The Berthier carbine was adopted by the French Army on March 14, 1890, and a short rifle version of the Berthier rifle was adopted in 1907. Berthiers were chambered in the same cartridge as the Lebel, the 8x50mm Lebel, which was the first to be loaded with smokeless powder (Poudre B). . St Etienne MLE M.16 FR 1349 M16 8mm. Please call 24 hours in advance to schedule a pick-up time. The Greek Army of Asia Minor received 10,000 Berthier Mle 07/15 and Mle 1892 M16 to fight against the Turks. If you choose to pick-up your lots at the Auction Center, our regular hours are Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM. Successful online bidders, who bid through a third party online bidding platform, will be assessed a 5% surcharge. - Payment SLL: Signed Lower Left The MAC-designed Lebel rifle entered production in 1886. just thought this rifle was worth sharing. After World War II, Berthier rifles were retired, except for some rifles held by indigenous units and reserve forces. Taurus Defender 856 TORO Brings Optic-Ready Performance to a Revolver. Costs are as follows: All phone bids are required to open at $250 or half of the published estimate (whichever is greater and no less than $250). Beretta released its PX4 Storm line in the 1990s without much fanfare, but it since has developed something of a cult-like following. The Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-tienne was created by royal decree in 1764 under the supervision of the General Inspector of the Royal Arms Manufacture of Charleville. Despite the advent of the MAS-36, the French Army did not have enough of the new rifles to equip even half of its front line interior troops. Alderfer Auction, 501 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, PA 19440. You are using an out of date browser which is likely incompatible with our website. - Free Online Library",, L'armement rglementaire franais travers les ges, Berthier Carbine History and Development resource thread, TheGreek Army still fielded Berthier Mle 07/15 M16 rifles during theGreek-Italian War, most being used in second-line units. In terms of striking power, it just barely reaches the level of the .32 ACP. If the bolt is cocked and closed and the trigger is pulled, the firing pin will be released. 17-1/2" barrel. Simulcast Auctions are conducted in front of a live audience. MAS later designed and manufactured the family of rifles chambered in 7.554mm French, from the MAS-36 through the MAS-49/56, then later the FAMAS bullpup assault rifle, which uses the 5.5645mm NATO round. Berthier Model 1916 (original & converted) 5-shot rifles & carbines saw action in both France & Norway. FFL Dealers and out-of-state buyers must have in their possession on the day of sale, signed copies of their Federal Firearms License in order to accept same-day delivery of modern firearms. - Alderfer Auction will not be held responsible for error or failure to execute the bid. Firearm Laws THE BOLT HEAD DOES MATCH THE RECEIVER. Any used firearm should be inspected by a competent gunsmith for safety, function, and proper ammunition type/size before attempting to fire. Bidding Qualifications B14909. From Fort Vancouver Yellow Pear to Santa Anna, these, Start Gardening This Summer and Reap the Rewards | Successful Harvesting for Beginners, Gardening is a rewarding experience that brings with it many benefits, from improved physical and mental health to the joy of harvesting fresh produce. We are aware of these Sates and their Laws and it is the duty of each potential bidder to make sure they are allowed to own this legally in their respective States. - Illegible bid(s) will be disregarded. Harleysville, PA 19438 $10,000 until $99,999 is reached The rifle has an issue date stamped into the barrel of MA S 1894. Listed here are state laws restricting the sale of certain high-capacity magazines. until the 1960s for law enforcement purposes. The Berthier used a simplified and smoother version of the Lebel bolt, but the main differences were a great reduction in weight, moving parts, tooling and an increase in operating speed. This is a fine example has an excellent bright bore with clear lands and grooves. Online bidding increments may vary, see each auction for details. Make: Manufacture d'armes de Saint-tienne (MAS) Model: MLE 1907/15/M16 (MLE 1907/15 with M16 Modifications) Serial Number: 78388 Year of Manufacture: 1915 Barrel Date under the Handguard Caliber: 8mm Lebel Action Type: Bolt Action with Clip Fed 5-Round Fixed Magazine Markings: There is no visible import mark. M.16". A Carbine version of the. $25 until $499 is reached The turned down bolt handle and the screw holding in the bolt head. Alderfer Auction will attempt to furnish one, but shall not be liable for failing to do so. A $9 per gun transaction fee will be assessed for gun registration; $7 per gun transaction fee thereafter which is in addition to the total purchase price. 3. ", Cal. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The search for a suitable small arm for mounted troops was given greater urgency by the Germans' development of the Karabiner Modell 1888, a carbine variant of the Gewehr 1888. It has a 1918 MAS manufactured barrel as can be seen in the photos & has matching barrel, receiver, trigger guard & stock but the bolt is not matching. Please show your bidding number to the auctioneer after each purchase you make. Gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors and get in touch with nature. The Berthier was originally introduced as a partial replacement for the French 1886 Lebel rifle. You will then be given a choice of available time slots from which to choose. THE STACKING ROD IS SLIGHTLY BENT. Fatal shooting near bar involved rival biker gangs, Port St. Luce police say, Winchester Model 70 Super Grade AAA French Walnut, In need of ar-15 M16 lower stripped receiver. Alderfer Online Onsite Auctions The Lebel also could not be easily scaled down to a carbine length for cavalry and smaller statured native troops in French Indochina who had issues with its length and weight. Pennsylvania State Law prohibits any owner from bidding on their own merchandise to enhance the value. Firing from the standing position at 100 yards, the Mle. 3. (C&R), Valid Credit Card required for bidding approval, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Pay Pal, and Wire Transfer. Alderfer Auction sometimes uses the services of a third party auction platform for online bidding. preferably something that could be purchased localy. However, the Berthier carbine with a five-round clip (Mle1890 M16, 1892M16 and Mle1916 mousquetons) was again utilized by French Foreign Legion and some overseas colonial infantry and cavalry units, including the French Spahis, French motorized cavalry units, and frontier border guards. To remove the bolt, unscrew the large screw in the bolt while it is partially retracted. The UPS Store These rifles hold special significance to African-American historians. Shipping Department While the original 1907 rifle incorporated a cruciform bayonet, the 07/15 was modified to take the same bayonet as the Lebel, simplifying supply. The left side of the receiver is marked St. Etienne MLE M.16 . Descriptions are believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Though a five-round clip jutting out of the bottom of a three-round magazine looks a bit odd. Despite this, the French wound up cobbling together the majority of their Berthier rifles during rebuilds due to an excess in parts. This email is used as the Store e-mail address and cannot be used to log in to this website. 6. Delivery Department New York: We do not ship, sell, or offer for sale any magazines over 10 rounds to anyone in New York or anyone using a billing address in the state of New York. She is a little awkward to handle, ammunition is tough to find and the en bloc clips are expensive. The final result was the Mle 1892 M16 5-shot carbine which was well received, but did not appear on the front lines until the summer of 1918. Phone Number should have following format: Phone Number should be less than 20 symbols, Security code was sent via text message to. The Berthier rifles and carbines were a family of bolt-action small arms in 8mm Lebel, used in the French Army, and French Colonial Forces, from the 1890s to the beginning of World War II (1940).After the introduction of the Lebel rifle in 1886, the French Army wanted a repeating carbine using the same ammunition as the Lebel to replace their single shot carbine based on the Gras rifle. Trigger guard and receiver match. Because Alderfer Auction is FFL approved, all shipping, packing and insurance are handled by Alderfer Auction. Summary Vehicle History Report below provided by AutoCheck. Terms & Conditions may change frequently and without notice. Though inferior overall to Mauser's double-column box magazines, the Berthier weapons had to retain the Mannlicher en bloc system, as the rimmed and tapered 8mm Lebel cartridge could not feed properly from a Mauser-style box magazine. In 1901 French colonial authorities in Indochina requested a rifle to replace the Fusil Gras Mle1874 and other black powder fired rifles then in inventory. In nice used condition maker marked from the St Etienne Arsenals with a 1917 date on the barrel shank. 07-15 marked as a Mle. The M.16 was intended to be the standard production Berthier model. OPTSYS, a Nexter subsidiary specializing in optical equipment and protected vision for armored vehicles, is currently located in Saint-tienne. Berthiers in nicer condition can often fetch higher prices, especially now that we are in the centenary of the First World War. SN 58692. After- In our best judgment, a copy of the known work of the artist. Dan Angstadt Description SERIAL NUMBER: 10355 DESIGN: Bolt action rifle. The Greek Army still fielded Berthier Mle 07/15M16 rifles during the Greco-Italian War, most being used in second-line units. Applicable buyer's premium is applied per auction. Alderfer Auction is not responsible for typos in print and electronic media. NEEDS SCOPE AND SCOPE MOUNTS. PA residents pay 6% sales tax unless a Tax Exempt Form is on file. 215.393.3000 office It was issued to essentially all French artillery and cavalry troops. Bids cannot be retracted using this feature. Home Price Guide ST. ETIENNE MLE M16 Zoom Stock Image. In line with the usual Mannlicher magazine design, designers included a large opening at the bottom of the magazine well, in part to verify if the carbine was loaded with a charger of cartridges. Mar 3, 2009. Mle. Desperate for rifles, the nation of France reached out to her colonies and pulled out a rifle that was never intended to fight on the frontlines of a proper European war. 3. Packing fee of $25 for the first long gun Berthier rifles & carbines continued in service during the Second World War in all branches of French service, including infantry & mounted units. [12] The Third Reich issued many captured Berthier carbines to German occupation forces in France, mainly to Atlantic Wall units, the M34 variant received the German identification code Gewehr 241(f). During the Greek Civil War, partisans were still using Berthier rifles. The Mle 1890M16, 1892M16 and Mle 1916 mousquetons) were again used by French Foreign Legion and some colonial infantry and cavalry units, including the French Spahis. This is all-original but not all-matching World War 1 French Model 1907/15 Berthier rifle in 8mm Lebel. Berthier guns held a tenure that went throughout the interwar years and it was not until 1934 that the rifle underwent its final notable alteration: a rechambering to the 7.5x54mm Mle 29 cartridge. Furthermore, a hinged metal plate covering the bottom opening of the magazine well was added. The left side of the barrel shank, bottom metal, bolt handle, and left side of the butt are all marked with the serial number. Additionally, it was found that trench mud & grit could enter the weapon through the opening in the bottom of the magazine. The contract was canceled after approximately half of the rifles were manufactured; and those rifles were sold on the private market. Need Help? (Photo: Francis Borek). $1,000 until $19,999 is reached My stock in particular features no less than seven repairs and also lacks any sort of grasping grooves. Please enable cookies in your web browser settings. At its discretion, Alderfer Auction may also accept bids from approved internet bidders. It was also issued to some French regular infantry regiments after 1916 in order to bring relief to an endemic shortage of the Lebel rifle although well over 2 million Lebel rifles had already been produced between 1887 and 1917. "N" stamped on receiver. With its greater cartridge capacity, it was better received than the Mle 1907/15 rifle and later became widely issued to infantry troops during the post-war years after their production had intensified. In the event of a tie between an online bidder and the floor bidder, the successful bidder will be at the Auctioneers discretion. In the end, the production of converted Mle 1907/15-M34 Berthier rifles was limited to approximately 80,000 units. Alderfer Auction strongly encourages bidders to personally inspect all lots. In comparison to the Mle 1886 Lebel, the Berthier's sights were also wider, higher and more substantial. In 1949, The Turkish Forest Service began issuing three-shot Berthier carbines, full-length rifles were altered to utilize a Mannlicher-style stock. WAF means With All Faults - Free Online Library", "The guns of "DAD's Army" part 1: Small Arms of the British Home Guard 1940-1944: they probably worried their own government more than they did the Nazis, but they did their part in the dark days when Britain fell under the German shadow. 267.638.1063 direct During these events each item presented in the auction is also available for bidding in an online venue hosted by a third party provider such as,, Found this piece at the local gun show over the weekend..I believe it started life as a cavalry carbine. Get offers and news!! Recommended third party shipping is available through: Ohio: We do not ship, sell, or offer for sale any magazines over 30 rounds to anyone in Ohio or anyone using a billing address in the state of Ohio. 1874' in a round stamp with 'MA' in the middle on the right side of the stock, and 'M. S. Decembre T. 1878' in a round stamp with 'MA' in the middle on the left side of the stock. This one is. Colonials were Frenchmen who were stationed and fought overseas. - Review Terms - Pickup or Shipping Scheduling/Arrangements 1874 Gras Rifle Mfg in 1877 at St. Etienne Arsenal The Fusil Modle 1874 or Gras was the French Army 's primary service rifle from 1874 to 1886. Clocks and Watches The occasional use, outside France, of the term "Mannlicher" to designate weapons of the Berthier system is due to the "en bloc" clip disposition which was borrowed from the real Mannlicher rifles and carbines. 2. 1913 french MLE M16 St Etienne rifle m16 | Northwest Firearms Search discussions Firearm Specific Sections Rifle Discussion Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Northwest We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. Winchester Model 94 .22 WMR: Famous Silhouette Rifle. Though the Lebel's original capacity of 8 rounds was reduced, the Berthier was more popular due to the efficiency of operation and the increased speed of reloading, which more closely matched the capabilities of foreign rifles such as the Mauser and the Lee-Enfield. Prior experiments with several carbine versions of the Lebel action proved unacceptably heavy and slow to load while on horseback. Firearm Shipping 12,000 weapons were being produced each year when the French Revolution began in 1789. Item #: 929859794 Location: FL Trades Accepted: No The new price is $695.00.00 pus shipping. 2. $100 until $1,999 is reached Even before the Nazis were gone, civil war was underway", "Berthier Mousqueton D'Artillerie Model 1892 Carbine: Greek Military Forces", "Czechoslovak Weapons of World War II: part 1", "Modle 1907-15 Mannlicher Berthier (Turkish Forestry Service Carbine)", "PART I: ROMANIAN WORLD WAR II: SMALL ARMS: PUSTI SI PISTOLUL MITRALIERA. Statements by Alderfer Auction regarding the condition of objects are for guidance only and should not be relied upon as statements of fact, and do not constitute a representation or assumption of liability by Alderfer Auction. M.16 is a bit of an odd duck. Storage fees will begin on the 15th day regardless of payment status. Attributed to- In our best judgment, the work may be by the artist. After the fall of France in 1940, the Berthier could be found in service with both Vichy and Free French units. See Auction Information for full details." Payment Type: Payment Type: Please Add . During World War II, the Third Reich issued plenty of captured Berthiers to German occupation forces in France, mainly to Atlantic Wall units. modle 1959 type F.M, Fusil Automatique de 7,62 mm MAS A.P. But as this conflict has shown, nothing about it was proper. Schedule a pick-up time via or call 215.393.3000. instructions will be included in your invoice. Lever Action Metallic Silhouette a fun and popular shooting sport, and Winchesters Model 94 in .22 Winchester Magnum is a natural choice for this competition. Alderfer Auction cannot place bids for the buyer as the buyer must properly register and bid through the third party platform. Belgium felt that a line of thinly manned fortifications could hold back the most modern army in the world. the Compagnies Republicaines de Securite (CRS) as late as the 1980s. We recommend upgrading your current browser or. Seller Description The MLE 1890, or Berthier carbine, is a French carbine that was developed for mounted cavalry troops, having a shorter barrel and a bent bolt handle. . In World War 2 the Third Reich issued many captured Berthier carbines to German occupation forces in France, mainly to Atlantic Wall units. Rifle is a mixmaster, seems to be in pretty good condition, receiver is not marked N. This is my first French rifle, know virtually nothing about them. Please call or email for delivery fees for your particular lot(s). During World War I, it was quickly recognized that the Berthiers three-shot magazine was simply too small in comparison to foreign weapons, requiring too-frequent reloading. - Storage fees: Any items left at the auction center for more than two weeks following the auction date will incur storage fees at a rate of $10.00 per lot, per week regardless of the size or value of the lot. hi guys and gals. Stock and firing bolt do not match. French M1874 Gras Rifle Bayonet 1879 St. Etienne VERY CLEAN $65.00 0 bids $16.55 shipping 3d 16h or Best Offer French M1874 Bayonet $90.00 $7.95 shipping Original 1881 French M1874 Gras Bayonet 20" 11mm Rifle w/matching # Scabbard $75.99 0 bids $26.45 shipping 3d 9h Vintage 1878 French M1874 Gras Bayonet w/ Scabbard- Very Good Condition $100.00 215.256.4241 IT IS SERIAL #82233. 5. $300 Sitting on top of that post is a tiny notch. All auction inquiries must be received a minimum of 48 hours prior to the start of the auction. - Applicable Buyers Premium will be added to each purchase. As mentioned recoil is quite harsh, and I feel some sympathy for those who were forced to fire these from the prone position. Selected Berthier Mle 1907/15-M16 (Fusil Mle 1916) rifles were fitted with telescopic sights and used, along with scoped Mle 1886/M93 rifles, by marksmen detailed to serve with some French units. The TORO (Taurus Optics Ready Option) is touted as the first-ever optics-ready revolver, and being a sucker for red dots and handguns, I had to try it. 1. Prices can vary wildly. Germany believed that in only a few weeks, their soldiers would once again be marching through the streets of Paris. A LEBEL rifle is currently worth an average price of $553.41 new and $315.94 used . 8x50Rmm French. Acceptable forms of payments are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal (with the exception of Firearms, Militaria & Sporting Auctions), wire transfer, money order, cash and check. 1. The auctioneers decision will be binding and final. We are building a group of shoppers looking to find hidden treasures. It has a St. Etienne prefix, doesn't seem to be remarked, doesn't seem to be an upgraded old model. The screws require a two-prong screwdriver which were only issued to armorers. Some were used by police units fighting partisans in various eastern European countries including security units operating at the rear of German front lines in Soviet Union. In practical use however, the notch is basically useless. The rear sight features a very wide square notch while the front sight is a big, fat square post. $250 until $4,999 is reached As the high Command appreciated the performance of the Mle 1890 Berthier carbine, a second version was specifically produced for artillery service, the " Mousqueton Mle 1892" which could mount a short blade bayonet and thus had a re-designed forend stock. What is the least expensive rifle caliber in 2023? Phone number. Alderfer Auction conducts auctions at various different onsite locations through online only timed auctions. imagine getting stuck with one of those bad boys. One of the first steps in adapting to this new environment is a, Buy Organic Seeds Risk Free From Organic Seeds TOP - Credit Card & Western Union Payment Options, Organic Seeds TOP is a seed vendor based in the Ukraine. Specific State Restrictions Very quickly the warring nations learned (more or less) the horrifying reality of modern warfare, and that they were going to be in for long and protracted conflict. Alderfer Auction is a Licensed Federal Firearms Dealer (FFL) located in southeastern Pennsylvania. When the First World War began, most of the warring nations felt that it would be a quick fight. 215.393.3000 office 5. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings before proceeding. Due to the sensitive and mechanical nature of clocks and watches, we do not guarantee them to be in running or working condition. The Kingdom of Greece, fighting alongside the allies, received large number of Berthiers during the war,[6] especially Mle 07/15 rifles[7] and Mle 1892 M16 carbines.[8]. Buyer's Premium, Sales Tax & Payment Craters and Freighters of Philadelphia Many customers have had positive experiences ordering from them, and their customer service has been praised for keeping buyers updated on order status. Alderfer Auction D. Please read terms and conditions in regards to shipping and other available options including storage fees if you are unable to make the pick-up times listed above. Extreme care must be exercised when handling a loaded Berthier rifle or carbine. 1886 Lebel. Fees must be paid in advance by credit card. This site requires accepting cookies in order to continue. Any questions may be directed to Pam Bergey |215.393.3000 | wish i had a bayonet for this one. Alderfer Auction logo(s), content and photography are copyright materials that may not be copied, used or duplicated without the written consent of Alderfer Auction, 501 Fairgrounds Rd., Hatfield, PA 19440. In kind, the Mle. The loaded clip should slide up out of the magazine. [9], Czechoslovakia received large numbers of Mle 07/15 rifles after World War I.

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