This cannot be correct. Got a link? That makes absolutely no sense. Anybody on parole would be arrested immediately and sent back to prison. He was a very dark player. One correction grimtraveller.When took Charles Mansonbt that "construction site," and later went to The Fireside Inn to hear him play & sing, I had just turned 18 years old, not 19 years old.Oh brother, these senior moments are becoming more & more frequent.GESHLOL Mario George Nitrini 111------The OJ Simpson Case. If I had, they probably would have run to a lot more posts than the many that certain of the threads did ! He was a big talker and might have been a bit of Colonel Flagg type, but there is no doubt he had a lot of connections.How Whitson got so close to Bugliosi is strange and helped put pressure on Hatami. A:Yes, I dictated a conversation and under the disclosure order I gave you a copy of my conversation with HatamiQ:I am taliking about when you were vis-a-visA:No, there was no one else there, just Reeves Witson, myself and Mr. Hatami, no other reporter thereQ:Like the court reporter here? ONeill interviewed Paul Tate, Sharons father, who said that Whitson was a friend of Roman, Sharon, and Jay. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more. He boasted about his activities in South America, for instance his involvement in the capture of Che Guevara . The police report mentioned above said that Dareff was at the house to deal in drugs.I bring this up because I believe the occupants in the house were given lethargy-inducing drugs to reduce their will to resist, perhaps LSD tainted with an animal tranquillizer. Thank you, Bunkhouse. The Reeve Whitson character is intriguing, and I just don't know what to make of Sharon Tate's father. He began the process around the start of Oct '69, a couple of weeks before Manson was arrested at Barker Ranch {for something unrelated}. pg201"Reeve was my main person to help me," PJ Tate said. For some it was possibly a fascinating exchange because as is your wont, you tend to be a great promoter of intrigue and mystery and you have a way of seeming like you have some dynamite for demonstration..but it never explodes. That dude killed 50+ women and bargained for his life. And has anybody seen Bugliosi's OJ Special ("OJ Simpson: 100% Guilty")? There are a lot of unanswered questions here. The Affair ran on Showtime for 5 seasons, only recently ending in November 2019.The show follows the marriages of Cole (Joshua Jackson) and Alison Lockhart (Wilson), and Noah (Dominic West) and Helen Solloway (Maura Tierney). I would love to publish my book but I wrote it a certain way and don't want it to be cut up amd I don't want to be sued. According to Bobby Jameson on his blog, he and his friend Harvey Dareff were at or near the Tate house the night before the murders. According to Bugliosi, p. 85, the time was between 7:30 and 8:00. "That was Sharon. However, it's important not to make the same mistake some make with Charles Manson and ascribe responsibility for every dodgy activity that took place within a given span and vest them with superhuman powers. That is a great question, Katie. (as well as Cointelpro and CHAOS agents provocateurs). He was never convicted of anything that was deemed to be serious enough to have him put back in the years '67~'69. Since O'Neill's sources said that Whitson was in the house after the murders but before the police came, O'Neill draws the conclusion that Whitson was Manson's partner. He had none. Reeve lived in 1935, at address, Indiana. I've been researching the activities of an old friend's father back in the Laurel Canyon days. Evelle Younger worked with CIA agents Manny Pena and Enrique Hernandez on the RFK assassination case just a year prior to the Tate murders. Speaking of Dean Moorehouse at Cielo Drive, I thought the following quotes in Tom O'Neill's article "The Holes in Helter Skelter" show that he was indeed at the house but during the summer of 1968I think you'll find that it was at Dennis Wilson's that Dean had some kind of residence during the summer of '68. My desire is to share info about Whitson and my friend's father to discover the alias her father was using back then. Not now, however. Well (1) the flag was there and (2) I don't know why that's a point of conjecture and (3) I've still never heard of Reeve Whitson. I've never heard of this Reeve guy in my life"His name first popped up in the book 'Sharon Tate - A Life' by Ed Sanders, which came out in 2016:"..Hatami testified at the trial that Manson wanted to know where 'somebody' lived - referring to Terry Melcher. Mr. O'Neil proposes that Charlie may have been used as a pawn to catch bigger fish, this theory alone really makes this story much bigger. ONeill got an unpublished manuscript called Five Down at Cielo Drive written by three authors, Lt. Helder, Paul Tate, and an FBI man named Roger LeJeunnesse. He probably didn't mention his Mum or his son but it doesn't mean they weren't in his mind. He got a call from Reeve Whitson at 7:00 in the morning, a full NINETY minutes before Winifred Chapman arrived at the Cielo houseAnd he didn't report this to the Police ? Whitson could have gone into the house after Manson and his partner left, perhaps to perform necessary but mundane tasks such as removing bugs from the telephone and/or other places before the police arrived. Private Investigator Reeve Whitson CIA? He was a close friend of Sebring, Tate and Polanski. All be told I love a conspiracy book. I've been reading a lot of British footballers autobiographies over the last 18 months and it never ceases to amaze me how people aren't even aware of the dates of certain events in their own lives or the results of matches they are commenting on. Who. And it just so happens to be from a case that has given rise to so many alternative theories and conspiracies and not a great deal of consensus about anything. William Alexander " Rip " Robertson Jr. (August 3, 1920 - December 1, 1970) [1] was a Central Intelligence Agency Case Officer in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970. "Sorry Starviego, this all sounds like nonsense to me. And whenever this 'someone' is challenged to back up whatever cryptic utterances they gush forth, they just utter more of the same and bring in other cases not remotely connected.Yeah, I'm sceptical !So, does my Twitter inter-action with George Christie mean nothing to you? William "Rip" Robertson - Wikipedia Also God bless Steven Kay because I think he's a true advocate for victims he does tend to exaggerate things, Susan killed Sharon, Manson read Nietzsche all the time, dogs ate before people, etc, etc and on the claims of Melcher being at Barker after the murders look at the source, Danny DeCarlo, one of the biggest lying scumbag pieces of shit to ever come down the pike, This whole ONeill book thing is a collection of tin hat conspiracy bullshit timed PERFECTLY to be released within months of the 50th anniversary and the release of the Tarantino, the only "facts" in it are what has already been public knowledge for decades. And that was after he'd already been mentioned by VB.He said it was Reeve who brought him to Bugliosi during the investigationVery interesting the way you put that. And it just lingers in cyberspace and in time, becomes accepted as some kind of unshakable truth. Reeve Whitson slept on a cot in his parents' kitchen, drove a Pinto, and left unpaid hospital bills when he died. However, I am not disputing O'Neill's sources. starviego saidI am now thinking those items were planted at the scene to subtly demonize the victims and to enable police to go off on their sham 'drug burn' diversion.I agree. officials, KKK, Satanists, Dixie Mafia, Project Bluebird, and MKULTRA, Lookout Mt. Bugliosi had covered up for Terry Melcher during the trial. Bums don't earn a living with a paying job, they just move from camp to camp and sponge off folks.If Moorehouse lived at Cielo Drive when Melcher was there, it's news to me. Just read Joseph Trento's book, SECRET HISTORY OF THE CIA.Reeve Whitson was involved with the TLB case. He was living with all kinds of people because he didn't want to work and earn a living. Now Manson is a "secret agent"? While I'm impressed by the civility here, it surprises me that so many people are dismissive of Reeve Wilson's role. Did you come down on your own?A: No, I have been called by his office to come downQ:Who was present when you were shown the photographs?A:Mr. Reeves WitsonQ:And Mr. Bugliosi?A:And Mr. BugliosiQ:And yourselfA:And myselfQ:And no one else?A:No one elsebeauders saidwhere have you been?Oh, just lurking for a while. It's a matter of public record, I've seen the court documents but I don't remember where, I think those were the same charges Dean and Tex borrowed Melchers car to drive to court for. This is from the Twilight Zone! His mother was a dancer and his father was a world-renowned acrobat. Lotus, Brabham, McLaren, Cooper and a few others joined, but the venture failed because Whitson . Imo, He racked up far more than enough of these activities to get sent back. Why would a person working in a top-secret division of the CIA give his real name and identity out to almost everyone? Livestream from our facebook group discussing strange character Reeve Whitson apparent "friend" of Tate Polanski and Sebring, also apparently associated with Charles Manson and Spahn Ranch. The similarities include a close relationship with Manson, the desert ranches, Skorzeny, drugs, a probable link to a very secret CIA division, and he was a killer. The following book about the Nazis, published in 1961 shows this fact on page 1 where the title and name of Reeve Whitson appears. LOL. I hardly think she was looking at furnishings in the house when Tex "sic'd her" on the residents. It's all bullcrap, I may not be a believer in Helter Skelter being the motive but some of these conspiracy theories are beyond ridiculous, Reeve knew where all the bodies were buried, and who was involved. Is there a pic with the couch with a flag?I can look, but I have to say, I'm just exhausted and will retire for the night.And don't nobody say "yeah". They weren't even in the same vicinity while True lived at the house next door.And personally, I wouldn't read O'Neill's book unless someone bought it for me and gave it to me. The Manson Family Blog - Tate LaBianca Murders - TLB - True Crime "Not every detail in "Helter Skelter" is correct. In the case of Sharon's car, it didn't really matter because the book came out 3 years after the perps were convicted, 5 years after the crime was solved. I'd never really thought about it but I noticed on various forums people mentioned Moorehouse living at Cielo as though it were a fact then it occurred to me that if such a close associate of the Family lived in Cielo, that would be a pretty significant thing yet I didn't recall the prosecution making any noise about it. Mon Durphy said"Winifred testified that the flag was on the couch THE DAYS LEADING UP TO THE MURDERS AND THE DAY OF"Where did she say that? I mean, to this day, you will find many people parroting it as fact and creating all kinds of mysteries as a result. Whitson and Bugliosi then coerced Hatami's testimony by threatening him with deportation. It worked. Chapter 11 - Mind Control; Chapter 10 - The Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic; Chapter 9 - Manson's Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card; Chapter 8 - The Lawyer Swap; Chapter 7 - Neutralizing the Left; Chapter 6 - Who Was . O'Neill mentions the story of Manson going back to the Tate house with a "mysterious partner." That's one of the reasons that there is so much wrong info out there on this subject and why so many ridiculous theories abound and so much importance is placed on anything that appears to be new and vital.So, with all that in mind, just where would information pertaining to Dean Moorehouse molesting his daughters have come from ?

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