In January 2017 on the 8th day of the special 9 day Fasting and Prayer Novena requested by Jesus, while the people were praying the Rosary in Our Ladys Chain House in Texas, the red substance appeared to weep on the Chapel wall again, in the same area that the Host appeared years ago. During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus, "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life." They search for their personal identity but find only confusion through drugs, alcohol, sex and depravity in mind and body. The fire is lit. She is hated in many hearts - many desire her blood. Please check your inbox to verify your details, Now download the free app for all the latest Sunday World News, Crime, Irish Showbiz and Sport. The war of the final battle is with you. In October 2012 a recording was made at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in the US, at the conclusion of Holy Mass. There will be much suffering before that - many disasters will occur in the world that will lead to great suffering and war. Day by day fresh events continue to pile up proof upon proof, powerfully fulfilling every single message received by Christina for the world from the very beginning of the apparitions to her of Jesus and His Blessed Mother - the most recent being the 'plan to have a. Jesus spoke to Christina on April 26, 2020; Message of Jesus to Christina on February 2, 2020 during flight to New York. Himalayan glacier broke and crashed into a dam - Feb 7th 2021, Mouse apocalypse on the march across Australia, damaging crops and invading homes - Feb 6th 2021, White Cliffs of Dover COLLAPSING - Feb 2021, Click HERE to Watch the CCTV footage of Norway mudslide. There are many websites making false claims about Christina Gallagher and the. People during prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016 Read More. It is important for all the people of the world. helpless and the innocent (the lambs). Your world has become a cesspool from hell and there many are going and you do not even see the grave danger you are in - in body, but greater than bodily danger is the danger for your souls. In an earlier message, which she claimed came directly from Jesus just before the vaccines had been produced, she said: "Fire, pestilence, plague, famine and the third world war will rage upon the earth until two thirds of the world's population is wiped out. Our thoughts and support remain with Paul's family and friends at this difficult time. Why,oh why,you generation of people, why are you so weak and will not listen, why will you not permit Me to grow in your heart and live in your soul? 19 July 2021 13:42 19 July 2021 13:42 Chosen Souls, Desk, Important Notifications Chosen Souls. London, United Kingdom As a Program Operations Associate with the International Migration Initiative (IMI) of the Open Society Foundations, I manage the . A break in prayer allowed a change-over giving more people a chance to be in the chapel - July 16 / 25th July 2016, People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside, at the side and the back of the House of Prayer, tents, cars, buses and people everywhere - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity mingling with the people outside the House of Prayer Achill - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016. Jesus spoke to Christina on 22 September 2017; Those who have criticised Christina Gallagher and the messages she delivers from Jesus and Mary over the last 30 years, as being. Amen." The more Covid comes along the more people will be dying and handing their cash over to her quicker.. Now is the time to listen and hear. Each of the gates is named for one of the 12 tribes of Israel. What you have seen of the man-made virus spreading throughout your world is only the first of a multitude of others still to come. Scripture Reading, The Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, Chaplet of Mercy, Angelus and Chaplets of Devotion. According to Gallagher, Jesus himself recently encouraged people to buy the picture for protection. Her life has been crushed though she does not understand the many souls I have drawn to Eternal Life through her suffering. Alan Sherry Sun 15 Aug 2021 at 00:30 Relatives of elderly followers of the controversial House of Prayer have said their parents won't take the. The fire will fall from the sky and many people throughout the world will tremble; others will die. Pilgrims of all ages from all walks of life come to Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill to answer Her call. It saddens My Heart because the protection I had obtained from God through such Houses is more needed for America than elsewhere. I will be removed from a darkened world. I told you all those things, My little daughter, many years ago but to no avail. When Jesus fed the 5,000 miraculously, 12 basketsful remained full of leftovers. My people, hear and respond. If they had paid close attention to the number of letters in the abbreviated word, they would know it could not be so and they would not be causing such confusion to others. I will open their ears to hear the Truth and their eyes to recognise it. My existence was far from your hearts. There are many evil spirits raised up and hailed high. (01) Christ complains His people fail to care about Messages from Heaven. The Blessed Sacrament over My Mother's Heart in that picture will remain illuminated for all. Only the remnant will remain in union with Me in silence. Fear not because I am with you: My gaze is always upon you and the houses you ever enter or the people upon whom you will ever invoke a blessing will be forever blessed through My Motherly Heart and through the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus. McGinnity, Christina's Spiritual Director comments, Christina invited all people to put their hands on the open Bible in their homes and pray; "Lord, I place my hands upon Your Word. People will live . _______________________________________________________ Many people have become one with evil and darkness - even those you think are good. My child, do not worry about those things. At first it will not be nuclear but will become nuclear and Russia will spread her errors throughout the world as I foretold at Fatima. During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus. Those who receive it willingly will die - unto eternal death.". Christina published this at the time in her autobiography. I endure deeply for all souls since the time of My Passion. Most inhabitants of the world remain asleep while many others fail to believe and run to find Me here or there. You will witness My Churchs closure and all of My sacraments mocked and disowned but with it will come suffering and death; death in body and soul for many. I have offered you so much protection but you rejected all I offered you. My Church - its deliverance is close at hand..*** The antichrist is in the height of his Date: April 19, 2021 - Affairs Christina Gallagher's 4 million home in Abington, Malahide GOVERNMENT EFFORTS to enlist social media celebrities and reach a younger cohort with public health advice may have overlooked one of the country's long standing and most successful influencers. God has richly upheld the truth of the messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace, given to us through Christina Gallagher, by many medically documented healings, conversions, the gift of knowledge and fulfilment of many world events. You were meant to endure - yes, suffering but not of this magnitude but God will multiply it many times for souls and one day, in Heaven, you and those who helped this Mission and especially helped you in the different ways that you needed, will be glorified by My Son Jesus. She also said there would be a virtual "Benediction" with a supposed Eucharistic Host that turned to flesh. "There was a gathering of some of the followers who met up and it was like an anti-vax discussion bringing up the mark of the beast and all this stuff. Her purchases included a mansion in the exclusive Abbington estate in Malahide in north Dublin and another mansion with its own lake, indoor swimming pool, snooker room and hot tub in Shropshire in England. They will unite with him who is Lucifer and, indeed, now there are many united with him in your time. "They think they'll go to hell if they get a vaccine". They are full of fear of where they are about go and what they are about to do rather than knowing they are meant to serve Me. Many, many of you including My priest sons who serve Me will go with him. The SMC's remit is to monitor progress in social mobility across all the key nations, but only to advise on policy in . THE controversial House of Prayer is set to open a new $2.2m centre in New York on Saturday where it will charge followers almost 400 for a picture which they claim will offer spiritual protection. Meanwhile, we can reveal that the House of Prayer spent $2.2m on a former synagogue in New York State which will become the newest House of Prayer in the U.S. when it officially opens next Saturday. _______________________________________________________ People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016 ** As we reported last week, Gallagher claimed to followers that Jesus told her: You will be called upon to receive the vaccine that is death, and the mark of the beast will be forced upon you. The Americas are called the new world but it is rather the dark world which spreads its poison throughout the entire world. Fo r s e r v i c e s t o t h e C h ar i ty Only pray. ", In one message Gallagher described the virus as "a weaponised disease of biological warfare" and asked if it's spread was "deliberately permitted by certain world powers to allow a stock market and banking collapse with a view to imposing more easily 'the chip' so as to usher in a total control of people?". The TIME-TABLE at Our Lady's House will be as follows:11.00 am - 12.30 pm. The substance when tested was confirmed to be blood. The red substance as it oozed from the stone in 2007 The only vocal prayers used are the usual prayers of the Catholic Church e.g. Stop running from place to place. A 250 picture of the Virgin Mary with roses has proved so popular that it is currently sold out, but dozens of other items are still for sale. [Message of Jesus to Christina - December 13th 2021 ], Dates of the Live-Stream events from the House of Prayer Achill to the New York House of Prayer have been re-arranged and will now take place on Saturday 4th & 18th December 2021 and then on Saturday 8th January 2022. Its very visible what shes doing. The 16th & 25th July has again in 2016 attracted crowds from across Ireland and many other countries of the world. The phrase means tyrants or aggressors (like wolves) do not need a real reason There are also many signs and wonders reported all the time. Anyone can pray in silence or just be present or leave at any time. As early as 1993 (25 years ago now) Our Lady spoke to Christina about the third world war. Another relative compared what is happening to coercive control because Gallagher has so much influence over her followers. She learned from Covid she doesnt need to go to them. Do not be afraid of what you see taking place through the many illnesses that will be brought upon the world - one by one, two by two, multiplying all the time to take life, in union with the third world war and all the unrest and hatred in the hearts of men. My daughter, I give you My call to My people: they hear but they dismiss My call and that of your Immaculate Mother. He said, "Woe, woe, woe unto the one who blocked My word to the heart and soul of mankind who might have responded to Me. Come to My Mother's House and receive the richest anointing of the fire of the Spirit. Jesus said. Sunday World they are worried their elderly parents who have medical issues could get seriously ill if they get Covid-19 but are adamant they won't take the vaccine. The number of thousands sealed is 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes. They are normal practitioners of their Catholic faith. On this island safety will abide. My people, My Sacred Heart cries out to you to look! Shortly after the House of Prayer was dedicated by Archbishop Cassidy on July 16, 1993, Christina had an experience in which Satan in rage was dispatching demons with the words, "Go, and do not return to me until you have destroyed that House -never to be resurrected!" Im sure this has led to death in some families already but it wouldnt shock me if she [Christina] was vaccinated at all.. "I am your Jesus who loves you and who partook of the chalice of sin for each one of you. You both have saved souls beyond your imagination. I will plead for their mercy always but as for those who found excuses to refuse to help you in this illness so as to leave you in the world to help guide it, I will take from them all that God gave in His great mercy and gift and they will have nothing. Gallagher claims various items which can be bought from the House of Prayer will protect people from harm. Those rogue sites mimic and mock Our Lady's Mission and try to discredit Her messenger Christina. Major Physical Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt, Major Physical Healing of Kathleen O'Sullivan. My brother had been asking me throughout that year; There are over 800 recorded testimonies of conversion and healing through Christina Gallagher and the House of Prayer Achill.

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