Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Here's what you do: First, run your SPECIAL at the start of the game and kill at least 2 guys, this will give you 200+ coins, then install an EGG O MATIC press the space bar to pause the game and wait about a minute for your special to charge up, then when you play the special is ready again (do this step every time). Once you got that, get a fourth Egg Automatic.After that, save up over 15,000 gold, give or take, (make sure you're still using the meteors where you best see fit.) They are profitability and base health>0. The Wall Gang's hideout is protected by 7-8 enemy Renegados and 4 Pistoleros. After the Railroad Workers are sent safely south to the settlement, a secondary objective of taking out the Hole in the Wall Gang's hideout will be revealed. Red Cloud's War (also referred to as the Bozeman War or the Powder River War) was an armed conflict between an alliance of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho peoples against the United States and the Crow Nation that took place in the Wyoming and Montana territories from 1866 to 1868. These will start mowing down their guys, and when they upgrade to advanced age, they can takecare of their giant sword carrying guys. and our Holme points out that the men who come out west to make their fortune are willing to do terrible things in the name of progress. Which brings me to my first general note. continue this until 4000 experience AGE TWO Special attacks are ideally used when youre in trouble and there are lots of enemy units advancing towards you. and then evolve three times. The rest swordsman no archers! A LOT. You will also find that you can't physically spend the money you are earning fast enough.As you gradually build up numbers of clubmen you will find that they are actually standing next to each other, thus hitting the enemy even harder. Each level will improve your army, although an inferior civilization way still win through brute force. It was one of the first base defense games and helped popularize the genre. With 29 types of units you can use like Assault Spartan, Anubis Warrior, Mage, Knights, Rifleman, Cannons, Grenade. continue this until 4000 experienceAGE TWOKeep your egg automatic, then buy as many swords men as possible,special when you can then get 500 coins then buy a knight and let him kill a few enemies.After that follow this strategy:10 swords men1 knightSPECIAL10 swords men1 knightSPECIALand so on until 14000 experienceAGE THREEas soon as you evolve spend all your money on duellers and if you have enough upgrade your turret capacity.after this save for a small or medium cannon let it/them shoot down a few enemies and send out more duelers with the cash,again remebering to use special to protect your soldiers,i would reccomend saving for a canoneer and then using the special so he can go further continue this sort of strategy until you have 45000 experienceAGE FOURyou will need more cash for this one so wait for around 5 enemies to appear on screen and use a special getting you around 13-15000 coins use this cash to buy a double turret.let the turret and your other cannons shoot about 10-15 enemies dead and buy all the turret spaces available then continue slaughtering with your cannons.after this buy another double turret(use special as it should have recharged by now) and then spend the rest of your cash on melee infantry.continue this buying double turrets when possible and specialing when possible also dont forget to send out a few tanks=Dcontinue that till 200000 experience***AGE FIVE***Okay this is it,the EASIEST age yet(if you can get turrets)now you will need as much cash as possible here so i hope you saved a special again wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen and then special them this should give you enough cash to sell your weakest turrets and buy 1 or maybe 2 lazer-cannons at 40000 each then continue letting your cannons shoot the enemy until you have 80000 coins then sell your lazer cannon and buy an ION cannon(woot) continue letting your cannons own until 100000 coins and buy another ION cannon repeat this until you have four ION cannonsNow this is the easy partleave your computer for 1 hour(or leave screen open and do something else on the computer)when you come back you should find around 3-4 million coins waiting.Buy 5 super soldiers with this cash then use a special to clear the field of enemy soldiers the super soldiers will then do their job of OWNING the enemies baseCONGRATULATIONS you have just completed Age of War on IMPOSSIBLE mode(hopefully)****I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR YOUR RESULTS USING THIS GUIDE****, Wow alot of effort i am going to try that hope it works. okay here it is the impossible guide(i have used it 3 times and won twice soAGE ONEwait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men.keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special. you should only use the volcano if there is to many enemies around. As long as your base isn't destroyed you are still in the game, and as long as you are getting more money than you are spending, you are winning. It will teach you the basics of beating this game on Impossible. First age "caveman age" first make a dino rider then make as many club infantry as you can becuase they are stronger then slingshot infantry and cheaper. In addition, while paused, the special recharges, so you can do this over and over. : r/gaming. It was harder than we expected. Hmm.Ive beaten this game,impossible,thats right,so funny.Thanks Technika,that helped me. because of I not toss the game of age of war this difficult one that that that happens it is that you have to try to put turrets with a he arms so that it defends your base then you should take out people so that they attack the enemies and if you have enough money to hire to the best you put it and if you don't have money it kills many so that you get but. TRUST ME, IE WON AT LEAST 30 TIMES ON IMPOSSIBLE DOING THAT.COMMENT IF IT WORKS.Thanks, i know a cheat though. **NOTE** IN THE LAST AGE THE BEST TECHNIQUE IS TO SET, 2 DOUBLE TURRETS AND 1 ROCKET LAUNCHER (FROM THE MILITARY AGE) AND THEN 1 RED RAY, AND JUST SIT THERE FOR A WHILE GETTING A LOT OF MONEY, THEN ONCE YOU HAVE ABOVE $120,000 JUST KEEP PRESSING BLASTERS, AND THOSE LITTLE BOXES AT THE TOP SHOULD BE FILLED UP AT ALL TIMES, AND THEN ONCE YOU THINK YOU HAVE MADE ABOUT 30-35 BLASTERS JUST STOP AND WATCH THE FUN, THEN IF UR BLASTER LINE GETS LITTLE, AND YOU HAVE HURT THE BASE A LITTLE AND YOUR BIG BLASTER ARMY IS RUNNING OUT, START MAKING MORE IMMEDIATELY, AND THEN THIS TIME YOU KEEP PRESSING THE BLASTER BUTTON UNTIL THE ENEMY BASE IS DEAD OR UR OUT OF MONEY.USE THIS TECHNIQUE- ALMOST AS GOOD AS A CHEAT!! Upgrade to the new age as soon as possible, so be sure to check how much xp you need for each age. then once u can afford 400,000 buy 4 ion turrets w8 till u got 450,000 gold buy 3 supersoldiers and u win!!!!! God of War won Game of the Year 2018. Buy an egg turret with that cash. So I found a glitch in the game that allowed me to finally beat AoW on impossible. Keep them coming till you reach 1000 again. Things should get easier for you from here. So I found a glitch in the game that allowed me to finally beat AoW on impossible. ohhhhhhhhhhhh on impossible levelmy bad. ON KONGREGATE JUST RIGHT CLICK AND HIT FORWARD.. FREE BADGE(15 POINTS) Age of VictoryDude! Base defense games were a favorite in the early days of web gaming. There's one long timing way to win Age of War. Once the player reaches the Industrial Age, they can use Chayton and Holme to build the 3 Trading Posts and upgrade them to the Iron Horse upgrade. note: Ages 1 2 4 5 all have simular specials so we can apply general rules to those and I will write a bit about the age 3 special. I finally beat Age of War on impossible. Keep creating units to protect your base and destroy the enemy. On the futuristic age, make as many of the combat suits possible. Upgrade one of your turrets to the best, and buy a few of the basic soldiers. View all. sencond age "Medivel ages" now make as many swordsmen as you can The other two units are just a waste of money and will die just as easily, so it just wastes 25 and 100 gold.Once you have saved up 3,000 gold, buy another turret spot. Didn't work for me, I can' defeat the enemy dinosaurs i did that and i lostbut i did it my way and yeah it works, We may use cookies to help customize your experience, including performing It's a good strategy for harder, but not for impossible. In Age of Wars, you start at the cavern men's age, then evolve! Now all you have to do is build 2 caveman for every one unit which approaches your base. Age of War: Easy Impossible Level Guide Pendragon 2.15K subscribers Subscribe 17 6.1K views 12 years ago This is the easy way to beat Age of War on the Impossible Mode. The game has certainly stood the test of time; its still hugely popular today. Make you sure you have about $20,000 before you do this though. The player can use Chayton's other crack-shot ability, Eagle Eye to take down the Axe Rider and save the workers. There is no need to rush to build and upgrade the 3 Trading Posts, and the player should begin to focus on their economy, upgrading their units, and to age towards the Industrial Age. Bathmate Hydroxtreme 9 is a commonly popular variation of penis pumps made by Bathmate business. It is recommended to upgrade them to Veteran and Guard status and to age up to the IndustrialAge whenever possible. Stages 4 - 5 turrets should be doing most of the work. From here it's, all the same, keep buying better turrets. wait till you get 4000 exp. You should have a full tower of double-barrel turrets. Using the player's outlaw forces and Chayton's crack-shot ability, a close but victorious battle will ensue and the player can manage to defeat the Wall Gang and proceed to raze the Saloon, thus completing the secondary objective. first when they send out their men use your special then buy the egg shooter and from then on the the 2nd age just keep sending out club men whenever they get near the base ok lets use logic who whould win 10 club men teaming on a knight or the knight i say the clubmen and you will make extra money use that . when you lose play in any mode you wish to play and when you make units, they will have that healing special from the third age, but don't use the same special if you evolve to the third age. Here's the easiest way to win:Buy a turret, preferably "second" turret like the egg launcher and fire catapult, although you should always go with the explosive cannon.Allow enemies to close in to your base, and build either a single infantry guy, or a infantry/archer team. note: if you feel the enemy is too close to your base when your using the special then build a unit preferably a strong one such as dinohunters, and knights build defense for modern age too if you are not sure if the special will not kill the enemy and that they will get close. Or posting anything related to GOW really. analytics and serving ads. by now you should be 1 age over the enemy. if you can get to the future level then an easy way to win is to get 3 ion cannons and let them take out all the enimys (with the occasional special) until you have enough for 2 super soldiers (and of course send them out at the same time) then just sit back and watch them destroy the enemy! age of war impossible walkthrough. You can then just leave your computer for a while maybe get a nice cup of tea, then come back and buy 3 - or as many as you want of the super soldiers and watch them win.Simple as that. So i guess we have to beat it the normal way;), i just found out that age of war was fixed and now the cheats are gone, well looks like we'll have to beat it normally then;), heres who to win u get all turret spaces and then u buy all 100.000 lasers and they blast the enmy like hell and on modern age keep red cannon from age before its good for taking out units and fone me and ill tell u more heres fone number 700854 oh ye am a mad 8 year old and am an evil little boy. I don't consider it cheating, as it's not a hack version. okay here it is the impossible guide(i have used it 3 times and won twice soAGE ONEwait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men.keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special. When you earn enough XP, your civilization will evolve through the ages, offering new technologies to utilize in combat. MORE DUELERS!!!! Valenwed Valenwed. Keep making the club men. once you click on your special, press space bar to pause the game and the screen will still shake then stop, then you resume playing and the special attack such as the cavemen will come down at once (this works with every special, except the holy special). hey game winner how do you cheat enigne to win , i know how to get more money and stuff but what do you use it to do. it way to easy and needs more agesI THINK!!!!!! i have a screenie but don,t know how too post it. okay here it is the impossible guide (i have used it 3 times and won twice so. Thnx dude. Prepare a huge buildup of clubmen as soon as you see a situation like this, and possibly save your specials for these occasions. until the ion cannons mow down the opposition putting money in your pocket, do not create any more guys because they cost money and you are saving up for.750 000 goldBuy 5 SUPERSOLDIERS - the most advanced attacker in the game -AND THEY ARE DEAD MEAT.That's it, you can modify this if you need to but I'm pretty sure to beat it on Impossible, you've got to get those 4 ion cannons up.I could never do this until I followed the tons of cavemen strategy, I had no idea it'd work.Also, the game gets SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER SLOW, the comp can't handle that many guys on the screen, but tough shit, you want to beat it on impossible don't you?This strategy works every time. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. 2 Previous The Bozeman Trail Next Claims A Reckoning ( Red Cloud's War before the Definitive Edition) is the second scenario of Act II: Shadow in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs . okay here it is the impossible guide(i have used it 3 times and won twice soAGE ONEwait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men.keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special. Red Cloud's forces will however commit relentless attacks, constantly harassing Outposts and stray Railroad Workers. THAT KONGREGATE CHEAT RULES! How to beat Age of War in IMPOSSIBLE mode [Tutorial] zatcity 74 subscribers Subscribe 31K views 6 years ago Follow the steps exactly and YOU too can defeat the hardest setting on the classic. Each age brings entirely new units and weapons, from cave dwellers riding dinosaurs to the futuristic hover tanks of the future age. Last post 13 Apr 2023. krystiannk29 krystiannk29. Also, when the club men get backed up enough, they all start stacking in one spot. wait to it stops shaking and press space. you made a major mistake soul bloons and tath is that you sell turrets for halfprize not fullanyway it worked but heres mine.stoneage:start with five clubmen and then a dinorider once the dinorider is killed get a new one and when you can afford buy a new one and keep the dinoriders coming if he gets three dinoriders or more wait til there like out in the middle and then tap specialmedival age:if you got more then 500 buy all archers if you got less buy swordsmen save up for 500 and then buy all archers when all archers are dead buy a knight or 2 and save up for another knight whenever you can afford 1 buy one if they come out whit knights tap specialgunpowderage:if you can afford canoneer buy him if not buy musqouetour or watheva train like three canoneers and then save for large canon if you need more cash buy another canoneer wen you got it buy duelers as much as you can afford then save for canoneer and buy himmodern age:start with a infantry not meelee tap special as quickly as you can and keep up whit infantry save up for a tank and get a second tank whenever you can afford save up for 12500 and then sell your cannon and get double turret get a new turret spot and save for a second double turret get it and build a new turret spot and buil a new double turret and once again a new turretspot and again a new double turret and then evolve tonanoage:don't train any men at all until they evolve when you got 40.000 or 30.000 sell a double turret and get lazercannon and do it with all turrets and don't send any men then save up for 80.000 sell lazercannon(bottom one) and build ionray and keep building for ionrays aand then you will winnow of to school cuz im kinda in a hurry. At the begging of a new stage use the special as often as possible (the second it refreshes). if so please post. : This will also work against you if they have muscateers. Without a canon in stage 3, you will struggle as stage 3 special blows and doesn't bring in any cash. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Instantly advance to the latest age, exchange two old turrets for two $100k turrets. Once you get that just let it shoot other cavmen that are comming after you, and save up for the best caveman weapon. I don't consider it cheating, as it's not a hack version. You start in simple times. The largest action of the war, the Fetterman Fight (with 81 men killed on the U.S. side), was the worst military defeat suffered by the U.S. on the Great Plains until the Battle of the Little Bighorn in the Crow Indian reservation ten years later.The most dramatic battles between the army and the Dakota [in the 1860s and 1870s] were on lands those Indians had taken from other tribes since 1851. When the God's Blade dudes start coming, or if you have $40000 in the bank evolve again and buy an ion canon. the second step is use your special abilities all the time if the enemy is around half way to your base. There is only two cheats for this game one is when you are on the third age get close to dying and turn special on and let them kill youthen everytime u play u will automatically have that specialon just dont use that certain special againand, the other cheat is to pause the game and let your special build up i have a cheat you can kill all guys hen destroy castle, the best way to win is when you get to the very last evolution try to get the four turret towers then get the last type of future turret and the other army will have no chance to get to your base then once you get enough money get the super soldier and they will lose instantly, ION CANNON = WINON THE LAST ERA THE WAY I WIN IS EASY AND WORKS ON ANY DIFFICULTY.i JUST KEEP ON BUYING GODS BLADES AND THEN ONCE I GOT ENOUGH BUY THE ION CANNON, AND THEN U GUESSED IT MORE GODS BLADES AND JUST KEEP BUYING THEM AND BUYING THEM AND BUYING THEM THE ENEMY WILL DIE WITHIN 10MINS OF USING THISREMEMBER ION CANNON = WIN, my strategy is after u r in the modern age get 4 double cannons then get into the next age and just wait for 40 points then sell a turret and get a red lazer one then do that with the others then i get 80000 points sell the red rays and get a ION ray then after 4 ION rays i get 300000 coins and get 2 of the super things cuz usually one dies so u have to get 2 but just as i get them i do the space ray thing to clear the path (only tested in normal mode), i beat it 10 times yesterday it is the funicular game ever, it took me forever on the last age cause i brought out 5 supersoliders. After that follow this strategy: 10 swords men 1 knight SPECIAL 10 swords men 1 knight SPECIAL and so on until 14000 experience AGE THREE ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha try two but its not that fun!! instant spawning, infinite xp and money! 2 yr. ago. The enemy has way too much money, and their troops alwways last alot longer then yours. The key is getting the egg turret using your Special Power, then its caveman until you hit Modern Military, use turrets and you're golden. WAIT! (I recommend using it usually when they send out the dinos/horsemen/cannoneers, etc as they are the more powerful units and will bring you in more gold. I've beaten it 5 times now.The only fun way to play this game is on Harder, then you can play with advancing ages. All other units have a really bad return on investment. Thread Author; shooters. If you don't kill two guys with the meteors, (which is unlikely) then restart and try again.Once you get an Egg Automatic turret, then just keep making a LOT of clubmen to defend your base. And then save up for 2000 sell your cannon to get heavy cannon then you guessed it! A small game creation over site allows stray turret bullets to span the length of the map and slowly destroy the enemy base! first step is optional, do the glitch that i posted earlier. the other team will be glowing 2 but not regaining health. So the best way to make money is to always be on defense and allow your turrets to do the grunt work while you stall their units with your units. - YouTube How to win impossible mode in Age of War | Easy win in Age of War impossible mode.Game name :- Age of War.Game link :-. Buy god blades and keep them coming!

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