In addition to a University Elizabethan Education the wealthy Upper classes would have also toured the major cities of Europe. Because everyone, even today, holds their pen differently, every boy shaped their quill tip according to how they held their pen. 0
The quill was then dipped in a small bottle of ink before it could be used for writing. Elizabeth's reign was seen as a 'golden age' of culture and exploration, but society was characterised by extremes of rich and poor. <>
-Because the colonisers left England later than planned, by the time they arrived in Virginia they were unable to plant crops meaning there was a very bad harvest = no food or trade. There was a two hour break at midday. The Elizabethan education system Elizabethan pastimes for the rich / poor Elizabethan theatres Elizabethan poor relief action Francis Drake's career The first English colony in Roanoke TIPS: This is a 5 minute question.. Describe two features of Elizabeth's privy council -was a group of powerful noblemen appointed by Elizabeth who advised her but did not control her -they advised on domestic and foreign issues such as how to handle challenges and threats, when to go to war and relations with foreign ambassadors. This page details the type of Education afforded to males during the Elizabethan era. 13 0 obj
Target: knowledge of key features and characteristcs of the period. Due to this there are many key features that were important to solidly Queen Elizabeth reign and the safety and security of her people. Describe two key features of the attempts to colonise Virginia in the 1580s. -generally for boys who were upper and middle classes sometimes very upper class girls. hb```Nn+ G#3i :8kLx,tH2f&P+ PJ tw At5@%>%m`mF %^s{JX8:::DC qY+` Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Most boys would have had to get themselves to school as parents would be busy getting on with the chores of the day, so for some boys this would mean walking for as long as an hour in order to get to school. endstream
Hs! The Children of Noble birth were invariably taught by tutors at home but, from the age of 7 to 14, children of a lower standing went to Grammar Schools - the most common institute for Elizabethan education during the Elizabethan period. The punishments were fierce and fifty strokes of the cane was not an uncommon occurrence. endobj
Wealthy children could stay home rather than attending grammar school, but children from less wealthy family attend. This made it easier to write but meant that borrowing each others pens just didnt work! It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis. These constant changes in the English monarchy and therefore the religion of England had a significant effect on Elizabethan Education, The Elizabethan Horn book was the most important tool used in the Grammar schools. Of these the most popular were bull-baiting, cockfighting and bear-baiting. Some activities were enjoyed by both the rich and the poor, such as watching plays. Marking instructions Award one mark for each valid feature identified up to a maximum of two features. Reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.". endobj
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They would receiveone break at twelve. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and 2 0 obj
The Ushers often refused to be bothered with the teaching of handwriting and this element of Elizabethan education was often taught by a temporary travelling scrivener for a few weeks during the school year. He went onto work for his father before getting married and then making his way to London. It is important to note that a school's curriculum and the Elizabethan education of children was dictated by the ruling monarch of the time which would, of course, also reflect the religion of that particular King or Queen. In Elizabethan England there was no compulsory schooling. This was made from calf skin, not trees like today, and didnt fall apart so easily. Back In The Day Of.. Elizabethan Life at school was quite strict. Elizabethan England had four main classes: the Nobility, the Gentry, the Yeomanry, and the Poor. They in turn granted rewards and jobs to the people below them and so on. <>
It was this defeat that boosted Elizabeths public and international image as a successful and powerful Queen. Yes, you have read that right! Some words were also spelt with and additional "e" at the end. Elements of the above Classical University Elizabethan education would have taken by the prominent figures in the Elizabethan era. Elizabethan Education - a typical week at an Elizabethan Grammar School.
Give two features of The activities of Sir Francis Drake, -Drake led several successful trips around the West Indies in the early 1570s where he captured the port of Nombre De Dios, he returned to England with a cargo of Spanish treasure, -When the Armada anchored in Calais the English used fireships to scatter the Spanishs fleet (breaking up their formation and creating panic)
, Give two features of Elizabethan education, -Wealthier boys in Elizabethan society were the most highly educated attending grammar schools, Give two features of The increased poverty in 1558/88, -rise in population and bad harvest meant food was expensive, Give two features of the colonisation in Virginia. From GCSE Maths video lessons to A-level English essays and specialist educators in every subject - weve got you covered. They wrote with quill pens a goose feather which was trimmed to balance the pen correctly. It really is 4 good sentences. Education in Elizabethan England also focused on educating the children about the Christian Faith. Elizabethans ate their main meal at lunchtime and this routine was followed at school also. hbbd```b``! 0
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There was a massive divide between religious sectors in the country. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Classes occurredfive days a week with a half day on Thursday, this would continue for up to 44 weeks before the students would receive a real break. By candlelight. He then fell in love with Anne Boleyn and in order to divorce Katherine of Aragon he broke his ties with the Catholic Church and the Church of England was established. At Scoodle we cater for all types of learning styles and needs. These lessons and general education were conducted not in a school but in the house of the teacher.
$.' . But what was the average grammar school day actually like? Children would be expected to learn by heart certain passages at the Elizabethan Petty School which related to being a 'good Christian' as part of their education. Elizabethans ate their main meal at lunchtime and this routine was followed at school also. A small knife was carried by every boy to shape the tip and so became called a penknife. At the start of the revolt, the Earl's stormed into Durham cathedral and held a Catholic service. This ink had to be made by hand as there werent any factories back in Tudor times. These were considered the most important elements of Elizabethan Petty School education and what must be taught during childhood. The "j" was usually used as the capital form of the "i"in the alphabet. Yes, you have read that right! Markiog Iostructios Award one mark for each valid feature identied up to a maximum of two features. Elizabeth I Revise 1 2 3 Government and religion in the Early Elizabethan era The key themes include: government religion economy and society law and order foreign affairs Government Queen. This 2 hour break gave the boys a good rest before an afternoon of intensive learning. endstream
AO1: 4 marks. Dinner is from 11:00 to 1:00. endobj
Describe two features of elizabethan government. The powers were distributed variously across the three forms of government: unitary, federal, and confederate. The basic principles of childhood and education would be started in the home. Teachings from various faculties were available to University students. In the upper grades, they read the poetry and prose of writers such as Ovid, Martial, and Catullus. 390 0 obj
Something went wrong, please try again later. 15 0 obj
And finally, numbers were frequently given in lower case Roman numerals, with the last "i" in a number written as a "j". (Reproduced by permission of Edexcel) Tips: You need to mention a valid key feature identified and also provide. Q) Describe 2 features of theatres in Elizabeth England. The Elizabethan government was structured in a hierarchical manner. D8Z IL`Q $Df@~@. Describe two features of Elizabethan schools (4 marks) Feature 1: One feature of Elizabethan schools was that grammar schools provided education to all boys aged 10 -14. F7 a|=)HQ/ydc/
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d|1[a The word ' petty ' probably derives from the French word ' petit ' meaning little or small. Lessons were given in Grammar, Music, Logic, Arithmetic and Geometry as well as Astronomy education. Many schools were financed by the local Guild. 12 0 obj
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Elizabethan Online DictionaryElizabethan LanguageElizabethan Insults, Additional details, facts and information about Elizabethan old English letters, including language and education can be accessed via the Elizabethan Online Dictionarythe Elizabethan Languagesection and the Elizabethan Insultssection and a comprehensive index of all the subjects covered in this website can be found in the Elizabethan Era Index, Elizabethan Era - Free Educational Resource. Queen Elizabeth's father, King Henry VIII, started life as a devout Catholic and his daughter Mary was brought up in this faith. The most elementary level of education was conducted for boys aged between 5 and 7 at what was called a ' Petty School '. In 1558 a child's speller was written in England as spelling consistency gradually emerges. (12 marks), Explain why the Babington Plot was a threat to Queen Elizabeth. The content of Elizabethan Era is free but solely for educational purposes. Whatever mischief the boys got up to, it wouldnt have diluted the general hard slog of grammar school. xKo@s4UYxR5MZzHzpcPPUO]6lR9 {mg?*J} Giatz]0bA8 q# B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88 Question 1 (a) Describe two features of the role of the Church of England in Early Elizabethan society. 8 0 obj
hbbd``b`$V &o n$X@ $ ] Classroom discipline was strict and often involved corporeal punishment. JFIF C The rest, as they say, is history. Queen Elizabeth faced opposition from France and Spain who were wealthier and Catholic. Monday, an examination of the previous sermon, Saturday, study of Christian faith and literature. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. hb``f``:p X8fm``>P2I:QayU6~Vli!-
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two features of leisure in elizabethan england - nobility could hunt (on horseback) or fish (both men and women) - lower classes could play football (could get very violent, ppl often killed) two features of literature and theatre - all social classes attended the theatre, so purpose built theatres had to be built to accommodate growing audiences The usual schedule used to be as mentioned below: Teaching techniques relied heavily on memorization and recitation. For example, viij May. Although she faced opposition, most notably from Queen Mary of Scots, this middle way gained her some peace. Then the boys would walk home, grab some tea and then spend another 2 hours doing homework. endobj
Elizabethan Education altered accordingly. School continued throughout the year with a 16 day break at Christmas and a 12 day break at Easter, and a lot of this was spent in church! Edexcel History GCSE Elizabeth practise answers.
The first age group consisting of 7-10 would be taught by ushers, junior masters or senior pupils. stream
The word petty probably derives from the French word petit meaning little or small. 934 0 obj
Between the ages of 10 and 14 boys leave the Ushers to be taught by the Masters in the following lessons. %%EOF
The Lord's Prayer in English was also included on the horn-book together with the mark of the cross, hence the alphabet detailed on the horn-book was known as ' Christcross-row ' or ' chrisscross '.Elizabethan Education - the Elizabethan Alphabet, The Elizabethan alphabet contained 24 letters, as opposed to the present day alphabet of 26 letters. Elizabeth managed to avoid a war with France through careful diplomacy and civil war in France. Young girls from wealthy families were often placed in the households of acquaintances where they would learn to read, write, keep accounts, and manage a household and estate. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The horn-book displayed the alphabet in both small letters and capital letters. They did charge fees, however scholarships were available for lower class families. However, 2 of the most memorable are; Religion: During the 16th century England had been a catholic country for nearly a 1000 years. Materials would include items such as wood and wool. Click the following links to access more information about the old English Elizabethan Language and the Elizabethan Online Dictionary for an easy to follow Elizabethan language guide. The new Protestant religion came into favour and his son Edward and younger daughter Elizabeth adhered to these faiths. Also certain languages like Latin and French were taught. 5 0 obj
Describe two features of the revolt of the Northern Earls. Parliament passed two laws the Act of Supremacy and the Act of Uniformity to solidify this. Fees were a few pennies per day but could add up to some 20 per year and so were beyond the means of some tradesmen. And this religious education continued at school. Describe twi features of the Elizabethan educaton system. Explanation: Revival of Interest in Greek Literature. (4 marks), Describe two features of the problems faced by Elizabeth when she became queen. More learning took place before a 2 hour break at midday. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Copyright 2019 Site by, Elizabethan Education Life in a grammar school. -Catholics believed that the priests and the church should be dressed in ornate and brightly coloured fabrics. (4 marks), Describe two features of the Puritan challenge to Elizabeths religious settlement. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. Tes Global Ltd is 3 0 obj
So all the boys learnt how to prepare their quill pen from a young age, keeping a small penknife in their pocket at all times. A typical school week at an Elizabethan Grammar School would cover: Elizabethan Education - the importance of learning about Religion at School. Elizabethan Education how did it help Shakespeare to write. +u`R+e0S\ C Answer: Elizabethan government operated on a hierarchical system. 946 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<22542DAEF460054AA064D8DE23E2408E>]/Index[934 27]/Info 933 0 R/Length 73/Prev 167439/Root 935 0 R/Size 961/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream
The boys sat at tables in rows and wrote on a type of paper called vellum. (4 marks) Describe two features of the Puritan challenge to Elizabeth's religious settlement. The school day begins at 7:00 am in winter or 6:00 am in summer. The school day started around 7 am. However, 2 of the most memorable are;
The religious education of all children started with the example set by their parents. Author Referencing Information, Alchin, L.K. Elizabethan Education - the Grammar Schools. <>/Metadata 773 0 R/ViewerPreferences 774 0 R>>
The "u" was used only in the middle of a word, and the "v" was used at the beginning. The curriculum schedule is quite different though, seeing as how nowadays,. <>
However, schoolboys did not have access to extra wine or vinegar at school and so a quick wee into the bottle thinned it perfectly! Describe two features of Elizabethan education hV[o;+~LtD}T! Elizabethan Education Life in a grammar school. <>
Elizabethan Language Guide - An Elizabethan Online Dictionary. These basic elements included: Elizabethan Education - the Petty Schools, also known as Dame Schools. (Treaty of nonsuch), Give two features of Robert Dudley in the Netherlands. More learning took place before a 2 hour break at midday. C^nSfcG+mew?l1v40p 1CGGh`h``PL* Marking instructions Award one mark for each valid feature identified up to a maximum of two features. Elizabethan Education - University Education. %PDF-1.5
Rising early in the morning and saying their prayers, Table Manners - the correct behaviour for eating small morsels, chewing properly , using a knife and using a napkin, Children would also be taught their 'place' in society which included where they should sit at the table, Elizabethan Girls would be taught obedience to the male members of the family. A detailed essay answer for the question. 6 0 obj
Beginning class at six in the morning and finishing a long day of class at five. 422 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7543CA79004AFE4991381C5AF819B255>]/Index[390 56]/Info 389 0 R/Length 142/Prev 290395/Root 391 0 R/Size 446/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
Violence was a key feature with men being pushed and even killed. Depending upon the age and class of the students, they would be sent to petty schools, grammar schools or be tutored at home. The boys didnt have much of a break on Sundays either, as they had to attend church both morning and evening. Lessons were given in Grammar, Music, Logic, Arithmetic and Geometry as well as Astronomy education. (4 marks) Describe two features of the problems faced by Elizabeth when she became queen.
This is more commonly known as the Spanish Armada. endobj
At Scoodle we understand that everyone learns in a different way. %%EOF
However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility were also given and education. docx, 12.02 KB. Target: Knowledge of key features and characteristics of the period. This short introduction to grammar and education, compiled by William Lily, had been authorised by Henry VIII as the sole Latin grammar textbook to be used in education and schools. After prayers, they work till about 9:00 when they are permitted breakfast, then they work till 11:00. The school week consisted of a five full days and a half-day on Thursday which continued for between 40 to 44 weeks of the year. History of Britain from Roman times to Restoration era, Q & A about Education in Elizabethan Times. The second mark should be awarded for supporting information. 1 Describe (a) two features of the theatre in early Elizabethan England. 1 0 obj
This meant that the school boys spent at least 2,000 hours in school more than double the current school hours. Any person who refused help was sent to a house of correction. A person's class determined how they could dress, where they could live, and the kinds of jobs people and their children could get. %PDF-1.7
But it is also for anyone who is interested in the way we lived back in the day of different eras.

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describe two features of elizabethan schools
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describe two features of elizabethan schools
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