Enjoy your stay :). We encourage members to bring junior hunters and new hunters. All Rights Reserved. District 10, CA John is a stand up guy that is interested in quality hunting experiences. Whether you prefer small game hunting, ranching, or horse boarding our comprehensive listings go well beyond waterfowl wetland property. 13). If you would like an email update on our listings, please include your email below. We specialize in the listing and sale of row crop farmland, rice land with duck hunting, cattle grazing foothill land, mountain meadow pasture, and all types of orchards and vineyards. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. When they dive, be patient and keep scanning around the area for these small birds to resurface. CA 95932 530.458.2305 . Comments: Once in a lifetime opportunity to own a 100% interest in a Butte Sink rice farm/duck club. Each Owner has 1/14th equal share of all Real-estate and facility, club equipment, tools and hunting privilege. The Live Oak Gun Club is one of the most recognized duck clubs in California, while sitting in the heart of the most hallowed waterfowl hunting grounds in North America, the Butte Sink. Big Woody is an amazing multi-level blind that has had 1,000+ bird years out of it all by itself! All Rights Reserved. Piercy, CA Properties are the Road 50, Afton, Becks (if available), we are working on adding more properties.This membership also includes a 5 bird pheasant card on our private pheasant club located next to the Road 50 ranch. Located in the heart of the Sacramento Valley Corridor and the larger Pacific Flyway, Sebia Duck Clubis situated in an ideal spot. We are a premiere waterfowl hunting club located in the Sacramento Valley of Northern California near all major wildlife refuges of the Upper Butte Basin. Colusa Milling Warehouse We provide our members with multiple quality properties and blinds, ensuring that YOU get the chance to chase the birds all around the valley. Colusa Industrial Park, CA Both sexes have a white patch (much smaller on females) on their wings, visible when flying. At one time the club had 26 members in 1930 and an old brochure of the property is available for viewing which is quite interesting. document.getElementById('cloakef1f90344db561ddfcf3810bf4d65158').innerHTML = ''; If you would like to become a part of Pope Lake Hunt Club contact us today to receive the necessary forms to complete and send back to us along with the payment of $3,500.00 as soon as possible. This area is NW of the Colusa NWR and directly South of Delevan NWR historically a productive area for waterfowl hunting. Butte Sink, CA Compact ducks with round heads. We strive to keep our members happy! Considered by many as one of the best producing locations in the nation, th. We even find Mallards in our swimming pool every summer and have to chase them away, so they dont make a mess on our deck! This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Both sexes have large blue-grey bills with a black tip. Ive often accidentally come upon them only to hear them flying away saying ooeek-ooeek loudly! Youll never be stuck in one spot for the season. At this time we have (8) Shooting member all paying $2,900.00 per season. Lot 9: m/l 4.49 acres $673,500 Simmons Island Land Company, a duck hunting club located in Northern California's Suisun Marsh, seeks a year-round, on-site caretaker. Walt Disney used to say that the world is a carousel of color, and few waterfowl have taken this more to heart than the male Wood Duck. Wildlife residing full time on the property include deer, pheasants, dove and turkeys and of course ducks and geese in abundance seasonally. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sonoma County, California We provide an environment that is welcoming to everyone, including families, wives, and children. $780,000 | 300 Acres, Barrios Duck Club So much potential in this multi family home on a third of an acre close to schools, shopping and health care in friendly Fortuna! The best place to find these ducks in California is wetland habitat away from people. Once part of the legendary Dingville Duck and Social Club, it has been meticulously restored to natural marsh and upland habitat for waterfowl hunting. 8). There are an incredible amount of ducks that are considered farm or domestic ducks. These ducks are mostly silent, except during breeding season, where you may hear males give a soft, nasally whistle. Look for these ducks in shallow ponds and rivers in summer, while in winter, they move to unfrozen lakes or bays. Joined Apr 30, 2014 During migration, they reach speeds up to 48 mph (77 kph), and the record for longest non-stop flight is 1,800 miles (2,900 km)! Colusa, CA The hunting club and our restoration efforts have allowed us to network with like-minded conservation groups and agri-businesses that we can collaborate with onconservation strategies and responsibilities. There are 190 farmable acres, total farm 294.38 acres. Whatever type of California duck clubproperty you want to find for sale, we are the undeniable experts when it comes to securing that dream land. If you would like an email update on our listings, please include your email below. 1/15th Membership Interest. Stromer Realty California Stromer Realty, founded by the late Gordon Stromer, has been active in agricultural real estate since 1947. Just enjoy getting after em!! Traynham Ranch Colusa County Duck Club and Irrigated Pasture for Sale! Waterfowl Chasers is a duck hunting club about YOU! 1.03 Acres | 1,485 Sq Ft Unlike most other species, males dont sport any patches of blue, green, or white plumage. We occupy a prime 1200 acre triangular wedge of Simmons Island in the south-central portion of the marsh. $900,000 | 7,500 Sf. Males give a 3-part nasal whistle (whew-whew-whew) at any time of the year, which sort of sounds like a kazoo (heard below)! Wetland Easement: 100 acres The hunting leased on private property and screened membership makes safety a key feature for your family's enjoyment. (Appointed by Club Manager). Both males and females are generally silent ducks except during courtship. Welcome to Northern Flight Duck Club. If you only glance at the green head, casual observers in California might accidentally think these ducks are Mallards. Wild Goose Club is one of the most famed clubs in the Butte Sink. Beautiful Westgate private ranch style home set back nicely on just over a park like acre. Lot Line Adjustment: This property is part of a larger parcel. This information was prepared using the best information available but in no way is designed or intended to replace the accrual accounting or other legal documents that define property line, easements or agreement with county, State of Oregon or Federal Government and is only intended as a brief overview of real property, and how we operate the club. 5). The wetland restoration was carefully designed by Ducks Unlimited for a hunter. This duck club has a 3.4 gun average and has been a consistent shooter. $3,000,000 | 80 Acres, Wild Goose Club Over 80 years of collected resources, experience, and passion for the outdoors has evolved into this opportunity for our guests to come and experience some of the finest waterfowling, deer hunting and fishing in the Pacific Northwest. Terms: Cash at the close of escrow. We have roughly 4 work parties a year to brush blinds, Set out decoys, Pick up decoys along with one general clean up. If you have a nice pond or a marsh, feel free to put up a homemade nesting area to enjoy some adorable ducklings walking around your property! The breakdown is as follows: $15,500,000 | 1,057 Acres, Ferndale, CA Full use of the Grounds for Dog training. This refuge is home to millions of migratory waterfowl each year. Sybil "Sebia" (Jefferys) Davis, born August 9, 1845 in Brecon Wales, immigrated into the United States at the age of 15 in 1860. From Gridley, California head west seven (7) miles on the Gridley-Colusa Hwy to Hatch Road. All hunts are individually priced. This allows existing owner and prospective owners to get to know each other. We strive to make every hunt a memorable one and bring families together in the outdoors. The 20 MOST Common Ducks Found in California: Dabbling Ducks #1. 25 members (23 paid, 2 working) 2 fulltime keepers 42 blinds, including 8 standup and the remaining a mix of single and double tanks 1200 freshwater wetland acres and 5 private miles of SF Bay shoreline 12 single rooms, 3 suites, and 10 double-occupancy rooms 12 fenced & roofed dog kennels . Amenities: Indoor ATV parking onsite (included), RV/trailer parking with electrical (included), uplandfields for pheasant hunting, wash rack for atvs, duck plucking area, gravel parking lot for vehicles, foreman security on site 24/7. At Garcia's, you have potential for hunting ducks and geese in the morning, pheasant and chukar in the afternoon, and dove in the evening . In 2007, with the overwhelming support of the newly revitalized and energetic group of remaining family owners, trustee and part ownerMark Kirsten formed theSebia Duck Club. Office: (707) 455-4444 . Butte Sink, CA The club also allows the Ranch to increase its role in providing waterfowl and shorebird habitat through sustainable and waterfowl-friendly agricultural practices during the migration season. Common Goldeneyes are expert diving ducks in California. Both sexes have a steep forehead leading down to their black-tipped gray bill. I was trained by Orvis as a fly fishing guide and was in Colorado for 3 years with them. Well help you analyze properties to discover potentially hidden wetlands that attract waterfowl. Ferndale, CA Our properties have been expertly managed to provide safe, productive, and sustainable hunting for years to come. Want more information? No matter what part of California youd like to focus on, we can find you the ideal waterfowl wetland property. The new owners can continue to run it as . . One popular example is the Pekin Duck, which has completely white plumage. At Rich Island we hunt Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays during the long Pacific Flyway season, targeting Mallard, Pintail, Teal, Gadwall, and other dabbling ducks as well as migrating Canvasback, Widgeon, Bluebill (Scaup), Golden Eye, and their diver duck friends. She helped secure water rights on the Sacramento River, making possible the ability to farm for many generations to come. Head to almost any water habitat, and you are likely to see at least a few swimming around. Males make a guttural took-took sound during courtship, when alarmed, and in flight. Its hard to misidentify these striking ducks when seen in California. Some individuals even go across the north pole into Europe! This is your opportunity to own a beautiful hill ranch for either a small cattle operation or even a place to call home. Joined Sep 18, 2020 Messages 7 Reaction score 0. Build your dream home and watch the fog roll in and out of the Eel River Valley while elk and cattle graze the open pastures. We are going to increase the duck and goose food production for our two back lakes by planting softer crops for a more sustained duck and goose harvest during the season. An interesting behavior observed with Northern Shovelers is their ability to team up to find food. Great location in Southeast Chico These ducks are definitely the most common species in California! Non-breeding males and all females have shorter but still prominent pintails. We work towards developing hunting relationships that will last with all of our clients. Wildlife refuges are perfect places to start. We specializes in planning, establishing and maintaining high quality wildlife, habitat and land management plans based on personal goals and objectives of a landowner. Their short, reedy calls are often described as burps.. Check out our FAQs page or contact us for more details. Two of which are required or pay $200.00 to offset the cost of getting someone else to fill in for you. If so, one of these field guides should be able to help you! The ranch sits just 7 minutes north of Adin, and 40 minutes southwest of Alturas, CA. (10 species), The MOST Common Birds You May See in Your Backyard! If there is a concern, they are on top of it. District 10, CA A fairly large duck that has a long, slender orange bill with a black tip and dark eyes. Guest privileges for immediate family members. Northern California Hunting Land For Sale, Recreation Properties, Properties In Northern California, Properties In California, Outdoor Property, Hunting Property, California Hunting Land For Sale This rarely offered, very private 304+/- acre duck club is a real gem. California Hunting Leases helps screen potential members for one of the oldest and best multi-property hunting clubs in California. The owners had a very successful brooding year with over 200 mallards released. The ducks above are the most common species you may find in. Look for them in small ponds that have lots of vegetation. Mallards readily accept artificial structures built for them by humans. Just as pretty is the green plumage below the blue on the wing. We add members only when we add new . Buffleheads are picky nesters, and they will ONLY lay eggs inside of a cavity. The current owners farm the rice and pasture for Read More, PROPERTY TYPE:Duck Club, Farms and Ranches, Gustine is synonymous with great duck hunting. Whats interesting is that they also build their own nests and raise these hatchlings themselves. 15). The Ranch House, which still stands andis emblematic of the rich family farming historyin Colusa County. All duck hunting guides also welcome to post what they have to offer. Bordered by the Colusa National Wildlife Refuge as well as two private natural marshes, this area is a major attraction for the annual migration of waterfowl down the Pacific Flyway. 26486 Gun Club , Gustine, CA, 95322, Merced County. She was married to Howell Davis in 1864 at the age of 19. The property is located in Sutter County and is just 25 miles north of the Sacramento International airport. 3). 11). We have (6) Shooting memberships the help defray the cost of maintaining the Club as well as a caretaker who also hunts. To receive a complimentary property magazine, please provide your name and address below. You are on a list of ONE. (You will need an Oregon NW Goose Card), Invitation to all Special Events at the club. Four summer trap shoots including Lunches. 1). Planting 2 more acres of land never before planting across the main lake from the blinds. Turkeys are abundant in these foothills and the ranch is situated in D3 CA Deer Hunt Zone for blacktail. To advertise here send us a PM - we can pin your ad to the top of page Private Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Zoned: M2 Industrial Land, M2 Industrial Land Duck and Goose hunting everyday that that is allowed by State and Federal rules. Woodbridge Landing is one of the most historic duck clubs in the Butte Sink with an amazing history. You sign up to hunt on the website, pick your spot, and have the control to hunt on any day you choose. | Site by. Flocks of them will sometimes swim in circles together to help stir up food! DUTV headed west to California just prior to Christmas, joining long-time DU supporter Dennis Campini and his son, Logan, for a great exposure to the Grasslands in the northern San Joaquin Valley. One house of about 1,500 square feet with full kitchen one bath room a up. Price: $7,920,000 or $22,000 per acre. Both sexes have distinctive bills, which are large and wide! They are most often seen at the edges of reeds and other vegetation that provides cover. $680,000 Their short bill provides a lot of power to help pluck vegetation with ease! We have owners meeting twice a year the one in March is for conducting club business and election of club officer. As a result of the rice farming operation and our practice of flooding the fields after the season for both natural decomposition as well as wildlife habitat, waterfowl have flocked to the property in huge numbers for many decades. The soils & water on this farm suggest it can grow rice, corn, millet, and just about any other crop you could . Get ahead of the game now so you can enjoy waterfowl season on your own private land for years to come. This 316-acre club is strategically located between the 7,400-acre North Grasslands Wildlife Area. Full Club house privilege including a storage locker your own security code and key to the club house. Zamora Area, CA Gadwalls are easy ducks to overlook in California! At this time the ownership is set at $ 35,000.00 but is negotiable with the selling member. 3 Bed | 2 Bath. Proudly created with Wix.com. 12). The Roseville Duck Club - Gridley, CA. 5 Woodpecker Feeders Your Birds Will LOVE! Participant Agreement, Release and Assumption of Risk, Participant Agreement, Release and Assumption of Risk and Huntince License and Indemnity Agreement. Many people have private collections of exotic animals from around the world. 1.03 Acres | 1,485 Sq Ft We value the solitude of the outdoor experience of our members, so all of our blinds are spaced over double the average distance apart. Rich Island by the Numbers. $680,000 Join us for a hunting trip from Southern California as well. In California, Redheads are among the more sociable ducks you will find, especially in winter. We have blinds with or without water in the rice. Much of their habitat has been lost as wetlands have been converted to agriculture or other types of development. We are located in the Sacramento Valley, where thousands of duck and geese flock to natural ponds, riparian lined sloughs, creeks and rice fields. The duck club is primarily ranch land with some flooded fields, ditches and rivers flowing through the area. They almost exclusively use holes that were excavated by Northern Flickers, and on occasion, Pileated Woodpeckers. From there, well help you narrow down which waterfowl club and property is best for you and enter the negotiation process. $7,268,000 | 632 Acres. Private ranches fare the best deer hunting and as large as 60,000 acres. They are one of the most likely ducks to eat leftover shotgun pellets, making them susceptible to lead poisoning. All of the furniture goes with the sale. 581 Westgate Drive Our 16 ranches and 125,000 + acres offer our members the very finest hunting, fishing and camping the Golden State has to offer, including deer, pig, bear, waterfowl, fishing, camping, turkey, pheasant, quail and lodges. Merlo Waterfowl Company specializes in the hunting of ducks, geese, deer and fishing in both lakes and rivers in the greater Northern California area. A limit of 4 dogs at one time down at the blind. I use their site OFTEN to learn new information about birds! Subscribe Now TO KEEP READING, BECOME AN OUTDOOR LIFE+ MEMBER Save 50% for a limited time $12 / year OL+ membership includes: Unlimited access to OL+ stories Department of Water Resources - California Exchange Center Copyright Davis Ranches. The White Mallard consists of 969 acres, about 90% of which is dedicated to wetland habitat. They tend to stick to shallower areas near the edges of lakes and ponds. 193 Acres. Females are mottled brown with orange and brown bills. We hunt every day of the season that is legally allowed. Overall, Buffleheads are more silent than other ducks. It's also one more straw on the increasingly bowed back of California's hunting scene. To catch this amount of fish, its estimated they need to make about 250 dives per day! Guests must be accompanied by a regular member. The property has a great landing site for temporary trailers, houseboats, boatsand storage. The water is taken from the Sutter Bypass East/West Channels. Two diesel (150 gal. Believe it or not, these beautiful waterfowl are the second most abundant duck in North America, behind only (you guessed it) the Mallard. 14). Interestingly, they are also proficient at walking on land, so youll find them cleaning farm fields of barley, wheat, rice, and corn leftovers. Loss of massive amounts of wetland habitat to development caused a decline in numbers, along with the loss of their primary food source (wild celery) disappearing in many places. Providing high quality guided waterfowl hunts and exclusive waterfowl hunting blinds. Many dedicated people have put up next boxes in their breeding range to help provide more adequate nesting spots. Peterson Gun Club The Peterson Ranch boarders our Bowlsby Ranch and has 4 blinds in over 400 acres of rice. I was also trained by Squaw Valley as a ski guide. If you have any other question that I can answer please feel free to ask. Duck calling is assigned by skill level. Lot 8: m/l 2.74 acres $411,000 The property has a FWS conservation easement. Mallard How to identify: Males have a bright green head, thin white collar, dark reddish-brown chest, yellow bill, and a black rump with a white-tipped tail. 50% Interest In Cabin. 7). Females make a nasally sounding quack. Excellent income producing property for an investor And what remains is often contaminated and polluted, which Cinnamon Teals are sensitive towards. Conventional rice: 111 acres Fish are their primary food source, and they need to eat roughly 15-20 per day to supply their energy demands. The Golden State is a hunters playground when it comes to finding the best duck hunting property in California for sale. In fact, many of us have extensive experience hunting ducks on California properties. Ruddy Ducks are much better swimmers than flyers. 4). $900,000 | 1,455 Acres 614.6 Acres in Colusa, CA - $1,250,000 California Duck Club California Duck Club | 20% Ownership Interest Colusa County, California This historical duck club started in the early 1900s and shoots extremely well. Wood Ducks use abandoned tree cavities for nesting, but they also readily take to elevated nesting boxes. Interestingly, female Redheads practice a bit of brood parasitism, which means they will lay some of their eggs in the nests of other duck species and let them raise those hatchlings! $2,300,000 | 205.86 Acres. We strive to keep our members happy! 3 beds 1 baths 1,000 sqft. Join us for a hunting trip from Southern California as well. When hatchlings leave the nest for the first time, they often have to make a giant leap of faith (up to 50 feet) to the ground below! All our leases feature steel pit blinds on flooded rice fields, common feeding grounds for waterfowl species. While most people dream of getting to hunt a place this special in their lifetime, this is an opportunity to be an owner and member. This offers our members much more room to spread out and many times you will feel as though you have the property to yourself. Medium-sized duck with a peaked head. $2,700,000 | 216 Acres. Blue-gray bills that are tipped in black. Durham, CA Over 40 duck hunting clubs with geese and other waterfowl, all near Duck Refuges. The property is located in Sutter County and is just 25 miles north of the Sacramento International airport. You have to watch the video below to believe it. Females are a bit more vocal than males and make a variety of guttural scolding barks and grunts. One 20 HP , 3 phase , 480 volt irrigation Pump and connections. But all special assessments for capital expenses are shared by ALL owners equally. Thread starter genevabrett; Start date Sep 25, 2020; G. genevabrett Member. 10). The 1,311 deeded-acre Circle C Ranch is located in Northern California's scenic Modoc County. D. Designed2Hunt Well-known member. Start off by looking at our California duck hunting property listings for sale. In late winter to early spring, its possible to hear the males make a squeaky whistle. 1). $15,500,000 We serve hunters from all over California and Nevada. of Todd 's Listings. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This rarely offered, very private 304+/- acre duck club is a real gem. The owners all share equally in all other cost for the operation of the club that is not paid for by the shooting members. Thats why were here to connect you with the perfect waterfowl habitat to enjoy year round. Hunters commonly refer to the Common Goldeneye as the whistler because of the distinctive whistling noises their wings make when flying. Colusa Industrial Park, CA Butte Ranch Duck Club - Live Oak, CA - Stromer Realty California Farmland Brokers (530) 671-2770 Butte Ranch Duck Club - Live Oak, CA LOCATION: This hunting club is located in the world-renowned Butte Sink. Its hard to miss their bright blue bills and extremely thick necks. 26 Penguin Facts That Will Make You Waddle With Joy! Golden Ram Sportsman's Club - An Introduction to Who We Are In addition to providing a great place for members to get together and share the hunting tradition, the membership fees help fund conservation projects each year on the ranch. It's not for the faint of heart. The owner leased the ranch out last year and felt that the hunters could have gotten 1000 birds if they limited themselves to two blinds a day with three hunters in each blind. It is one of the very few duck clubs that generate enough income to pay for the operating expenses.

“From ancient times to a sustainable future”
duck clubs northern california
duck clubs northern california
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duck clubs northern california
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