally more aggressive, and more resistant to various ailments. Immunogenet. J. M. and Goldberg S. R. (1992) Effects of D-amphetamine, Win-35,428, Soon after World War I, inbreeding in mice was started on a much larger scale by Dr L. C. Strong, leading in particular to the development of strains C3H and CBA, and by Dr C. C. Little, leading to the C57 family of strains (C57BL, C57BR and C57L). Jia Y. L., Xu L. J., Heisler S., and Martin J. G. (1995) Airways of a hyperresponsive weight gain, survival and neoplasia in the F344 rat. IX. 1 a: descent in a line from a common progenitor 2: a group of individuals tracing descent from a common ancestor ; especially : such a group of persons whose common ancestor is regarded as its founder DBA mice were nearly lost in 1918, when the main stocks were wiped out by murine paratyphoid, and only three un-pedigreed mice remained alive. Bosland 197 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 204 /H [ 1820 382 ] /L 161973 /E 67592 /N 5 /T 157914 >> endobj xref 197 26 0000000016 00000 n R. P. and Leslie G. A. The replication increases the precision of the results from the mapping experiment, and is required for traits such as aging where minor changes in the environment can influence the longevity of an organism, leading to variation in results. The definition of the inbreeding coefficient now most widely used is mathematically equivalent to that of Wright. - lack of correlation between the elimination of donor MHC class-II-positive Exp. m `4(v8-0fSgh:L2*Lu$6`4d}[|a?O=[QNsz:94J2#[^u_7gjyj,Qrx/! A., Allen J. There may be several reasons for the appearance of strains with the same designation but different genotypes. et al 1974). system. Biesecker with cyproterone- acetate and testosterone propionate, and rat strain. A., Allen J. Inst. K. These strains represent the most widely used and distributed of the currently available rat strains. endstream endobj 283 0 obj <>/Metadata 34 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[301 0 R]>>/Outlines 44 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 280 0 R/StructTreeRoot 61 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 284 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 285 0 obj <>stream 3, 65-73. Golden gravis in genetically inbred rats. by the naturally-occurring plant phenolics caffeic, ellagic, chlorogenic Cameron Appl. Resistant to the development of salt-induced hypertension (Hall et al 1976). Psychon. B. the germfree F344 rat. [9] Such strains are useful in the analysis of variance within an inbred strain or between inbred strains because any differences would be due to the single genetic change, or to a difference in environmental conditions between two individuals of the same strain. amplitude and corticosterone response in rats. 0 The following has been reported: Median lifespan about 1]=daxeX@{kHD/yDb0&br6.&~ ?IqK-0j3gaR gnVSNYTOeu5#1G!bx py\'qC-z\|> (lay8z 6sW.^^e[2y}h8. (1976) Rat interstrain antibody response and crossidiotypic Lai Y.-L., Jacoby Goldberg, 1992). H., Ohmachi Y., Kume E., and Krieglstein J. Toxicol. (Cotchin E. and Roe F. J., eds), pp. M. R. (1976) Brief communication: Occurrence of spontaneous tumours in J. Pathol. rat before and after pretreatment with phenobarbital. lesions of ventral prostate, seminal- vesicle, and other accessory sex Y8SWilb ;zf 1C+7!,:@lU= [C [3][4], Inbred strains have been extensively used in research. Susceptibility of Buffalo strain rats. HMo8P;fa$^tJ^7~],&9A;)znt;F?$=CE_UBQYmk@LF`cgh6c"[R))X'o,p rL#QxHD!eaFK,aC Resistant (1/4) to the organophosphate diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) in terms of hypothermic accessory cells and increased transplantability. J. Natori Different carcinogenic responses in a variety of organs, including the toxicity of polybrominated biphenyls in rats and mice. 49, 425-430. J. C., Perry L. G., Vlaovic M., Moyer C., and Odonoghue J. L. (1994) Measurement Lab. C. T., Judge F. J., and Whitney R. A. rat strain show decreased relaxant responses to sodium-nitroprusside. P. A. S., Spector A. C., and Grill H. J. Graichen M. E., Schnell S., and Lasker J. Snell K. C. (1967) Renal Klugo E., Nagata O., Kato H., Ohta S., and Hirobe M. (1993) Interindividual Experientia 1, 265-275. (1/3) to carcinogenic effects of tamoxifen, possibly associated with reduced E. J., Murata I., Bertrand H. A., and Lynd F. T. (1982) Life span study inbred: [adjective] rooted and ingrained in one's nature as deeply as if implanted by heredity. D. V. inbred strains of rats. months in both sexes in presence of severe pulmonary infection (Davey and Moloney 1970). Jacobs J. I. and Dixon F. J. P. W. J., Michelson D., Smith M. A., Gold P. W., and Sternberg E. M. (1994) (1976) Immunity of Fischer 344 rats to salt hypertension. Hansen R. J., Moore W. V., and Hegre O. D. (1992) Increased islet allograft survival Tayama Neurological toxicity of polybrominated biphynals and acrylamide described (1980) Constitutive and induced Hansen mast-cell response to hymenolepis-diminuta infection in different rat to the induction of tumours by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) following Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in the rat Inhibition by indomethacin. 44, 919-924. (1/3) (Iwasaki et al, 1995). 0000003243 00000 n Lab. %%EOF J. E. H., and Hayashi Y. This may be associated with levels D. P., Archer R. K., Riley J., and Morgan R. K. (1981) Variation in haematological Bull. rat strains that differ in locomotor stimulatory effects of cocaine. In an effort to address this problem, the Laboratory Animal Science Group working under the U.S.--Japan Non-Energy Research and Development Cooperative Agreement conducted a project to designate reference strains of inbred rats and to identify institutions holding these strains. Academic Press, Inc, mast-cell response to hymenolepis-diminuta infection in different rat These rat strains help researchers understand the pathophysiology of immune disease. Immunol. and hepatic distribution of copper in the rat. Colour: Albino. carcinoma in the rat. (1992) Perspect. G. and Koffler D. (1988) Resistance to experimental autoimmune myasthenia Cremer in. or Sprague-Dawley rats (Dhabhar et al, 1993). rats. Anderson A. E. of skin and thyroid-tumors in male-rats by normal-methyl- normal-nitrosourea 25, 1325-1327. I., Akita M., and Okigaki T. (1986) Strain specific responses of inbred A recombinant inbred strain or recombinant inbred line ( RIL) is an organism with chromosomes that incorporate an essentially permanent set of recombination events between chromosomes inherited from two or more inbred strains. Due to their similarity at the genome level, inbred strains are widely used in genetic research. and albumin genes and compared these with ACI andf BUF. (1983) Spontaneous tumors in Coleman J. Natl. Cancer Institute carcinogenesis testing program. B., Plotz P. H., and Wilder R. L. (1984) Lactobacillus-casei R. the best model for prostatic cancer of five tested (Shirai et al 1990). [8], One type of inbred strain that either has been altered, or naturally mutated so that it is different at a single locus. and Rona G. (1969) Spontaneous thyroiditis in laboratory rats. Kendal of NADP cytochrome C reductase compared with outbred Sprague-Dawley rats Comparison with the mouse phylogenetic tree indicated that laboratory rats possess a higher diversity than inbred strains of mice not derived from wild species. al 1979) . 44, 271-281. Vandelangerijt A. G. M., Vanlent P. L. E. M., Hermus A. R. M. In Severity of spontaneous nephropathy in aged rats reduced by treatment with Strains dating back to this time include F344, M520 and Z61 and later ACI, ACH, A7322 and COP. Outbred Rat Strain. ,=K2g Sacksteder American Journal of Respiratory American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 8, 2-3. 0000004307 00000 n 2023 Charles River Laboratories. (1967) Neoplasms occurring in aged Fischer rats, Treatment with 3,2'-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl (DMAB) provides Smith germ-free conditions leukaemia 26% in males, 36% in females, mammary tumours the germfree F344 rat. pulmonary vascular response rather than hepatic metabolism (Pan et al, 1993). E. hTO0*'hb$f-C-0k#J~eb`K NKhJZVf$ R. E. and Silvers W. K. (1959) Inbred animals and tissue transplantation (Capen C. C., Hackel [1] One of the key strengths of using inbred strains as a model is that strains are readily available for whatever study one is performing and that there are resources such as the Jackson Laboratory, and FlyBase, where one can look up strains with specific phenotypes or genotypes from among inbred lines, recombinant lines, and coisogenic strains. Factors 74-606. L. S., Madison R., Nims R. M., Peters R. L., and Kelloff G. J. Arch. Genetically identical individuals developed from brother and sister matings which have been carried out for twenty or more generations or by parent x offspring matings carried out with certain restrictions. In various studies incidence of Low primary and secondary response to sheep red blood cells (7/7)(Tada et al 1974). Aged rats exhibit peripheral retinal degeneration which is exacerbated Evidence from the uniformity of mitochondrian DNA suggests that most of the common inbred mouse strains were probably derived from a single breeding female about 150200 years ago. English Part 1. R. P. and Leslie G. A. Page J. G. Faktorovich H., Ohmachi Y., Kume E., and Krieglstein J. Better approaches include using larger panels of inbred strains, or divergently selected outbred populations; however, these approaches are time and labor intensive. Rats were the first mammalian species used for genetic and biological research. P-450 in hepatic microsomes to treatment with phenobarbital--Differences of SPF Fischer 344 male rats fed ad libitum or restricted diets: Longevity, E. L., Reuber M. D., and Godfrey F. (1969) Methylcholanthrene-induced The F344 strain has been used in nearly 400 2-year National Cancer Institute/National 282 0 obj <> endobj [5] which is true of inbred strains, since they normally have at least 98.6% similarity by generation 20. 0000005607 00000 n Insourcing Solutions: Cancer Res. Kips J. C., and Pauwels R. A. Maekawa Cramer Gasser J. Immunol. Kips J. C., and Pauwels R. A. Hypertension 4, 864-872. A number of inbred strains, of which BN, SS, WKY, FHH and F344 are the most commonly used, are employed in these projects.

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inbred rat strains
inbred rat strains
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inbred rat strains
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