Lewis always had a copy of this esoteric text in one of his wardrobes? When you sing this internally, you are bringing the solar light from above, from the environment that surrounds you, from the Earth, and from yourself. [14] Ptrement, Simone. Several texts mention Saklas and Satan (the enemy) as . So, the stable of Bethlehem is a symbol of the planet Earth; that is the stable where all the solar lights from our solar system, from our galaxy, from our constellation, from our infinite are gathered remember that different types of plants collect different forms of solar energy from different parts, different levels of the cosmoses that abide within the abstract Absolute Space, and this is what we feed ourselves with. Barbelo she is Mother/Father and She brought forth the Christos through Him who is the Light. You can experience that region as a "tourist" but that doesn't mean you belong there. And, 8 is equal to the pentalpha. It doesn't mean that those names are negative. It is, in other words, a constellation. Because Kain and Abel are symbols of a permutation that we have to work with. Translated by John Bowden. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. So, in other words, the energy that we collect by chanting Belilin is in accordance with our level of consciousness. As an example of the ubiquity of space; that 7th symphony of Beethoven which I spoke about earlier, it was emanating from space. The Gnostics identified him with the god of the Old Testament. It is the completion of all the work. [3] Because of their lack of worship, he caused the Flood upon the human race, from which a feminine power such as Sophia or Pronoia[42] (Providence) rescued Noah. p. 59. In the Gospel of Judas (hereafter GJ), Judas makes an important confession about the identity of Jesus, saying: "I know who you are and from what place you have come. Sophia gave birth to a son that was the product of the rebellious and profane desire that had arisen within her. The Master related a story about a queen who asked a wise man about intuition. We do not see the ultra-violet light. It was a beautiful spectacle; a samadhi. To keep the angels in subjection, Yaldabaoth generated the material universe. (also Saklas (Aramaic "fool") or Samael (Hebrew "blind god" and a devilish . When we address Elija, we are addressing the solar light, the Solar Logos in other words, which is precisely Barbelo. or even just smaller christian sects like gnostic idealogies because there is just so much to explore with like saklas and the demiurge or barbelo which i think can be so much scarier than fucking idk beelzebub who ive seen like 100000x times. So, the consciousness, the common sense, is that which has to penetrate into all of that as the quanta, the energy that emerges from the Sun, explains. How could any agent of this process, witting or unwitting, be acting other than according to the divine will? Intuition, the common-sense, is nourished the fives senses, and all of the senses related with the spinal medulla, the Vav. So from my understanding, this is Father-Mother-Son; the Ain Soph Aur is Christ, and the Ain Soph is the unmanifested Mother, and the Ain is Instructor: The unmanifested Father. Right before Passover, as the disciples are praying, Jesus sneers at their innocence. After matter, Yaldabaoth produced the serpent spirit (Ophiomorphos), which is the origin of all evil. The development of the sexual organs depends upon the pineal gland, because it is through the pineal gland that we receive the solar light, which then descends into our sexual organs. That is why the law, which is called the Cosmic-Common-Trogo-Auto-Egocrat the law of the reciprocal nourishment of all species, on every planet; "eat, and be eaten" is related with the solar light. The demiurge is given many names in the Gnostic scriptures, but the three most common ones are Yaldabaoth (also spelled Ialdabaoth), Samael, and Saklas. Sophia rules over the Ogdoas, the Demiurge over the Hebdomas. Yesod and Malkuth, together, are one feminine sephirah; they are called the physical body and the vital body they are one body. And, from the unmanifested Isis, the Ain Soph, many initiates prepare themselves in order to enter into the Ain, the bosom of the Father, which is beyond the Ain Soph. saklas and barbelovet tech jackets. The Sethian Poets, in their Odes, sang such a persecution. [e][12] This supposed attestation stemmed from a Targum and was merely a corrupted reading of Aramaic: , romanized: khth, lit. Barbelo is the name given to the first entity to arise from God in the literature of the classic Gnostics. [7][8] A theory proposed by Matter[fr] in 1828 claimed to have identified the name as descending from Hebrew: , romanized:yld, lit. This is what we are talking about: we are talking about the radiant energy that comes from the Sun, but understanding that the Sun that shines on us is the physical body of a Spiritual Sun that is the Solar Absolute, which is formed by all the Suns of the universe. The Spirit bestowed five powers upon her: image of the invisible spirit, foreknowledge, indestructibility, eternal life and truth. Eventually, Yaldabaoth expelled them from the ethereal region, the Paradise, as punishment. "Materialism has no power over me," because I am filled with the solar light. The place should have been identified as the realm of Barbello. Click here to return to the corrected sentences. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=galatians+2%3A11-21&version=NRSV Accessed on 3-18-2019. 4 p.361 c; in Amos iii. 2013. The more we fornicate, the more we destroy the pineal gland, the gland that relates to the development of intuition, to common sense. Materialism has no power over me (because you are filled with the solar light). She is identical with Aphrodite, and is enjoined by her mother to cause adulteries and desertions among men, in revenge for Edem's desertion by Elohim (p. 154). Jesus was sent as the son of the true God, rather than sending one of the lesser gods. In the act of creation, however, Yaldabaoth emptied himself of his supreme power. In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge (/ d m i. r d /) is an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe.The Gnostics adopted the term demiurge.Although a fashioner, the demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the monotheistic sense, because the demiurge . When we start doing that, expanding our consciousness, that is when we become what we call, Christian. Obviously, everything emerges from the Chaos. The god of Genesis, notes David Brakke, walks in an earthly garden and must ask where Adam is (Genesis 3:8-9); he concludes that his creation of humanity and animals was a mistake and decides to destroy all people, except for a single family and a few beasts (6:5-22); and he later annihilates entire cities by raining sulfur and fire down upon them (19:24-25).[19]. Now, that Hei is in each one of us too. Pantheon [33][34][35][37], In Gnosticism, the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden was praised and thanked for bringing knowledge (gnosis) to Adam and Eve and thereby freeing them from the malevolent Demiurge's control. As an example let us listen the third movement of the 7th symphony. The infinite is reversible towards the navel, that is in all quantifiable points. The connection to God and the immortal realm became extinct. On this weekend of official piety, let us all therefore give thanks for our deliverance from religion, and raise high the wafer that summons us to the wonders and bliss of the faraway realm ofBarbelo and brings us the joyous and long-awaited news that Judas saves.*. The word demiurge comes from Plato, although Platos demiurge was far from evil. Their Triad was represented by () Seth, () Kain, and () Abel; Kain ( nest) represented the flesh and Abel ( vanity, the Bel) the mediator (the mediator is the Christ, the Son, the solar force). 'bringing forth'. So, when through sexual transmutation you become a real human being, God (Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei) is in you, personalized, and you are named Jehovah . And we found my brother Michael's faulty copy. The Judas gospel would make one huge difference if it was accepted. Obviously, if we disintegrate the ego without developing intuition inside, we will have the common sense in relation with our instinct. In the book of Isaiah, chapter 44: 6 it is written: Tzabaoth in Hebrew means hosts, army. For Plato and other pagan Greek and Roman philosophers who followed him, the material world was the creation of a divine craftsman who made the world the best reflection of the perfect spiritual world of the Forms that was possible given the constraints of matter. Elija is similar to the Hebrew name Elijah which always relates to the Greek (Hlas), or Eliao, Hlios in ancient Greek, the solar light. It has to be in us too, because we are part of this cosmos. Abel the Bel, the Sun is located in the pineal gland. But, if we transmute it, we make that permutation, obviously the solar light will shine in us, because Barbelo will be with us, in different levels in accordance with our level of initiation. Oxford University Press. Following an analysis by the Jewish historian of religion Gershom Scholem published in 1974,[5] this etymology no longer enjoyed any notable support. When you are singing that mantra, you are taking that energy from the space. But, when we learn to develop intuition, that instinct becomes an intuitive sense, and we say, "I hear the word of God." Each has years of experience teaching and working with the practices and exercises that awaken the consciousness. Remember that Enosh (or Enoch, which is the same name), was taken by God into Heaven. Master Jesus of Nazareth (Master Aberamentho) perceives with his common sense (with his consciousness, which is called "Paramartha") many infinites. But, that Ing-Land is not only in the upper part of the Tree of Life, but is also found in Yesod; when a man develops, sexually speaking, from a child to maturity, his throat and voice change, becoming much deeper as a result of testosterone. The Judas gospel puts legend's most notorious traitor in a new lightas the man who enjoyed his master's most intimate confidence, and who was given the crucial task of helping him shed his fleshly. v. 26, p. 151). The most transcendent hidden invisible Spirit is not depicted as actively participating in creation. For example, he lied when he claimed to be the only god and that Adam and Eve would die if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; he insulted his mother and father by refusing to acknowledge their existence; he made a graven image of the divine when he modeled the material world on his corrupt and ignorant misunderstanding of Heaven; and he committed adultery by attempting to rape Eve. Then I was talking with a friend of mine, and we arrived at the conclusion that my own, individual, particular Christ because the person in that experience is named Christian, from the word Christ was addressing my own particular Christ. Easy to understand, right? And, if we investigate a cell which is to the physical body what a galaxy is to the infinite of that person named Sam, we find that it belongs to that body, but it also has its own particular intelligence. It is what is called in the Nahua language, the Teuhtlampa. Amphora of Salvation, I would like to be next to thee. I am Christian." The square in the center of Ingwaz relates to Tiphereth; the human soul, or Bel-Ing the son of Bel. And this is the language we speak, Ing-lish, English. Ashith means something personal, individual, particular to you: thus Bar Ashith is your own particular Christ. The infinite is quantitative although necessarily spherical (and unquantifiable). But, we have to control these two forces; Kain and Abel. [6] Brakke, David. It did seem odd to me that the Jewish elders and the Romans required someone to identify Jesus for them, since according to the story he was already a rather well-known figure, but that was a secondary objection. 200 AD. Now, when we address the Tree of Life, in the world of Atziluth, we name each Sephirah with a sacred name that we have written in English (with Latin letters) and in Hebrew, and we place the word Ain-Elohim (Aelohim) in order to show you how this is hidden in the scriptures. In these Mysteries, Light was represented by an Elder and Darkness by a young and beautiful woman. Yaldabaoth continuously attempted to deprive human beings of the gift of the spark of light which he had unwittingly lost to them, or to keep them in bondage. But, how much solar energy we have within depends upon the quality of work that we do, in order to gather that force. What is a church? 2010. 'shame'. There is not only one. The birthplace of Jesus was (the stable of) Beth-Lehem. If somebody wants to investigate your archetype there, or the self-realized atom of Jesus of Nazareth, that person will find that his particular archetype is one with all of the Suns of the universe, not only with our particular Sun, but with all of the Suns of the universe. The amphora absorbs, takes the energy from its base, and from the bowl that is above, into our heart; this is why we sing, "Amphora of Salvation, I would like to be next to thee" Who is this "thee"? A spark ignites from this light, resulting in yet another pale light. We gather that energy inwardly, and we project it outwardly; that outward projection is called our AU-RA, the aura. You find Belilin in Psalm 49: 12. Furthermore, he is a coward. That is why that mixture of forces is what the Bible calls Balal. "Saklas said to his angels, 'Let us create a human being after the likeness and the image.' And they fashioned Adam and his wife Eve." Cain murdering Abel became the downfall of humanity. Is it a Spirit? All of the darkness would run. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. Vall. [3], In the Secret Book of John and other classic Gnostic texts, Barbelo is portrayed as the mother of Christ[4] (who, in much early Christian literature including Gnostic literature, is thought of as a divine being who existed long before he was ever incarnated in human flesh through Mary[5]). Now, in the Bible, Seth is similar to Jesus Christ, in that way. You cannot sing it mechanically, because you will receive little benefit from it. Now, the reason we quoted that from the Bible is to show that in Hebrew the name Abel is written with the letter Hei followed by the word Bel people translate that word as Abel, but in reality, in Hebrew, we say Habel, which means "the Sun." p. 64. Male That Omeyocan is everywhere; it is not only at the center of a galaxy, it is also at the center of any solar system, and at your own center too. Literally translated as; In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. I heard the sound, and I saw the river of sound, with geometrical figures. He told them that he was the only god and issued the Ten Commandments, even though he himself broke each and every one of those commandments. - Exodus 20: 2-4. [38][39] They were regarded as heretics by the proto-orthodox Early Church Fathers. [12], In Judaism, it was an established tradition to split off particular faculties of God from God himself and credit those lesser divine beings, such as Wisdom, with having assisted God in the creation of the world, as in the eighth chapter of Proverbs and the twenty-fourth chapter of Sirach. The New Testament tells us firmly that Jesus went to Jerusalem at Passover to die and to fulfill certain ancient prophecies by doing so. That is why we have to respect this type of being. In order to comprehend this conjuration, we need to understand that our physicalities are crystallizations of the solar energy that came from space. Do you understand that? Reassembling fragments of theGospel of Judas, Confronting Satan in a Dark Spanish Castle. This he interpreted however to describe more broadly 'the power of generation'; thus suggesting the name to mean 'the bringing fourth of the power of generation'. ), Now ask yourself, why did the church take so long to exculpate the Jews as a whole from the collective and heritable charge of deicide? But, there is another element that we have spoken about in other lectures, called Prana (energy). But, the ritual of the Eucharist, when celebrated by someone that is truly following Barbelo, it is powerful. Of course, this sphere, which we are showing in this graphic, is not easy to perceive like when we perceive the Earth; the sphere of the Earth, in comparison with the infinite, is nothing. We will say, it is the Chaos; it is a Chaos in repose. Glorian averages 100 donors a month. The greater the concentration with which you sing the mantra, concentrating on what Bel is, and what Ilin means, the more powerful it is, the more forces you gather. Killing Kain means killing our animal instinct, and transforming it into intuition. That Sun that rotates around Alcyone is also Barbelo; any Sun is Barbelo, "the son of the Sun.". In my experience they were asking about my own particular cosmic development, and I was about to answer, when the other Christian said, "No, I am Christian." But in the time when Gnosticism arose (the late first or early second century AD), that wasnt really the case. saklas and barbelo. It is very hard to develop. 2003. Many. We are, of course, three-brained individuals. In order to belong to that planet, that region of Barbelo, you have to develop your own particular individual archetype, which in Christianity is called Jesus Christ. Gnosis: An Introduction. How could we personify the Absolute Abstract Space? I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.[17]. Very few. The Central Sun of this galaxy that controls all of its stars, is called Sirius. p. 115. I can also speak Spanish, but, in English you understand this very well. In the Pistis Sophia Barbl is named often, but her place is not clearly defined. All rights reserved. [5] See, for example, the first chapter of the Gospel of John or any of the many Gnostic texts that describe how Heaven was first populated before the creation of the world. 'fatherhood'. [37][34] In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god of the Old Testament who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created. "Saklas" comes from the Aramaic word for "fool," and "Samael" is Aramaic for "Blind God" or "God of the Blind." [3] The meaning of "Yaldabaoth" is uncertain. Bel-I-Lin. So, Barbelo is translated as, "the son of the Sun." And, Master Jesus of Nazareth (Master Aberamentho) said that he came from that region. It is solar energy too. This name comes from the name of the God of the Babylonian and Germanic people, who named their Sun God Bel or Beleno. Give me, physically, an example of that which you call intuition, the faculty of inter-penetration. In the most famous variation of narratives alleging Jewish onolatry Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a Seleucid king famous for raiding the Jerusalem Temple, supposedly discovered, that its Holiest of Holies was not empty, but instead contained a donkey idol. [9] That certainly fits the demiurges personality as described in their texts.). I have brought the water and the fire out of the region of the Light of the lights of the Treasury of the Light; and I have brought the wine and the blood out of the region of Barbelo..

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