Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 11 Ways To Avoid Sounding Like a Sexist Jerk--Even If You're a Woman - Time What is a word for someone who likes bossing people around? What do you think of this list of words? The accusation he made is cloaking his fear that I am somehow taking away his freedom of speech. The look on his face was priceless.) I was speaking to a friend today and she has just started a new job. General words for leaders and bosses An area or organization that someone controls Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe bossy and interfering people from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Hi, could you tell me which way to the cafe? (this from a person who learned medical terminology as part of training to be a medical office assistant, and again later in training to be a pharmacist). I say just embrace it. Bit of stuff My husband remarked casually (and just for our table) that he could see a few mingers. Engage in the needs assessment 7. The gender wage gap does not take into consideration womens career choice, that in general just happen to be different from those of men. Thats illegal. Stuck-up Lady lumps Choose gender neutral words if you must refer to someones irritability or unreasonableness. Look forward to hearing how it goes, Oops, I meant recently revived Facebook. Independent: a woman who is self-sufficient and not dependent on others. Selfish career-woman As a bossy girl who doesnt need an education because Im just going to get married anyway (gotta love the advice my parents received and didnt follow), Ive been struggling with the straight jacket of gender expectations my whole life. One word that drives me crazy is harridan. Wearing the trousers A good test to use, if youreally do need totalk about sexual behaviour perhaps in the abstract, with a teenager is, again, only to use language that fits people of any gender. Much food for thought to discuss in my positive relationships lesson with 14-15 year students next week. However in more enlighten circles of people, lots of equality is currently happening, more confident men that know there value are much less threatened by women and value the equal companionship. I live in New Zealand, and I would definitely not describe it as hypersensitive to offence. Chick They were not smarter, did not work harder and they were not brilliant or legends. Take the word "bossy", which is mostly used to refer to opinionated girls or women who assert themselves. Hormonal What I found while sitting on the beach was that I could size up a woman in 10 seconds flat. Great article I have said why isnt it incompetent penis for erectile dysfynction if it is incompetent cervix? Another medical tern Boggy uterus. Hysteria and hysterical, however, came from the idea that intensely and intrusively emotional states (in women) were due to the uterus, and those terms *do* need to be eradicated. If you dont think this happens during the hiring process, then you either conveniently fail to notice because you benefit from said system or youve never worked in a hiring capacity before. Except for Mary the Virgin: she was a good girl. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If youre still adding, then on medical terms that should be reclaimed, then hysterectomy is top of my list. So well trained wasmy eye that I could spot herimperfections in an instant. Im no expert on plants but isnt the seed formed by the female plant after pollination has taken place. Performance review gender bias: High-achieving women are - Fortune The only reason I can think of that she does this is because I am a lot thinner than her! Just like all the male haters of Ellen. I got to a list of seventeen before asking my friends at the Feminist Mothers Aotearoa Facebook group for their un/favourite examples. And my brothers have daughters, and its likely the same for them too. Forward. vulnerable, fundamental). Language makes a difference in how we think and act, and we can train ourselves to stop using words with negative connotations, too many of which are focused on women. This came to a head when I started my Postgrad, because it seems most of my relatives think I should not be doing it. Overwhelming. - This article originally . 'Pushy' Is Used to Describe Women Twice as Often as Men Here are some possible words to use to talk about a compassionate woman: Affectionate - She demonstrates kindness to others in a physical way. How we speak to and about kids is a larger topic, of course. Frigid prick tease People need to respect an individual and their life experience and adhere to my clear boundaries about how to treat me with respect and consideration for my feelings. Whats less obvious is that they are sexist, for two key reasons: Heres some more context for this, again from Dotty Winters: A 2014 study for by Kieran Snyder examined 248 reviews from 180 people, (105 men and 75 women). This isn't anecdotal, either. A British actress is the latest high profile woman slam . Arent I a good girl for thinking of this. The most privileged asshole in the world trying to convince everyone how hard done by he is, by his own stupid life choices. 10. It would be wise and compassionate for you to listen to those who are in the majority here. Bossy/Strong-minded. It can cause her to pull her hand back and not reach as high, bite her tongue, try to fit in. Not the obvious, awful insulting words (which are depressingly many and varied), but the ones that fly under the radar, andcontribute to a culture that undervalues women. Viper Think pretty & beautiful, words that are also used to describe scenery and objects. 5. Sugar tits I will keep an ear out for that! My male sixth-grade teacher took me outside our classroom and told me I was too bossy. And thats before a company even thinks about hiring a woman of child-bearing age. Your article caused me to consider how I encourage the use of the divine feminine. Colours are for everyone. And yes, about a hundred more, including some examples of things men had called real women I know that made me feel ill. If they yell, we call it robust, or heated. Men can and ought to feel emotions, just as much as women, right? 11. Man of the House. ), Tomboy (because a girl who likes to climb is no less a girl. Excellent. Respect and understanding is key. I cannot count how many times I have been called politically correct or flat out wrong for raising issues of gendered language. I will never listen to a two year old small child in any adults body getting very upset and aggressive with me. Women were traditionally supposed to be nurturing and supportive and to help the group. It will advance women empowerment and help us increase our vocabularies if we stop calling girls bossy. NOBODY other than that person, and their spouse/partner, should get to have a say in this. If you want to understand why, read this article: Period pain (when used by somebody in the insulting phrase Oh, its just period pain) Of course, when God is a man that is not surprising. The Womens Media Center has a several-page glossary of sexist terms with context and, critically, gender-neutral synonyms. Pingback: Eros and the irrelevance of #Me Too against Capitalist+Theist immorality The Eros Principle. TRY USING bossy QUIZ When I was next at thebeach I made it my mission to find something I liked about every female body that my eyes came to rest upon. Robert, Im afraid you are incorrect in a few of your assumptions here, and missing a few points. Then I saw all these celebs gushing over how much of a genius Eminem was. I like how you comment really gets to the meat of the matter. I suppose curmudgeon is the male version but I still cringe over harridan. Integrate initiatives to broader strategy 3. Heres a place to start if you need it: For dozens of phrases for feminist parenting, check out my post here. Using different adjectives for women and men I was labelled a tomboy because I played cricket, ran about a lot, and liked climbing and cycling and judo. Words used to describe bossy and interfering people - Macmillan Dictionary Feisty, frigid and frumpy: 25 words we only use to describe women X, This information was meaningful to me. "Abrasive alone is used 17 times to describe 13 different women. Guess they must be commonplace terminology where I grew up on the Fylde Coast, UK!! I have also met with blatant sexism in all the jobs I have ever held and have often been told to get back in my box if I have been too outspoken (ie outspoken by female standards only). Debate is masculine and can harm depending on intention of the individual. Sometimes it is used to describe objects and scenery, but that is because the thing in question is evoking strong emotion from the person describing it. What I dont understand is why words like nurturing should be taken as such an insult. I don't want to work with him because he's so. Some women may actually enjoy, and be very good at debate. Among these words, only aggressive shows up in men's reviews at all. In the name Eve is the lesson: Everything bad that happens is because of you females. And, I definitely no, that we do get moody and emotional. Maternal (when not about ones own children). For more on this, I really love Andie Foxs practice: A little while ago while sitting on the beach I realised how good I am at picking faults in womens bodies, my own included of course but thats not really so surprising because I know my own body very well and Ive been living in a misogynist world, oh all my life. Upon reading this article, I was saddened to see what this society has come to. There are huge and shocking implications for gender inequality worldwide. The words bossy is typically used as an insult to get girls and women to shut up and sit down. Thanks, Sarah! Jezebel Seems very gender-specific in current times. For example, if you call a man a bastard you are actually also insulting his MOTHER by inferring she had illicit sex! [Read more in theThe Womens Media Centers Media Guide to Gender Neutral Coverage of Women Candidates and Politicians, by Rachel Joy Larris and Rosalie Maggio, available as a PDF. Interesting. Fluff One word appeared 17 times in reviews of women, and never in any of the reviews of men: abrasive. BOSSY Synonyms: 15 Synonyms & Antonyms for BOSSY | Does she always insist on having her own way? Assertive: a woman who is able to assert her own needs and wants. 10 Adjectives to Stop Using to Describe Women | InHerSight Womens troubles Men are people too and i think a large majority of men born in later decades of 20th centuary are doing what they can to find true equality in society. Other examples, too many to mention. By the way, I have my own personal experience of this subtly denigrating language, and sadly most of it was aimed at my by people I should be able to call my nearest and dearest my family, friends and workplace colleagues. We are going to talk about this tomorrow, I cant wait! Dont mention her young children unless you would also mention his, or describe her clothes unless you would describe his, or say shes shrill or attractive unless the same adjectives would be applied to a man. And when people start incorrectly accusing Feminists of devaluing the home or care of the vulnerable. 16 Derogatory Words Used To Describe Women - The Odyssey Online Accessed 1 May. Bint Even though I have four college degrees, including a doctorate, I am referred to as, sweetie, hun, babe, I have asked if folks address my male colleague that way. ), Insulting names for female body parts (makes me want to vomit if somebody talks about bodies this way): There are certainly some here that I have not considered before and will update my list accordingly. Theyre hiding behind saying others are being politically correct (thats a bad thing to them). He has accused me of being Hormonal, and often tries to imply that I am premenstrual when actually I am annoyed at him because he has done something wrong or said something stupid. Dontyoure just being politically correct. Bossy. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Am I wrong for wanting to work hard and achieve? ], Blonde (how many men are said to have blonde moments?). When I see something that offends me, I roll my eyes and move on. 12. Slapper Indeed, the adjective would appear to be gender. Strong women, or alpha females, are exactly that: strong women who are incredible leaders, with alpha traits that are inherently a part of who she is and come across in everything she does. Godar points out that a woman may actually engage in a variety of bad behaviors at work. But so important when I look at that pyrimid. It's a term rarely used to describe boys or men (they're just "confident" or "assertive") - the implication being that women shouldn't express strong opinions. 1 year to recover! Totty I really like that youve not only pointed out words that diminish women, but also given the reasons why AND ALTERNATIVES. For example, he might have done something annoying like walk mud all over the floor, or burn food into the bottom of a pan, but if I point it out (e.g. Lets try to take people on their own terms without making assumptions about how they feel about kids. Aggressive did appear in two reviews of men, in the context of them being urged to be more aggressive. The Missus Men who use it seem to think its a compliment but Its disgusting and Ive never heard anyone talk about DILFs. And lovely, when used to praise women for being an idea of perfect. The point being, however, that society is erring when it tries to suggest that such things are exclusively female roles this is what Feminists try to point out. Excellent article. Airhead, n. Usually refers to someone, male or female, who is simple-minded and vapid. It is not really possible to say with any accuracy whether debate is masculine, or whether females do things differently. I am a minister who serves a mainline tradition in the U.S., a tradition that has been ordaining women for a century. Women are more emotional than men, that is just how it is. If youve found this article thoughtful and useful, and would like to support me to write more stuff like this, head on over. Minger At the other extreme, the most commonly used negative term to describe men was. It is patronising, presumptuous and insulting to dismiss a womans argument or behaviour by blaming it on her biology. Arrogant Moose And, yes, whilst I agree that people need to respect an individual and their life experience the fact that you then go on to say adhere to MY clear boundaries about how to treat ME with respect and consideration for MY feelings makes me wonder why the emphasis suddenly flips exclusively to YOU? But youre right, its definitely not used now for anything other than men, whereas pretty and beautiful are general-purpose. Dont say shes just out of graduate school but hes a rising star. You see no point in mincing your words. It is important that people are valued for themselves and what they bring to the table. My self estim went down, I nearly wanted to suicide. It is sad that you get so mixed up in the points you want to make, by talking about valuing people for themselves, but then wrongly accusing Feminists of not valuing the home. Come on over and have a look you even get some behind-the-scenes stuff . Many women DO come across as more nurturing, and I for one would take it as a compliment. Like another person suggested, I will start with Would you say that or use that about a man? "Words like bossy, abrasive, strident, and aggressive are used to describe women's behaviours when they lead; words like emotional and irrational describe their behaviours when they object. Also, I was accused by a bloke I wasnt even interested in of being jailbait because when I was a teen he asked me out and I refused. Theres a lot of power in words, and its just not true that sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt you. Pingback: Words for women | Clare Flourish. Stop using these words, eh? Women have so much sexual and psychological power, most men are fucking terrified, just take a look at the red pill blogs, its thousands of scared little 40 year old boys. My brother-in-law (husbands brother) who, incidentally, calls his wife things like the little woman says things like accusing me of wearing the trousers in my marriage to my husband. Show them emotions are good and keep doing what youre doing; then we may confront the issue that men hide their emotions and decrease the male suicide rate. Duh! My participation in the hatred of womens bodies had been every bit a form of self-hatred. Pushy vs. Assertive: Why These Words Matter | Global Promise I had time off work due to these symptoms, and was told by my MALE NURSE BOSS, Why cant you take an aspirin? Is this trivial? They come from various sources, such as medical terms, terms used in dating, workplace talk But I have hears ALL of them, and been personally subjected to some, including, Dating insults: Love the quote at the beginning too, especially People die, are refused healthcare, or suffer attack as a result of gender . How a Racist Insult Inspired the Very Asian Foundation, Project Dandelion Spreads the Seeds for Climate Justice, National Womens History Museum Exhibit Opens at MLK Library, Creating Ways to Celebrate Kindness with the Runway of Hope. I felt hurt and offended on behalf of my sisters but I didnt want to sound preachy so I said nothing. 1. Why the veiled criticism of Feminism? What used to be a fine cause that helped secure the female vote and the females right to work has turned into something bitter and man-hating. If you dont agree with her, say so. Besides, it should be a PERSONAL CHOICE, irrespective of gender, as to whether a person wants a career, or wants to stay at home and raise babies. Breathless, adj Commonly applied to women who look 'flustered' and suggesting an inability to control. My morbidly obese sister-in-law has said several nasty things about me, including trying to say I am vain, and criticizing my outfits by saying who does she think she is wearing that?. When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. Learn a new word every day. The Different Words We Use to Describe Male and Female Leaders In any case, we hope you are now able to express what you feel about them. You tell it as it is because you know you're telling the truth. Pingback: Secondary Research for the short film A2 Media Advanced Portfolio. Jailbait E.g. I have worked hard all my life (3 degrees) and have received no help from any of my family, only criticism. Tucker Carlson's vulgar language in texts contributed to Fox News Everyday Misogyny: 122 Subtly Sexist Words about Women - Sacraparental Remember this pyramid? Amen praise god.. Synonyms of bossy bossy adjective Definition of bossy as in authoritarian fond of ordering people around I don't want to work with him because he's so bossy and always runs roughshod over me Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance authoritarian domineering arrogant authoritative overbearing aggressive autocratic dictatorial tyrannical tyrannic Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. Why are these insults levelled at hard-working girls? 18 Alpha Female Traits And How To Know If You're One Of These Women And to understand that from a Feminist perspective, the problem with home-making and child-care is that it has traditionally been seen as an exclusively FEMALE domain, which reinforces stereotype and limits opportunities for both women and men who want to do things differently (e.g. How other people choose to dressis none of anyone elses damn business. I usually start off the lesson with a list of descriptive words and encourage my students to decide which gender they would normally associate them. Then I realised how this term gives excess credit to the man for the creation of a baby. The reviews came from 28 different companies, all in the tech sector, and included a range of organisational sizes. the behaviour they describe often goes unremarked in men. By actively working to have folks see God as more than a male, deity who uses power over others, I have unintentionally claimed as feminine the characteristics of compassion, mutuality, empowerment, etc. I think accepting people as they are and educate with heart using masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves is helpful. Image description: Persona A: It was just a joke! Words like bossy, abrasive, strident, and aggressive are used to describe women's behaviors when they lead; words like emotional and irrational describe their behaviors when they. iron-handed. So, abusive language directed at women might encompass unladylike sexual behavior, such as whore, slut, skank, pussy, cunt, dyke, twat, etc. WHY do I get the impression that you are probably an embittered ex-nurse, or child carer, or housewife who feels somehow overlooked in their contribution to society? This person has a cordial relationship with all of the employees, which makes the workspace a positive place for everyone. If you do need to, choose a word that could equally describe a mans behaviour. 20 words we only use to describe women - What you write, here, is both so important, and so true. I could probably list pages, and pages, of these words. There is a whole glossary of terms that are utilised linguistically to denigrate women. Here are just a few words to be careful about: Princess (as a default term of address to a girlyou dont know well. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Active Adaptable Adventurous Affable Amiable Amicable Amusing Brave Bright Calm Careful Charming Circumspect Communicative Compassionate Conscientious Considerate Courageous Courteous Creative Determined Diligent Diplomatic Discreet Dynamic Empathetic Energetic Faithful Fearless Friendly Funny Generous Gentle Good Gregarious Helpful Honest Hopeful These harmful words run the gamut from "emotional" and "sensitive . The best is on Twitter, though, so do go and follow her. When I managed people, I had to do countless interviews, evaluations, etc. Just a bit baffled, J.C. in what way do you imply that debate is masculine? Shrill, Mumsy, Bossy Why Do So Many Gendered Words Undermine Women? Coworkers labeled as "bossy" are described as unpopular and unlikely to be successful in the future, and "bossy" women coworkers are seen as more unpopular and less successful compared to "bossy" men coworkers. Junk in the trunk "One ex-housemate, who did not want to be named, described him as a man who was difficult to get along with, very bossy and imposing.". This is true equality in action. Just before we get to them, I wanted to mention that Ive just started aPatreonaccount. Dont let these comments slide when you hear them.If youre feeling sarky. Your email address will not be published. Thank you. Fierce. And of course its not an either/or dichotomy. Many thanks! Thank you for helping me to see through this new lens my own complicity in the life-limiting system of patriarchy. 20 of the Best Words to Describe a Leader / Boss - Tosaylib Looking for something in particular? Also: shrill and strident, both of which imply high-pitched and. This is the best goddam article Ive ever read on the subject. Feisty, frigid and frumpy: 14 words we only use to describe women Actually she was highly intelligent and accomplished beyond belief and her mind just raced forward and she didnt have time for bullshit because of her enormous workload. Lulastic recently posted5 Tips to Boost the Connection in Your Parent Child Relationship, Pingback: The Ninety-Seventh Down Under Feminists Carnival | Zero at the Bone. This seems to infer that you would place extra emphasis upon the home, and child care which, at the end of the day, risks becoming sexist, because these things are stereotypically female roles. Well except that hyst part is the Greek-derived root word referring to the uterus. An unpleasant male boss is rarely known as bitchy, although gay men can face a similar plight to. And if my MOTHER-IN-LAW did one, well that would surely make her on a par with GOD! Men are encouraged to wear wedding rings as to appear stable. Men were not all that. And no the Bible was written by GOD, cough coughshort men cough cough. Pushy: Most recently, used to describe a remarkably accomplished woman whose high standards and willingness to insist on them aggressively just kinda rubs colleagues the wrong way. Try to take all the judgment and emotion out of what youre talking about. Shall we chat further in the comments? Cankles, Insulting sexist medical (or pseudo-medical) terms: Abrasive/Direct. 2023. And that is why violence is often towards women, that is the one area where men usually are more powerful. Therefore, theres no need to lie about this, because its a fact. Pancake chest Host called senior colleague a C-word in text message obtained by lawyers as part of Dominion lawsuit Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News came after he used vulgar language to describe a . Required fields are marked *. I hope to find more words like this to add to the research so if you have any that would be great! 7 words you should avoid using about women in the workplace Double-standards: These words punish women for behaviour that is acceptable from men These words are used against women who have ideas and opinions and are confident in expressing them Bossy. Words That Describe A Woman, Words Define A Woman My husband on the other hand can talk about his career until the cows come home and they hang on every word he is the great breadwinner. Macho, effeminate, house husband, etc.. Menstrual blues As we start to attribute characteristics as more male or more female this is where the challenges. Get latest podcasts, blogs, and news from DR NANCY. SCOLDING Or, maybe, I have just met bad examples? ), Girly (a girly girl) (because boys can like pink and sparkles, and not all girls do. Ask yourself if you speak critically about men as often as you do about women. ), also used to describe women. Check it out whenever you think ofa sexist word that you are in the habit of using and would like to change. When two groups of women are debating, lets call it debating, too. I feel like handsome as a general adjective was more common 100-200 years ago (Im thinking Anne of Green Gables usage! As Sarah writes, . Thats one I get a lot also Co -dependent. When was the last time youve seen a man labeled nurturing or co-dependent? The words in todays post are sprinkled liberally throughall three of the bottom layers, and even higher. How many men have you hearddescribed as working fathers, let alone dadpreneurs? Typically used in the workplace. Not only can a woman be a 'bitch', but she can also be 'bitchy' (i.e. Dont say shes had facial surgery unless you say he dyes his hair or has hair plugs. When men and women display the same behaviours in, say, a workplace, men are much more likely to be called assertive confident, powerful or a strong leader, while women get this list. After all, if this is what you expect, then one has to ask whether YOU respect other peoples boundaries, etc. But we deal with them as inevitable facts. Alpha female traits manifest in her career, personal life, hobbies, friendships pretty much every facet of her life. Lifestyle; Real Life; 20 words we only use to describe women. Thank you for this article! So here is my list so far ofdozens of sneakily sexist words to get us all thinking.

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words to describe a bossy woman