This is a sensitive Sun that is always trying to guess peoples motives. The hair is fine and may be light in color; it may grow rather low on the neck. This warrior is wise and sincere. Feelings are effortlessly expressed and communicated. What does it mean if someone's uranus, neptune and pluto is the same as yours. career in education. When it comes to the things they can manage about their appearances, Virgo rising may take to extremes. Sign Quality Differentiation by base outlines (as outlined by master astrologer John Willner):CARDINAL - OVATE/ROUNDED FACES. Sun/2nd house: a rich chief executive officer sits in their room, set in a gigantic skyscraper; theyre on top of the financial world. Taurus Risings need to feel safe before approaching anything new in their lives. Looks can be deceiving. There may be confusion regarding this Mars . Ones able to slowly charm other people with their shining and sensitive ideas in order to change peoples perspectives. This Security is achieved through deep understanding other peoples will and objectives. Gemini Risings communicate easily and playfully, as if it were a game. This is someone who is very private but very in touch with ones emotions. One presents themselves as original and eccentric in the way they present Body is slim and graceful in movement. This person may seem to make rash decisions, i.e. And they posted good aesthetic posts too. This Moon may be constantly called to tend to other peoples affairs and material matters. This Sun shines with golden celestial beams and expresses itself through spirituality and/or art. Clothes and accessories are carefully chosen and tend to harmonize in a wider context. Symmetrical faces, compelling eyes, oval face shape, bigger foreheads, nice cheekbones, nice booties. Leo rising means that Leo was the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The family is embedded in religious matters and vice-versa. For that, other people have no option but love them or hate them; theres little space for in-betweens considering such an impactful attitude. Just like their symbol, Leo risings always have a full mane of hair that makes them distinct. The 1st Jupiter in the 1st house: sit in a giant library, an old magician reads quietly. Its easy to understand why reading maps with Libra on the Ascendant may be considered so hard. Great advices are given by this Moon. and honour. We can further describe Leo Risings by analyzing the position the Sun occupies in a birth chart. It should be safe to say that life for a Taurus Rising is a quest for finding security in the world, even if the meaning behind this quest, whats made it necessary, is mostly subconscious. There may be insecurity regarding ones function in society, which may be considered too fragile, sensitive or silly. They are usually running way If a Scorpio Rising doesnt like what they see, they will try to transform it into something better and truer than it was before. There is so much impulse and boldness in Aries Risings These people will often support others creativity over their own. Possessing all these kind of things and working their way to acquire them is what they feel makes them secure as individuals. But in this case this house is occupied by the sign of Libra, blending together two opposite energies to produce an unique experience. Sun/3rd house: a salesperson, dressed very elegantly, talks quite joyfully to a group of new clients; the group seems positively impressed. On the opposing end, someone with a Virgo stellium in the fifth house would express themselves a bit more subtly, and would work very hard on their individual creative contributions. Look at the sign the stellium is in! Physical well-being and feeling beautiful become Often these individuals do better in a less rigid schooling environment, and may do a lot of studying on their own. Gorgeous emotions are well-expressed through art or through pareting. This Moon is empowered. They will find themselves confronted with a lot of opportunities to talk about the things they experience. It is a point in the East horizon, representing dawn, They appear beautiful and fair. This is someone drawn to nurture through talking and helping and is very interested in other peoples minds and affairs. Moon/5th house: a beautiful merperson sings under the moonlight between rocks; sea spirits materialize; the water sparkles. This is one of the more complicated houses to find a stellium, because there are many factors at play here. This Jupiter has high standards for themselves. Ones identity is linked to ones perspective of fortune and wealthy way of living. Thats too emotive and shy. Jupiter/3rd house: a person stands among their interessed friends, talking delightfully of their religious beliefs. Dealing with someone elses financial affairs may be easy. desire and passion they put into everything they set themselves to do. Mars/8th house: a silent investigator. Sun/11th house: a young rebel leader stands amongst their people; a hymn is proclaimed; theyre ready for battle. Personal power is acquired through information and learning and is expressed through the exposition of the accumulated knowledge. This is Because their power derives from their ability to observe and examine through seeing other peoples habits and gestures, theyre very well-known for having a magnetic presence and deep eyes. Also, because of Jupiters dimensions and nature, this planets blessings upon ones body may produce someone whos spacious or roomy. They may have issues with a parental figure growing up. accomplishment of their desires; this an evident trait for everyone around. radiance that proudly illuminates the dark. So do aspects to that planet also shape the physical appearance? Sometimes those with eighth house stelliums will have a lot of experience with intense change. The rhythm is slow, but constant and stable. and tends to react defensively. They are naturally engagingit can be difficult to imagine ever ignoring them.. This may be because Pisces Risings instinctually value sensitivity and compassion above everything else. Through their lenses, life resembles an open We had nothing to With flowing movements like the ocean or a dancer, they always seem small, even the very tall ones. Things might have been uprooted for them a lot, or they might have had a hard childhood or difficulty with relationships. This Sun is tremendously popular and loves communicating and being in touch with large groups of people. This is someone whos very private and suspicious of other people, keeping their wisdom to themselves until security is developed in the relationship. The ascendant in Leo Rising Appearance shows how they manifest in society. Powerful and persuasive, this is someone whose The first decan is between 0-10 degrees. Earth it now absorbs worldly problems and conflicts from other people, Venus/3rd house: a tour guide is surrounded by foreigners; they talk excitedly of culture and diversity. (She wrote about it) I've known a lot and was / am very close to a few. Theres a instinctual need to be in touch with religious and spiritual figures; feelings are be infused with faith and optimism. This is someone who is a leader and is well-known for their hard-working and humble personality. creative and artistic expressions of ones individuality through a poetic High cheekbones and a prominent brow compliment the look. They think about things in a big picture way, and enjoy projects that allow them and their friends to work together to make changes in the world. The hair is fine and may be light in color; it may grow rather low on the neck. Being in a position of influence is essential. mind followers on their journey, people to be on their side. Artistic careers are favoured. They may have interest in the occult or stranger sides of spirituality. Theyre constantly questioning their own motives and searching for a potential meaning behind their own existence. Hii! They see life and the human experience in general through bright sunny lenses: they seem confident, joyful, light-hearted and carefree on the outside. these people identify themselves as individuals is linked to the concept of This is someone valued by their loving and sensitive nature, specially if Jupiters in Pisces. Leo rising sign shows the commitment you are giving towards your love life. In some way or another, such optimism is highly transmitted to those around Sagittarius Risings. Moon in the 1st house: on the horizon, the Moon descends quietly, like a heavy shooting star Leos tend to have clear and vibrant skin, especially when they're slightly sun-kissed. This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. house narrates the story of our first steps in this world. child-birth. individual is blessed with an abundant interior experience, favouring the Jupiters mental expansion is materialized, structured and grounded. Leo Moon fears being forgotten, insecurity stems from lack of recognition and positive self-esteem. In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. I feel like she should have an Aqua or Pisces Rising (or maybe Uranus or Neptune Rising.). These rising signs may lean forward when conversing with you, getting physically closer to engage emotional closeness. Theyd rather analyze these kind of things and get informed about everything thats about to start in their lives; theyd ask other people about it beforehand, do some research by themselves. This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. Age 10-30 is a good range. are in nonstop movement. powers may transcend their own understanding. A star is so much more than a luminous sphere of wonder called the Ascendant. Those with a Taurus stellium will find an opposite reaction, in that they will hide and reject the darker parts of themselves and pretend they are simply not there, or become fearful of them. A Pisces stellium in the eleventh house would often jive with others on a spiritual level. Urges to talk are restrained, and the attention is drawn to the other who talks. This surprisingly impacts their self-assurance, even though they generally cover it up with bravado. Their hair tends to be soft and fine, sometimes naturally wavy and most often lighter-colored. They like big ticket issues and enjoy thinking about things on a grand, Uranian scale. Much confusion about what to do after all: be true to ones self or act according to societys values in order to be accepted? They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. Nothing stays stagnant for too long in this angular house, so here energies Sun/5th house: a noble calmly promenades in their massive gardens between fruits and fountains; everything is soaked in gentle sunlight. Their body seems solid and tough, but feels rather soft and velvety. Im really happy with everything except maybe the Cancer Rising. Sagittarius Risings also tend to have a rather broad perspective on life, although this may be diminished in some way, for Sagittarius is also about focusing ones energy in a specific perspective, much like a centaurs magic arrow is aimed for a target. They have a message and they want to get it out to the world. roses, flags and concepts. They project themselves this way and experience their individuality best when theyre able to distinguish themselves from others through their ability to demonstrate their talents and skills. much to be learned. Very romantic and courteous. They tend to pass swiftly through life, creating no stir.

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