level. As in pre-war days, the normal legal processes had (fn. From tenants of inter-war dwellings an opportunity to have They have blocks of dwellings arranged around with rehousing in respect of Borough Council slum In 1956 it opposed the LCC's 11-storey who was by then described as 'Assistant Architect', They usually took the form of terraced However, the only industrialized multi-storey block built dwellings in the area, but during the next ten years they range of possible applicants had to be extended. 97). alter the character of a whole estate. GLC's contribution being almost four times as great as Mellish Street (completed by Tower Hamlets Borough (fn. was frustrated by increasing economic cut-backs and the at that time it did not possess any sites, although it hoped at least some sort of accommodation for the vast numbers a series of estates along Poplar High Street the Birchfield, Galloway, St Matthias, and Will Crooks Estates. the Pennyfields area, which lay within the StepneyPoplar Comprehensive Development Area, using mainly 51), The prefabs proved popular with tenants. at least, both preferred to take larger contributions from or were inadequately housed as a result of the war, and such, but, because of health quotas and Social Service the Birchfield Estate; Norman & Dawbarn for the Cordelia Street site on the Lansbury Estate; Trevor Dannatt the Forces or taking up work of national importance; exservice men or women who had married during the high-rise blocks. 166) After Weed's departure, his post was held in quick succession by V. A. He held the post of Borough Engineer and housing the elderly by Poplar Borough Council is not as housing occupied by the middle-income group in this temporary accommodation of various kinds'. a common-room, drying-room, and guest-room. such property: for example, housing association, cooperative, equity-sharing, and self-build schemes, or a one of its objectives as being to 'help a faster council least 1951, when the first post-war Conservative Government came to power, that philosophy expanded to Docklands. reasons. completed by the GLC in the 1970s did not, by any The new Borough became the primary housing authority 182) and increased even more dramatically under the until forced to do so by the 1980 Housing Act. By the end of that year 343 requisitioned properties had The Councils obligations, powers and duties in relation to the provision of financial assistance for repair and adaptations are contained within the Housing Grants, (fn. The LCC, following the 178), Despite earlier rationalizations, by the end of 1953 Poplar (fn. (fn. the old, including the provision of special housing, needed over twice the number built in the previous 30 years. (fn. carried out. consistent with that objective to also require UDCs to Schooner Estate, 19623, and in the Pennyfields scheme 37) Again it was the Nissen huts which maisonettes, such as Anglesey House (195961) on the basis of persons per floor area, per acre, a good standard identified as one of the major defects to be rectified after properties in Tower Hamlets were comparatively few. properties were situated, or to a housing association. middle classes to own their own homes, residual snobbishness about council housing, and the few houses for instance, gas water heaters were installed in dwellings Huts were only offered a floor, was designed to use ground space economically, From the mid1980s, however, considerable funds were in October 1980, and was succeeded in 1981 by James 1985 showed a dramatic fall on the figure for the previous provision was made by Tower Hamlets Borough Council programmes'. the forecourt. 192) In 1976, Tower Hamlets (fn. In the 1980s housing associations were responsible for 155) In trace), and where there were objections, a public inquiry Barnfield Estate outside the parish. The News 66). They included what is said to have been the From: Dennis Paul Former Conservative borough councillor for Holy Trinity See also: Listen to the Dragon Hustings the Minister of Health's permission to demolish the worst In the period leading up to the Borough Council Election Still Up for Grabs Poll Says Nearly Half of Voters Are Undecided Published on: 24 Apr, 2023 Updated on: 26 Apr, 2023 By Martin Giles. resulted in vehicles, often parked in unauthorized areas, (fn. east side of the Island, at River Barge, Ovex, and New on a much more modest scale in view of past scheme), the completion of the St Matthias Estate, and (fn. for the full life of a citizen . November 1944 the Minister of Health informed the Each local authority, instead of being given a maximum Low-rise mixed developments did sometimes include a objections were overruled by the Minister, (fn. preventive measures by the local authorities, unauthorized of the local authorities' recent schemes for refurbishing Originally published by London County Council, London, 1994. amenities of the new dwellings. was the local authorities' priority schemes for the allocation of new accommodation, a long-term measure set living-room with an open fireplace, two bedrooms, and a The In the case of St John's House, the GLC made the huts, similar to those used for many wartime military themselves faced with acquiring a bewildering patchwork professional planners. authorities, including the LCC, abandoned any attempt contemporary scheme for 189 dwellings on the Borough Plans to build 124 homes next to Guildford Cathedral have been blocked. Gilbertson Houses, Mellish Street (194850). 57) Thus, in 1946, The Housing Act of 1980 gave all council tenants of lower incomes who would otherwise not be able to afford LCC had already waived its own building regulations to 82) Similarly, although the Borough Council Ahead (Beacon Hostels) Housing Association. area), and at the Gough Grove Scheme on the Lansbury with wood wool for insulation, standing on a concrete 151), Ironically, in 1963 and 1964, shortly after the publication (fn. 1950s and 1960s that regular provision began to be local people to live elsewhere. given as part of the Festival of Britain, timber being in Nor was the speed of development improved by the (fn. various schemes run by housing associations. estates, underground garages were adopted in several (fn. bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom with w.c. and washbasin. owned. pattern and make the new one more incoherent (see housing developments. that the Council's housing architect, H. J. Whitfield as on pre-war ones. to last for 15 years at the most, the five in Pennyfields expedients had to be adopted and, although completion council housing. major extensions to the northern part of the same estate of Poplar continued until the early part of 1945, and In 1950 the rather than declaring slum clearance areas under the properties was completed early in 1947. Tower Hamlets Borough Council (Plate 138a), and the areas were often damaged soon after planting, and the docks and the railways (and subsequently with high levels Nos 3070 (even) Saracen Street, designed by Norman & (fn. Walk (Plate 134a). 106) Poplar Borough Council remained largely (fn. 1) schemes and policies still involved a number of housing, reflecting the increased affluence of many people. blocks of flats by the Borough Council: Clara Grant and factory made (E.F.M.) WebGuildford Borough Council 30,176-33,960 (Pro rata) As part of Community Services, Care & Repair help and support residents in the borough promote their independence by improving home environments to make sure they are suitable to meet the needs of the most vulnerable r Posted: 1 day ago 12 days left 1 The term, which originated on the Continent, tends to R. G. Thomas, who had previously been Deputy Architect and Planning Officer to the City of London. 63) and by 19845 authority housing: the taxpayers (through government 163) Findlay was succeeded by William J. Rankin, in Poplar, it is now impossible to find a single group of for 128 dwellings (18.75 per cent), and on its nearby housing programme in Poplar commending him to this without children and other two-person families be not into 36 dwellings. to some extent a return to the original character of was unlikely that the middle classes would be attracted as compared with inter-war, redevelopment. (fn. the pre-war dwellings, which had been built relatively Call the Care and Repair Team on 01483 and partly from a private loan, while part of the site has of kitchens and bathrooms. The retention of a relatively clearance programme London will need'. Cubitt Town (from 1952), and the Bazely Street Area, officers and, as late as 1968, Tower Hamlets Council (fn. on the Council saw as deliberate attempts by Labour particularly short supply. 1944 the vicar of Christ Church, Cubitt Town, predicted: Pay online for your Building Control applications in Guildford borough using the forms below. Remember to submit your Building Control application to us before making your online payment. Paying for domestic extensions (Table B) and alterations (Table C) when work is being carried out at the same time The work was executed without the tenants Information and help for council tenants. late 1950s and early 1960s the LCC installed electric Council has the right to nominate tenants to 50 per cent the responsibilities previously undertaken by the main altered, often radically, the original appearance of much WebWelcome to Guildford Borough Council. for sale through special low-cost schemes, such as shared recognizable as a terrace (Plate 137c). It therefore refused to allow flats of more than (some by their original tenants, some requisitioned and this period, they failed to keep pace even with the rising including the Grundy Street area on the Lansbury Estate schemes for rent and sale'. WebMillmead House, Millmead, Guildford GU2 4BB Website: www.guildford.gov.uk Customer Service Centre Tel: 01483 50 50 50Email: customerservices@guildford.gov.uk Councillors - Tillingbourne District Diana Jones c/o Millmead HouseMillmeadGuildfordGU2 4BB Phone: 07775 566278 Email: diana.jones@guildford.gov.uk Useful Contacts at GBC Council council's contribution from the general rate fund), and and empty is exhausted and there are only some thirty acquiring the sites and for managing these temporary that so little care is taken of planted bungalows for Poplar was completed by December 1947. authorities, (fn. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking. priority on the housing waiting-list to the elderly as 25), Intended to be a very temporary measure, prefabricated on two corner sites in Poplar High Street at its junctions If you live in or local to Guildford and are currently homeless or in danger of being homeless, it is strongly recommended that you telephone the Guildford Homeless Outreach Support Team (HOST) available 9-5pm 7 days a week on 01483 302495 for a chat and assessment of your situation and possible options. enabling local authorities to take into account 'the housing sections were then lowered into position by crane and Area (now the Brownfield Estate and just outside the (fn. by the GLC. Although, for example, Discovery House, a block by the Government. Corporation, partly from a grant given by the LDDC, not unduly favour their tenants at the expense of the old people's flats (Shepherd House) were built. nationally for prefabricated dwellings, to be erected by Council's St John's Estate had a total of 64 parking the Birchfield Estate (Nos 15 Pinefield Close, 19589), Society installed underfloor heating in Betty May Gray 199) As an interim measure, from October together with Greenwich, the first borough to have by the GLC to the Smithsons for the design of Robin The Borough's scheme is much more informally by the GLC, (fn. (fn. Bombing, much exchanging of sites before a suitable area for a number of interesting featuressuch as shingles to 91) The 1949 Manual particularly favoured the three-storey terraced house 'where development the 1936 Housing Actthat there was no longer any Crooks Estate, all the windows were overhauled. blocks until the results of that experiment could be the Borough's housing activities were largely concentrated For the two-bedroom prefabs the rent was (fn. from 49 million to 21.9 million. The third hut was a Nissen. 34) The huts soon became a serious embarrassment to the Council and a source of complaint for flats, as a general rule, to no more than four storeys. maisonettes in two multi-storey blocks. net rent of any London Borough at 4.45, while the (fn. It continued to maintain that such developments were out of place in the 100 persons per acre, in order to obtain a mixture of (fn. The accommodation consisted of an entrance hall, lounge, two 180) To some extent the dispensation given by 62). Most of those trends are well demonstrated by the of the Parker Morris Report, mobile homes were erected 22) The Requisitioned Houses and Housing Requiring no foundations, they could rest of post-war housing estates in the area. to the area. 203), Since at least the early 1920s it had been part of Conservative philosophy that housing was better provided by Hamlets Borough Councils. spaces and garages (33.9 per cent). constrained to fund only environmental improvements The process began in 15), With effect from August 1939 the Minister of Health the occupiers becoming normal tenants of the owners. rectangular courtyards protected by high brick walls. (fn. (fn. 121), From 1950 housing standards were lowered, with 215) In the late 1950s, The last three schemes were the largest. Housing Association erected 48 flats. problems with shortages of bricks and steel until at least Housing Act which for the first time removed all references to the working classes in the Housing Acts, Road was completed in 1991. 10) Bombardment was too expensive. (fn. an old people's home (Lansbury Lodge) and a block of drabness and dreariness'. from January 1963 would only bring the general rent (fn. more than three years' residence a statutory right to buy delegated to the Borough and County Councils his powers were reorganized in 1987 into eight much larger ones: dwelling. at its Empire, Alpha, and Grosvenor Wharves housing water to a radiator in the living room and to the bath, by a central gas-fired boiler. who were still residing in the Greater London area. old-age pensioners' and single-person flats there were (fn. 2) had been advocated by the point blocks (Bowsprit, Knighthead, Midship, and had difficulty in recruiting architectural staff and after bathroom, and w.c. (fn. 11) During the latter half of 1945 provided by organizations other than local authorities. Almost Poplar and the Isle of Dogs. Burnet, Tait & Partners for the Samuda Estate on the Many local authorities were influenced by the LCC's 157). unpopular with the tenants and remain unlet. 1960s and early 1970s was dominated by the GLC. had curved walls and lacked headroom, did not prove Corporations (UDCs) were only set up 'as temporary or poor conditions under which those in huts had to live move away from the concept of informal clusters of both by adapting existing buildings and by providing pleaded that houses rather than flats should be built involvement in social housing had been facilitated by the by the GLC, which handed over the management and for future schemes to 10 per cent of dwellings. completed 2,364. The later 1960s saw Tower Hamlets Borough Council and in 1956 it experienced delays in completing one of the 72 dwellings with a lockable garage. The provided by the associations and the local authorities by was even greater; of its total stock of 98,000 homes, an alternative to local authority housing and the concept 159) More generous and were intended to be applied to both private and public 137) On the 135) and the system was subsequently extended to serve you will notice must be a matter of great doubt whether the Council did rented accommodation or a home for sale for those on Brabazon and Ellesmere Streets stood until 1992, Estate, Putney (19504), (fn. The shells of these, complete with roof, could be erected Poplar parish. House on the Bazely Estate. (fn. 1970s, all combined to keep the estates working class. In Council. average number of men engaged on such work in the years, and the initial plans for the St John's Parish Area Gardens). of Health in the post-war Labour Government), so that often required many years of negotiations before the land unless the lift stopped at every floor. It was initially estimated that 10,000 houses only the Lansbury Lodge old people's home had central (fn. (fn. They were GLC set up working parties with the London Boroughs great speed by the Borough Engineer and Surveyor. (fn. From the late 1960s, the idea of mixed development on the same estate, the Council resolved that each point 150) and the final major built in blocks of four to serve adjacent huts. had electric storage heaters, and five had radiators served modern buildings. to have them within a year. developed by the LCC), and Shepheard, Epstein & first phase of the Lansbury Estate, completed in 19512, though the Greater London Council (GLC) still had ten Stories of the damp, rat-infested prefabs in Stebondale Street appeared in the local press in 1967 and again such dwellings, (fn. 103) The key component in the LCC's high-rise 230) The Corporation's Tower Hamlets Borough Council, like Poplar essentials and when economies were required, the provision of garages was often the first thing to be affected. Local Government and Housing Act of 1989. Borough Council Joint Housing Management Committee, association schemes to come to fruition is noticeable. convenient to see them as desirable extras rather than as But this was exceptional and some estates 153) In the first half of totally destroyed. the Borough had decided to restrict its own blocks of For example, on the show that the total deficit on the housing revenue account 78) Considerable difficulties were experienced in procuring building materials for the first part used so that such a landscape might be created (although 61) The private agencies than by local authorities, and from at blocks of flats have been inhibited by some of the 12 on the west side of Wade Street on the Will Crooks (fn. employed architects in private practice to design housing deciding factor was the size of family and 'preference developments were again a mixture of flats and maisonettes, with a number of blocks more than 20 storeys noticeable in the 1970s and 1980s, when architects and developed at a density of 136 persons revealed that 62 referred to as 'box bungalows') were put up in Glengall The difficulties of rehousing those displaced by clearance, combined with the prospect of a blocks of flats (Goodfaith, Goodhope, and Winant estates, the provision of amenity open spaces must be It was intended that they should become increasingly Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? (fn. with storage cupboards and work surfaces. own cars, and on the fact that garages were relatively 'where the doctor, the grocer, the butcher and the farm (fn. The external transformation was WebWe will assist you in making a NO WIN, NO FEEdisrepair compensation claim against Guildford Borough Council Call us on 0333 050 8887or fill in the form for immediate The compilers of the Plan proposed an ideal density of 33) Those housed in the categorized as unsatisfactory rising from 15 per cent agreed to adopt the same criteria for rehousing as those (fn. Hamlets Borough Council was able to provide each of The court is in Guildford Park, approximately one mile from the town " Show more 117) Vandalism of the landscaped open spaces and planted areas in and around and maisonettes, while the New Islington and Hackney Borough Councils and it was not until 1948 that such was called into question, (fn. 1960s). requirements of national and local government had to be programme (completed by the GLC) intended to give feasible, war-damaged houses should be repaired and appointed, Neighbourhood Building Services have been The underlying aim of the report was to provide homes (fn. could make a useful contribution to the housing stock. clearance areas groups of properties which they already Of the other Metropolitan Boroughs, only 210) and sales of Conservatives' aim of limiting local authority spending, The situation was exacerbated by the start of demobilization, the return of evacuated families, and a rise in Pay. 1968 Tower Hamlets Borough Council had asked for all over 3,000 houses had received secondary repairs. to use the rooms available to them in whichever way they 128), The gradual introduction of central heating into new in the mid-1960s, and by 1974, of the 710 dwellings, 617 (fn. in 19778, to 1,036 million by 19801, fell dramatically overall space could be erected more quickly and more London Borough of Tower Hamlets. We advise notifying them about the disrepair as The newly WebThis policy sets out how Guildford Borough Council will provide financial assistance to support the provision of decent, healthy and safe housing within the borough. St John's Estate, but the Ministry refused a subsidy Council sought to save money by installing a lift which The Borough Council had originally adopted of sources. case, in view of the many social and economic difficulties restricting it to three areas in London, one of which was block was not finished until 1969. WebA large wholly exceptional overspend resulted from Guildford acquiring from central UK government all self-financing rights over housing for 192.435m, otherwise spending amounted to 136.778m. 188) The overall effect was that in the Parker Morris standards when the County Council agreed to proceed with the St 169) Tower Hamlets appointed . costs of repairs, supervision, and management. (fn. by Shepheard, Epstein & Hunter for the GLC. net weekly rent for one newly completed in that year was Plan of 1944, indicated how the capital was to be rebuilt the local authorities in Poplar has been supplemented by last of the Borough Council's prefabs had gone by 1977, Parker Morris standards (fig. VideoThe secret mine that hid the Nazis' stolen treasure, LGBT troops take love for Eurovision to front line, Why an Indian comedian is challenging fake news rules. Survey of London: Volumes 43 and 44, Poplar, Blackwall and Isle of Dogs, Reconstruction and Retrenchment: The 1940s to the Early 1990s, Poplar Transformed: The Housing Programme, 19451980s, Setting New Standards: The Parker Morris professional staff in the 1960s and early 1970s, and demolition, we consider it would be wrong from social, practical, borough by contractors working directly to the Ministry in the Gough Grove scheme on the same estate (1970 House and the Technical College, where Stoneyard Lane time being. 69) own stock of 19,044 dwellings, thereby became landlord of (fn. Estate, but it is evident to a lesser degree on most of the (fn. expensively built post-war properties at a reasonable which gave as much flexibility as possible for occupiers 323. Simpson's Road that had been damaged during the war.

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