Mamalona adj Beautiful, excellent, or sexy. El Chapos sons always refer to him as Mi Ap. Ranero noun A Californian chicano word for a member of the Mexican migrant community in the United States most often an undocumented migrant. Tequila noun A highly regulated mezcal, certified and distilled in the state of Jalisco, made from the blue agave genus of the maguey plant species. Fijado adj Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or takes everything very personally. se cruz al Gabacho (he crossed into the U.S.). In U.S. slang, this term is translated into the pejorative wetback. Changos! i.e. A telling off. An individual who one cannot take seriously. e.g. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. See below for the ever expanding list. It is not a race, it is a nationality. Buena Onda adj A person who is easygoing or pleasant to be with. e.g. e.g. Regio noun A native of the city of Monterrey. Literally I cant find the head nor the feet. e.g. Desmadre 1. noun A bad situation. Al pedo adj Alert, or up to speed with a given topic. Traes pual sobre el presidente (Youre right about the President). Literally" You have a heavy hand. noun The act of relaxation, or doing nothing and taking it easy. Asumakina exclam A more polite way of saying A su madre! Guarura noun A bodyguard. Most often heard as the phrase Me caga(s). la Morena esta coqueta y resbalosa expression Impolite and sexually-suggestive way of saying that the road or motorway is wet with rain. e.g. i.e. Zarandeado noun A food preparation style, in which a fish is basted in a blend/rub of spices, and then grilled over charcoal. Fichn noun An excellent move, or placement of a tile, in the game dominos. Ese cantante les encanta a las viejas (Women love that singer). Cantina noun A traditional, or old-fashioned, Mexican bar or drinking hole. e.g. This is a dish inherited from Lebanese immigrant cuisine. Gorrn noun An individual who is happy to consume, but unwilling to pay their share. No le encuentro ni pies ni cabeza a su excusa. e.g. Wey e.g. Auto Chocolate noun A vehicle registered in the United States, which is brought across the border without undergoing the proper import procedure, and is simply used in the border region. Para que persinarse expression Said to accompany a gift or payment, usually of money, to the recipient, signifying that they might make the religious sign of the cross. So called because it is most prominently felt when doing the motion of using a salt-shaker. Cotorro noun Descriptive of a happy, relaxed or easy-going individual. Curado de Bigote noun The dregs of a barrel of alcoholic drink. Tenemos tiempo que no bochincheamos (Its been ages since we tore it up.). Soltar el borrego Literally to release the sheep. Its all yours.) Ese wey tiene el colmillo largo (That man has a great deal of experience in what he does). 2. reflexive verb To go somewhere. e.g. A drinking session. Angelpolis noun A nickname for the city of Puebla. Topure noun Indigenous term for rich, red, loamy soil, found particularly in volcanic regions. Kiosko noun A rural towns main square. Alegra noun A cereal bar made from honey and the amaranth grain. noun A monkey, or any species belonging to the primate genus. Que Cura! (What a laugh!). Thus, those members of the mountain peasant classes who became the barons of local narcotic production became known as buchnes (from buche, meaning throat) he of the swollen throat. Used to distinguish between the letters I and Y, which are pronounced similarly. Whenever I throw in words from it, my friend tells me I sound Mexican. a garage door, or front gate. I ate too much chilli.). 10 Mexican Slang Words to Survive on the Streets Because of all the attention Hollywood has put on cartels. Used to express ones connections to the criminal underworld. The most stereotypical Mexican expression. In Mexican slang, chavo and chava are terms used to refer to young people. Context involves the onga. Raramuri noun A tribe of indigenous people native to the state of Chihuahua. Chilango (Someone from Mexico City) 10. Tenis are trainer shoes, or sneakers, so the literal translation is you have sneakers on, thereby allowing an individual to sneak up on someone without their hearing. e.g. Trompazo noun A punch in the face, or on the nose. Chongos noun A dessert known as burned milk'. Ensear el cobre verb Of a person, to reveal an ugly or darker side, having previously preserved a more acceptable veneer. e.g. It also allows multiple sorting criteria! The expression comes from the Mexican-American war (1846-1848) in which the U.S. Army infantry uniforms were coloured green, giving rise to the pidgin English saying among the Mexican population Green Go Home, which was shorted to Gringo. Dote noun A dowry paid by the grooms side of the family. Best example are street tacos. Caparazn noun The hard skin or armour of an animal. Atascada/o adjective Descriptive of a person who wants everything for themself. See authoritative translations of Mexican spanish to english in Spanish with audio pronunciations. Servidor(a) noun A reference to the first-person, i.e. Equivlanet of asshole or prick. Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. hazme un paro (do me a favour). Unas de Cal por las de Arenas expression Signifying that in life, misfortune is an inevitable occurrence on the road to success. Valer Madre verb Of something to come to an end, break or become defunct. Bolillo noun A bread roll, or individual sized piece of bread. e.g. Tepache noun A drink made from fermented pineapple skin. Que rollo! (What a nightmare!). is correct, while Quin pomp las chelas is not. Literally with ones hands in the dough. Chingatelo/la: imperative 1. Me toca ir al cocherio maana. See Cagar. Chilangada noun A rude of discourteous action undertaken, befitting of a Chilango. I-Griega noun The letter Y. e.g. Cuete noun A pistol or gun, another way of pronouncing cohete. Enchilarse verb To overdo it on the spiciness of ones food, and suffer the effects. Mexican slang ( mehk - sih - kuhn sleyng ) phrase 1. e.g. An Ox (castrated bull). Ese personal pronoun A very chicano way of saying him, or that guy. Pedo While the literal translation of pedo is fart, the word is commonly used in Mexican sayings: Peda noun A drinking session, or event at which one goes to drink. English Slang. Spanish Slang Words | Stop talking like you're reading from a Spanish dictionary! Temazcal noun A prehispanic steam bath, in which a brew of herbs is poured over hot volcanic stones. Chido Chido means cool, awesome. Literally Im not a gold coin. Vale, ms tarde me paso por ah. Lo perdiste por puto (You lost because you were a coward). Practice Spanish vocabulary with SpanishDict's interactive vocabulary quiz feature. Check out Mexico Relocation Guide. The reference is to the way in which one feeds a small child, meaning literally they want it peeled, and put directly into their mouth. Can also be used in a rude way, using double-entendre, in the context of the verb pelar. Most vocabulary lists and dictionaries are terrific for words that strictly adhere to standard definitions. Most often used in the negative version, as a complaint. adj Descriptive of an individual with rural, or unrefined tastes. Its delicious. Dar la cara verb In a situation of conflict or disagreement, of a party to present themselves in person to respond. expression To reveal a secret or piece of gossip. Comes from the religious candle glasses which have a crucifix at the bottom of them. CJNG acronym Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. Equivalent of Snowflake in modern English parlance. Mira ese guey con la luz verde, que no se mueve. Be very careful who you call buey. Lambiscon noun An obsequious individual. Mames. Also Zape. Nochtli noun The Tuna fruit in the Nahuatl language. This word comes from a measure of five tortillas in 19th Century Guadalajara, known as a Tapata. Literally, theres the potato. Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. It's definitely more of an intermediate dictionary. It uses all the verb tenses and object pronouns with no explanations. es mi Gallo expression referring to something the speaker wants, desires, or is interested in. exclam Wow! Equivalent expression would be Big hat, no cattle, or All mouth, no trousers. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir up controversy or ill-feeling. Chiflar y comer pinole, no poder expression Meaning it is impossible to do two things well at the same time. They are usually extremely colourful characters. Something which a person might say they would eat with their eyes. Bochinchear verb To make a ruckus, or commotion, often in the context of the consumption of alcohol. e.g. No te pases de verga! (Dont be cheeky!). The etymology of the word comes from the Nahuatl term Chilantzin, meaning foreigner or stranger. Botana noun A snack, or starter course. Zetas noun A criminal cartel originating in northeastern Mexico (Tamaulipas and Veracruz) founded by a special forces military task force which went rogue, forming its own criminal organization, initially against the Gulf Cartel. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. (jargon) a. la jerga (F) You'll never catch me wearing a hoodie and trying to talk slang with teenagers.Nunca me vers con una sudadera y tratando de hablar con los adolescentes en su jerga. Camagun adj Descriptive of damp, or still green, firewood. No hay moros en la costa expression Literal equivalent of The coast is clear in English. English . This phrase comes from a brand of unfiltered cigarettes named Faros (Lighthouses), which were rolled in a specific paper, which smokers found pleasant to lick before lighting up. Bullshit. Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. Tapete noun A placemat at a dining table. b. nappy (United Kingdom) Tepec noun, nahuatl. Panga noun A small fishing boat. Comerse verb To have sex with someone. Michelada a compound of the phrase Mi Chela Helada (my ice-cold beer), and is a beer flavoured with different condiments. A rare and delicious dish, if you can find it. A female partner, girlfriend, wife or hanger-on, of a member of the Sinaloa Cartel. The Chilangos say its possible, the Provincia says its not. Chavo/Chava A boy/girl or young person. Poca-madre adj Depending entirely on context it can mean: 1. Taparabos - noun Despective word for indigenous clothing, in that it serves for little more than covering ones bottom. Perifoneo noun In smaller, more rural towns in Mexici, the act of advertising your services to the community by broadcasting your message from a loudspeaker within your home. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for THE SLANG DICTIONARY: ETYMOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, AND By John Camden Hotten *NEW* at the best online prices at eBay! As in si, man. Best translated a blondie. See this report for more information on Escamoles. a n. (gen) argot m , jerga f. [+of a group, trade etc] jerga f. to talk slang hablar en argot or jerga. Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. Best translated as Ah Fuck! Wife, girlfriend, or long-term partner. Esa putiza no tenia madre (that beating was bloody awful). e.g. ( What would you like to eat? These terms are still commonly used, but you may have . verb To act in an unfair or selfish manner. Flaqueando verb To struggle. So-called after the working class neighborhood of Tepito in Mexico City. Que te gustaria de comer? Malaguea, a la expression Something which is done in a deceptive, or cheating, manner. e.g. There are two main varieties of tuna: red and green. This example is not recommended unless you are a regular and well-known patron of the establishment. El nuevo iPhone esta muy perro.. ). Molcajete noun A mortar the bowl implement in the pestle-and-mortar kitchen tool. Vale Verga exclam Its worthless. Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde. (For he who is smart, wherever he lands, its green. Lo mand por un tubo (They told him to piss off). Wey means "dude" when talking to friends. Aguanta vara! (Dont be a pussy. Hazme un paro expression Do me a favour. e.g. As in, something which one might not want to do. b) The best, or very successful, person. noun A bar, or stick, used to block a doorway in the absence of an actual lock. No le buscas chichis a las culebras expression Dont go looking for problems that you cant handle. Not all Mexicans are dark skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. Most of the time, a naco acts unpleasantly, is not well-educated and uses certain colorful slang. pale, pallid complexion. An individual who has the tight curly hair typical to black people. Either economically, or in a situation which one is not apt to handle. To have verbal-diarrhea. Darle las tres verb To take the final few puffs on a cigarette or other smokeable item, in order to finish it. Cabal exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in exactly!. 2. adj Descriptive of a person who is dynamic, flexible, and has good business sense. Huevn noun A lazy or work-shy individual. Qu padre! : exclam Common insult which is relatively self explanatory. Chinga tu madre! e.g. (Citations have been removed to resolve Google's penalty against this . rale exclam 1. A commonly used word of Spanish slang to express agreement. Neta noun An unequivocal truth. Ya me la hicieron de pedo (They made a scene). Free shipping for many products! 1. noun Derogatory term for a left-leaning political activist, who most commonly expresses their views through social media. Alguien quiere de mi ceviche? Asaduda noun A pluck in butchery terms. e.g. Equivalent of cheeky monkey. Chonguitos noun The term for crossing ones fingers in the hope of receiving good luck. Often abbreviated to simply Chivo. Has different forms across the country, but is most commonly in a salt-rimmed glass with lime juice. Jacal noun A shack, or rustic living shelter. Tirar Para verb To engage in sexual intercourse. For example, running a red light in your vehicle, or being cut up in traffic. Everybody understands it in Mxico. ya pagame lo que quiero! e.g. "La luz esta en roja, pero no viene nadie. noun Mexico City. Albur noun Wordplay in which a sentence is constructed to sound like a more offensive grouping of words. Capitalino noun A native of Mexico City. 2. Mixteco noun Indigenous peoples native to the northern sierras of Oaxaca state. Chingar verb. A Toda Madre exclam Expression meaning excellent. Spanish Slang- Spanish Nicknames of People and Cities; Chilean Spanish Slang; Classic Spanish Songs; Argentine Spanish Slang; Spanish Slang- That's Cool; Palero noun An individual who is quick, or easily convinced, to change their allegiances. Paro noun A favour. Also Apachurrado. (Cool!) e.g. It's similar to "ok" or "alright". These are the individuals who hang out of the side of the bus to coordinate the charging, taking on and letting off of passengers. De Huevos adj Excellent, or very impressive. Date exclam Assention that an individual should proceed with their plans. Rajarse verb To give up, throw in the towel or quit. In that they smoke like a chimey. They are also known as the Tarahumara in the Spanish language, although that word is a bastardisation of how the people refer to themselves. Halconear verb To spy or follow someone in a clandestine way. Pichicatear verb To haggle over price, usually with a miserly attitude. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir up controversy or ill-feeling. Also La Penultima. The most common Mexican groseria, which in colonial times meant to rape, but which now is equivalent to 'Fuck in English, given the vast quantity of derivatives and phrasal verbs that stem from it. Fulana/o noun Nondescript way of referring to a known individual. De Pelos Antiquated description of something which is very good or impressive. e.g. Dar Culo verb Of something to make a person nervous or scared. A verb originating from the nahuatl native language meaning to embrace with the soul. Stemming from the days in which a taxi meter was similar in appearance to a roulette wheel. Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. Pariente noun A rural term for ones esteemed companion, colleague or friend. Literally something for a soda. Caon expression Polite way of saying Cabrn (1). Take the money, or get shot. Groseria noun. Carnitas noun A preparation of pork in its confit (i.e. Chile, mole y pozole expression An expression denoting that a person is not picky when it comes to food, as in theyll eat anything. It is then often mixed with beer, to make michelato. Choro noun A tall story, most likely false. This expression comes from the pulquerias of Mexico, in which the dregs of the clients drinks would not be discarded, but rather collected in a separate receptacle. Me aviento para alla (Ill rush over there). Tends to be regional term to Chilangos. Cola que te pisen expression To have a shady past. Literally Its not every day that a donkey dies, given that the work animals are seen as having longevity. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). This is the cartel which shot down a federal governments helicopter in 2015. Other country-specific Spanish slang Mexican slang Colombian slang Cuban slang Peruvian slang Argentinian slang Chilean slang Venezuelan slang It's not a bad word, but it almost surely comes from a bad word. Also known as Aporreadillo. Nahuatl term for a mountain or hill. Ap noun North Mexican way of saying Pap (father). i.e. Also Sape. This guide to slang will take your Spanish learning to the next level. Pendejo One of the most used slang words in Mexico is calling someone a 'pendejo'. Mexican slang for someone with a tacky, or poor attitude, and is considered less sophisticated than your regular member of society. Hes not paying attention.). Colmillo Largo expression Denoting a persons wisdom or experience, often used in the context of business. Relleno noun Colloquial term for a King card in a deck of playing cards. En el bote (In jail) 7. Literally, to have a long canine tooth, referring to predatory animals who, when they have survived for a long time in the wild, have very long and sharp teeth, and are expert in the hunting of their prey. The original piatas are a ball with seven spikes protruding from them, designed to represent the seven deadly sins. Cheve noun A Norteo equivalent of Chela. e.g. La luz esta en roja, pero me la voy a pasar a la Viva Mexico. (The stoplight is red, but Im going anyway because Long Live Mexico!). Tenemos maciza, costilla o montalayo (We have lean meat, rib, or tripe). Pasar de lanza verb To trick or con someone. Plata o Plomo exclam Expression translating literally to silver or lead, and used to describe the choice often faced by people threatened by organized crime. e.g. noun The gift given during a baptism, usually in the form of money. Generic term for an adult woman, or women. Batear verb To reject something or someone. Chilln noun A whiner, or someone who is regarded as a complainer. e.g. Al Gusto adj Usually referring to food, prepared in the style which the diner desires. Maldoso adj Of an individual who is not trustworthy. Equivalent of Whatshisname. Not, as one journalist at the Daily Mirror once translated it: Asta La Vista. Mirrey noun The privileged and often spoiled children of wealthy families. Also gringo. Pacheco 1. noun A stoner, or someone who enjoys smoking marijuana. Dicharrachero noun Descriptive of an individual who speaks in a manner which uses a lot of colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the language. Equivalent of yours truly in English. In a football team, if one of the teams defenders is clearly a weaker player than his colleagues, then he is the potato, and should be targeted in order to win. Picadero noun A crack-house or drug den, so called because it is where people go to inject (picar)/. Pasarse de Verga verb To overstep the line, to be cheeky, or do act in a way that is unacceptable or impolite. e.g. Equivalent of spill the beans. Se hizo en la casa de un servidor (It was done in my house). Tepito noun A notoriously dangerous neighborhood of Mexico City, to the north of the Zcalo. i.e. 2. You'll find more than 5,700 citations from TV shows, movies, news publications, and other sources. Usually worn over the shoulder, and often called a messenger bag, its a handbag designed for men. Chiquilique noun A sea creature known in English as a Pacific Mole Crab. Also Pueta. Gangoso noun An individual who speaks with a very nasal voice, and often with a cleft palate, rendering them unable to pronounce words exactly. I-Latino noun The letter I. Golfato noun A persons sharpened sense for easy women. Literally A donkey has no fear. Chido adj. Chipotle noun A Jalapeo chilli pepper, which has been allowed to mature to its final red colour (usually, they are picked while still green), and then put through a process of smoking and curing, to obtain a final product. The phrase means pepper pork in Mayan. Cuira expression Hello in the Raramuri, or Tarahumara language of Chihuahua state. Lo llam a cagarlo (She called him up to give him a telling off). as in, I wouldnt even do it if I were drunk. 3. noun An important person or boss. Chingadera: Something without value or importance. Also Valer Madre. "Meksikano, which is then abbreviated to chicano. Pingo adj Descriptive of very cheeky, active or strong-willed child. Marquesita noun A street dish originating in the Yucatan peninsula, in which crpe batter is pressed into a large pancake in a specially-made waffle press, filled with any of a variety of toppings (although most feature Edam cheese), rolled into a tube, and eaten. Comes from the Nahuatl word for a tent or makeshift shelter. Patn noun An asshole in the figurative sense. Me Mama exclam A rude expression synonymous with Me Gusta (I like it). A rude expression, or curse-word. A Toda Madre adj Excellent, or first class. Chanchullo noun An agreement or deal reached under the table, or in a way that circumvents best business practice. noun A problem or issue, often one without a quick or easy solution. Gayola noun The worst row of seats in the house or theater. Also Travieso & Tremendo. Chino noun Anyone of East Asian genetic origin. Viste el gol de Ronaldo? The Spanish Slang Dictionary Directory Commonly eaten in Mexico and the wider region. Literally, to save their gullets. Its most commonly eaten in taco form, with coriander, onion and pineapple. Cuate noun Friend, or mate. What do you want to comer?. llegue a las 6am y me hicieron la jarocha (I got in at six in the morning and I got a bollocking). bueno hello la pachanga party el chupe booze chafa crappy codo cheap el cantn house el aventn ride el mole mole agitado bummed out abusado look out chingn badass el chingo shitload Chale! Me mama, Te mama, Le mama, Nos mama, etc. Corazn de Pollo adj Descriptive of a person who is easily moved to tears, or is very affected by the suffering of others. A commonly used term in Mexican slang, neta translates roughly to 'truth' or 'really? 2. the Yucatan Peninsulas states of Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, in that its inhabitants are predominantly of Mayan ethnicity. Tortilla de Harina means a Wheat Tortilla. e.g. lets do it!, sure!. The majority of crimes using vehicles committed in Mexicos side of the U.S. border region are done using autos chocolates. Darle por la libre verb To freestyle something, or go ahead without making a prior plan. Ajale exclam Exclamation indicating surprise or shock. Also, Guey and wey. Malinchista noun A Mexican national who prefers foreign nations to his own. you need to learn the slang of the region. No tener madre adj Descriptive of something or something to be particularly malicious or bad. 2. noun An excellent or powerful individual; the best in his or her (Chingona) own field. Cakito noun A young thug or would-be gangster. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Literally, to give them cramp. Zorro noun A member of the Mexican Armed Forces who has no common sense, or does things without thinking them through. Flauta noun A deep-fried rolled-up taco, so called because it looks like a flute. Shiv exclam Cheers in the Zapotec indigenous language, native to southern Oaxaca. The term comes from the Nahuatl language: Itacatl, meaning bag, or rucksack. Ballena noun A Caguama, specifically of Pacifico beer, found only in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, where the brewery is based. Montalayo noun Provincial word for the mixture of cooked entrails from an animal. Common Mexican Slang Words and Expressions 1. Literally If you dont know God, then youll kneel to any saint. Simple as that. Literally means a twin, but is used often in a fraternal context. Literally a parachutist. Duda, no quedarse con expression To go ahead and do something that you are considering. Fuchicaca adj Bad, ugly or undesirable. e.g. The oxford dictionary of slang. Therefore, Quin pomp chelas? (who bought the beers?) Literally to eat clown. ( Ive never had Pozole Verde in Chilapa, but I like the one I had in Acapulco. e.g. Also Chilangazo. Lacra noun A delinquent or undisciplined individual. Urban Dictionary: spanish slang spanish slang The use of non dictionary words in the Spanish language, street talk, made up words our culture has made up over the years I came to urban dictionary looking for a Spanish version to help me figure out what a word used in Spanish slang meant, only to find out their isn't one . 9. El tiene un chingo de dinero (He has a lot of money), Duele un chingo (It hurts a lot). Is it true?' Gacho Gringo noun A U.S. citizen, most often of European descent. Rudo noun A heel in wrestling terms. Asagata noun A rude version of Asafata. Coyotito noun A nap. Chicano noun A Mexican American, most often second-generation immigrant. The expressions etymology derives from the accented pronunciation of Mexicano, i.e. Medios Chiles, Estar a adj The merry, or tipsy state of drunkeness. Te desayunaste payaso hoy? (Youre in a silly mood). Te mando un whats (Ill send you a WhatsApp message). e.g. Calli noun Nahuatl word for house. Ya Llovi exclam Signifying that a significant amount of time has passed since the last time an event occurred.

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