Read the section Filter the Visual to Render Blank. also let me know is there any other alternative to face this issue. Version: 2.81.5831.1181 64-bit (may 2020). If I for example filter by the message card, I can see the message card change but pie chart remaining the same. You should use the order by parameter for concatenatex to ensure the values in the returned string are in the same order as the string youre testing it against. In my table data I have a column called Category where there is two items 1) Pump and 2) Reactor. Hi Matt, I have successfully used this technique on donut charts without issue. If you have a visualization that supports drilling, by default, drilling one visualization has no impact on the other visualizations on the report page. Is this possible using Power BI ? Hide Which Slicer = c. Format the chart X-axis and Y-axis title text colour with [Hide Labels]. This show visual option does not work for card and donut chart. PowerBIDesktop I am trying to come up with a solution to hide a column from a group of users, I have set up OLS in tabular editor and it works it breaks the visual. -chart visual- Hope this helps. When certain conditions are met, you could display the appropriate instruction by changing the transparency. In my case I have a bar chart that I just want to show if a particular element of a dropdown is selected. Place this in a card, and it will reveal the order in which the VALUES() get returned. If you have edit permissions for a report, you can use Visual interactions to change how visualizations on a report page impact each other. SELECTEDVALUE(Products[Category]) = Bikes, If you want the visual to only appear if a set of specific values from the slicer are selected, then you will need to replace ISFILTERED() with a measure that yields a True/False response to a returned text string of the columns values. Quick edit to add if I set the filtering relationship so that graph B highlights graph A it does what I need it to on graph A, but still removes the selection and re-hides graph B. Hi Caitlin, Filter all items based on a selection on a visual, Nothing selected, the Table shows everything, Germany selected, table only shows RequestID=1,!Ancq8HFZYL_aiIgd8_NWbpeOz2QvWw?e=SdfUgB,, How to Get Your Question Answered Quickly. This is achieved simply by holding CTRL down when you click between the charts. However I need to use filters instead of slicers to filter things out as slicers makes report so much slow when using with comparitively huge data. Ive been trying to use a second slicer to show the table visual when clicked but have failed to make it work. I am sure this will be one option in the future. I have tried to create other measures to work as a filter as well with no luck. I have shared this post with many . The only thing you wont be able to select as soon as the table becomes visible is the column headers. Would you know why it is not getting applied the filter in visualization filters? In the modified [Check Filtered] measure below, each of these scenarios is available to experiment with, simply uncomment the logic to test. adroll_pix_id = "IGOZLB3K75HKRLOQVTGTEU"; When I'm developing reports, I'm asked multiple times to "hide" the slicers/filters from the report page. The names are table and column names are obviously made up, its just to give examples of the fact I am using different tables and all columns are different. Very nice trick. Nice adaptation Pete. Thanks for sharing your solution. And I want that zoom in/out control in Map. I want users to be forced to use the correct slicer depending on their Year Type selection. To hide the Map, it will need to be completely covered by the masking Card, but this means that interactivity with the map will be lost. Qlikview is a mature product, Power BI is not. [Matrix Measure with Check] := So ISFILTERED is always going to be TRUE thus my slicer-selection card based on your article always shows "Multiple Selections". Is it possible to do the trick on two slicers with an OR function or similar? Select your card, then go to the Visualizations Pane, and select the Formatting Paintbrush. As per my requirement, We have 10 visuals in one page( order by : 1 slicer, 5 tree maps, 2 tables , 1 bar chart and 1 line chart) all visuals needs to be appear only based on ealer filter.i tried but its not working as i expected bcz when i press 3rd visual its bcame blank. How can I remove it? It will work with any valid DAX formula, including OR, Matt congratulation for this article, it is very nice and interesting it. What my manager requested is to alter the table, that have the detailed travel information, in a way that, when we click on a country on the map, not only the single line of the travel request appear, but all the lines that are related to the request that have the selected destination. i.e. I have sales 1, sales 2, customer1, customer 2, item1, item 2 , date, sales lines 1, sales line2, sales history table For example, if I put [Total Sales] onto Values of a column chart, then [Hide Visual] is (All) and I cant adjust it, but if I put Territory[Country] onto Axis of a column chart, then I can set [Hide Visual] is 1. Glad this post has been valuable. I wonder if you can help with this I have 6 filters and I only want the matrix to be visible if any combination of filters have been applied i.e, if a filter has been chosen from: Hi Matt, Since i couldnt join the customer table when i use customer name and total sales from all 3 facts) the measure is not giving proper result. Hi Paula, Im currently having this same issue. But the final result video above is working fine. You made my day, Further to this, Im facing another problem. Hi Jason, great content. Thats a creative use of this concept. then send me pbix file to [emailprotected].im also doing the same requirements. Note : I have tried bookmarks and selection panes The is now gone and you just need to click on the Fx button, Thats very good explanation , can we add an image to the existing transparent card . I click on the first bar in graph A, which highlights that bar in graph A, hides my message card and makes a filtered bar graph B visible, while also filtering the table. Hi Aleksa and Jason, The || is a logical OR, but gives you the flexibility to move beyond a binary condition. Note: It is essential that the data type of this measure is text. If there is no data. In my case, there is not 3 ellipses in the background format section. Nice workaround. Question, what if you want to do a drill through, rather than a slicer? The problem is the card becomes transparent but is still considered the object in front, not allowing users to click on the other objects. Hope this helps. using standard table visual and sometimes my users may want to see all the options and filter separately by eg region. sorry I meant to write covering options with bookmark _buttons_. What Visual are you using? I know the subject may seem as somenthing obvious or irrelevant, but I'll try to clarify on the thread. If you want to save this guide for the next time you need to Show or Hide a Power BI visual based on selection, you can download the sample workbook here. Thanks in advance. Can you please show me how would the formula be if I want to use the function of specific selection in a slice? I have the same issue. Interesting. Please see the link in my reply to Jace. Start by selecting a visualization to make it active. Can you pls help me on below senero: In the Format button pane, I first turned off the button background Thank you again. I have followed the process but not getting the end result what is expected. Hi Mriganka, Remove the border and add a white box with a border behind your visuals. You need to place the measures as follows: thx so much!!!1. Yes, unfortunately the Gauge doesnt quite work with this solution. Page filter applies to all the visuals on the report page. Just make sure the card is only covering the Matrix header. What this will show is the selected PO with all line items in that PO. You should be able to drill through on the revealed visual, providing the Card is only covering the header. Personally, I find PBI to be a distant 3rd to the other tools I mentioned. I also found just now the solution in the comments below. You should be able to set most visuals up this way, but there are a few that wont work unless you fully cover the visual (see my Final Thoughts above). My trick: I just added ANY normal table field to the visual and then hided it, in my case it was a grid so I just hided it by reducing the with of the column to zero The tree map is cross-filtering the line chart and the map. Navy Blue For example, you could create an instructions section on the page, and overlay multiple text boxes with multiple instructions, all set to transparent text and transparent background. when user select Quarter then display only1 3.Tree Map and 1&2 should hide. In the case of the matrix being used in this example, this results in the matrix being rendered with just 2 rows visible. You never showed it in your video, but I assume having multiple categories selected would also trigger the transparency? ISFILTERED() is just checking if there is a filter being applied on the specified column of data, so in that case any selection or multiple selections on the column will result in the hidden visual being revealed. Yes, thats right. I used one of the barcode columns to appear in the grid, and the second one in the slicer. Very useful. Can you please suggest? Give me nothing when Check Filtered returns False The closest you can get to the solution described above is to cover all but the title of the Map with the message card. It has the same effect. I tryed also to hide a matrix, a table or something else and it does not seem to work. b. It is a one on one copy of the original table. In Power BI Desktop, select a drillable visual to make it active. This will make my reports so much more user-friendly. The fields used in the visual cannot be the same as the fields used in the [Check Filter]. Created table visual with all columns from Data table. I am not sure how Eduardo was able to change the field to Text, as it should be Text when you write the measure anyway. Example: I want to be able to filter by Part Number, but I also want to display which Part Number each row of the matrix refers to. SubCategory, Its work only in Chrome browser not in Edge or IE.Is there nay specific reason? Another way to accomplish this is to use visual level filters combined with dynamic titles. Format by = Field value after this , when I select button3chart , the visual should come back to chart (but still the first visual should remain as table). 6. I have a matrix which has the icon [+] so i can expand/collapse the rows. Thanks for sharing! Have you experienced the same problem and have maybe (hopefully) a solution? I have a challenge about it and ive been searching a solution for days without success. I have completed the selected value, but now need to implement the Text Filter on the same page. Are you referring to the new Search Bar in the Ribbon, or the search that can be added to a slicer? 2. Are you able to work with an additional column of data within your Territory table, say Territory[Region]? 3. But if we want to export data ,the tool tips of the visuals are not visible is there any way to get them. Underneath this slicer, there are two other slicers: Financial Year and Planning Year. ,BLANK() So the display could be controlled by a simple slicer, using a Measure as you advised. If the user selects a list of value from Segment slicer then bar graph should display Segment Target column, if the user selects combination of segment and team then bar graph should display Team Target column. 2. Hi! You need to make sure it is something that can be sliced by a column of data. The CheckFiltered measure goes onto the chart/matrix you wish to hide. This measure is also pretty easy. My best guess is that the measure is not correct. Segment. I had to make a few adjustments on my model, but your suggestion was my point of start for the solution based on my data. Do you have any idea which works the same but with filters? )) Unfortunately it is not possible to use this logic to filter both the slicer and the visual by the same field. This error suggests an error in the measure. Since that time, the article has become the most in-demand solution encountered on our website, and hence deserved a redeux. I adapted this to work with Cross Filtering (using a scatter plot as the source), so the user can click a data point and the underlying data is displayed in a matrix below. Your formula logic looks okay. Sales line2 joined with date and customer 2 table However, that behavior can be changed. SelectedName = IF(ISFILTERED(Image[Employee]), SELECTEDVALUE(Image[Employee])) // only reveals an employee name if a selection is made The process is the same in the Power BI service Editing view. correct. For customer presentations? Another good idea would be to share a small example final. Click on Conditional formatting, Select Format by as field value and then Based on field and select the [Make Transparent] measure. 2) Check Filtered = You can repeat this for all other visualizations on the report page. Managed to figure out with a different method and meant the Hide Visual measure wasnt needed as well. Coming from the Qlikview world and having used that for the past 8 years, its amazing to me that simple SHOW/HIDE conditions are not available yet in PBI. The interaction between [Hide Visual] and [CheckFiltered] can be tricky. Yes, it is definitely possible, but youll need to do some more work. For example, In my slicer i choose multiple entries, but in my table, I drill through the specific entry. very much appreciate the effort you have taken to bring beginners like me along and I feel I can do it in principle. 2nd challenge: sales history having the data until may 2019 remaining facts have data from June 2019. The button then becomes visible and has a defined action. Is it report server version maybe? 2nd Slicer Title = Hi Yashoda, There will always be such differences in such a case. Anything I can do as a workaround? But what if we want to select more than one value in the slicer. IF( When working with Maps, the world map will always render even when there is no data to display. Its like the visual should change independently. It really bothers him to see a visualization that doesnt make sense unless its sliced. Hi Ross, One issue with testing the result of concatenatex over the values function as in your example is that If there are other filters that could be applied, you cant be sure which item will appear first in the array returned by values. Yep, seems like this no longer works for the current version cards no longer allow a measure in the filters for the visual. It is very helpful. Thanks for your thorough write up. I have a question, what if the user wanted to utilise the select all filter option? Im using this on a stacked bar to unhide another visual but am coming up with a problem whereby some of the elements of the stacked bar (3 x time status e.g. I believe the solution I provided Raj below would help in your situation. I am using this solution to mask a bar chart until a selection is made. Thanks for the workaround. Be sure you are only putting the Message card over the top of the Table. Hi Abi, All I can think of is to add a bookmark and button that hides the overlay. You will need to set your Table up like the Matrix described in the article, with the CheckFiltered measure attached as a filter on this visual, and the Message measure to the card. Would that change things? Test Concat String = CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Products[Category]),Products[Category], ) You would have to test it. In order for the Conacenatex formula to work the desired selected values must be listed in the same order they will appear in the concatenated text string when the values are selected in the slicer. i.e. 1) Message = IF( My requirement is similar to this but I am unable to achieve the end result. An approach I have used in the past is creating some dedicated measures to use only on the gauge. In the measure, you use IF ISFILTERED. In the case of Maps, there will be a trade off. I want both visuals to appear based on a selection of either Customer[Occupation] or Territory[Group]. Have a look at this article showing how to conditionally format Just apply the same logic with the above transparent approach to do what you want. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. How can I use the same approach but with multiple filter selection and not only one? You have combined the [Check Filtered] and [Hide Visual] into one measure. This is a hack and it has consequences including that you cant interact with the header. I mean in my case it may happen some time data will come some time it will not. Is there a way to hide both secondary Year slicers, and reveal the right one when a user selects that Year Type? The second table is showing all content though I have set the Hide visual measure in Filter pane. It is possible to use bookmarks to show and hide an object, but the user must click a specific button to do this. Its not a perfect solution, but it works. Looks great. appended item 1 and item 2 Ive been trying to find a way to do this as well, the treemap approach is pretty brilliant. Can you Hide Show as a table option in Power Bi? The value of the measure seems to re-evaluate but the table visualization does not refresh based on the changed measure when a user resets the filter using the eraser. Here I have an example where [Check Filtered] is leveraging SELECTEDVALUE. Use the Edit interactions feature# For the first issue, here are the steps you need to follow: So, a little twitch in the settings solved this issue, but different cases may have different solutions. Hi Joy, Hi, I created all the measures as per the instructions here. All I get in the dropdown is Is less than, and I cant even select that or put a value in the box. APPLIES TO: It works the one way when a filter is applied but doesnt seem to work the other way when a filter is cleared to reset to no show all the records in the table? and done in 10 minutes thanks to you. Like Qlik has had for 12+ years. A DrillThrough can just as easily be the source of the filter. Power BI adds filter and highlight icons to all of the other visualizations on the report page. Ill give it a go! Thanks for the article. In Power BI Desktop, select Format > Edit interactions. If there is nothing selected in the slicer, I dont want to see the matrix at all, but instead see some instructions on what to do. Hi Matt, Both of these default behaviors can be overridden, and interactions can be set, on a per-visualization basis. For a scenario where it is necessary to have a specific combination of values from the one slicer selected before the visual can be revealed, ISFILTERED() is to broad and SELECTEDVALUE() is to narrow. Now, what I need (using request 20030 as an example) is to bring, when I click on Turkey, all the legs for each request, that would look something like below (remembering that I manually filterd only the request 20030). If this is the case, you will need to create a proxy, perhaps by duplicating the column. Need experts advise on a requirement. The desired outcome is to show the matrix when the user has selected an item in the Product[Category] slicer and hide the matrix otherwise. So the message would disappear if one selected the first slicer or if they just selected the second slicer? I hope this helps everyone. You can format that page as you like, the filters will be passed to the new page, and hence the concept of testing for the existence of a filter should still work. Currently there are lots of areas that can do this (including a chart heading) but often it has not been discoverable. With regards to using it in RLS, please see my reply to Raj below. If you click elsewhere in the table though, this will bring the table to the front, and then you can click the column headers to sort. Thank you so much for the article! I am trying to implement as you per your artice but here issue is getting error cannot convert value Monthly of type of text to type True/False, Check your measures. Excellent point. Lets say we have Visual B that would show more information (and other facts) on the 10 . For example, I was using it for a detailed grid, I only wanted to show information in this grid for the barcodes selected by the user. . The matrix(table) has no react on the filter Check filtered, being included in Filters on this visual. loved the video. I used this solution to hide the navigation buttons on the home page of my report. The filter is not being applied on card. I have no idea why it returns (All). The first measure that is needed is one that can return a True or False response based on the selection in our slicer. The mask covers the cards I want to hide, so this was very helpful. This helps greatly! As you say, this isnt necessary for the invisible card to work. Perhaps you could include another step in your instructions above showing how to change the Edit Interactions behaviour of the TreeMap from Crossfilter to Filter, so this cool trick can be used for other types of trigger visuals. The second is a table showing Total Sales by Country & Region. They do not belong to other attributes. I wanted to create a splash screen based on row level security. chart visual I have a functionality where in i click on a data point in a scatter plot, i need to unhide the visual. This is important as it means that the visual will render larger than the card when displaying information, which will enable click interactivity with the displayed data for further cross-filtering of the report. The critical element here is that I need to change my default visual interaction behaviour in the report from Cross Highlighting to Cross Filtering to engage the hide/unhide interactions correctly. However, it is not working. Hi Matt, First determine if the button is visible. The data is being pulled from the same measure data table and measures, so Im not sure why it will work for the stacked bar and not for the gauge. I hope they implement it soon. c. Hide Sales = IF([ShowHide] = [Current User], [Total Sales]) The terms cross-filter and cross-highlight distinguish the behavior described here from what happens when you use the Filters pane to filter visualizations. As I mentioned below, I just duplicated my column, used one in the grid and the other one in the slicer. I was wondering whats the reason to cover the title when one can easily see the visuals lol. Therefore, so long as [Check Filtered] is returning True, your message should be blank, and when [Check Filtered] is returning False your descriptive message will appear. But our users have IE as the default. I realise my concept is a hack and it has some limitations. I used this to allow for a dynamic axis generated from multiple slicers and a categorical measure. Very Clever its too bad PowerBI doesnt simply have a conditional show option as an attribute of all visuals, instead of needing a kludge (clever as it is) like Qlik has had for over 10 years. I am trying to select in the filter as 1. So if I have 2 objects (tables) layered one on top of the other, I should be able to control the DISPLAY attribute easily. MS is working on expression based formatting. Hi Mohnish, Your insight of using Treemap as a controllable color shape was brilliant and an eye opener for me. Hi John, Write a measure to check if there is a filter on the desired column (type Boolean). But I have an issue to select or show labels of the graphs that were hidden. If you place something onto the rows, then the Check Filtered measure will work. This is awesome Matt! Is this possible? Note: it is critical this measure returns an integer, a boolean result (true/false) will not work, nor will a text result. Im currently having this issue. The trick seems to be working slicers are used but not when a search bar is used. I will try to make another report using buttons (which are now primary slicers value) and bookmarks (and will select the one based on UAT). In the future I would expect that expression based formatting will solve the problem but as of today I dont know of a solution, You could take a different approach however. Resize the card so it is just big enough to cover the visible elements of the blank visual (top 2 rows of the Matrix). Good tutorial thank you! I am not 100% sure but I think you can do this with a matrix and table (you definitely can with cards), you would have to check. Yes, that is a problem. Im having the same issue. any help is appreciated thank you! If the Card is covering the entire table, you wont be able to interact with the contents of the table, including the scroll bar. Filtering and highlighting in Power BI reports, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Filters and highlighting in Power BI reports, certain Power BI visualizations can be drilled, If you want the selected visualization to cross-filter one of the other visualizations on the page, select the, If you want the selected visualization to cross-highlight one of the other visualizations on the page, select the, If you want the selected visualization to have no impact on one of the other visualizations on the page, select the. The SELECTEDVALUE function simplifies the syntax required when you use a numeric column of an entity as a parameter in a calculation. . How can I disable filter on visual on Power BI?# 1. I have one challenge in our BI reporting. Visual 1 = on Visual 2 = off (or Visual 1 = off Visual 2 = on) .. Thats the way it works when rendering web pages (tables) . This worked for me. based on user selection in SLICER then chart should display? If a Part Name however can have multiple Part Numbers, then you will get the alternate result (a blank) returned by the [Measure] if more than one part number for that part name is selected. The tree map is also cross-highlighting the column chart. Any workaround tips will be much appreciated. Check Colour goes onto the conditional formatting of the data labels and Callout value. Great tutorial. Ive a requirement where specific chart/s in a page shall be available to the user based on user role. If you would like me to take a quick look at your workbook, Id be happy to assist. If so, you could build the Check Filtered measure to react to the Part Type. Those elipses are on July 2019 desktop version. Hi Torge, You still need the [Check Filtered] measure to return a True/False response in order to work as expected. I have tried with || but it doesnt seem to work for me. Write a measure to display a user message on the card based on the user selection (type Text). As per my requirement, We have 10 visuals in one page( order by : 1 slicer, 5 tree maps, 2 tables , 1 bar chart and 1 line chart) all visuals needs to be appear only based on ealer filter.i tried but its not working as i expected bcz when i press 3rd visual and ot is filtering 4 visual but 3 visual became blank.

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power bi filter visual based on selection
power bi filter visual based on selection
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power bi filter visual based on selection
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