Why trade with our enemys? I have bought the 25 rd plastic mags made here in the USA so I know those wont be affected should I want to buy more. In February 2014, unmarked Russian troops invaded Crimea, and, with the help of pro-Russian separatists they installed a new pro-Russian government. Rarely will you ever find me starting such ludicrous banter, but often you find me finishing it. Buy Israeli. On Wednesdaya day before the Malaysian airliner was shot downPresident Obama quietly signed an It is most definitely off the table. If some of you people cant see this its time to take off the rose colored glasses!!!!! So much more could be done that would be far more effective. Id like some Norinco stuff! Every thing seems a bit bass ackwards to me. If you have proof or evidence PRODUCE IT, Im sure John Boehner and Daryl Issa. I hate obama. Its true Obama has socialist tendencies/agendas and doesnt would like to restrict gun ownership. Obama has taken several vacation calling the official business do you know if those are counted? And whatever else was included in that arms ban. Demsco I absolutely agree with you as well as G-Man. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. Usually pre-ban means absolutely nothing, since the AWB has been lifted, and post ban guns are built better anyway, imho. Regardless of all that, hating someone because of their race is just plain wrong man and I am as conservative as one can get. 4) Gun Control Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. Just plain truth. @ Dale: You seriously just randomly decided for the U.S. State Department and our Nation that sanctions will only last a year MAX. Yes, you just ordered some, but that was what they already had in stock. Please expect it to take approx 4 7 business days for any order to ship out , CA Orders may be slightly longer. In my opinion, Obama is testing the water. Impeaching does no good, look at Clinton, he is more liked and well thought of that before he was impeached. The other impact of EO 13662 is going to be the price of those remaining AK 47s. Replicate one that uses all american parts. All Saiga-12 configurations are According to Obamas newest unconstitutionally enacted law, healthcare professionals are now required to violate HIPPA privacy laws and submit medical data to the government. The headline was obviously meant to incite anger in an audience of gun enthusiasts, many of whom are so quick to see a conspiracy in everything Obama does. Do not think that I support this administration in most things. Why the ones I have are worth three times the original cost. Ill wait until your view of Obama, movie comes out. That sounds as if its time to close this thread and move on to a different topic. The Polls have already show that. WebThe Largest Pre-Owned Lifted Truck Dealer in Central Florida and Sanford Florida. The question now is, Who does EO 13662 impact more; the Russian manufacturers, or the American companies that import and distribute the of Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles?. The EO 13662 may also help Obama regain his title as Gun Salesman of the Year. Atlantic Firearms posted the following on their web site NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS, Please Note: Due to the recent Import Ban on Russian Based AK firearms we are experiencing heavy order volumes . Which actually we thought would be sanctioned before these guns. However, I also feel that when someone replies with irresponsible anecdotes that are nowhere near factual, I become concerned that a younger or more impressionable reader may be persuaded to regard such things as fact and possibly even spread them as truth. A virtue of a true nigger. Driving under the influence of distractions or disorientation, Premeditated Murder, or anything that deliberately and intentionally harms others. So of Im reading this correctly Russian AKs are banned and the dirty piece of shit obama added in last minute parts that could repair or build Russian AKs which Im supposing includes Romanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, and Serbian parts kits? 4. In any event, there was never a first class ticket fee because the 89th Airlift Wing which manages Air Force One is not a commercial airline. Its like a penny in the ocean if it does a negative turn in our gun sales or sales for our economy then we dont deserve to be the world leader that we are. Nuckinfuts, This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian peoples greatest export. The Republicans are pusillanimous peewees, they dont do anything about it and they should stand up and be counted instead of running for the exit every time they bring this up. Lots of people here getting their facts from fox . NB, In thing both Moldova and Georgia, took place during George Ws administration. Lysander Spooner Am I able to resell a Kalashnikov product at a gun show or other secondary market? Perhaps Obama will next support Hamas by banning the further import of Israeli Tavors. What Ive heard, I apply ONLY too NEW Imported AK-style weapons, not AKs weapons that ALREADY been imported into the country. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Russia. Unknown to the project operators and guys, they were likely detected then attacked and neutralized to a degree which often resulted in their seeming to go crazy. No need to get hysterical over it or use it for political purposes. YEEES!! Will this impact other AK variants? Please comment for any content you want to see. Both Tula and Wolf are predominantly (not all) manufactured in Tulskiy Patronniy Zavod a Tula Cartridge Plant in Tula, Tula District, Russia. Do your research. 5) Welfare Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). I like to use this adage, confuse a liberal, use facts and logic. IF AND WHEN it is fired upon another that would make its ownership illegal. Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it. And where you would expect to find Satan at this time is as the President of the United States-where he can best undermine and eventually take over the pivotal Christian country of the world-NDAA and martial law provisions, etc etc.. Half of the country is on some kind of public assistance. What ever they say goes. Such was not the case in your comments regarding presidential vacationing expenses. Even so taking the Fed shotdown as a victory there are wars on States individual laws going on. Review: Hi-Point JXP 10mm An Overgrown Yeet Canon Thats a Lot of Fun! Chris, what I find interesting about your comment is that your entire comment starting with We have an is an emotional plea in which you dont provide support for your claims, but yet create the perception that you are the knows all and has all the workings of the world figured out). Come on people, get your head in the game, pay attention to what is happening. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. I guess maybe someone thought my posting video of an AK im proud of is spam? And that is when I get depressed. Before they were completely banned from import in 2014, Saiga-12s had to come to the United States in the sporterized configuration. This blog is quite a fun read. I believe in the Constitution, and ALL its protections and Liberties Granted to Citizens, as long as their activities are NOT OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF VIOLATING THE LAW. Probable either Karl Rove or Scooter Libby. Put Up, or Shut Up!!! Which also made counterfeits of almost everything US made, that they could get their hands on. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Yeah, this threat is not ended until she is removed from office, one way or another You use vulgarity here, especially when referring to Feinslime. Death by a thousand cuts. You can start shopping by clicking here. Dont blame the POTUS for doing the right thing. Nikola I think I need to disagree. They have certainly done well with all the Obama hype Get yours while you still can . Past leaders have done it under the RADAR, obama does nit care to hide anything anymore. Once again Obama used selective discretion as to what law he feels he must adhere to in this case it has severe ramifications for our national security. 7) Religion Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools. He has no business still being in office. Really ! Education: University of Chicago, Ph.B. Ive even seen witch programming in the actions of some actors in the Kennedy assassination. I do not think that signing an Executive order is the real problem here. Hes still paying attention to the detail as of now by telling us whats ours is ours and can do with as we see fit. Effectively reducing the AK market to american made AKs only? If its only Russian Firearms, than feel free to go purchase an AK47 from any other manufacturer. Who ever believes in our government has some serious issues if they do not see what has been going on. AMEN Badbird, you said it all. Impeach!! An EO for this is a joke. He is not the Anti-Christ himself Many blacks and most Muslims have been pre-primed for this and already call him God. Tom is right. Is this band on Russian AKs necessary? He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. We look forward to meeting you and gunsmithing for you. There has been a steady push to bankrupt and push us further under control of the Feds or worse. Makes me wonder if Clinton getting impeached wasnt just everyone else being jealous. As I see it we now have two political parties that have sold out to their extreme wings, one left one right, and I cant accept either one anymore. Who else is buying from our Federal Govt from Saiga/AK at a time the US Citizen is now banned? The AK-47 is the tool of communists and terrorists worldwide. Thank You Ramone for the best explanation of this issue. Thanks for the information, Be prepared for the elections to be suspended and a national crisis will arise that will result in marshall law being declared so that those in power can stay there, is it possiable? By If that not a crisis, I dont know what is. The man does everything when no one is looking and at 3 am in the morning while we are sleeping , every single other day we wake up to either a new scandal, news on the ones we have on record , and new executive orders written at 2 am when no one is around to argue them ,HE IS NOT THE KING OF AMERICA THERE ARE CHANNELS HE MUST GO THROUGH, he avoids them like the plauge , this man is the black version of hitler only a little smarter , a little remember i said ,not much.He is just as bad .Whats next march all white christians into ghettos then camps like 1930s poland all over again , the man must read mein koff at night before he goes to sleep , Hitler must be his hero.I bet he took Abe lincolns pic down and replaced it with adolf Hitlers in white house,3 his true hero. Finally, Somebody sees and got the greater picture! The truth hurts doesnt it. just my 2 cents. Local Florida officials are voicing their outrage over Gov. These rules Ive mentioned are set by the Executive Office of the President to begin with, and are merely a courtesy if followed. Let me mention the Obamacare crap. I call a spade a spade. The lift of the ban will take effect in 30 days. While in office. I like the way they handle govt. My apology to the potato. HEY 12EO333 I DONT KNOW IF YOU NOTICED BUT BUSH ISNT IN CHARGE ANY MORE. Emma Goldman Im into wickedly ugly chicks. CHICAGO (CBS) -- Illinois gun sellers were bracing Saturday for a surge in sales.This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called Like The Bill OReilly Comedy Hour, Sean Hannitys and the Wacko-Birds Variety Show and The Five Talking Morons. Career politician is a disservice to all of us. Come on thats pretty good. The actual facts when comparing executive orders follows: George Bush: 171 (During first attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor. You really dont have to respond. Pasted as rich text. Think of it as SNOW. I guess it was one of those day it just hit me the wrong. People can call me racist or whatever they want. Yeah.but that Saiga forum has been awful boring for a long time! Im not sure where Tula and Wolf are made. They vote on their own pay raises. Under tyranny it is right to be a rebel! Our long-term hope is that the next President will repeal EO 13662. Occupation: Community organizer, writer, political activist, socialist democrat. Thanks for listening. I own a Saiga chambered in .308. 12EO333 Youre right about one thingyou cant think. The state uses a tripartite part test (Physical appearance, Functionality, Interchangeable parts) to determine what Hilary Rodham Clinton When the politicians finally sell us all down the river, one brick at a time, we will have lost all the rights everyone thinks are sacred. 6) Education Take control of what people read and listen to take control of what children learn in school. Bush worked on his ranch. The constant Fund Raisier-In-Chief, at his finest. And Im not calling you a pig. I know Im grandfathered in but can I sell it or pass it along to my kids? Im sure a de- milled rifle or parts for one are sold so cheaply, that the import taxes are probably more than the item itself. However, I can assure you given my lengthy position in government, that I can attest to Obamas regular and ongoing use of tactics and non-transparency for being as secretive as possible when establishing the majority of his executive decisions. Help yourself. . Seems that most do not understand just what Obama is. Looking at it from another angle, Putin is laughing at the weakling policy of banning AKs. Think of the opportunity for an American company to step in an fill the void. Plain old bigotry. No different than pork barrel spending. Its too bad that these sanctions have effected the import of quality AK builds, but to Mr. Rugers point, itd be kind of strange to impose sanctions on Russia without AKs being included. So, as Peter points out, it's kind of an opposite. Home Firearms Obama Signs Executive Order Banning AK-47s. ), Barak Obama: 36 w/ time remaining (No major crisis. I havent shot one, but I have lifted one and I was not feeling buff enough that day to think that I would enjoy hauling that rifle around for any length of time. I am somewhat curious how they are going to enforce the owe money to Kalashnikov Concern part. I really think he should be going through the proper channels to get these types of things done. If he really truly cared, why not volunteer all Federal agencies to siscontine usage of the Saiga/AK lines as a symbolic pro American Gesture, not just forcing it on us tiny by comparison buyers, We the People. Glad we have a strong President and got rid of the weak village idiot from Texas. June 24, 2017 I listen to it every day. Do you think Cam would be willing to run? Additional detail is available at: http://www.kalashnikov-usa.com/about. Obama was not about to put a freeze on Russian products and specifically leave out AKs. Saiga-12.com Corporation I specifically mentioned RUSSIAN-ONLY AK-TYPEs. The loop hole is many of the Russian Aks could be sold to a third party that can legally sell them in the U.S. Getting rid of anyone that doesnt suite them. If Im not mistaken I believe I just read the Russia wants to start building AKs here. I actually agree with divemaster. I myself own a WASR, Romanian AK. The problem with people like you is that you cannot see what is happening past Bush and Obama. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Your link has been automatically embedded. I can live with the temporary inconvenience of not having AK-47 parts as long as it is temporary. We expect sanctions to eventually affect this market, but not as of late. When they broke into and over ran Ukrainian bases. Most cheap AK ammo comes from Russia, even though we do get ammo from other locations.

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saiga ban lifted
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