More than 300 people have donated their time and talents to making costumes for the British Pageant, to be held this August in Chorley, Lancashire in England. We truly believe that every child deserves the chance to dance! Know that they will mostly sell in the beginning of October and you are unlikely to make costume sales right after Halloween! Wondering where to donate old Halloween costumes? Yes, mom!, And off to Capezio we went. Once we receive your monetary donation, we will email you a link where you can purchase a $20 shipping label, which will allow you to ship a box of donated items up to 30 lb directly to us. Merciful H.E.L.P. TDF Member Sweepstakes is now open! Details: new or gently-used costumes in an assortment of sizes: girls, boys, gender-neutral, ages 4 to 10. Donations in Action. Dance Fairies was inspired by passion and love for dance and recognition that not all children have access to beautiful dance costumes and proper dance shoes to allow them to follow their dreams. Y'alloween is accepting donations on its website to fund the purchase of new . At this time are ONLY accepting: individual and group ballet costumes (all sizes) To take advantage of the deal you will fill out the donation form and it will generate the link for discounted shipping. For this reason, we kindly ask our donors to make a small monetary donation with their costumes donation. Their mission is "to provide gently used dance attire to children around the world to instill confidence, self-expression and joy through the gift of dance!" And every time we grew, the pile of dance shoes in our closet grew too. It's recycling at its best and all donations are tax deductible! If you are unsure if an item(s) is useful or is not listed or would like to schedule a time to drop off a donation, feel free to email us at It costs us around $3 per pound to redistribute your donations. Traveling Tutus Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization: Federal ID# 90-0524606. If you have great costumes, in good working shape, with no missing parts or damage, you should absolutely donate them. TDF is a not-for-profit organization that has been dedicated to bringing the power of the performing arts to everyone since 1968. The organization was started by dancers, Ava and Sophia Paley, who are from New York City. Ok, I might have been the pink power ranger twice. But most of the time, kids want a brand new costume each year. So we created Donate2Dance with the idea of donating dance shoes, dancewear and costumes to underserved communities and dancers in need. Growing up, I have always thought that having proper dance attire and beautiful costumes was ordinary, but I have realized how lucky I am to have the ability to take dance lessons, and that not everyone has this opportunity. Plus, Tiler Peck, a New York City Ballet dancer, stops by with a surprise. Since we started Donate2Dance, in Feb 2018, we have helped over 20,000 dancers around the world. They are working in a haunted house, ready to scare any . Fabric - best if at least 4 yards but as small as 1 or 2 yards is good. Please note that it takes up to 4 to 6 weeks to process your donation. Making a donation of your gently used costumes and dancewear is easier than you might think. Traveling Tutus partners with orphanages, children's homes, hospitals, foster care centers, and non-profit organizations in different countries. Halloween is SO FUN. If your budding ballerinas have outgrown their dance shoes and recital costumes, give them the chance to dance again. And before we knew it, a week later our bin was overflowing with shoes and costumes! This Best Friend Friday, dancing sisters Ava and Sophia Paley, ages 14 and 12, open up about starting Donate 2 Dance, an organization that collects attire for young dancers in need. Making a donation of your gently used costumes and dancewear is easier than you might think. It costs us around $3 per pound to redistribute your donations. Drop off your donation and get a receipt. Teen Dancers Create Nonprofit That Donates Dance Clothes to Dancers Around the World, "It is the greatest feeling knowing that, every day, we are helping others.". Long Island City, NY 11101, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., until October 22. You will need to list the items you are sending to us and their estimated value in that form. 'WEEN DREAM is a non-profit organization located in New Orleans. Once you wear that costume trick or treating, its old news. Items accepted:Bracelets, necklaces, pins, watches Donation method:In person drop off Website:Donation Center Locator If you're in a hurry to clean out your jewelry box and have a local Goodwill, you can drop off your donation there. Please contact us with any pieces you would like to donate. Simply follow these steps below: Pack your gently used dancewear and costumes in any shippable box and see how much it weighs. Call or message them on Facebook to see if you might have what they are looking for! And grew. Noticing that sacrifices are often made to purchase . A group of young adults dressed in scary halloween costumes, zombies, demons, ghouls and a clown. Again. The pageant reenacts the story of Heber C. Kimball, the first missionaries to England and early converts to the Church in England through . Please contact us with any pieces you would like to donate. 2022 Costume Callback. Please think QUALITY overQUANTITYat this time we do not have the capacity to accept damaged, stained, and/or incomplete costumes. If an item is historical in nature and cannot be worn, we can use it as a pattern.Items we do not accept include underwear, t-shirts, sweat shirts, items with business logos, infant clothing, or home decoration items.If you have clothing you wish to donate, please email you have items that can be used as a prop, please call 860.873.8664, ext. Footprints Around the World, Inc, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing help to the homeless and low-income families in communities in Los Angeles since 2015. We can give back to these dancers who are full of passion and love for . You can also email that information to us at We started with a pile of our own shoes and costumes and have watched dancers from all over the world from New York City to New Jersey to Minnesota and Ghana, Africa get into the spirit! She now works with both Gifted & Talented and Autistic Children one-on-one, combining creative thinking and the arts with academics, and behavior management. Click here to join our mail list and receive our e-newsletter! With more than 85,000 costumes to choose from, the TDF Costume Collection has the perfect outfits and accessories for your next project Center provides people in Hamilton County with the basic necessities of life. Every child believes in magic, and dancing is the closest thing to magic. We brought the idea to our dance school, Shuffles Broadway Tap and Musical Theater School, and they partnered with us immediately and we joined forces with their Shuffle It Forward philanthropic initiative. Below are some guidelines for your donations. Capezio, Bloch, PrimaSoft, BodyWrappers, Gaynor Mindon, Zelle, AK Dancewear, Terez, LeSportSac and Norwegian Cruiselineand many, many others have been extremely generous and donate to us all the time! We offer two curated spaces for designers, educators and students, the Kitty Leech Memorial Library and The Rolfe Company Meeting Room, that catalog and preserve invaluable costume design resources while encouraging an understanding of the field's rich legacy. It's that easy! 7323 SW Barnes Rd. An easy answer for old costumes is to pass them along to someone with a kid slightly younger than yours. To date, we have donated to over 60,000 dancers around the world and use our grant and GoFundMe money to pay for shipping when we can. The organization aims to help many people, including families living at or below the poverty level . When you make your monetary donation, please email us at, Make Donation and Print Your Shipping Label, Are you in need of dance costumes or any other dance attire? If you are looking to donate your Halloween costumes but would like to do give them to somewhere a little closer to home, consider reaching out to your local children's hospital. Where to donate Halloween costumes in 2023. Box 18462; Erlanger, KY, 41018. All money raised through GoFundMe and yearly bake sales goes towards shipping boxes of donations. Sunday: Closed RSS | Map: 1855 N. Central Expy., Plano, TX 75075 ONE Location Call Now: 972-422-7256 We are the ENCYCLOPEDIA of THEME PARTY COSTUMES! We truly appreciate and are so grateful for every donation we receive from our supporters and so happy we can offer this discounted shipping rate, but you are more than welcome to select your own method of shipping. The donation of Halloween costumes that we received from Good360 allow ed us to assist more kids and families with items such as costumes and toys at no cost. Unfortunately, the shipping cost of the redistribution to the organizations we work with is one of our biggest obstacles. Palmira Mallino Founder of Costume Callback Inc. Palmira started Costume Callback at 13-years-old, noticing that most dancers' beautiful recital costumes would later sit inside their closets after just one or two performances. Are you in need of dance costumes or any other dance attire? With your payment, please make sure to indicate your name, email address, phone number (optional), and weight of the box and items you are donating. Access our COVID-19 Resources page (973) 957-7755 Call your local principals office to see if they have a need. Again? Its so fun to see photos of kids you know in your old costumes, too! To date, Halloween Helpers has collected over 10,000 Halloween costumes and has shared the Halloween spirit with children all across the world. Churches or synagogues that have childcare rooms might be interested in costumes or accessories that could be used for kids to play with! Most costumes are under $10 and there's a wide selection for infants and toddlers all the way up to youth 16. Not only does it allow you to express emotions, but also it offers an opportunity to develop self-confidence and make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you! Looking to get rid of old silverware, knick-knacks, household items, chairs, books, (basically anything) - We are always accepting donations of things that could serve as set pieces/props, if you think you have some treasures to donate please email us at The Wandering Theatre Company. Definitely call there are lots of cleanliness protocols for sick kids but it is worth an ask. We are happy to share that we are now able to offer discounted shipping ($15 a box up to 50lbs) to all of our USA supporters. A Vintage Clothing Store & Costume Shop for Dallas, Ft. Worth and North Texas LIMITED SHIPPING AVAILABLE HOURS: 10-7 Mon.-Sat. All money raised through GoFundMe and yearly bake sales goes towards shipping boxes of donations. We are fortunate. The TDF/Irene Sharaff Awards were founded in 1993 to pay tribute to the art of costume design. Ween Dream is a non profit organization located in New Orleans that accepts donated costumes. to bring shoes, costumes and dancewear to dancers in need. Spooky season is officially upon us, and what better way to spread the holiday spirit than to donate your gently used or never-worn Halloween costumes to children in need? We will remain closed until our warehouse is caught up on donations. #DancersHelpingDancers. Donate. Be sure to wash all the items and dry them before you donate them. Please be sure to note the list of donated items they are currently accepting. Donate Them to These Organizations. Come and see for yourself, or have our expert staff choose costumes for you! 971-888-5151. If you have a neighborhood facebook group, post a costume for free (or sale). Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You can sell old halloween costumes on Facebook marketplace, eBay, Mercari, Poshmark, or any similar site. Heres my guide on where to donate left over Halloween candy! See below for some guidelines on wardrobe donations. While item acceptance varies by store, most accept necklaces, bracelets, rings, pins, and watches. Modern clothing is readily available in actors closets so we dont need to keep these things in stock. Two Dance-Obsessed N.Y.C. WE ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING DONATIONS! 'Ween Dream is a nonprofit organization located in the greater New Orleans area whose mission is to provide Halloween costumes to children all across the US. Give us a call at 888-881-9090 and speak to one of our representatives. Elementary schools might want kids costume pieces for drama class or classroom playtime. Fortunate that we are sisters who were introduced to dance when we were each five years old. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Find out what part you can play in making the world a little bit better. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Donating Your Costumes/Props | SDT New Site 2021 Donating Your Costumes/Props StageDoor Theatre welcomes donations of props and wardrobe/costume pieces. At this time, we are ONLY accepting the following items: Ballet, jazz, lyrical, and hip-hop dance costumes that do not have any stains or odor and are in very good condition. However without financial support we are not able to get your donations around the world. Alternatively, you can mail your dress to their shipping address, which is 110 West A Street ste:1100, San Diego, CA 92101. for men, women or children.We accept up to 25 items at a time, clean, in good condition, and on hangers. Free stuff for kids goes FAST around here! Neatly fold the costumes, and put them in a bag with any related accessories like magic wands, masks, or shoes. From Our Hearts to Your Toes is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization: Federal ID #83-1490674. Please print and attach that label to the box of items that you would like to donate and drop off that box at your nearest UPS store. There are actually a lot of places that accept donated Halloween costumes. Based on the weight of your donation, please make a monetary donation ($3 per pound) to our organization through Venmo @dance_fairies, Paypal, Yes, absolutely! Materials for the Arts will gladly take your old Halloween costumes, vintage oddities, old work uniforms, and anything odd you have lurking in the back of your closet that it can make new costumes out of. To date, Emma has gathered more than 15,000 costumes -- all donated to children in need throughout the WORLD! After setting up our oversized, pink donation bins at Shuffles.we waited. To learn more or tobecome a Donate2Dance Ambassador in your local area please, Donate2Dance still continues to ship boxes. 6308 SW Capitol Hwy. Donate Costumes - Traveling Tutus Inc. We believe that every child deserves the chance to dance. We appreciate all types of unwanted costume or estate jewelry (even one earring!) The TDF Costume Collection Rental Program offers over 85,000 pieces for rental to all types of film, television, digital media, art, dance, theatre, a. . Once your donation has been accepted and processed, you will be notified of a receipt of the donation via email. Ballet Slippers, jazz, and tap shoes that are NEW or in a very gently used condition that were worn just once or twice, cleaned, and sanitized. Bess is a professional Stage manager in NYC and has done over a dozen Broadway shows amongst many Off Broadway and Regional work. The non-profit started by a Houston teenager aims to provide free Halloween costumes to Texas children in need. Visit their website to see where their nine drop-off locations are.Nov 4, 2020 ". You will get the necessary tax documentation for your jewelry donation and a receipt from one of our four charities immediately upon acceptance. In order to keep the costume collection at a manageable size in our storage, we are asking for donations of items that would be most frequently useful and more difficult to come across when needed. Website Design by Amanda Milberg. Modern clothing is readily available in actors closets so we dont need to keep these things in stock. Sisters Launch Charity to Help Aspiring Dancers in Need, Ava and Sophia Paley of the Upper West Side are "tapping it forward" to donate gently-used dance gear to those who need it most, Mom, my dance shoes are too tight, again!. Halloween Helpers, a nonprofit organization based in Pennsylvania, was started in 2008 by an 11-year-old child who wanted to ensure that all children in the US and beyond had access to Halloween costumes each year. Here are 10 ideas to keep those gently used costumes out of the landfill! If you live near San Diego, you can donate your dress at one of their partner drop off locations. Monroe. to support survivors through our No One Goes Solo programs throughout the year. We figured since we love dance so much, there must be other kids out there who love dance and who could probably use shoes and dancewear. So, for example, if the box of costumes that you would like to donate to our organization is around 10 lb (which is about 10 to 12 costumes usually), it will cost us about $30 to get those costumes in the hands of the children who are anxiously awaiting for them. Center - Carmel. The TDF Costume Collection proudly supports not-for-profit theatrical performances and, occasionally, we even make headlines! Since its inception in 2014, 'Ween Dream has collected over 13,000 Halloween costumes across 38 states to ensure that children of all demographics including those with disabilities or serious medical conditions or who are facing homelessness have a happy Halloween every year. OUR VISION The love for dance is powerful and magical. Be sure to dry clean the dress before donation, then turn it in on the hanger. Their site has great information on how to set up a costume drive in your own community and partner with local businesses and organizations to distribute them. Thank you for considering I Have Wings for your jewelry donation. Leotards (must be NEW or in very gently used condition). So, for example, if the box of costumes that you would like to donate to our organization is around 10 lb (which is about 10 to 12 costumes usually), it will cost us about $30 to get those costumes in the hands of the children who are anxiously awaiting for them. A costume drive is a great way to collect costumes, shoes, tights, leotards, and dance wear for us. It can be day wear, evening wear, outerwear, accessories, etc. Hours: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., Tuesday through . StageDoor Theatre welcomes donations of props and wardrobe/costume pieces. See what the press has to say about us. From Our Hearts to Your Toes is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization: Federal ID #83-1490674. Below are some guidelines for your donations. The organization was started by dancers, Ava and Sophia Paley, who are from New York City. Donate Dance Costumes | Dance Fairies DONATING IS EASY AS 1-2-3 Making a donation of your gently used costumes and dancewear is easier than you might think. She fills her spare time with volunteer work and working as a teaching artist. Donate2Dance is a 5013 non-profit organization that collects gently worn and new dance wear, tap/jazz/ballet shoes and costumes and donates the items to dance schools and dancers in need around the world. Meeks said the organization has donated to kids in 38 states this year alone. This post may contain affiliate links, which means that we earn a small percentage of each sale. We'll distribute costumes in our community center on October 22 just in time for thrills, chills and candy corn. The love for dance is powerful and magical. You can either take clothes to their drop-off location in Queens or schedule a pickup appointment. You will have all the information you need . We do not provide tax receipts by mail, so please make sure to provide your email address. A great way to keep it out of the landfill! Donate2Dance is a 5013 non-profit organization that collects gently worn and new dance wear, tap/jazz/ballet shoes and costumes and donates the items to dance schools and dancers in need around the world. TDF, 34-12 36th St., Queens We send your donated costumes to organizations working with children and teens all around the world! Most thrift stores that sell clothing accept costumes, though some may have restrictions about what time of year they accept them in. Jersey Cares 290 West Mount Pleasant Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039 Questions? Did you know that you can donate your children's gently-used Halloween costumes? TDF Costume Collection Research and Education Center.

“From ancient times to a sustainable future”
where to donate costumes
where to donate costumes
Joris Post, Commercial Director
Phone: +31 70 204 2717
Mark Engelenburg, Technical Director
Phone: +31 70 204 2717
where to donate costumes
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